90 -
On a related note to the unrelated derailment of this thread,
The term 'troll' used on forums did not initially refer to a mythical creatures that live under bridges. It was a reference to a type of fishing technique, making the analogy that someone was baiting others into arguing.
It still drives me crazy when people connect the mythical creature to someone attempting to elicit an argument. -
Thanks peeps. It helps to know I'm not alone/crazy.
Roderick, that makes a lot of sense. I don't have any problem fighting these guys on my level 35+ characters. -
I don't feel like I'm a terrible player. I've been playing for quite awhile now, but they are kicking my gluteus maximus.
Are they like super resistant or have a lot of hit points or something? I can't seem to beat them even with melee class characters.
This is on low level characters and I am referring to both zombies and banner mobs. -
I feel like I go through phases.
Right no I'm really enjoying setting up a very basic tights+cape outfit on a few of my most frequently played characters.
I really like the magic cape on a few of my characters, especially my little skinny master mind. -
It would be cool if it was a power, like you had to have all your pets out, and upgraded and then hit it and they would all be replaced with this one or two more powerful pet(s).
That way masterminds would have the option to have more/less powerful or less/more powerful -
I have often wanted my Robotics/Poison Mastermind to be able to disseminate all of his secondary powers from his pulse rifle.
I think Samuel_Tow is right, but I like the idea in theory. -
That's an interesting idea. One minor problem that might arise is outleveling contacts.
However, xp can always be turned off, and it seems that if you've been playing for 75-78 months you'd know how to do that. -
Quote:Mathematical numbers? As opposed to non-mathematical numbers?It's not Code. It's a series of mathematical numbers. This isn't C++ we're talking about.
I'm just teasing btw.
And I do understand it's not as simple as my example, which was pseudocode, not C++.
Quote:the ambush method is based on an equation rendered from a set of numbers the engine already uses, rather than an in-engine line of code. The engine created the variables and math in use (Aggro on a percentage scale, duration in seconds) and from that the method is derived.
What you're suggesting would be a complete re-work of Aggro and how it's handled, essentially creating a pseudo "AmbushAggro" variable which can be negated through aggressive action.
I don't believe you know enough about the way this specific game works behind the scenes to say that changing MOB behavior would require "a complete re-work of Aggro and how it's handled."
The game does in fact change its aggro AI on ambushes based on an event that happens in the game.
If a player dies while being ambushed (with method 1 outlined by you above) the MOB instantly reverts to normal aggro behavior.
My suggestion is that a similar "switch" be flipped based on other events that happen.
In addition, the developers have proven that they can change MOB behavior without a complete re-work of aggro. Things such as the fear changes in issue 3 and changes to a MOB's reaction to burn multiple times have proven this.
As an alternate suggestion, it would be nice to be able to turn off ambushes (at least the method 1 kind) at the fateweaver/Hero Corps Field Analyst. -
Quote:For you to imply I'm not making a suggestion because what I am suggesting is "impossible" seems like a rather limiting view of what can be accomplished the developers of this fine game.I understand you were referring to the first of the two methods. I'm pointing out that there is no way to make it work otherwise...
...So unless you can offer a third method of controlling Ambushes your post devolves into "I don't like this, change it" which is not a Suggestion
Granted, I don't have access to the code and this generates two "problems" with making suggestions about changing said code.
1) I will not be able to make a suggestion as specific as you seem to feel I should.
2) Any specific suggestion I make may be impractical because of the way in which things are coded.
So, assuming that you are 100% correct in your assessment of how the ambush AI currently works, are you saying there is a magnitude of aggro placed on the player or a timer or both?
And if it is either or both, why would it be impossible to have a logical statement in the code that goes something like:
Code:If(not attacked && not taunted) then Aggro magnitude on player = 1000 for 1000 minutes else revert to normal aggro rules end if
Quote:I was paraphrasing your post. Which boiled down to an appeal to ridicule. The logical fallacy that people on the other side of the argument are ridiculous because they're on the other side of the argument.
I simply stated that there will be people who disagree with me, they will be quite passionate about it, and that no matter how much they like the current system, I do not. You could say that stating my opinion in a forum designated for suggestions is inappropriate, which is fine if you feel that way. I felt the liberty to state my opinion along with my suggestion.
Just to be clear, the rules of the suggestion forum do not state how specific a suggestion has to be. Simply suggesting that something be looked at is by definition, a suggestion. I appreciate you trying to police me on what makes a valid suggestion, but I am fine without your help.
As a small aside, I find it ironic that you felt the need to warn me that my post will insight flames when you seem to be the only person to take issue with it. -
Quote:Oh, I haven't tried that. In fact I don't think I've earned that with any character yet. Thank you for the suggestion.MM, eh? Suggestion: try using Beguile (Temp power from Pocket D and Tailor day jobs) and see how well that works in that situation.
http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Day_Job_Badges -
Quote:LOL I re-read my post and do not I see where I called anyone a derogatory name, not even something as benign as a tool. I was really just trying to be funny; kinda tongue-in-cheek because I know that there are going to be people who disagree with me. And I'm okay with that. In fact, if you could tell me why I'm wrong in not liking the current AI for ambushes I might change my opinion of it.Posting "Hey! Change This! And anyone who disagrees with me is a tool who adores the current method and wants to perform sick unlawful carnal acts with it!" is just going to get you flamed.
I also refrained from the use of exclamation points in my post, and I don't really appreciate you suggesting that I meant to use them
Quote:There are currently two ways to work an ambush.
Method 1: Place a long-lasting and large aggro bonus toward a target so that NPCs will path across the map to attack that target, ambushing them no matter where they are. This causes the Stalker-Hide uselessness problem, Defenders who can't drop aggro even with the tank taunting, and Masterminds getting slammed while their minions flail at the passing ambushers.
Method 2: Declare a specific location on the map for the ambush to rush toward. In which case they will not aggro on any target along the path they take unless attacked or taunted, and may not run into the target at their destination if the ambush-victim leaves the area of the ambush location.
By all means! Suggest an alternative method of creating an Ambush AI. A different method of designation for targets of any sort.
I also thought it was clear that my suggestion was specifically about changing the way the aggro of ambushes in method 1 work. I didn't mean to imply that I just want it randomly changed to something else.
My specific suggestion is that the mission holder start with a large aggro bonus that can be broken if the MOBs are aggroed in any standard way that MOBs are aggroed (i.e. taunts, damage, distracting them with a shiny object, etc.). -
I would like to suggest that ambush AI be retooled a bit.
It's a serious immersion killer when an ambush pops up and relentlessly attacks a character despite the fact that all of that character's henchmen have done a significant amount of damage to the ambush.
I love challenging things in this game, but the fact that m.o.b.'s won't lose agro on the mission holder reminds me of old school fighting game AI.
Remember when you would set the difficulty higher, it was like the computer would just use your inputs to know exactly when to block and when to attack. In other words, cheap tactics to give the illusion of difficulty.
I know a lot of people want to marry the current ambush AI and have little ambush babies, but I don't like it.
Thanks for listening. -
I like to use these to quiet my howling horned ones
petsayall <em praetoriansalute>
petsayall <em crossarms>
petsayall <em wings>
petsayall <em eat>
petsayall <em cardtrick>*
That last one is not a persistent emote, but it does leave them in a nice neutral stance when they're done.
*Requires Magic Booster Pack -
Thanks for the replies. I was afraid of that.
So, in y'all's opinions, should I bug report this when I run into it? -
Quote:I don't know if I'm on my manperiod or what but this post got me a little misty-eyed.Welcome !!!
I have been playing CoH/CoV for very six years now. I never played WoW. I was never interested in being an elf or dwarf or magic user. I bought a new PC and was looking for a game to play on it and stumbled onto City of Heroes. What caught my attention was that I could make my own superhero. i played a lot of Champions, Marvel. DC and Villians and Vigilantes so this seemed right up my alley.
I had never heard of an MMO I had no idea what it was....
I remember logging in and taking hours working on a costume, powers, background etc etc..
Logged in at level 1 and did the tutorial and was running around Atlas park.. i got in a little over my head fighting level 5's and this level 11 AR blaster ran up and helped me out..
I was then I found out the BEST thing about City of Heroes.. the community...
I have people here that I have NEVER met in person and consider them dear friends. We have shared lives.. been through marriages. divorces. the birth of children. Laughed till we couldnt breathe..
We share things together that mean NOTHING to anyone else..
The Stamina song.. means NOTHING to anyone else but us..
Its Raining Numbers.. means NOTHING to anyone else but us..
Say Tentacles and we will break up in laughter....
its the COMMUMITY that makes this game as great as it is and keep us coming back year after year..
I have to agree, this is the best community I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. -
It seems that a lot of times I get a "Clue Found" message when I complete a tip mission. However, when I open my clue window I have none. I think what is happening is that since the mission is over, the clues for that mission are all cleared out at the same time.
As someone who likes to read clues this is a little frustrating. Am I missing something? Is there a way to read this end of mission clue, or is it the same as the little popup dialog that appears upon mission exit of a tip mission? -
Quote:I thought there was something that prevented henchmen from blocking players now. I've never had a problem running right through any henchmen, either my own or some one else's.-Demons are big. Really big. So a lot of teams may not invite me because my demons will block them. I totally understand. If I was not a DSer I would probably hesitate to invite me, too. I so very wish they were, at most, just slightly larger than the standard player model. This teaming aspect is compounded by the above issue.
Quote:-They are demons. I have a slight moral confusion on this one. Considering the powers, elementals or somesuch would have been just as good. Why include a powerset with demons in it in a game where you get bleeped for saying God in chat?
but I know what you mean. I love demons too and they are a lot of fun to play. They seem to tear through bosses much faster than my robots. I guess robots are a little better in the AoE department though right? -
Quote:Answer: VātsyāyanaAnd the one question that never seems to get asked, rhetorically or not: Who wrote the book of love?
Quote:Have you never heard of The Invisible Hand?I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation. For example, one recipe sells for 50 mil while the crafted IO sells for 80 mil. There is no reason other than greed for a 30 mil crafting charge. I may have to do it anyways...
If people are willing to pay 30million inf for someone else to craft something then it is worth 30million inf to them. -
Quote:Oh, I thought of another npc that behaves like I want my robots to behave: Fallen Gunners/Buckshot from the Hellions. They seem to be perfectly happy staying at range unless LoS is broken.If memory serves, Snipers are perma-immobilised (try throwing a Power Analyzer on them) which physically prevents them from moving on their own - it's not that they've actually been given any special AI in particular over other ranged critters.
I made a suggestion that this might be a good idea to propagate this type of immobilisation to the Mastermind "STAY" pet command a few threads down from this one.
Sadly given the relative general lack of Dev contact lately it's rather unlikely that any of these threads'll get a look in... even without taking into account that the MM board in particular never really has been a hive of redname activity. I suspect it's still all-systems-go for Closed Beta, which is rather sad, because it seems we're going from beta to beta these days without seeing any of the normal daily chatting-and-updates that the Devs here've been so good with in the past... -
I got it to work just like you described.
this is exactly what I typed in the chat window:
Code:/macro test "petsay_all <em powerdown>$$petcomall stay$$say Stay put"
It seems to me the game engine would allow AI that prefers melee and AI that prefers ranged.
Don't we have different enemies that exhibit preferences for each?