Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all?




Level 50 is the CAP. It's the end of the story.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not necessarily.

Once I get my main to 50 (which is a ways off, he's 30 now), I can start focusing my limited playing time on other things. I can hang around and roleplay (yes, my characters are on Virtue) with a fully mature and experienced character. Through exemplaring, I can offer help to pretty much anyone who needs it.

I plan on having a lot of fun with my character once he hits 50.



Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

[/ QUOTE ]

Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


[/ QUOTE ]

Gaffer for President in 2008!



Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay...I never use what someone else says on a forum as a sig...but this is definitely sig-maker material! lol



This thread is wildly entertaining.

Two of my favorites are:

quoting Ambigula:
You're so stupid it's almost magical.

[/ QUOTE ]


quoting Bladewraith
I'm not here to try to prove my [Censored] is bigger, harder, stronger, or faster than yours or anyone else's…

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep up the good stuff.





Glad to be of some service.



So .. let me see if I've got this straight, the OP has already made a call on the value of an Issue that hasn't even hit the Test Server yet?

I'm wondering why the OP is even here .. why hasn't he released a better MMO than CoH and made big bux .. or if he has precog powers that accurate why isn't he making a bazillion dollars day trading?



So .. let me see if I've got this straight, the OP has already made a call on the value of an Issue that hasn't even hit the Test Server yet?

I'm wondering why the OP is even here .. why hasn't he released a better MMO than CoH and made big bux .. or if he has precog powers that accurate why isn't he making a bazillion dollars day trading?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't think think people would get suspicious?

Atleast here the OP can hide behind the idiot title.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



So .. let me see if I've got this straight, the OP has already made a call on the value of an Issue that hasn't even hit the Test Server yet?

I'm wondering why the OP is even here .. why hasn't he released a better MMO than CoH and made big bux .. or if he has precog powers that accurate why isn't he making a bazillion dollars day trading?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't think think people would get suspicious?

Atleast here the OP can hide behind the idiot title.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's more cunning than any of us could possibly have thought!



Exelionbear heart power now!!!

*gves Mr. cranky a big hug*
The Legendary Brave Exelion
Incarnation of Yin and Yang
Security Level 37 Dark Melee/Regeneration Scrapper
Virtue Server

"Dance in the light of my shadow"

[/ QUOTE ]

Crey Industries transported you to Paragon City from the Huckabee Planet, didn't they?

Save half the trees!

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Nice assumptions. All you need to do is try looking at the issue from the other side once in a while, and you may be able to come up with a more substantial arguement than merely laughing in disbelief. I am neither completely disappointed nor completely satisfied with Cryptic's service up to this point. I would imagine that point of view represents a good 90% of the people on these boards. Many of the things that they have added I have liked, and many of the things seem to have been constructed merely to waste my time.

I have played both online games where substantial new content was added on a monthly basis, and online games that initially released with alot more content. From my vantage point as someone who as played City of Heroes since beta, I see a game that is standing at a fork in the road, and I, personally, would like to see some concrete details on which direction this game is headed. It would at least give the playerbase something to think about. That's a good thing.

I work in comics. If there is anything that I am not, it's impatient. I have no problem waiting for Cryptic to put out updates. The big question is whether or not my account (or more importantly, that of many, many others) will be active in the periods between updates. I think Cryptic has done a fine job up to this point, but on the other hand, what this game needs is not more zones, villian groups, and badges, especially not more zones like Firebase Zulu that hardly anyone uses. (Which is a shame since it's my favorite so far by far.) I think that is what the playerbase is impatient for... they want to see something that adds another layer to the gameplay, rather than merely expanding on already existing material. (Yes, I know... that does take more time to make, but we are getting to the point in the development cycle where things of that nature could be considered.)



And as soon as you dropped the snide 'carebears' comment, I stopped taking you seriously.

Fact is - there's Content now, whether you care to see it or not, and there IS new content coming out every few months.

You want PvP. Cool, I'm glad you enjoy it. City Of Villains is coming out - you'll probably enjoy that alot. But - no need to INSULT people with stupid 'Carebear' comments like you seem to want to do.

I predict a Thread Being Locked soon .. and it'll probably be this one.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



You are now ignoring this user. You will no longer see the body of any of their posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahh .. Blissful Peace. It's all so much easier to read now. ANd .. the world seems a brighter place .. ;-)

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I like the way the game is progressing, and that the updates have some story behind them.

Major System content change within 6 months, has already happened. the chat window works a lot different.

New zone and villians, is a lot of new content, more coding etc. Within 3 months, the game gave you 10 more levels etc.

Capes and Effects added, (maybe be a big cause of lag, but there you go, it still a very cool addition, to the game).

(btw guys, I would suggest you have a costume slot with no effects or cape, It really helps cut down when the server is a little laggy.).

THE Non-Combat system, will be interesting when it comes out, and PvP (not my particular favorite). But adds something that a lot of people have wanted since Before Day 1.

The game has been out 6 months, and there is a lot of actual content and expansions already.

Also for just your monthly fee I might add. Some games would charge you another $50, to get an expansion and then only 1 a year, which pretty much is a requirement or you can't get involved in big areas of the game.

CoH paid expansions, you'll be able to interact with people who have it, even if you don't, and those same people, don't even need the "core" game.

I'm really looking forward to see how the game constantly improves itself.

The PCC being able to interact with the makers of the game, is Awesome.



Is it too much to wait until after the update arrives before we start panning it (smallest/lamest)?



if Dark Armor is fixed with this release, this was the best update they have put out yet, otherwise, lame



So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!

[/ QUOTE ]

What? Don't you think you should wait until issue 3 comes out to complain about it?

It's possible they're not telling us everything about it. I didn't know everything that was in issue 2 before it came out.

At least wait until it's up on the test server.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



L2 is horrible, biggest let down since SWG
Ya they have said alot of stuff but we dont KNOW anything.
They are trying to dangle this EAT infront of the lvl 50s to keep them playing and it just isnt working, why do all the carebears complaing about PVP when it is going to be optional, just because you wont like it doesnt mean you have to cry about it so we cant enjoy something other then killing the same mobs over and over and over

[/ QUOTE ]

What are you babbling about? No one said anything positive or negative about pvp. CoV won't be soon, they said they would try to get arenas into the game so they can have a way for people to pvp and see what needs tweaked for CoV balance.

It looks to me like you are being antagonistic and fishing for any reason to say the word carebear in some attemp to legitimize yourself as a hard core l33t pvp'er.



So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!

[/ QUOTE ]

...and you know what Issue 3 will entail... how, exactly?

Go troll elsewhere. Enjoy WoW, or whatever you're batting for.



Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

[/ QUOTE ]

Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


[/ QUOTE ]
Gaffer for teh win! All your Issue belong to him!



I'm holding my judgement on Update 3 at least until it hits the Test Server. It's foolish to complain about something that is available only as rumors, comments and very few statements.



So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ow! My Brain!

[/ QUOTE ]

I love that!!!! Still laughing!!!



Difficulty sliders wont mean anything to the lvl 50s, dont look forward to lvl 50 guys there is no raid content or actually ANYTHING to do after you have all the badges/accolades which is basiclly just going back and killing grey mobs over and over.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe you should try making a non-FOTM character and seeing how that goes... You might find it a little more challenging.



So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!

[/ QUOTE ]

just because they havent released much info months before the issue 3 release, doesnt me it is small or large. issue 2 just came out about a month ago, and they have no obligation to tell us everythign that is part of update 3. What if they have a secret plan to double the size of paragon city, but just want everyone to die of a heartattack when logging on after the patch?



Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

[/ QUOTE ]

Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


[/ QUOTE ]

Just wanna say that your Issues rock, Gaffer.

Most ppl complaining about some content not working on the day the update goes live just miss the experience of other games.

Once you have experienced updates and even expansions which you had to pay for go live with 95% of content not working, 50% still not working after 3 month you get another view on things.

CoH updates have the most stable and best tested content i ever experienced in my MMO-life.....pls go on with this excellent work



Issues are not expansions. They are patches with slight expansion. Lets face it. This game had very little area to begin with. Most people were out of KR the first day. Within a week they were in Talos. A month later they were out of Bricks. This game by far had the least amount of explorable area that I have ever played. So they have to keep adding zones or there will be nothing left to do. Not to mention most of the areas are reduntant. Its either buildings or waste land. There are a couple unique spots but mostly buildings or waste land. They have sole spawn missions with make up for it a lot. But lets be honest, how long would you keep playing if you only had Eden to keep running around in day after day. Don't get me wrong. I love this game. I'm glad they are adding more and more with each issue. But these are patches with necessary add-ons.