Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all?




Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

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Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


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This is why we need more Gaffer posts

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

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Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


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Oh come on... this guy is on a roll!

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Will you accept snacktacular or delicious?



Can someone please verify the rumor that we need to have a lvl 50 to use the new AT?

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its not a rumor its a fact.

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=( ok, so I guess I have to powergrind my last 9 levels instead of enjoying them.

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Why? Who said that? I didn't get my e-mail forcing me to do something that I didn't want to do.

Now however, if you want to have this on the first day, maybe you should, but don't say you "have" to.



Ya but the last update was 9/16
dont you think its time we atleast learn what is on this update?
All of my lvl 50 friends have quit and im on the fence, we need PVP, new content etc etc and I dont see any of that on the horizon

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Then just cancel your subscription and wait until you do hear about all this stuff you 'need'. Don't use We either because that includes me as well and I don't need those things. They would be nice, yes. But I still play regardless.



My favorite lines in this most-hillariou thread:

Are you being intentionally stupid, or do you just have trouble understanding what people write?

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and number two ...

My [Censored] is huge. Seriously.

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Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.

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Atleast here the OP can hide behind the idiot title.

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Great stuff people. I am going to use that first one on my roomate next time he does something stupid ... of course I will have to switch it up a little but the feeling will be there.

Jolly Green Giant



Lets face it. This game had very little area to begin with. Most people were out of KR the first day. Within a week they were in Talos. A month later they were out of Bricks.

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I'm sure I'm not typical, and maybe not even the target demographic of the designers, but I've been playing since beta and still don't have a character to 20th level. I've never been to Bricks, and was only in Talos once during an unfortunate incident involving getting off the train at the wrong stop. And yet I'm paying my $15 a month and loving the hell out of this game.

I'm obviously not a powergamer. I don't spend 18-24 hours at a stretch playing games -- I probably don't spend more than that in a week. I think it's great that Cryptic is balancing the issues so that there's some new things for each level range, from the beginning to the max. Even when my characters can't take advantage of the tailor, and aren't ready to go for a cape, it adds to the world to see others with these things.

There's exactly zero chance I'll get anyone to 50 by year's end, but it will be cool to see all you uber-types sporting glowy Kheldian eyes and whatnot when you're dancing around the statue of Atlas. That's why I love this game -- it changes around you, even if you don't make it your religion.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



I resent your insults. I am no Carebear. I Sir am a Pretty Pretty Pony!!



I'm not Balron's biggest fan by a longshot, but he's right here. We are tired of the fact there is nothing to do. Hamidon is it, and he's way to unbalanced at the moment.

I have 8 alts. Not 7, but 8. I had to delete a level 38 Tanker to make my most recent blaster. When I have played every primary and secondary to lvl 50, what else is there to do? I don't want to run the same missions 15, 16 times. I am sick of that.

Stop adding level 40 trials. What or earth were you thinking? There was already the sewer trial. When am I gonna be rewarded for playing this damn game. I'm sick of being hated because I play a lot. Problems and bugs that only affect the level 50 crowd are totally ignored, but you bust your [censored] fixing silly little lvl 4 villains in the hollows.

Devs, I say this grimly: Stop ignoring us.



Difficulty sliders wont mean anything to the lvl 50s, dont look forward to lvl 50 guys there is no raid content or actually ANYTHING to do after you have all the badges/accolades which is basiclly just going back and killing grey mobs over and over.

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Congratulations on Level 50, you have completed the game. Start a new character, or move on.

If you want PvP, there's a game called City of Villains that is in the works.

I hope this has been helpful and informative.

Good gaming!

P.S. "I'm 50 and I'm bored" is getting old.



I2 was great, I3 will be just as good...maybe better
The fact that we don't know much about I3 is what makes this game so good .... EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW!



You know, I'm really glad to see this post. I know its possible to power game up characters quickly to these levels and its possible that you got these guys up to these lvls as fast as I got my lvl 38 (tank), 34(controller), 25(controller)and a myriad of lvl 20 and under up to their lvls, but man, no matter what your technique, whether you power lvled or you are just the most efficient person ever, that is a lot of time in game. I had a friend that rocketed up his defender to lvl 20, got bored, brought up a blaster to 31ish, got bored, finally went to another server to start a role play SG to keep it fresh. It just proves to me that a steady pace is much more enjoyable. I like to complete something quickly that I pay monthly for, yes, but this time, I think I'm going to go at just a steady rate for a while. I'll get Epic AT some day. Who cares. Oh and the Carebear guy must be the greatest guy over. I hope some day I will be a master like him............... <oh come on, I'm allowed a little sarcasm>

Balron has a level 39, 40, 50 and two 45 level characters? If that is even remotely close to being accurate, I'd suggest a wee bit of burnout might be occuring here. A break from the game may be a good thing at this point. Maybe even an intervention.

I have played a *lot* of this game and I've still only taken two characters past level 20. I can't even fathom playing enough to take multiple characters into the 40's.

I'm not interested in PvP, myself, and even if I was, I never got CoH with the expectation that it would be added anytime soon.

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Fizban, please cease this mindless trolling and reserve comments for when you have something constructive to say (if that ever happens).

We have legitimate complaints about endgame content. This is not baseless whining. We have nothing to do, and cannot be expected to have to reroll 7 times and slowly trudge through the same missions repeatedly. There needs to be more reason to play a level 50 character.

Instead of the this knee-jerk blind advocacy of the doctrine of "the devs can do no wrong," why not try to see if maybe the high level gamers can maybe have some content added to make our experience more enjoyable.

Responses such as "You are playing too fast," "You are playing too much," "Quit whining and enjoy content," "Play another game," etc, are worthless.

Has anyone once tried to sympathize with people who want to continue to play their level 50 characters? Why are powergamers and end-gamers so despised by so many people? We like to play a lot and we like to be rewarded for it. What is so bad about this?



Fizban, please cease this mindless trolling and reserve comments for when you have something constructive to say (if that ever happens).

We have legitimate complaints about endgame content. This is not baseless whining. We have nothing to do, and cannot be expected to have to reroll 7 times and slowly trudge through the same missions repeatedly. There needs to be more reason to play a level 50 character.

Instead of the this knee-jerk blind advocacy of the doctrine of "the devs can do no wrong," why not try to see if maybe the high level gamers can maybe have some content added to make our experience more enjoyable.

Responses such as "You are playing too fast," "You are playing too much," "Quit whining and enjoy content," "Play another game," etc, are worthless.

Has anyone once tried to sympathize with people who want to continue to play their level 50 characters? Why are powergamers and end-gamers so despised by so many people? We like to play a lot and we like to be rewarded for it. What is so bad about this?

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Sometimes, trying to explain something to someone who wont listen is very difficult. Rest assured, sooner or later those who state that there is no problem will reach lvl 50, get bored, come here and post numerous complaints.

Eventually, they'll see. Might take a while, but it will happen. Unless they get bored and quit sooner.



Gaffer for President in 2008!

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Why wait that long? He can not possibly do worse than the ones who recently tried to get the job.

I say Gaffer for President in 2005!



Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

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Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


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lmao, I love his responses to things. Above sucktastic is fine for me, To the training room!



I am confused here... at what point in time was this game supposed to have a lot of content for lvl 50s? When was that promised, or even hinted at? I've always thought lvl 50 was the end. Everything up to that point was the main part of the game. It's all about the story, the gameplay, social connections, etc. that you encounter on your way to 50. You may not have liked it, but I think that's the way it was intended. That is why so many suggest rolling an alt; it's an attempt to relive the core of the game from the beginning.

And besides, what's the point in creating some trial or zone or something for lvl 50s? You will all be bored of it within a week and come back to complain some more. Many of those already at 50 are impatient and hard to please. Nothing the devs create will be able to satisfy that group.



So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!

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Ow! My Brain!

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I love that!!!! Still laughing!!!

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Ow my ribs!



Im not sure how the OPs original post turned into another "bash the power levelers" thread, but for what its worth...

I dont see how having a level 50 character after playing the game for eight months makes one a power leveler.

Having obtained level 50 after 1-3 months...yes, thats a power leveler!

But after 8 months? Hmm...

I could see where time restrictions and perhaps play style may cause some to level slower than others...but I dont see it as an insurmountable task for a casual gamer to reach level 50 at this stage, eight months after turning gold.

Consider these numbers...

Lvl 50 after 8+ months of play = approximately 6 levels gained per month.

6 levels per month = approximately 1 level gained every 5 days.

...and when taken into consideration that the first 6-10 levels of the game could be gained in a matter of hours (give or take a few hours), it can be certainly argued that the level of advancement is certainly expedited to the tune of perhaps 1 level per week.

Is gaining "roughly" 1 level per week since the inception of this game considered a "power gamer?"

Perhaps, but Im not so sure...Ill let the masses be the judge.

The point being...

Dont be so hard on those players that have reached level 50 and are requesting for something to do with their level 50 character. You may be surprised at how many have reached this level after 8 months of playing the game and they love the game just as much as you do...

Don't hate them because they would like to keep playing the game just as you do



Think about it terms of the subscriber base and the availability of dev resources. The majority of the subscribers are NOT at level 50 right, nor are they predominantly level-grinders that can achieve that status within the course of a week or two. So it makes sense that the devs are going to focus on fixing any issues and adding some new material to the low-to-mid level gameplay, since it affects the majority of players. The fact that they have already started adding epic-level archetypes for high level play is awesome, and I give them kudos for that.

It's not realistic to assume that the devs are going to rush to put out new content and raise level caps when characters hit their development ceilings, mainly because there's ALWAYS going to be players that have the leisure time to level-grind their way to the top in a very short time (which, I believe is akin to dumping out all the sweet crunchy cereal goodness just to get to the prize at the bottom), and then demand "more content!".

Personally, I'm more interested in the devs focusing on deeper storylines, more dynamic content and different ways to develop your character rather than providing more straw men for 50 levels to stomp through so they can get to 60. That isn't saying that level 50s don't have a legitimate desire to want more content, it's just unrealistic to expect immediate gratification after reaching the pinnacle of character achievement within the game, especially when level 50s are in the minority of overall game players.



I am curious... Do I have an [Censored]? If not, where, please, may I get one?



especially when level 50s are in the minority of overall game players.

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That's right. Even at this stage, they're still the minority. And you know why? Because the old ones have quit.

Hopefully the epic AT will be as fun as we're hoping.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



I've laughed, I've groaned, I've screamed, I've cussed. What a great thread. The OP is so lucky to have all of you. I've been so entertained that my entire almost-scathing reply has vanished.

Perhaps my outlook differs from many in that, when I buy a game, I expect it to end. When it does, I may be disappointed - any good game (like any good book) should leave you wanting more - but all good things end.

If the developers choose to expand so that as the character-base ages, the game content expands, that's icing on the cake - a sequel to the book you hadn't expected or paid for. They never said that your $39.99 and $14.99 per month entitled anyone to new content through infinity.

If I get to fifty and find myself bored, I'll quit. I'll thank the developers on these boards and leave, hoping for a new "book" that might entertain me as much as this one did. I don't think I'll get there, though... quiting, that is. For $15.00, I'll never find what amounts to all the entertainment I can eat anywhere else.

Hm... now I wonder if I can write J.R.R. Tolkein's estate and gripe them into bringing him back from the dead to write the LoTR sequel...

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



especially when level 50s are in the minority of overall game players.

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That's right. Even at this stage, they're still the minority. And you know why? Because the old ones have quit.

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And some who have quit will likely reactivate their accounts when new content comes out. *shrug*

I don't think they'll ever be a time when level 50s (or whatever top-level cap) are going to be in a majority. It's all cyclical - while there are some that leave the game for whatever reason (bored, waiting for new content, whatever), level 40 characters are slowly making their way to the 50's, while their is still an influx of low-level characters.

Cryptic already has plans for high-level content, starting with the epic-level archetypes (which conceptually sounds pretty darn cool). And if you've read comics and/or have spoken with Statesman, you KNOW that there's are going to be a lot more epic-level adventures (other dimensions, underwater, outer space, etc.). BUT, these things take time, and will likely be implemented when the overall consumer demand is at its peak (i.e. when the majority of long-time subscribers have started reaching the higher-level character levels).

So, until certain development and consumer demand thresholds are met, the improvements and content additions will be occurring slowly over the next year or so (guided by fan feedback), and nothing can really change that (including the perceived mass exodus of players whose main character has reached level 50)!



Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.

[/ QUOTE ]

Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.


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He he, can you say OWNED?



When a content patch only happens every 3 months, players waiting for an End Game will grow frustrated. When update 3 activates people will have fun, the level 50s might enjoy themselves for a short time checking out new stuff, and then after a couple of weeks they will be bored again.

It is really to bad they didn't discover the joy of Alternates back when they were in their 30s. Instead they raced past all the content as quickly as they possibly could and are now bored because there is nothing new to do.

How many level 40s were on the boards before Issue #1 released complaining about lack of content?

And after Issue #1 how long did it take them to get to 50?

This game is lacking in content! You are level 50, you are upset about that, ok.

But other people who are not level 50 but instead have 10+ Heroes who are in their teens, twenties and thirties. (There are 11 Servers so you don't have to delete a Hero to make an alternate unless you happen to have 88 slots full.) Would like to see more content for those levels as well.

My geuss is that the Devs have a brand new series of Missions planned for the Kheldian AT. Question is will you go through those missions or skip them for street hunting?