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  1. So in order to be good, a comic book has to be dreary? I might be crazy, but I think the old one fit the tone of the game better.
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    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that many skuls will be killed.

    Oh, and that tankers will decide once against that they are unplayable after a small change that's not all that significant.

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    Good thing that everyone who makes snarky comments on tankers has actually played one, or tried to level one, huh? Can you imagine the impression you'd give people if you hadn't yet? So easy to comment on the outside... so brave, so funny, and so heroic!

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    And just because he doesn't list one in his sig MUST mean he doesn't have one, right?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm guessing that Accuracy will be nerfed.

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    Ha HA HA that was funny. wheeeeeeee oh man hehe yeah that was a good one. Im already taking a couple days off cause I was bored with the lvl grind so I really hope your just kidding about the acc nerf. This will only make lvling slower.

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    It's so cute when people say there is a level grind in this game.
  4. That would be sweet because it's my birthday.
  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I was really looking forward to skills, Oh well. I would feel a lot better if, say, customizable weapons would end up in I4.
  6. I didn't care the slightest about the boss changes, but this is simply outstanding. This is a giant middle finger to all the people who've been saying you don't listen recently and it's one of the best decisions you've ever made. I'm with you guys for the long run.
  7. I think I hate the term "borked".
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder if they ever solo.


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    Do you ever take a break?
  9. He did not say acceptable. He said inevitable. Those are two very different things. What he means is no matter how much testing you do, there will always be some bugs that slip though. It's just a fact of programming.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Please enjoy being happy with your changes, and I hope your Christmas was as care free as mine was fretful due to this.

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    If you let your Christmas be ruined by game changes, you have some issues.
  11. I think it would be hilarious if it turned out that I4 contained no PvP.
  12. New costume options and custom weapons top my list. I am also very interested in the SSOCS.

    I think someday with an update, instead of adding a new zone they should go through and add a unique tileset for each villain group and a unique map for all the AVs they didn't make on for yet. that would compensate for not getting a new zone, right?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Why do the Vahz hang around when there are no cemetaries or obvious sources of 'materials'.

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    I'd think an earthquake that big would leave a lot of "materials".

    But I fully agree with your suggestions.
  14. A few weeks ago I got a "Kill all Freaks in lab" mission. I killed them all (or so I thought) and nothing happened. After scouring the mission, I assumed it was broken, so I sent a petition. Within 15 minutes, I had GM assistance. I took them to the missions and they said "I found a straggler who is afraid of a hero!" Which made me smile because of that little RPing touch. Anyways, they teleported me right there, bam, mission completed.

    Excellent work, GMs!
  15. Hey, issue 2 was flawless!...aside from that bug that made it so I crashed whenever I was on a team...and that night when Rikti swords were doing double damage...and so on

    Okay, so it wasn't perfect
  16. Raise your hand if you care that lvl 50s are supposedly quitting in droves...anyone? Didn't think so. More server for the rest of us.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    And don't worry - it'll be available in ALL City Zones and ALL levels.

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    Only city zones? We can't go trick-or-treating in DA?

    Or are there...other plans for DA on Halloween?

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    I'm hoping Adamastor will be doing some trick or treating of his own in the city zones. It would be cool to see him wandering Talos or somewhere else.