Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all?




All the good stuff they have mentioned has been pushed back, so what DO they have in this update? Usually by now we would have atleast the update notes up. They must be stalling knowing that they dont have much on there table.



We don't know much at all about I3. Speculation at this point is fair. Assuming it's gonna suck isn't.

I personally can't wait for I3. I2, while released early and bugtastically, was an amazing update. I still haven't seen everything it has to offer. I doubt Cryptic will let us down with I3.

And even if the only thing in I3 was a few epic archetypes - that'd be good enough for me. I've been waiting for new ATs for a while now.

Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.



That is true - A lot of the cool stuff we've been hearing about isn't coming for a while. As it stands, beyond another villain group and the epic AT, and maybe difficulty sliders... not much we've heard of issue 3.

We do, however, know a bit of what ISN'T going to be in.

No new powersets outside of epic AT's. (apparently. No big surprise - new powersets are probably an insane amount of work.)

No changing power colors. (issue 4 and beyond)

No changing/altering weapons, (pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No skills system. (Pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No epic AT's with requirements outside of level 50. (Old news: Issue 4 and beyond.)

No Dark Armor/Rock Armor/Ice Armor/etc. stacking of armor powers. (Last I heard, To be looked at after Issue 3.)

[/ QUOTE ]

quoted for emphasis.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



We don't know everything that will be in Issue 3. BE PATIENT!

Nobody knew about the badge system prior to Issue 2 and it turned out to be hugely popular. Please just wait before whining about something you know very little about.



ya's starting to make sense

first somebody invests millions of dollars into a game, get thousands of people to buy it (muahaha idiots), then give them an update once in a while, but then..when they least expect it (after 6 months orso) we kill the game off and head for Mexico with all their cash




I really don't get the attraction of Epic AT. As an emp defender, at lvl 45, I pretty much felt I didn't need to lvl any more. I could heal 50s fine then. Maybe it's different with other classes. I'd been sked so much and seen so much 50 lvl content I just started a new class. There just isn't enough high end raid content for me to care about epic AT.



Aren't the tanker offense buffs supposed to be in I3?



For the person/people who are complaining....get over it.....if the game is not interesting to you...there are...and VERY soon will be more MMORPG games than one can for GOOD MMO have CoH...POSSIBLY EQII...POSSIBLY WoW....other than that good luck. As they say in the military..suck it up and drive on.

As for Issue 3...please people.....they don't announce everything that is going to be in an issue until they putit on the test get over that.....Statesman is NOTORIOUS (spelling?) for being why scrounge and beg to know more. If you can't wait 3-4 months really need to get a hobby. So we know one or two things that wil or will not be in the next issue....WHOOPTI DOO....Cryptic loves to suprise their playerbase...they also love to cater to us...which is awesome. If you haven't been disappointed in the past with this game...why start....wait till they give you a reason to be disappointed. And no....not telling you what is going to be updated next is not disappointment...its pathetic on the person who doesn't understand that this is just about the holiday season and that even the devs have familys they are most likely going to spend it with.

Yes...I mentioned the real life ::GASPS:: They have one...we have one....soon the college kids and school kids will be on winter break visiting family...soon thanksgiving, xmas shopping..etc etc...So don't expect them to be working too hard IMO.

SO fricken be patient. I can only assume that we have no players under the age of stop being kiddies. IF your an adolecent....well consider this a lesson on how to be an to act grown'd up. If your an adult .....go back to mommie and daddie and learn how to be one.




If I was a designer in an ultra competitive market like online video games, I wouldn't be relying on my player's patience to keep them shoveling out money... especially not with a game that has such a long way to go, and so much room to expand into, like City of Heroes. If some of the natives are a little restless, at this point, I don't see how you can fault them. I would certainly like to know a little bit more about what direction the game is heading.



My opinion...

The game now is pretty much where it should have been at release.

I'm hoping that Cryptic put alot of those new features off for the next Issue because they want to get Issue 3 out on Test in a few weeks.

I'm also hoping that Cryptic hired those new people they were looking for, and that they weren't hired just for CoV.



EQ reference time...

When EQ was young, pre-any expansions, level 50 characaters were bored off their [censored] too. They sat in 2 zones, farming gear and sometimes killing 1 of 2 dragons.

Then, 1 expansion later, they had a million things to do and places to go.

This game is YOUNG guys. If you're bored already, then go away and come back in a bit. Everyone is expecting things to happen NOW OMG OMG OMG.



No new powersets outside of epic AT's. (apparently. No big surprise - new powersets are probably an insane amount of work.)

No changing power colors. (issue 4 and beyond)

No changing/altering weapons, (pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No skills system. (Pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No epic AT's with requirements outside of level 50. (Old news: Issue 4 and beyond.)

No Dark Armor/Rock Armor/Ice Armor/etc. stacking of armor powers. (Last I heard, To be looked at after Issue 3.)

I heard mission sliders. I also heard it was pushed back. Hopefully a dev can comment - it's a great feature if it's in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice Summary, Just a couple more tid bits to add:

- I am sure Statesman commented that this issue would see water areas being populated with mobs

- Tanks have been promised a change where their damage increases as a fight progresses. no word on when this will be released other than a mention that it was a difficult coding change.

- Statesman said when CoH was released that the reason for limiting Supergroups to 75 Heroes would soon be revealed. That there was an exciting reason for this.



I can only assume that we have no players under the age of stop being kiddies.

[/ QUOTE ]





um ADHD? The thing is there will always be new stuff coming. As a Tanker i want to do more damage... its coming but not quickly. What happens when they've added so much content, that you need a new harddrive? or the servers can't keep up? I love that they are constantly adding new stuff at a rate that i get to enjoy it. Of course, i don't have a L50, just a L27 and 7 others all under L15 but higher than L7. i don't care if i ever get to L50, i'm enjoying the journey.



No new powersets outside of epic AT's. (apparently. No big surprise - new powersets are probably an insane amount of work.)

No changing power colors. (issue 4 and beyond)

No changing/altering weapons, (pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No skills system. (Pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)

No epic AT's with requirements outside of level 50. (Old news: Issue 4 and beyond.)

No Dark Armor/Rock Armor/Ice Armor/etc. stacking of armor powers. (Last I heard, To be looked at after Issue 3.)

I heard mission sliders. I also heard it was pushed back. Hopefully a dev can comment - it's a great feature if it's in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice Summary, Just a couple more tid bits to add:

- I am sure Statesman commented that this issue would see water areas being populated with mobs

- Tanks have been promised a change where their damage increases as a fight progresses. no word on when this will be released other than a mention that it was a difficult coding change.

- Statesman said when CoH was released that the reason for limiting Supergroups to 75 Heroes would soon be revealed. That there was an exciting reason for this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Squashed because it allowed Tankers to do more damage than Scrappers. Now it's something more... 'comic-booky'. Whatever that means.



L2 is horrible, biggest let down since SWG
Ya they have said alot of stuff but we dont KNOW anything.
They are trying to dangle this EAT infront of the lvl 50s to keep them playing and it just isnt working, why do all the carebears complaing about PVP when it is going to be optional, just because you wont like it doesnt mean you have to cry about it so we cant enjoy something other then killing the same mobs over and over and over

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you being intentionally stupid, or do you just have trouble understanding what people write?

No one is complaining about consensual PvP. In fact, every single person who's responded to you about it at this point has responded to say that what you're asking for is coming - and you are somehow taking that to be a condemnation of PvP.

You're so stupid it's almost magical.



L2 is horrible, biggest let down since SWG
Ya they have said alot of stuff but we dont KNOW anything.
They are trying to dangle this EAT infront of the lvl 50s to keep them playing and it just isnt working, why do all the carebears complaing about PVP when it is going to be optional, just because you wont like it doesnt mean you have to cry about it so we cant enjoy something other then killing the same mobs over and over and over

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you being intentionally stupid, or do you just have trouble understanding what people write?

No one is complaining about consensual PvP. In fact, every single person who's responded to you about it at this point has responded to say that what you're asking for is coming - and you are somehow taking that to be a condemnation of PvP.

You're so stupid it's almost magical.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, I'm certainly not contributing here, but that last line had me laughing for 10 minutes. I'm sure if I was having an argument with someone and they came up with that line, I'd have to stop for a bit and shake their hand, for a job well done lol



Wow. As i was reading through this post, I finally earned my "carebear" badge. Cool.



If I was a designer in an ultra competitive market like online video games, I wouldn't be relying on my player's patience to keep them shoveling out money... especially not with a game that has such a long way to go, and so much room to expand into, like City of Heroes. If some of the natives are a little restless, at this point, I don't see how you can fault them. I would certainly like to know a little bit more about what direction the game is heading.

[/ QUOTE ]

are you saying that putting out a FREE EXPANSION every THREE months is Cryptic taking their time? "Relying on their player's patience"? lol damn that in itself is inpatient. ok so the next issue will most likely come out in 4 months instead of 3 this time Because that thing we call x-mas, hannica (spelling?) or what every holiday you celebrate this time of year. Every issue so far has put out new content...for young and old heroes.....sheesh....if you can't wait 3 months ...which is so little time for pushing out expansions, then you need help....badly. If natives are restless....damn I do blame them...because its the "natives" that have the problem. Most MMORPGs don't even put out what is going to be in their expansion except for vague details: ie new race. That is it.

Again have you been disappointed with cryptic's service so far? because if you have...then you don't need to be playing MMORPGs period.

Well that is it



So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ow! My Brain!

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



Hands up everyone who knows EVERYTHING that will be in Issue 3. What's that? Nobody?! Gosh!
You can put your hand down Statesman, nobody likes a clever richard.

My point's pretty obvious... I hope.



You are forgetting skills which are going to be a great addition to your characters.



You are forgetting skills which are going to be a great addition to your characters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Those aren't in Issue 3.



Difficulty sliders wont mean anything to the lvl 50s, dont look forward to lvl 50 guys there is no raid content or actually ANYTHING to do after you have all the badges/accolades which is basiclly just going back and killing grey mobs over and over.

[/ QUOTE ]

No [censored]?

Look...go back to the Zek servers where people with your nasty disposition belong...

I came here to get AWAY from [censored] like you. I pay to play CoH because I want to relax, have a good time, talk to friends, and enjoy a leisure activity. I'm not here to try to prove my [Censored] is bigger, harder, stronger, or faster than yours or anyone else's. It has nothing to do with "carebear" and has everything to do with not having to deal with jerkwater attitudes when I'm trying to RELAX. You, here, are proving why I steer clear of PvP environs...



My [Censored] is huge. Seriously.