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    I have only two outstanding complaints about the Hollows, and one is that mobs are spawning literally on top of players. (

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    Now that IS definitely an issue. Looking into it.

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    Off topic here but since this was brought, up i've had numerous mobs in Founders Falls do the same thing. Especially with the CoT's. In the Red river (i think its called) area of FF, where you can run under the overpasses, everytime i go through one of the overpass tunnels it never fails that a group of CoT's appear around me and i'm toast, usually burnt toast with the behemoth lords
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    It should be fine once that contact issue is cleared up. I ran into the same thing, it was extremely unclear and you can very easily end up with the hollows guy being your only mission contact at level 5 or 6 if you do a lot of missions. Once that and the +1 bug is fixed I don't see a problem.

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    maybe its the AT. First contact i got after i did almost all of the missions for my initial contact in AP was the contact in KR. I didn't get the contact for the hollows until ALL of my missions were completed with the AP contact in the hall.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    Please do NOT tone down The Hollows any further. The noobs and smacktards have the other zones to run in. I started a controller along with some friends and we ran over the weekend. It was hard but very satisfying and we got to between 10th and 14th level.

    The zone is a team zone. You CANNOT solo there until you have basically out-level'd the content. The only thing the devs need to do is make that fact more univerally understood. In the current state this zone is EXACTLY what CoH has been needing.

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    Your right it is a team zone. And it SHOULD stay the way it is. Its a perfect zone to teach the low levels how to team and the "veterans" that have alts there. I laughed for a long time when i was in a group in the hollows with my controller and all in the group said they had high level main toons. The worst part of it was it was the worst group i had ever played in. Not to mention that after 1 defeat half, yes half, of the group made up excuses to leave or just plain quit.

    Oh and soloing the hollows can be done! i do it daily with my controller. Yes my controller. The only mission i haven't been able to solo so far is the "disarm 2 bombs at the same time" mission.
  4. If you have a good team the overall Exp. is awesome. I still say the first mission the TF breaker, it seems to be the hardest and thins out the whiners and such just from my experiences with it.
  5. I've looked at the guide to /binds and haven't seen this yet. What i want is to set a key (numpad3, i use the numpad for movement and surrounding keys for other functions) so that when i'm running i can hit numpad3, then chat or go get a drink, yada yada yada. what is the bind command for this?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I use con to mean "what threat level color is the monster to you?", mostly used in hunting groups, as in:

    Lvl20 = "What does X monster con to you? It cons green to me."
    Lvl15 = "It cons purple to me."

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    My team uses con the same way. Also as contact, as in "Going to con to get more missions."
  7. Another note on the 'blinkies'

    Was doing positrons TF missions Friday and as the leader of the TF one of the missions was to get a book and take it back to a contact. To make a long story short, one of the other members of the TF grabbed the blinky with the book and they got the clue. When i went back to positron to finish the mission he kept asking if we found the book yet. Had to have a GM boost us past that part of the mission.

    Although during the previous missions it didn't seem to matter who got the blinkies. Everyone in that team was blinky happy, some missions were more of a race to the blinky than finish the mission.

    So maybe it all depends on the mission as to who has to get the blinky.
  8. sit, kneel, and dance emotes don't work. Just puts the bubble above your head. Did /emote <name> they got a different command?
  9. on these type missions with the group i play in, we always let the mission owner grab the blinkies. If they give no exp the owner will tell and then whoever finds them grabs them. Everytime we've done it this way all the clues have gone to the owner, if there was a blinky with a power inside it didn't matter who got it, any temp power helps the team.

    As for the SO or DO drops i've been owner on a mission where a team mate opened the blinky and it gave it to me. Just my 2 cents