Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all?




Balron has a level 39, 40, 50 and two 45 level characters? If that is even remotely close to being accurate, I'd suggest a wee bit of burnout might be occuring here. A break from the game may be a good thing at this point. Maybe even an intervention.

I have played a *lot* of this game and I've still only taken two characters past level 20. I can't even fathom playing enough to take multiple characters into the 40's.

I'm not interested in PvP, myself, and even if I was, I never got CoH with the expectation that it would be added anytime soon.



I must admit - I am amazed sometimes.

Why do people seem to have this set in stone mindset that lvl 1-49 is just some sort of 'set up' process akin to using the costume editor to set up your character for the 'real' game at 50?

The game is - your hero steadilly stomping crime in paragon, from the hellions up to the remaining ritiki and some extra dimensional stuff.

You finished that? Gratza - you finished the game. Does the game have replay value to you? It does to me luckilly. CoH has an end game - and guess what - that is the end of the game. Insert token and play again, or go to the next game. Feel free to come back when you want to have a crack at being a hero once again.

Besides - I was quite surprised the other day - I made an alt and started rampaging through missions that I had done time and time again - and guess what - the missions had changed! That 'destroy the robot spare parts' used to be click on a glowie box of junk - now it was attack a pile of junk that is constantly spawning gears while the boss of the level is trying to crack my skull and generally took me totally by surprise. The game is worth playing through again just to see what they have changed.

Meh. Spent way too long playing EQ - finally got sick of it - so I stopped playing. If you dont enjoy playing a game - why are you playing it? I sure hope no one has a gun to your head and is making you play?



I'm not ready to cast judgement on issue 3 yet. Of the things I know of (epic At, dificulty slider) I'm excited. Honestly, I'm not even close to 50, so I probably wont have an epic till issue 4 time frame. I suspect the dev's will surprise us with something else too, and if not, oh well. I still have alot to do now anyway.

Champion Server
Hiruko --Scrapper lvl 50-- katana/regen
Dream Demon--Up and coming MFWarshade



Ya but the last update was 9/16
dont you think its time we atleast learn what is on this update?
All of my lvl 50 friends have quit and im on the fence, we need PVP, new content etc etc and I dont see any of that on the horizon

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you aren't looking very hard.



L2 is horrible, biggest let down since SWG
Ya they have said alot of stuff but we dont KNOW anything.
They are trying to dangle this EAT infront of the lvl 50s to keep them playing and it just isnt working, why do all the carebears complaing about PVP when it is going to be optional, just because you wont like it doesnt mean you have to cry about it so we cant enjoy something other then killing the same mobs over and over and over

[/ QUOTE ]

<target aquired>
<carebear chest laser engaged>


<target nullified>

even carebears get tired of insults



"Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all? "

Newp...but your posts might be the smallest/lamest of them all.

Why do you presume that level 50 is the beginning of the game?

Level 50 is the CAP. It's the end of the story. That's it. Kaput. Perhaps if you had spent more time appreciating the game from levels 1 to 49, you might actually be able to string together an intelligent post...well...actually I doubt that too.

Do you cry like this at the end of books/magazines/television shows/movies/OTHER videogames because you want to keep going?

Level 50 = congratulations, you reached the pinnacle. Hope you enjoyed it. can reroll...or keep messing around and do some roleplaying...oh...or you can come to the boards and whine about how there's nothing to do.

/ sits back and waits for the carebear insult, or the troll-bear insult...of the uber-noober insult...or wh473V3r



What have the devs been doing all this time?!

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that half used tube of KY lubricant, empty box of tissues and the latest issue of GamePro magazine, featuring the latest EverQuest 2 screen shots, might have something to do with it.



Epic At, Mission difficulty Slider, 1 New villain group, 1 New zone, the technology for shapeshifter may be in there somewhere. Oh, and boatloads of story content dealing with the Kheldians/Nictus and the 5th Column happenins.

Thats what we know so far. Most likely we don't know everyhing.



Epic At, Mission difficulty Slider, 1 New villain group, 1 New zone, the technology for shapeshifter may be in there somewhere. Oh, and boatloads of story content dealing with the Kheldians/Nictus and the 5th Column happenins.

Thats what we know so far. Most likely we don't know everyhing.

[/ QUOTE ]Based on hints dropped by states, the Kheldians/Epic AT are more then likely what they meant by shapesshifters. Don't expect to be making a Beastboy homage toon anytime soon.



So because some of us like to try different archetypess, choose not to power level lamely through any levels. Choose to enjoy our storyarcs and or missions. Or choose to enjoy occasional downtime and chat it up with fellow heroes we are considered carebears in your pathetic power gamer life. Yes PvP will be good for you, I am sure that as you get yourself beaten like a little carebear we will smirk as though computer AI may be easy to you, I am sure that intelligent play would cause you great difficulties. Take a break and go back to playing with your barbie dolls and carebear plush toys and wait for your own beating in good time.



GAH! How dare you speak the name of EVIL!!!!

His TRUE hero name is, and always will be, CHANGELING!

Sir Sean the Starknight
And I'm not impressed with the anime-styling of the new Teen Titans show, either.




Do you cry like this at the end of books/magazines/television shows/movies/OTHER videogames because you want to keep going?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Ever play Soul Reaver Game series?



GAH! How dare you speak the name of EVIL!!!!

His TRUE hero name is, and always will be, CHANGELING!

Sir Sean the Starknight
And I'm not impressed with the anime-styling of the new Teen Titans show, either.

[/ QUOTE ]

actually, I find myself liking it despite myself



Raise your hand if you care that lvl 50s are supposedly quitting in droves...anyone? Didn't think so. More server for the rest of us.



Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all?

[/ QUOTE ]

I vote for issue 8 being the smallest/lamest of them all. Guess we'll have to wait and see who's right on this one.



Besides - I was quite surprised the other day - I made an alt and started rampaging through missions that I had done time and time again - and guess what - the missions had changed! That 'destroy the robot spare parts' used to be click on a glowie box of junk - now it was attack a pile of junk that is constantly spawning gears while the boss of the level is trying to crack my skull and generally took me totally by surprise. The game is worth playing through again just to see what they have changed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gah, that box of parts ripped my defender apart. Don't remind me of that...I never feared Gears before that day.




Do you cry like this at the end of books/magazines/television shows/movies/OTHER videogames because you want to keep going?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Ever play Soul Reaver Game series?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a special exception.

And don't mention that series. My brain hurts just trying to follow the storyline.



didn't they say that they're giving us custom weapons in issue 3?




If you dont think lvl 50s are canceling in mass then your just not paying attention.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Hides under a stone to not be stomped by the huge Stampede of lvl50 players*
*Comes to the open again realizing that 99.9% of CoH players never reached this lvl*


All you carebears think your good because you can kill computer AI that I mastered 10 minutes after starting my first character, in comic books heros fought all the time. Give us a pvp server atleast where we can transfer and escape carebear land.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay that would be nice.
And pls give them their own forum too, we could call it "Trollheim".

*Hands Balron a bucket for his tears*
You know im too much of a carebear

And i vote for issue 8 to be lamest.
Have searched everywhere i could......but damn it seems to bring no new content at all.....and it will take just so long till its getting live....what are the devs doing......damn



I don't have a link to this, but States said in an interview that custom weapons were delayed. He wasn't sure until when, but no sooner than Update 4.



You also have the Skills system being added which could be part of Issue 3. I would say complaining about how small an update is before they really announce anything is really pointless.

Oh yeah there is also talk about a new sonics and bow and arrow ATs that might be released in Issue 3.



If you dont think lvl 50s are canceling in mass then your just not paying attention.
All you carebears think your good because you can kill computer AI that I mastered 10 minutes after starting my first character, in comic books heros fought all the time. Give us a pvp server atleast where we can transfer and escape carebear land.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to be nitpicky, but it's "en masse".
Anyhow, I am enjoying my game. For me, creating a character with personality and a backstory is what's fun. I look forward to hitting the higher levels, but am not desperate to do so (good thing, too, since leveling up seems to have ground to a halt since hitting level 20 or 21...)
I still beat on greys, because as I fly to my mission, I see that poor lady getting robbed for like the gazillionth time and I go rescue her again. If I fly past, I feel guilty and double back to help. Why? Because I am a hero. That's what I play the game for. I like to be the hero. I enjoy the process. For me, the game is a blast. Just flying around can be fun sometimes.
I think the book analogy was a good one. I don't race to the last page and go "alright, I'm finally on the last page. Now the story can start! What? What do you mean that's all there is? What has the author been DOING? The story isn't supposed to STOP at the end..."

Est sularis oth Mithas



Beyond epic AT and a new villain group, all I've heard is a lot of maybes for Issue 3. We also know absolutely nothing about the epic AT beyond backstory, and that their various primaries/secondaries combine elements from all AT's to form possible tank mages. (or EQ bards.)

May I say I don't like not knowing anything at this stage?

We do, however, know a bit of what ISN'T going to be in.

No new powersets outside of epic AT's. (apparently. No big surprise - new powersets are probably an insane amount of work.)

No changing power colors. (issue 4 and beyond)

No changing/altering weapons, (pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No skills system. (Pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No epic AT's with requirements outside of level 50. (Old news: Issue 4 and beyond.)

No Dark Armor/Rock Armor/Ice Armor/etc. stacking of armor powers. (Last I heard, To be looked at after Issue 3.)

I'm sure there's some more stuff of what ISN'T going to be in issue 3... but that list is very dissapointing, compounded mostly because we hardly have any idea of what is going to be in issue 3 beyond a new villain group available for everyone to fight, (vanilla. We've been getting new villains with each issue.) and a new AT that can be played by about 10% of the player population. (Cool, but not accessible to many.)

I heard mission sliders. I also heard it was pushed back. Hopefully a dev can comment - it's a great feature if it's in.

Beyond that though... not much.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.




Do you cry like this at the end of books/magazines/television shows/movies/OTHER videogames because you want to keep going?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Ever play Soul Reaver Game series?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a special exception.

And don't mention that series. My brain hurts just trying to follow the storyline.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gahh.. when will that end.. or start.. or.. AAARGH.. Curse you Mobius!

I know I have at least a year or so playing value toying around with all the different ATs, powers.. everything, while working my Defender to the max level, and then making another character to cap out.. etc..

I would like to see this rumoured flashback thing..

TechDefender Rad/Ele Defender
D'20 Gladiator DM/SR Scrapper
Cyclonite Cat Fire/Fire Blaster
[url=""]Ferretgal Claw/Inv Scrapper[/url](Virtue)
@Cyclonite Cat
(Names changed at GM 'request')



Difficulty sliders wont mean anything to the lvl 50s, dont look forward to lvl 50 guys there is no raid content or actually ANYTHING to do after you have all the badges/accolades which is basiclly just going back and killing grey mobs over and over.

[/ QUOTE ]
Listen, Balron, you've been complaining about no content for your maxed-out buddies, 'carebears', the lack of PvP since June or July. Give up the ghost, man!

PvP in MMORPG's isn't as popular as you think and certainly isn't that popular with the majority of CoH players. In fact, it's even less in demand now than at release because most of the hard-core PvPers have already moved on. The 'Arena' module won't be available until Spring '05 for Hero vs. Hero PvP. Epic ATs and Epic Power Pools are just more non-PvP content, so it's dead content to your crowd. Beta for CoV - the holy grail for the PvPers - isn't going to start until April/May '05 with Live release around Fall '05. You are scr ewed. Totally scr ewed.