Issue 3 the smallest/lamest of them all?
When a content patch only happens every 3 months, players waiting for an End Game will grow frustrated. When update 3 activates people will have fun, the level 50s might enjoy themselves for a short time checking out new stuff, and then after a couple of weeks they will be bored again.
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That's why epic AT's were such a smart idea. A pity that 3/4ths of the level 50 population will just get their SG to PL the epic and get bored all over again.
Dawnslayer on Virtue.
PvP in MMORPG's isn't as popular as you think and certainly isn't that popular with the majority of CoH players. In fact, it's even less in demand now than at release because most of the hard-core PvPers have already moved on. The 'Arena' module won't be available until Spring '05 for Hero vs. Hero PvP. Epic ATs and Epic Power Pools are just more non-PvP content, so it's dead content to your crowd. Beta for CoV - the holy grail for the PvPers - isn't going to start until April/May '05 with Live release around Fall '05. You are scr ewed. Totally scr ewed.
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First off enough with the stereo types of pvp'ers. I have been gaming longer then I can remember and have always been involved in a pvp guild which to date ive been in for years.
Second - To be competitive with most of the new titles pvp is needed. CoH's strength is it appeals to a very large segmenant of players and to continue to do so it must include that type of gameplay as well.
As far as the lvl 50+ comment. CoH has no end game. That is 100% correct. Also to all those saying that they enjoy the ride getting there - thats fine. But, after spending months upon months of level grinding to reach 50 - you would like something to do with all those powers/abilitis you picked up along the way. At 50 - there is nothing to do and this will become problematic especially with the new games being released which all have end game content right out of the box.
PvP could be a nice end game type content - but that will depend on how it is developed and implemented.
We will have to wait and see though.
Let's quit dissing all players of level 50 characters based on the opinions of one OP, or even a couple, shall we? Out of all the folks that may have reached that level, and may reach it in the future, there is no evidence to suggest that this OP's opinion is at all representative of the group. There are many people that enjoy the content, and look on their later levels as opportunities to role play, help other players, roll alts, or do any number of things that make them quite happy between updates.
If you're going to dis an opinion, qualify it properly, huh?
The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG
"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496
Fizban, please cease this mindless trolling and reserve comments for when you have something constructive to say (if that ever happens).
We have legitimate complaints about endgame content. This is not baseless whining. We have nothing to do, and cannot be expected to have to reroll 7 times and slowly trudge through the same missions repeatedly. There needs to be more reason to play a level 50 character.
Instead of the this knee-jerk blind advocacy of the doctrine of "the devs can do no wrong," why not try to see if maybe the high level gamers can maybe have some content added to make our experience more enjoyable.
Responses such as "You are playing too fast," "You are playing too much," "Quit whining and enjoy content," "Play another game," etc, are worthless.
Has anyone once tried to sympathize with people who want to continue to play their level 50 characters? Why are powergamers and end-gamers so despised by so many people? We like to play a lot and we like to be rewarded for it. What is so bad about this?
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Sometimes, trying to explain something to someone who wont listen is very difficult. Rest assured, sooner or later those who state that there is no problem will reach lvl 50, get bored, come here and post numerous complaints.
Eventually, they'll see. Might take a while, but it will happen. Unless they get bored and quit sooner.
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No, really, we get it. We just don't remember when they promised us something to do when we maxed out our characters. Some people think the "I'm 50 and bored" complainers are whining because there is no broken contract between you and the company. They have not promised any new content once you've maxed out your character. Statesman has stated that level 50 is the cap for the time being - no plans to raise it.
I'm sure they will continue to gradually add stuff to the ENDGAME (that word has 'end' in it - could it mean something?), but nothing radical until CoV comes out this time next year.
(sound of self-inflicted head wound)
Well all I can say is that I do hope Issue 3 will blow us all away. 75% of my supergroup is talking about loot, epic quests and trade skills a-la World of Warcraft.
I love this game... and I need all the help I can get to keep everyone here.
Help me out devs. See my Top 10 list!
I like your top 10 list. I would add cut scenes at the end of arcs.
On topic.(or topic that has been discussed the last couple of pages)
I was in a huge super group. My wife and I are the only ones left. Everyone went back to SWG (the most bugged game in the MMORPG genre) because they wanted content. My wife and I stayed because we love the fast paced fighting of CoH. We will both be 50 by I3. I really hope this epic AT is worth doing. There is no way I will do the same missions over with another toon epic or not. There really needs to be more added for the highend game. I lost my entire SG because they ran out of things to do. My missions now are getting boring. Save these lawyers, save these scientist, recover these relics. And when you do get a good mission for an AV, there is no real difference. It is just like killing a really hard boss. You get no cut scene or extra graphic. I just wish something would happen other than reading: We got some new infomation from Terra, it seems like they are trying poison the population....blah blah blah.....go kill 40 DE and see if you can find out more. I mean come on. But I have to give credit to the Respec Trail. That mission was awesome. I have done it 5 times now. It was so cool to have a goal in a mission.
Balron has a level 39, 40, 50 and two 45 level characters? If that is even remotely close to being accurate, I'd suggest a wee bit of burnout might be occuring here. A break from the game may be a good thing at this point. Maybe even an intervention.
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It's called massive power leveling
I'm sure he'll reply stating otherwise but he can save his breath...I wont believe he grinded out all of those. I play every night, usually for hours, and I had to partly PL some of my alts to get past the complete pre-14 boredom.
If you dont think lvl 50s are canceling in mass then your just not paying attention.
All you carebears think your good because you can kill computer AI that I mastered 10 minutes after starting my first character, in comic books heros fought all the time. Give us a pvp server atleast where we can transfer and escape carebear land.
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1) Buy City of Villains. As they announced PvP upon its release long, long ago.
2) Shut..the [guess]...up. >_<
So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
Thats it......?
What have the devs been doing all this time?!
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Game Stability
Fixed critical bug that caused the Striga Island mapserver to crash occasionally.
Fixed critical bug that caused the mapserver to crash if a player in a team with a story arc as the active mission attempted to report a bug.
Epic Archetypes
Upon attaining level 50, you will unlock the first Epic Archetype available in City of Heroes. The Kheldians are a race of energy beings that have made Earth their new home. Kheldians and their dark cousins, the Nictus, attach to humans and form a symbiotic relationship with them.
You can play one of two new Archetypes, Peacebringers are the typical Kheldians, while Warshades are reformed Nictus who now fight for good.
Peacebringers are Natural Origin, while Warshades are Science based.
Peacebringers and Warshades have only one Primary and one Secondary Powerset to choose from, but these powersets have more powers to choose from than a normal powerset.
A Peacebringers first contact is in Atlas Park.
A Warshades first contact is in Galaxy City.
Kheldians have unique storylines throughout their career, in addition to being able to access the normal game content.
Kheldians have a severe vulnerability to a specific type of energy. Unfortunately sinister forces have made every villain group in Paragon City aware of this, and even supplied some with weapons that can severely hurt Kheldians. Be wary of villains wielding strange weapons, or the mysterious Void Hunters.
Epic Power Pools
Upon reaching level 41, you gain the ability to choose from a new set of Power Pools, the Epic Power Pools. You can only choose one of these Pools, so make your choice wisely.
-Cold Mastery
-Force Mastery
-Flame Mastery
-Munitions Mastery
-Stone Mastery
-Fire Mastery
-Ice Mastery
-Primal Forces Mastery
-Psionic Mastery
-Dark Mastery
-Power Mastery
-Psychic Mastery
-Electricity Mastery
-Body Mastery
-Darkness Mastery
-Weapon Mastery
-Energy Mastery
-Pyre Mastery
-Arctic Mastery
-Earth Mastery
Zone events
Dock workers in Independence Port have gone on strike until their job security can be insured.
The Clockwork King is hard at work on something big in Kings Row.
From Talos Island and Independence Port come reports of a ghost ship that appears from the fog.
New Villain Group: The Council
An internal coup de tat has shattered the 5th Column, and from their remnants, a new villain group, the Council has emerged. Rumor has it that the Council is not as new as we would be led to believe. Heroes are urged to investigate every aspect of this new group across all Security Levels.
5th Column badges have been switched over to Council badges (Credit for 5th column defeats remain).
Modified badge tracking for defeats so that everyone on the team gets credit, not just the teammates within 200 feet of the villain.
New Zone: Striga Isle
Smugglers on Talos Island can secure passage for anyone Security Level 20 or over to Striga Isle, an island just off the coast of the United States in international waters. This criminal haven is rumored to be a stronghold and training center for Council troops.
Mission Difficulty Slider
Hero Corp has placed agents throughout Paragon City who are able to put a word to all your Contacts about how tough you think you are. Find one of these contacts and for a small fee of Influence they can make all missions you have and take from that point forward harder.
These Hero Corp personnel exist in all City Zones.
Villains of higher levels (25 and up) have been made tougher.
Villains of higher levels (25 and up) are now worth more Experience, based on how much tougher they got.
Villains who are notoriously hard (and thus avoided by Heroes whenever possible) have had their XP reward increased.
Monsters, no matter what their level, will con Purple now. This is because the monsters are able to be fought by the entire level range of Heroes. That is, your character will hit and do damage to them as though they are your level. Additionally, they will hit and damage you as though you are their level. Heroes of ANY level should be cautious around ANY monster now.
Fixed Short help for Super Strength/Rage (Long help was correct. Power was not changed).
Frostfire and Atta are now a new Rank: Elite Boss. Elite Bosses are tougher than normal bosses, but not as tough as ArchVillains. Elite Bosses are worth more XP than regular bosses.
Radiation Emission/EMP Pulse will now do extra damage to most machines and robots.
Changed the way many temporary powers expire. Many that were based on \qreal-time\q will now expire based on number of charges instead. This is to prevent gaining a new Temp Power, logging out, and then coming back the next day and find it missing. This change only applied to Temp Powers that were Click Powers. Toggle and Auto Temp Powers do not expire when you are off line.
Group Flight: Removed added Endurance Penalty for each Teammate carried. Slightly Increased base END Cost.
Team Teleport: Removed added Endurance Penalty for each Teammate teleported. Slightly Increased base END Cost.
Powers that Drain or effect a target to buff of heal the caster have been modified. Previously, these powers would give you less of a Buff/Heal if used against a higher level foe, and more of a buff/heal if used against a lower level foe. Now, powers like these will give the same buff/heal as though you were targeting a foe of your level (e.g. life draining powers, powers that steal Endurance, or powers that debuff foes to buff the caster). This fix will also affect any power that does something to a target and then something to the caster. For instance, using a Nova Blast will no longer drain a different amount of Endurance from the caster depending upon the level of your villain targets.
Whirlwind, Repel, and Repulsion Field will KnockBack foes of all levels the same distance. That is, Repulsion Field will no longer lock higher level foes into permanent KnockDown. (This is a change to the level of a target and does not affect a targets resistance to or vulnerability to KnockBack).
Increased the effectiveness of the Defender version of Transfusion, Kinetics, Twilight Grasp, Siphon Power, and Kinetic Transfer by about 25% so they are consistently better than the Controller Version (both Controller and Defender version used to be the same).
Modified Totem, Rikti Monkey and Sky Skiffs attacks.
The Family now has Tommy Guns.
Updated Force Field/Detention Field f/x.
Animate Stone can now fly with the assistance of Group Fly.
Change to FEAR: Villains that are afraid will no longer run away. Afraid villains will now tremble and cower in place and not attack. They will, however, retaliate once if attacked, but then go back to trembling. This change will affect most Fear powers including: Pool/Manipulation/Intimidate; Pool/Manipulation/Invoke Panic; Scrapper Melee/Dark Melee/Touch of Fear; Scrapper Defense/Dark Armor/Cloak of Fear; Defender Buff/Dark Miasma/Fearsome Stare; Controller/Mind Control/Terrify (villains will still run away from the Spectral Terror, but will halt and tremble if the Spectral Terror casts Terrify on them.)
Villains will now better Avoid AoE powers like Rain of Fire. That is, they will run out like always, but wont blindly go back into the hazardous area.
Slightly increased the Damage of Burn to compensate for the new above Avoid behavior.
For all targeted toggle powers; if the target is over 300" away the toggle power will automatically turn off.
Fixed the long door wait bug, that left players with an hourglass cursor unable to act for an extended period
Minimap is now resizable and has an options pulldown.
Added /assist command which will change your target to a selected allies target.
Autorun will not turn off at ID Card, Enhancement Screen, Power Selection/Respec or Options screen
Dialogs can be answered via 'dialogyes', dialogno' or 'dialoganswer ' slash commands
Player description in the Info window will now respect enters and tabs
Quit will no longer be interrupted by mouse clicks. If you are quitting to the desktop you will be given the choice to exit immediately
Wrapped text in chat window will now be indented, to prevent player spoofing of other people (including GM's)
Added new commands powexec_toggleon and powexec_toggleoff to force mode of a toggle power
It is no longer allowed to give gifts to people in the middle of a respec.
Some columns in supergroup, search, email, and friend windows can now be resized
You can now hit an opponent with a melee attack while chasing after them.
The Supergroup window has been revamped. Unnecessary fields were removed and it now displays level and map. The window is also 2-stage collapsible, the header can be hidden, and then the bottom buttons can be hidden as well.
Increased Arch Villain and Monster HP for all levels. XP was increased accordingly to compensate.
Increased Perception Radius for Giant Monsters.
Reduced Detention time and increased recharge time of Rularuu/Wisp/Detention Field.
Updated Requiems, and Nosferatus powers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah what have those lazy devs been doing?!
It appears they spent most of their time just trying to find ways to aggrivate you. It also seems that they accomplished this task with at 5 star rate.
Yep, I was right
No, you were pretty much opinionated and incorrect as I thought you were.
Thank you for playing Opinion Vs. Fact. Your prize is crow.
NO, you moron! I4 was BY FAR the worst of them all! HELLO? THE ARENA!
Good god. Some people have no recollection of anything worthwhile...
Dawnslayer on Virtue.
From a strictly CoH point of view, it's I6 (although I7 might be the new "winner"). At least I4 had the Kheldian arcs...
Holy cow, forum necromancy at its finest! Check the dates of the last few posts.
Indeed, this is a fine bit of necroposting.
*waits for the inevitable padlock icon*
Good one.
Though, to further the topic, why is it that we only have ONE Epic AT after all this time?
I just want to point out how right I was about Issue 6.
I'd like to point out that I was totally right about Issue 14.
Good god, that nerf to Incarnates was a kick straight to the jumblies.
You know, they just need to go ahead and lock all threads over a few months old. I'm sure the forum mods really love people making more work for them. Where's an eye-roll smiley when I need one?
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn
Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
I don't know. This is actually a pretty interesting necro post. I don't like necro posts in general, but this is a neat reminder of how people yell "Worst. Issue. Ever." for every issue.
Hey, I'm not the one who bumped it. But now that we're here, I'd like to claim my position as the next Nostradamus.
This archetype will be changed during that Issue and people will respond disapprovingly!
This archetype will be changed during that Issue and people will respond disapprovingly!
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That's right. Even at this stage, they're still the minority. And you know why? Because the old ones have quit.
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Will someone please enlighten me to what would actually make those at lvl 50 happy? What could the devs possibly add that would keep people playing their maxed out character?
Face it, nothing will make many of these people happy. Something may entertain them briefly, like the badges did, but in the end they will come back and gripe about not enough content, not enough to do at the level cap, blah blah blah. This includes PvP, economy, crafting, more zone/enemies, etc.
Oh, and epic ATs don't count because they will be rerolling. My point is that nothing will keep people playing their lvl 50 characters.