Just want to thank the in-game GMs




You guys rock. I could get into the specifics of the problem, but it doesn't matter. After being helped out (within 5 minutes) the GM even stuck around to ask me a few questions about the map.




Happy Bday ChrisBasken!!

Agreed, I have had nothing but great response times and friendly service from them, to quote one "We are always here for you". Just don't abuse it, triple search for that last glowie!




Well, the glowie was embedded in the wall, so there was no way to get it.



I had a glowie stuck in a wall, of course the one glowie of many that would actually end the mission, and GM Hughe showed up quickly (within ten minutes) to help me out. During prime time yet.

Response time suffered back when Issue 2 hit, but it looks to be back to fast-and-helpful these days.



yea, the in game GMs are rock solid!
In a CoT mission I had a glowe next to a "pain" crystal so I couldn't open it. In less then 10 mins the GM came (it was a timed mission) and moved it.



Response time suffered back when Issue 2 hit, but it looks to be back to fast-and-helpful these days.

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That's very perceptive. Our GMs are staffed up to have decent response during the frenetic times (generally just after an Issue launch or other big (or popular/unpopular) change) and this is part of why they're really quick off peak. That's aided by the fact that COH has the lowest average customer call rate per user I know of in the industry, specially for it's young age. Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

Good eye.


Jeremy Gaffney
VP Product Development, NCsoft



I'm with you on that!

Was helped out twice by GM Hughe and GM Scarlett, and both of them have been incredibly nice, friendly and helpful! On the second call I even simply missed a mob that had hidden itself, and I would've sworn there was none left, but they were so nice as to even teleport me to them! I shudder to think what some other game's GMs would've said to that!

I don't think I have ever been in a game with GMs that good.



On the second call I even simply missed a mob that had hidden itself, and I would've sworn there was none left, but they were so nice as to even teleport me to them!

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lol, almost the exact thing happened to me... Only I missed a glowie. It was so awkward but the friendly GM's even told me where to find it so I was gosh darn happy! ^^

A big thanks to the excellent in-game GMs for both quick response but also for overall fuzzyness! ^^



Gaffer said:

Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

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Y'know, I was gonna say something, but I'll just keep my mouth shut



Gaffer you have some coffee this morning?



Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.


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I'm going to have to go with simple design.

Though I love the "ease as you want it to be" interface.



I totally agree. On two seperate occasions I had help from GM_B*** (no name mentioned to protect the innocent).

They were great. I felt like a dinkus for asking what later seemed a silly question, they were polite, courteous, and happy to help -- it was also fun being aided by a level 1 police drone that no one could see.

I felt like my toon was on magic mushrooms.



I actually (twice, shame on me) have called a GM only to be able to solve the problem myself or with the help of friends. Nice responses and some small talk have been the only repercussions.

Not that I want to encourage people to do this, but these GMs really are nice.



Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

Good eye.


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*Looks at Spyd00rm4n, Teh Hullk and \/\/0lvereen*

I'll go with simple design



I suspect some of the GM ability to help is due to a good toolset created for them. I'd love to see a feature on that someday.



I had a glowie stuck in a wall, of course the one glowie of many that would actually end the mission, and GM Hughe showed up quickly (within ten minutes) to help me out. During prime time yet.

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Had much the same thing happen last nite, glowie for an outdoors-door-mish was nowhere to be found but GM_Sean popped up within 10 minutes and ported me to it. Kinda funny, the glowie was *behind* the forcefield wall I'm hugely impressed with both the response time and the friendliness of the GMs so hats off to you good folks!

I suspect the minority who complain about these things started the interaction on poor footing, if I was a GM and received a rude petition from some whiny 12-year-old upset that he "can't find this train he's supposed to board" I'd likely not be in too big of a rush to lend a hand!

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



On the second call I even simply missed a mob that had hidden itself, and I would've sworn there was none left, but they were so nice as to even teleport me to them!

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lol, almost the exact thing happened to me... Only I missed a glowie. It was so awkward but the friendly GM's even told me where to find it so I was gosh darn happy! ^^

A big thanks to the excellent in-game GMs for both quick response but also for overall fuzzyness! ^^

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hear, hear!

I too missed a glowie and it was a timed mission...there were 3 lvls in this indoor mission and I thoroughly looked at lvls 2 and 3 thinking that I already went through the first lvl. So I did a petition and was thinking the worst (they aren't going to help before the time runs up).

Within a minute or two DM_Cheryl came to my rescue She was very nice and looked around and found me the glowie I missed...and guess where it was? Yep that's right...on the first floor. She even teleported me there

MISSION COMPLETE it said as I finished disrupting the Freakshow's PCs!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



This morning I was in the "Defeat all family in the Spielman warehouse" mission and was SS'ing around, trying to find the last mobster. When that happened, I got stuck. caught between a cargo pallet and a wall. I couldn't jump, run, strafe, or whirlwind out of it.

Sent a petition, and in a few minutes GM_Felis popped in and teleported me away from the wall. He even stuck around, asking if I needed any more help.

Thumbs-up to these real heroes.



Last night, we did Positron's TF, and on the second-last mission, we got a Ghost mob in the wall. We had been on the Tf for 4 hours, and it was 3 am.

We got a response in about 3 minutes!!

Thanks again GM_Michael!!



I suspect some of the GM ability to help is due to a good toolset created for them. I'd love to see a feature on that someday.

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I'll second this. If we had a feature that explained some of the things they can do, but especially the limitations, it would be nice. Maybe fewer people would complain about the GMs not being able to fix things that they can't. ("My blaster keeps dying, fix the bug!" "That's working as intended." "You suxxors!")

Make it so!



I once convinced a GM to make the glowies (they were all in a wall and visible if you angled right) all fly in the middle of the mission, it was so funny looking



That's aided by the fact that COH has the lowest average customer call rate per user I know of in the industry, specially for it's young age. Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

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Or there's been another cable-cut at the long lines switcher site.

(Sorry, couldn't resist (g))

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Anything that generates an inordinate amount of calls should be worked on, and fast. I haven't had to call for a stuck mob in months, and only once or twice when we couldn't find a glowing clue. It seems they follow that.



I'll second this. If we had a feature that explained some of the things they can do, but especially the limitations, it would be nice. Maybe fewer people would complain about the GMs not being able to fix things that they can't. ("My blaster keeps dying, fix the bug!" "That's working as intended." "You suxxors!")

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That is just too funny..lol



I suspect some of the GM ability to help is due to a good toolset created for them. I'd love to see a feature on that someday.

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I'll second this. If we had a feature that explained some of the things they can do, but especially the limitations, it would be nice. Maybe fewer people would complain about the GMs not being able to fix things that they can't. ("My blaster keeps dying, fix the bug!" "That's working as intended." "You suxxors!")

Make it so!

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Not only that, it would be pretty interesting, too.

While I'm at it, I'll mention that I've never had a bad experience with a GM, and I've been around since beta, and haven't been shy with the petitions. I have noticed recently that the vast majority of my petitions for the last few months have been to report conduct, and not to get anything fixed. I think the game is finally starting to get the bugs worked out. I hope the GMs don't get bored (though I'm sure they hope they do)