14 -
yeah my guess was sometime in dec. hopefully
What happens if you have Death Shroud and the Cloak of Fear up at the same time once these changes go through? Do the enemies counterattack on every tick of the Shroud?
If that's the case, then this will be more like a limp Immobilize than a limp Paralyze, but it's still better than what it is now.
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the bright side is you wont need to use provoke to get the acc debuff from cof. a lot better off than currently -
Dude, you are gonna be the king of crowd control Scrappers... imagine CoF after the fear fixes...
[/ QUOTE ]
coolnessi cant wait hehe
Does this mean DA might get an auto power? can we have one? just ONE? pretty please?
1. DA, Ice Armor, Stone Armor - the f/x are going throug a redo and the powers will be made stackable. I'll tell you when as soon as the schedule is solid.
[/ QUOTE ]
cool, though are the endurance costs for the powers going to be tweaked as long as the armor properties? DA as far as i know is ultra painful to use with any set other than DM because there's no way to recover end without inspiration use. Stacking shields of course I'm all for that though thats gotta be rough on end, as DA is already an endurance hog -
Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.
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the winged AT one of them? i hope so, that would be the return of Nihilaa -
if Dark Armor is fixed with this release, this was the best update they have put out yet, otherwise, lame
Heres my updated build, what i would use
AoE Monster v3
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary Powers - Melee : Spines
Secondary Powers - Defense : Dark Armor
Slot[01] Level 1 (Starting Primary) : Lunge /Acc,Dmg
Slot[02] Level 1 (Starting Secondary) : Dark Embrace /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
Slot[03] Level 2 : Spine Burst /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
Slot[04] Level 4 : Death Shroud /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
Slot[05] Level 6 : Build Up /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
Slot[06] Level 8 : Impale /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
Slot[07] Level 10 : Hasten /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
Slot[08] Level 12 : Hurdle /Jump
Slot[09] Level 14 : Super Speed /Run
Slot[10] Level 16 : Health /Heal
Slot[11] Level 18 : Obsidian Shield /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
Slot[12] Level 20 : Stamina /EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec
Slot[13] Level 22 : Quills /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
Slot[14] Level 24 : Dark Regeneration /Acc,EndRdx,EndRdx,EndRdx,Rchg,Rchg
Slot[15] Level 26 : Boxing /Acc
Slot[16] Level 28 : Tough /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
Slot[17] Level 30 : Provoke /Acc,Taunt
Slot[18] Level 32 : Throw Spines /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
Slot[19] Level 35 : Cloak Of Fear /EndRdx,EndRdx,HitDeb,HitDeb,HitDeb,HitDeb
Slot[20] Level 38 : Taunt /Taunt
Slot[21] Level 41 : Murky Cloud /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
Slot[22] Level 44 : Cloak Of Darkness /DefBuf
Slot[23] Level 47 : Oppressive Gloom /Acc
Slot[24] Level 49 : Soul Transfer /Heal
as you see I use end reducers in everything, cause this build eats up end. Endrdx in attacks and offensive auras (DS,CoF) make a huge difference.
why no weave? because cloak of fear's acc debuff is SUPERIOR. acc debuff also means AoE defense, something weave doesnt provide. in a way this is dark armor's way to avoid aoe stuff.
instead of taking leap i went presence, because using CoF sort of requires provoke if used on minion / LT's
added in taunt at level 38, just in time for praetorian missions.. iuno why, i just love taunt. i tried dropping it from this build but i just can't. in scenarios where provoke misses a CoF'd target, taunting is a sure way to snag that one you missed with provoke (taunt never misses)
to add to that, provokes taunt duration doesnt cut the mustard against AV's when you're required to tank for the team (especially psi AV's as DA u'll be called on to do this). taunt spammed on an AV gets his undivided attention
testing this out it's a pretty good solo build that is basically an XP cruncher relying on killing mass minions and LT's in a hurry. In team play it also offers outstanding AoE support, lot of times outdamaging blasters later in the game. how? well blasters usually wont attack till the melee gets the aggro, and buildup+spine burst + throw spines+auras already equals dead even con-orange minions, alpha strikes belong to youI'm not saying this build does more damage than blasters can, just the fact you'll be attacking first to get the aggro, if you're fighting white-orange all blasters will be doing is playing mop up
theyre prollly gonna give 5th column more stuns than the malta, thats the dev's definition of 'new threat'
nice guide, very informative
to answer the question on if i will change my build, i gotta take stingz into the field and see how he does. a lil after the update he didnt seem to have a prob though. i was taking out orange and red minion groups and farming xp without a problem, all the enemies would die before they could inflict any real damage on him. 6 slotted buildup + hasten is definitely a [censored], buildup recharges like once every 20-25 sec it seems lol -
awesome, hopefully this means my new tanker will be able to solo better than he does now =)
Are you sure it's Thursday? I'm gonna be out of town Thursday. Are you sure it's not Saturday?
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i REALLY hope its saturday. play time is hard on the weekdays with a college schedule. if there is an event on the weekdday im not missing it though. im sure i can fail 1 or 2 classes and still be ok -
hehe awesome. im a big fan of the baldurs gate, icewind dale, and NWN series
everytime a new game in those series comes out im flat out addicted and it owns my life
my favorite temp power is that AXE OF UNDEAD SLAYING, on one of the undead panthenon missions. i felt like ghengis khan or some sh___ =)
oh damn *cries when that temporary power is gone*