Just want to thank the in-game GMs




That's aided by the fact that COH has the lowest average customer call rate per user I know of in the industry, specially for it's young age.


[/ QUOTE ]

It goes without saying you are good. CoH had the cleanest rollout of a MORP ever. Not that that was saying much at the time based on the piles of offal some companies released but this game was done and worked out of the gate.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Gaffer said:

Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

[/ QUOTE ]

Y'know, I was gonna say something, but I'll just keep my mouth shut

[/ QUOTE ]

I think in my case it all comes down to how much sleep I've had. Last week I had time off work, and pulled an all nighter doing missions solo. Orenbega missions. By 2am I decided all the Orenbega missions must be bugged, so when I couldn't find the last objective, I just petitioned for a GM. 4 missions and 4 petitions later, at 7am I figured it was bed time. After a good 8-12 hours of sleep, Orenbega missions aren't bugged.



Well, the glowie was embedded in the wall, so there was no way to get it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had to have a GM help with this the other day. The glowie was in a cave wall and you could hear it when you went past. He ported me to the closest point that I could be to it and I moved my cursor around and happened to notice that it turned into a hand near my feet.

Bingo, mission done. Thanks to GMs for their help.



I too got help from GM_Sean, in this case an Oranbega mission last night. After I'd been up and down the map 5 times, I figured I needed a hand. Apparently there were 5 enemies I missed, two of whom were guarding the hostage that the mission refused to tell me was the completion condition. Anyway, response time was under 5 minutes, and GM_Sean brought the mobs to me for fast beatdowns. Yay.

I will say, I am not sure the incredible coolness of the Oranbega art makes up for the incredible aggravation that nearly all missions set there seem to generate. This particular mission (which involved saving a named hostage and recovering a book of names, but also required saving an unlisted number of generic hostages) was particularly aggravating since it wouldn't tell me what I was missing. Ah well. As long as I can get quick help when my own resources fail me, I'll be content.



Found this thread and wanted to say thanks to the dev's again for being so helpfull and for listening to what the players rant about. Everyone wants something and wants it different than the last guy/girl It thrills me to no end to think that my posts on the boards might have helped get a feature added or adjusted. It's just good to know I'm paying to play a game and I might have some say in how it grows. I gave up on other games because no amount of posts seemed to ever sway the opinions of the dev's. On the threads here I've seen several occasions where people are having a problem or are just upset about how something might work is working will work and the dev's have posted their feelings on the subject and then the issue is addressed. Even if it hasn't always been the way I would have picked they at least listened. BRAVO dev's a sincere thank you. /bow

OH... and stick it to Marvel! For those who dont know what that's about look up the official thread on the marvel law suit and get ready to be disgusted.



That's very perceptive. Our GMs are staffed up to have decent response during the frenetic times (generally just after an Issue launch or other big (or popular/unpopular) change) and this is part of why they're really quick off peak. That's aided by the fact that COH has the lowest average customer call rate per user I know of in the industry, specially for it's young age. Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

[/ QUOTE ]

heh, that reminds me:

Gratz on an excellent /stuck. Everquest put one ine (/rewind) bu it never seemed to work Great tool to avoid needing a /petition.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Currently waiting to thank an ingame GM for helping me with the Corruptor badge (owner of mission - sk'd teammate received bonus and badge - I received neither).

Hopefully they can help




Personal 'THANK YOU' to GM_Roland for awarding the badge last night. Sorry I wasn't online at 12:15am to thank you personally (or is it virtually?!).




Well, a big FAT Kudo (and similarly sized Cigar if he smokes em ) to GM_Roland, who helped figure out why I couldn't start the Tina McIntyre story arc even though I was the right level and all that... He actually helped me hunt some Malta so I could get another mission from her (he spotted for me and I ran my happy little tush over to where they were).

Excellent work - and a very prompt response time (less than 30 mins) for a busy Friday night.

-Onus Vox

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



Thanks from me too! I didn't get a badge when I should have last night, and GM_Cyprus responded pretty quickly.



I have to give a very big thanks to GM Hughe. This morning (at around 4 AM eastern) my SG mate and I were doing an old skull "disarm the bombs/rescue the hostage" timed mission. We go through the entire map 4 times and can't find the last bomb. Now, being level 45+ heroes regularly, we knew we checked everywhere. So we sent out a petition. About 5 minutes later, I came up with the idea of leaving the map and then coming back in again (it was late, or else I would have thought of that earlier). We do so and the glowie appears on re-entry RIGHT in the middle of a room. I click it and just as I get the Mission Complete Hughe shows up. That's 5 minutes at 4 in the morning. He was very understanding of us solving our own problem and very polite. That GM Hughe deserves a bonus of some sort.



I agree. I wanted to thank the GM i believe mrs hughes but not quite sure. I couldnt find the last villian in a cave and looked for about 45 minutes, I sent a petition and one walked right out in front of me. They also asked if i needed any other help. Real fine job and i appreciate it.



I have another story of prompt GM timing.

I had just searched top to bottom this office looking for my last hostage and was frustrated. I sent my petition, then went to the bathroom and to the kitchen for a soda. The GM was there and all set to help me out before I got back to the computer. I messaged and said yo, he teleported me to the badguys.

Well, he did teleport me (a grav/kinetics controller) to the bad guys after all my singies had already timed out. That could have put me in a bad spot, but it just made for a more intense fight. He apologized right after, but I told him there was no foul there. He didn't send me to anything that I couldn't handle.

Pretty sure he knew that before hand, though! It was a touch of a wake-up call for me. Hey! Look! I don't need an army of pets (3) to survive! I usually play so cautiously, a side-effect of being a controller for the first 31 levels I guess.

Big hugs and kisses, GMs! Do they all live here in Austin with me? If so, it's no wonder they're so cool.



A few weeks ago I got a "Kill all Freaks in lab" mission. I killed them all (or so I thought) and nothing happened. After scouring the mission, I assumed it was broken, so I sent a petition. Within 15 minutes, I had GM assistance. I took them to the missions and they said "I found a straggler who is afraid of a hero!" Which made me smile because of that little RPing touch. Anyways, they teleported me right there, bam, mission completed.

Excellent work, GMs!



Our GMs are staffed up to have decent response during the frenetic times (generally just after an Issue launch or other big (or popular/unpopular) change) and this is part of why they're really quick off peak. That's aided by the fact that COH has the lowest average customer call rate per user I know of in the industry, specially for it's young age. Either we have good, simple design or the smartest users, take yer pick.

Good eye.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you



You're welcome.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



this isnt awesome anymore.