20 -
Level 35-40 Rikti mission, the one with the Council agent disguised as a Rikti or whatever. (It's a bit muddled)
There's two named Rikti minions in the first room of one of the missions, named Rosen and Stren. They're apparently guards.
Rosenkratz and Guildenstern, anyone? -
One of my personal faves:
Roland- Named Malta boss. Gunslinger. For those of you literary-deprived souls out there, Roland is the main character in Stephen King's opus work The Dark Tower
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa, there, Chief. Those unfamiliar with the work of stephen king can be referred to accurately as deprived of contact with literature?
Personally, I can assure you that my lack of contact with King is due to my deliberate and careful immersion in the work of writers who are not King.
He has enough readers, he doesn't need me.
[/ QUOTE ]Shush you. It's not meant that seriously. No need to get huffy over small things. Honestly though, even if you hate his horror works, I suggest giving the Tower books a try. VERY different feel from anything else he writes. -
Roland goes back farther than The Gunslinger. hehe.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes it does, but as you already named the initial Dark Tower book where Roland appears, (The Gunslinger) and the fact that he's a gunslinger boss...
[/ QUOTE ]
Worth noting that Stephen King has in a foreword stated that Childe Roland was one of his inspirations to write The Gunslinger.
Now King, he is a REAL master of references, after reading the Dark Tower series you realize how interconnected most of his books really are (read em all).
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually yes, Childe Roland is THE inspiration for the Gunslinger, but trust me, Browning's hero does NOT carry a pair of his father's six-shooters.
Nor does the French epic hero from the song of Roland, who instead carries a sword named Durandal. -
One of my personal faves:
Roland- Named Malta boss. Gunslinger. For those of you literary-deprived souls out there, Roland is the main character in Stephen King's opus work The Dark Tower -
Well, OK, we know Kheldians and Warshades are both part of the same species/whatever, right?
So in reality, you can look at this as the alien AT, with Kheldian and Warshade powersets.
You have less options to pick from, but these two are ATs of the same genre, just like a BS and a DM are both Scrappers. -
We're working (or more precisely our wunder-programmer Martin) on a change to melee combat that will enable you to hit runners. No more angling just in front of the fleeing foe - yep - you can punch him from behind!
We hope to get this into Update 3, but it needs testing. But I thought you'd like to know.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't even explain how happy this makes me. -
Fear changed to foe cowering? You mean we Scrappers will have a USE for fear now? HOLY MACARONI BATMAN!
More Friends?
Goodbye spam invites?
Fixing the armors?
You guys friggin ROCK! Thank you States for all the info you've been giving us...this makes me and a lot of other players feel really good about the work you guys do. Like all Regen Scrappers I'm concerned about being nerfed into obscurity, but somehow I think we'll be OK.
Glad I kepy my last 2 respecs..all these changes mean I might have to readjust my powers a bit. -
Are the epic power pools going to be available to non-epic ATs? And if so, will additional respecs be made available to those that have used all 3? I think it would be unfair to introduce new powrs and not give players that have used all 3 of their respec's a chance at having them.
[/ QUOTE ]From the desciption I've seen, tehy will be avaiable to all ATs. -
IH IS is the Regeneration set.
Are we even sure he's talking about IH
[/ QUOTE ]
If he had specified a power I wouldn't be so worried; but he didn't, he mentioned the set in general, and generally the set IS that power.
That's why I worry.
[/ QUOTE ]As someone else said..maybe that's the point. Right now, I have 3 powers in my secondary set that I consider necessary: IH, Integration, QR. The last being necessary for the other two. FH is worthless. Resilience is a drop in a bucket. Revive is pointless, MoG is broken. Recon is useful only in the low levels, and DP is useful but not required. It's jsut handy if you have an extra slot.
Maybe they'll wean us off IH by boosting some of our other powers? For a slight drop in IH's power, I'd be OK with that. -
2. After analysis, Scrappers CAN NOT reach the same levels of resistance as a Tank. Regeneration, though, is a small concern.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know, he didn't exactly say that regen scrappers are too strong here. Maybe what he is refering to is the tweak many of us regen scrappers have been hinting at for a while. You know, where Fast Healing actually becomes worth something and IH isn't the only power anybody cares about except for Integration? More like a rebalancing than a nerf. At least I hope that's what he's talking about.
[/ QUOTE ]
I kinda privately hoped for it...there's a reason why I am holding back on my second respec trial. -
I'm OK with regen being adjusted..so long as it's more balanced. If you make life harder for level 30-40 Scrappers (the range in which IH is basically godlike), please make it a tad easier on 1-30. And consider 40+ where maltas and alpha-striking mobs can 1-shot us because of our relative lack of defense.
Epic At, Mission difficulty Slider, 1 New villain group, 1 New zone, the technology for shapeshifter may be in there somewhere. Oh, and boatloads of story content dealing with the Kheldians/Nictus and the 5th Column happenins.
Thats what we know so far. Most likely we don't know everyhing.
[/ QUOTE ]Based on hints dropped by states, the Kheldians/Epic AT are more then likely what they meant by shapesshifters. Don't expect to be making a Beastboy homage toon anytime soon. -
Wow..they changed this? his garage was an office building when I did it...vey disappointing.
[/ QUOTE ]
What is disappointing? That they make constant changes to their game or that you are able to make a new Hero and check the changed mission out?
[/ QUOTE ]No, the old mission was disappointing, cause I had hoped for soemthing like this. Now that it's here I'm happy. -
If you dont think lvl 50s are canceling in mass then your just not paying attention.
All you carebears think your good because you can kill computer AI that I mastered 10 minutes after starting my first character, in comic books heros fought all the time. Give us a pvp server atleast where we can transfer and escape carebear land.
[/ QUOTE ]Exelionbear heart power now!!!
*gves Mr. cranky a big hug* -
Yep - we've been going back and customizing a bunch of early level stuff. One of the big assets to City of Heroes is that players LOVE to roll up and play tons of characters. As a result, I want to make sure that the old content gets freshened up.
To sum up: on every expansion, we'll be customizing art & software for many pre-existing missions. So sometimes, you'll see something new in something you've done before.
[/ QUOTE ]Hehhe..time to roll up another alt so I can do that mission. -
Can someone please verify the rumor that we need to have a lvl 50 to use the new AT?
[/ QUOTE ]
its not a rumor its a fact.
[/ QUOTE ]
=( ok, so I guess I have to powergrind my last 9 levels instead of enjoying them.
[/ QUOTE ]Why? Enjoy them all you like. You'll get your Kheldian when you get it. Hell I got 12 levels. No hurry here. I still got 2 trials, 3 task forces, 8 story arcs, and a half-dozen monsters to take out before I'm worried about getting 50. -
Wow..they changed this? his garage was an office building when I did it...vey disappointing.
Me and a -1 to me Emp Def took out Envoy of Shadows..we also did Terra, but I coulda soloed her, she was weak. Took 3 people to take down Vahz at even level (purple con) but we had no problems at all.
Does anyone know if there might be a badge they are not telling us about? Like a badge for getting so many treats. I could see them doing this, rewarding those that trick or treat so much that they get 1000 treats or so.
[/ QUOTE ]If there is no one found it yet. I know I got a TON of treats last night, and I didn't get anything..nor a badge for killing the Streng (the little Fir bolgs)
Hoping there are still badges for those...WANT MORE!!! -
There aren't status bars for the Halloween badges. I would imagine that this is because you would be stuck with them if you don't finish before the event is over.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]See? There is a method to the madness.