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  1. So, I decided to go the Art Major route this last semester and finally took real art classes. Overall it's helped me tremendously, especially the Life Drawing course. However, for our last session we had to focus on foreshortening, and I was defeated. The extreme foreshortening sitting was okay (if not great), but the slight foreshortening session where the model stood on a ledge about 10 feet above the floor is... not good. It's hands down the worst thing I drew last year, that I did not toss out or burn. The rendering is mostly fine, but the proportions are very off, making her look kind of freakish.

    The thing is, it is a drawing of a naked woman since it is from a life drawing class--I have it up as an art nude on my DA space but having noticed there are some youngish folks lurking around, I really don't want to get yelled at, so I haven't posted a link.
  2. I really wish I hadn't been eating when I read through this thread, because Archlight's flatulent Vahzilok presentation almost caused me to choke due to laughter.
  3. I could believe that she is the actual artist. After all, Picasso was a far more accomplished artist at a much younger age than this girl (a big reason as to why his adult work was so abstracted, he'd already perfected his representational art techniques before age 11).
  4. The_Psychopomp

    Changes to Rage

    Agreeing with Goldenstar.

    Three penalties is a bit much, especially the third--the inability to attack. This makes Rage dicey to use in a team situation. I refuse to use the 100% endurnace drop version of Rage in a team; I certainly would not use this.

    Teammates can draw aggro and get demolished during that brief downtime. I need to be able to attack and taunt to keep my team safe.

    Rage 3.0 is a soloing power, not a team-friendly one.
  5. The_Psychopomp

    Changes to Rage

    The 100% endurance drop is untenable.

    When Super Strength Tanks asked for more damage, we were told that this was not possible, as Rage balanced us against the other Tanker secondary sets. Fair enough, but this does require having Rage be a useable power. The self-stun may be annoying, but it was something a thoughtful player could deal with.

    The adjustments in Issue 2 were a great step forward for Super Strength. This Rage 'adjustment' is a step backwards.
  6. With a friend of mine, one of his story arcs broke completely when his sidekick grabbed a glowing clue.

    In another situation, I was in a group and someone other than the mission-owner grabbed a clue and while the mission did get completed, that person's contact acted as if it had been failed. We have no idea if this was related to having someone other than the mission owner picking up the clue, but it was /bugged regardless.

    It may have no effect at all, but after these two incidents, my teams tend to leave the clue-grabbing to the person who owns that particular mission.