Well, I'm not sure about discontinued storyarcs. However, the friends that I play with on a regular basis have made it proper "etiquette" to always make sure that the person who's mission we are running is the person to retrieve all clues. That way there is never the chance for misunderstandings and as long as there is an equallity in who's missions are being done- everyone gets a chance to get their rewards.
Just a thought that may help other teams out as well.
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I had this same etiquette problem a few days ago. My own feelings are that a team mission is for a team. I may be handicapping my character, but that's one of the reasons I never care about whose missions we do (as long as they're appropriate to the team). And that's why, when there's a blinky, not only do I not care who gets it, I think whoever finds it should grab it (as long as it's not in the middle of a battle) so as to help speed things along.
So has this game progress bug been fixed? It has been a year and a half since the thread was posted...
As far as I go, I think I've had this problem twice now. Once with some real life friends (they preferred this "etiquette"), and this second time a few days ago. How many people even care about this?