Does it matter who grabs "blinky" items?




I was teamed up with a few folks last night on a mission involving retrieving four "platonic solids" from a warehouse. The person whose mission it was insisted that she, personally, needed to retrieve all four of the blinky items, because it was "crucial" to the storyline, and she became quite upset when one of the other team members retrieved one.

I had always thought it didn't matter who grabbed the blinkies, save in terms of the person who grabs them getting an experience bonus from some of them or getting temporary weapons or Enhancements from others. I had thought that the storyline progressed no matter who got them, because no matter who got them they still show up in your Clues display.

Was I in error? Was my teammate?



The only time grabbing a blinky matters is when they give temp powers. And at that point its best for owner to NOT get it. Polygonpon and me think we figured out a bug. He grabbed a temp power in a blinky on my mission, it did not have a certain numer of uses before it ran out. I got the other "blinky". When I turned in mission like normal I lost my temp power but polgonpon kept his. I figured it would run out in an hour but the next day he still had his @_@. So now he basicly has invisibility.

That was last week dont know if he still has the temp or not.



The only time grabbing a blinky matters is when they give temp powers. And at that point its best for owner to NOT get it. Polygonpon and me think we figured out a bug. He grabbed a temp power in a blinky on my mission, it did not have a certain numer of uses before it ran out. I got the other "blinky". When I turned in mission like normal I lost my temp power but polgonpon kept his. I figured it would run out in an hour but the next day he still had his @_@. So now he basicly has invisibility.

That was last week dont know if he still has the temp or not.

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So, instead of reporting a bug you found, your friend exploited it and now you are encouraging someone else to do the same......oookay.



I've heard rumours on the board about story arcs not progressing correctly if the correct person did not take the blinky items.

There is also another issue - some blinky items give XP, which people are kinda reluctant to share.

Sarf (Sarf, K and Nyarlahotep on Infinity)
Billings's Law: Live within your income, even if you have to borrow to do so.



I've heard rumours on the board about story arcs not progressing correctly if the correct person did not take the blinky items.

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And see, this is what I'm asking about. What are these rumors exactly? In what way does the storyline not progress? Are there specific story arcs where this is the case?



The same situation happened to me. I was in a group and doing someone else find X items mission and I got the first item, which gave me a temp power "fire sword." I still have the temp power even after the mission is completed and was returned to contact. I logged two hours after with the temp power available, however the next day I logged back on the power is gone.



Well, I'm not sure about discontinued storyarcs. However, the friends that I play with on a regular basis have made it proper "etiquette" to always make sure that the person who's mission we are running is the person to retrieve all clues. That way there is never the chance for misunderstandings and as long as there is an equallity in who's missions are being done- everyone gets a chance to get their rewards.
Just a thought that may help other teams out as well.



It's common courtesy even if it doesn't break anything. Unless I'm given the okay by the mission owner, I always keep my hands off the goodies. If I find any, a simple tell in team will get them to my location ASAP and hardly takes any time at all.



Flashing items also sometimes give bits of storyline info in the screen of the person who picked them up.



With a friend of mine, one of his story arcs broke completely when his sidekick grabbed a glowing clue.

In another situation, I was in a group and someone other than the mission-owner grabbed a clue and while the mission did get completed, that person's contact acted as if it had been failed. We have no idea if this was related to having someone other than the mission owner picking up the clue, but it was /bugged regardless.

It may have no effect at all, but after these two incidents, my teams tend to leave the clue-grabbing to the person who owns that particular mission.



It doesn't matter who picks up the glowy item. With all my characters I've always hated the way people seem to race to the 'glowys', so I just let whoever wants them get them. I'll say 'glowy!' and move on, sometimes saying 'just whoever wants it, get it I don't want it.'

I've never lost a mission because it wasn't 'I' who got the glowy. If someone loots something that's a clue, I get the 'Clue!' on my screen and I can go read it, they can't. (I checked just out of curiousity.) I assume it's them saying 'hey, this looks like it's important to your mission!' and handing it to me, in game terms.

Sometimes I have fun with it. The Vahz missions where you can recover the corpses, I'll say 'I shouldn't have ate before I came here!' or 'No thanks, I couldn't eat a whole one.'

Anyway, bottom line is the people who say that it matters who gets the glowy are probably just hoping that they give extra exp and that they get it. It doesn't matter mission wise.



Some red herring boxes, like the ones standing around that aren't a part of the mission give the same amount of xp as an even level minion. And the clues always go to the mission's owner.



Mission owner should always grab the blinky. Case in point. One of buddies missions, he was doing it solo and got a SO drop from one of the blinkies. He pulled in another player to help with the end boss. Got a map disco before completing the mission. Upon reconnect the whole mission had reset. The friend got the blinky second time around and NO SO drop. Just to test it out - they reset the mission then had the owner get everything and the SO dropped for him.

So if you are the owner of a mission and others are getting the blinkies - you might be missing out on SO drops.



My wife's character was trying to help my character level, and we had crates that were giving experience during a mission so she let me pick them all up. The mission wouldn't complete even though the counter went down correctly as I grabbed the items. I don't know if my opening the crates was the cause, but I can't think of what else the error might have been.



It's my experience that when someone other than the mission owner grabs the items, noone else gets experience for the mission. Whether this is now fixed or not I always allow the mission owner to get these. There's little or no delay in doing so and it's better than missing out on the experience for the mission.

I will test this on the test server sometime when I get such a mission and can get a teammate as I don't know if this was fixed or not.



I've heard that the story arcs break too so I never get it unless I am the mission owner. Plus I agree with this quote:

It's common courtesy even if it doesn't break anything. Unless I'm given the okay by the mission owner, I always keep my hands off the goodies. If I find any, a simple tell in team will get them to my location ASAP and hardly takes any time at all.

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And even if it does give exp the mission is the owners and he/she should be getting the exp IMO.



So, instead of reporting a bug you found, your friend exploited it and now you are encouraging someone else to do the same......oookay.

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warspite, you must have picked the 'jump-to-conclusions' power



The only time grabbing a blinky matters is when they give temp powers. And at that point its best for owner to NOT get it. Polygonpon and me think we figured out a bug. He grabbed a temp power in a blinky on my mission, it did not have a certain numer of uses before it ran out. I got the other "blinky". When I turned in mission like normal I lost my temp power but polgonpon kept his. I figured it would run out in an hour but the next day he still had his @_@. So now he basicly has invisibility.

That was last week dont know if he still has the temp or not.

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So, instead of reporting a bug you found, your friend exploited it and now you are encouraging someone else to do the same......oookay.

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I did report it.



my favorite temp power is that AXE OF UNDEAD SLAYING, on one of the undead panthenon missions. i felt like ghengis khan or some sh___ =)



oh damn *cries when that temporary power is gone*



on these type missions with the group i play in, we always let the mission owner grab the blinkies. If they give no exp the owner will tell and then whoever finds them grabs them. Everytime we've done it this way all the clues have gone to the owner, if there was a blinky with a power inside it didn't matter who got it, any temp power helps the team.

As for the SO or DO drops i've been owner on a mission where a team mate opened the blinky and it gave it to me. Just my 2 cents



I was sidekicked on one of the higher missions where artifacts were recovered. The one in charge of the mission allowed me to pick up one of the glowy things.
Worse mistake was listening to him. My character got permanently stuck with a power, I wish I could really dump off.
He still has the power: The Ring of Pain
While it weakens an enemy's defense, it depletes your health as well. Don't find that very helpful. What a cruel twist of fate. LOL



Another note on the 'blinkies'

Was doing positrons TF missions Friday and as the leader of the TF one of the missions was to get a book and take it back to a contact. To make a long story short, one of the other members of the TF grabbed the blinky with the book and they got the clue. When i went back to positron to finish the mission he kept asking if we found the book yet. Had to have a GM boost us past that part of the mission.

Although during the previous missions it didn't seem to matter who got the blinkies. Everyone in that team was blinky happy, some missions were more of a race to the blinky than finish the mission.

So maybe it all depends on the mission as to who has to get the blinky.



Now, Task Forces are a whole 'nother story altogether. I don't touch ANYTHING on a TF unless I'm leading it.

But on normal missions, I've been doing missions mostly since beta, and always have made it a habit to share the blinkies. I've run literally hundreds of indoor missions since then and never had any trouble whatsoever simply because someone else got the blinky. No missions ever got broken, no missions failed, no troubles.

I think this is just one of those things where people ASSUME it's broken because someone else got the blinky just because that's the only thing they can think of.

Kind of like the Vahz disease mission bug where even the Dev's were claiming it was because you used the CALL button to talk to your contact when in reality, there was ANOTHER SCIENTIST that needed saving in the mission but he was NOT on the list of mission objectives so you could actually complete the mission without saving the scientist that actually cures you.

Oh yeah, and by the way, on even THAT mission, it doesn't matter WHO saves the scientist, just that someone saves him.



Well, I'm not sure about discontinued storyarcs. However, the friends that I play with on a regular basis have made it proper "etiquette" to always make sure that the person who's mission we are running is the person to retrieve all clues. That way there is never the chance for misunderstandings and as long as there is an equallity in who's missions are being done- everyone gets a chance to get their rewards.
Just a thought that may help other teams out as well.

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I had this same etiquette problem a few days ago. My own feelings are that a team mission is for a team. I may be handicapping my character, but that's one of the reasons I never care about whose missions we do (as long as they're appropriate to the team). And that's why, when there's a blinky, not only do I not care who gets it, I think whoever finds it should grab it (as long as it's not in the middle of a battle) so as to help speed things along.

So has this game progress bug been fixed? It has been a year and a half since the thread was posted...

As far as I go, I think I've had this problem twice now. Once with some real life friends (they preferred this "etiquette"), and this second time a few days ago. How many people even care about this?




And I tend to leave glowies in other peoples' missions alone. It's usually pretty haphazard the way they give out xp and powers, so I leave them alone just in case they have something valuable.