Hello all Brand New player here
You've struck Casual MMO paydirt here!
A huge difference in CoX vs WoW is that over here it's all about the journey to 50. Instead of the mad dash to the cap. Take you time, enjoy the sights, roll up some alts! Not much action PvP wise though. Be on the lookout for Incarnate information, as this is the new endgame coming with the next free issue.
Paragonwiki.com will be your friend in times of need.
Cohplanner.com will be your guide once your learning curve is over.
Not only do we have a very solo/casual friendly game, we also have the absolute best community of any MMO around!
Happy Hunting Hero!
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Welcome to the game! Glad to hear you have a favorable first impression. I am have been playing since the fall of 2004, and other than Civilization, it is the only game that I have any interest in playing.
An answer to your questions, I personally haven't gotten into the PvP aspects of the game, either in the 1-50 game or the endgame. Some have, but I would not say it is the focus of the game. It is probably one of the more contentious aspects of debate about the game's effectiveness.
With the addition of IO's, alignment switching, the upcoming incarnate issue, the endgame content has never been richer. I would echo Maestro's point that it is the 1-50 game that shines. For me, that is because there is too much content to experience with one character, and even the content you have already played can be viewed freshly by playing it on a different toon. There are so many different archetypes with different primaries and secondaries, that it is hard sometimes to not succumb to alt-itis and play the same material over again with a different primary/secondary. In fact, it took me two years to get to 50 for the first time, because I was enjoying starting new characters so much.
Also, good call Maestro on ParagonWiki. I would also suggest the Guide to Guides thread in the Player Guides section of the forum: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=122411 . It has great information for getting to know the game better.
One last thing--don't judge the number of active players based on your experiences on Champion. There are some servers with larger or smaller player bases (Freedom and Virtue frequently having the most people playing). This in know way is necessarily a reflection on player quality, but you may find fewer people on Champion. It is my understanding (and please someone correct me if I am wrong), but the servers are always displayed in your selection screen with your last visited server first, and then the rest of the servers in ascending order of population (meaning that the largest populated server is at the bottom of the list).
Have a great time!
Some Established Villains:
Father McKenzie - Fire/Dark, Voltage Adapter - Elec/Nin
Some Established Heroes:
Sous Chef - DB/WP, Frost Advisory - Ice/Kin, Papa Xmas - Ice/FF, Bubbe - Sonic/Kin, Redeker Plan - Arch/Dev, Dr. Duplicitous - Ill/Kin
It is my understanding (and please someone correct me if I am wrong), but the servers are always displayed in your selection screen with your last visited server first, and then the rest of the servers in ascending order of population (meaning that the largest populated server is at the bottom of the list).
Have a great time! |
And welcome to the game! Hope you're enjoying yourself, and trust me, there's PLENTY to do here. Folks have already pointed out some of the more helpful sites, and you can also find a lot of stuff here on the forums themselves, from suggestions about builds to how to configure sound/video cards.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Welcome !!!
I have been playing CoH/CoV for very six years now. I never played WoW. I was never interested in being an elf or dwarf or magic user. I bought a new PC and was looking for a game to play on it and stumbled onto City of Heroes. What caught my attention was that I could make my own superhero. i played a lot of Champions, Marvel. DC and Villians and Vigilantes so this seemed right up my alley.
I had never heard of an MMO I had no idea what it was....
I remember logging in and taking hours working on a costume, powers, background etc etc..
Logged in at level 1 and did the tutorial and was running around Atlas park.. i got in a little over my head fighting level 5's and this level 11 AR blaster ran up and helped me out..
I was then I found out the BEST thing about City of Heroes.. the community...
I have people here that I have NEVER met in person and consider them dear friends. We have shared lives.. been through marriages. divorces. the birth of children. Laughed till we couldnt breathe..
We share things together that mean NOTHING to anyone else..
The Stamina song.. means NOTHING to anyone else but us..
Its Raining Numbers.. means NOTHING to anyone else but us..
Say Tentacles and we will break up in laughter....
its the COMMUMITY that makes this game as great as it is and keep us coming back year after year..
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Is this a game that will keep me entertained if I decided to play it casually? That is the main thing that I am looking for in the next MMO that I decided to play. How is the lv 50 PVE / PVP content? What is the bigger focus that lv 50 guilds are working on PVE or PVP based? Thanks for any answers or suggestions in advanced. BTW my server is ChampionsBluemyth
Should've known I'd get scooped by others trying to answer first

Let me be the first (hopefully, some folks here are pretty quick on the reply button) to welcome you to the game; don't be afraid to ask questions about anything you're unsure about... most of us don't bite. Since you're currently on the trial you'll be limited in what you can do, unfortunately that's a legacy of the Gold sellers using free trial accounts for nefarious purposes.
Obviously there's something right about this game since so many of us have been here for 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 6 years now and we're still going strong. A large part of that is the community, we tend to be a more mature, tolerant and friendly group than many other games.
Now in answer to your questions, probably the majority of us are what you'd describe as casual players; we have jobs and lives outside the game. As a general rule we don't get hung up on details. I've been playing over 5 years now, mostly casually and I'm still having fun.
This is NOT a game based around rushing to 50 before the real game starts... outside of a couple of high end Task Forces and Raids there's not much to do at 50 that you can't also do at lower levels. For the most part the game is what happens from level 1-50, not what happens once you're already 50. Most of us have multiple characters of many different AT's (what you'd think of as Classes) that we play, and the game plays very differently for a Scrapper than it does for a Controller.
This is, first and most assuredly foremost a PvE game. While PvP does exist it's confined to the Arena and a few dedicated zones. Very little of the playerbase has any interest in PvP at all. Since I'm one of those players who doesn't care about PvP I really can't go into the finer points but from listening to the few who do play it they aren't happy with the current implementation. Back before the last series of PvP mechanic changes I'd heard that PvP'ers accounted for less than 5% of the playerbase and many of them left when the rules were changed a couple years ago. Now you'll find a few dedicated PvP players on Freedom and not much anywhere else.
My advice to you is to go ahead and try several different types of characters to see what you enjoy. For a good "learning" character to start out I'd suggest a Scrapper of some variety with a Resistance secondary; they'll offer good damage output and enough survivability to be forgiving of beginner mistakes. Once you've gotten the basics down try anything that looks interesting until you find a character who really clicks with you.
One thing to be aware of, this isn't a game where the "holy trinity" of tank, DPS and healer applies; in fact the word "healer" in reference to a Defender is something of a curse word here. Our buffs and debuffs are extremely powerful and much more valuable than simple healing, at least once you level past the mid-teens. Team composition is very open and no particular AT is ever "required". Even the Statesman's Task Force, one of the toughest 45-50 Task Forces in the game doesn't need a particular composition or AT to succeed. The fastest times have actually been turned in by a team of 8 Controllers.
All AT's can contribute to any task in the game and none are irreplaceable. A team of 8 Scrappers? By all means, it'll destroy anything it comes across. 8 Blasters? Things tend to die too fast to kill the team. 8 Defenders? Katie bar the door things will go fast with stacking buffs to make the team godly and debuffs to turn the mobs into kittens. Our "support" characters are powerful in their own right; put a group of them together and they become downright broken... in a VERY good way

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Well I really like the sound of that MaestroMavius. You have defiantly provided me with enough information for me to give this game a real shot. I have always been the type of gamer that grinds as fast and as hard as I possibly can to make it to the highest lv but I plan on changing my gaming style to slow and steady. The main reason that I am making this change is because I am tired of making it to the lv cap of a game and having nothing to do once I make it there. Also I am tired of games that act as a 2nd job due to spending as much time on it as I do at my current job.
I really feel that I have missed out on so much due to the first playing style with all of the other MMOs that I have played and am kind of happy at the moment because I have gotten that phase hopefully out of me for good. I am pretty sure but there is always a chance that shows its ugly head out of nowhere. Thanks for the quick response and great links Maestro. Looking forward to my new adventure and more good people that I am bound to meet like you.
Welcome to CoX, BlueMyth.
I started playing 3 years ago, and will likely still be playing when they turn off the lights and pry the servers from my cold, dead hands.
Feel free to ask questions, the forums are generally a friendly and helpful lot. Another option is to click on the Mentor Project in my sig. You will find players that have knowledge of the game and have volunteered to share it with new players, either in-game or here in the forums.
What I like about your post id that it's fresh and new. It really gives us the perspective of someone that has never played CoX before.
I will reiterate what others have said City of... is not about the destination, it's about the journey. Much of the content is not about the end-game. Matter of fact they more than doubled the 1-20 level content with Praetoria. I know that most of my friends (and myself included) have turned off their XP gain just to spend more time in Praetoria and experience the content.
The stories are engaging and really speak to the RP aspect of CoX and it's RP community, but outside of that, I find them to be really fun as well. Though Praetoria often gets called "City of Ambushes", just remember, there is no dishonour in running away to fight another day, well, as long as you're not abandoning teammates.
Edit: Someone mentioned about server population, keep in mind that much of the content in the game is instanced, so it may seem as if there are not a lot of people on because they will be in a mission map as opposed to out in the open world.
Head down to the Champion server and introduce yourself. Also, you will want to mention in your team search that you are on a trial account. Click on Team at the top of your chat window, and type you comment into the text box above that something like "Temp account, please send invite." or something to that effect if you are looking for a team. Most players will realized that you cannot respond to tells.
Welcome !!!
I have been playing CoH/CoV for very six years now. I never played WoW. I was never interested in being an elf or dwarf or magic user. I bought a new PC and was looking for a game to play on it and stumbled onto City of Heroes. What caught my attention was that I could make my own superhero. i played a lot of Champions, Marvel. DC and Villians and Vigilantes so this seemed right up my alley. I had never heard of an MMO I had no idea what it was.... I remember logging in and taking hours working on a costume, powers, background etc etc.. Logged in at level 1 and did the tutorial and was running around Atlas park.. i got in a little over my head fighting level 5's and this level 11 AR blaster ran up and helped me out.. I was then I found out the BEST thing about City of Heroes.. the community... I have people here that I have NEVER met in person and consider them dear friends. We have shared lives.. been through marriages. divorces. the birth of children. Laughed till we couldnt breathe.. We share things together that mean NOTHING to anyone else.. The Stamina song.. means NOTHING to anyone else but us.. Its Raining Numbers.. means NOTHING to anyone else but us.. Say Tentacles and we will break up in laughter.... its the COMMUMITY that makes this game as great as it is and keep us coming back year after year.. |
I have to agree, this is the best community I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of.
One things I will tell you that you should do, definitely find out what are the better global channels on your server. This is where a lot of the event coordination takes place and a lot of the Task Forces, Raid and teaming happens over these servers.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Wow was not expecting this many replies this quickly but hey thanks all. A lot of great advice I have received thus far and I am sure a lot more to come. Red Valkyria about the mentor program that you mentioned I am defiantly looking forward to joining that and learning the ropes from the Vets not too fast although. Another thing I am looking for the best server with the largest friendliest community that I can find. If anyone has any suggestions I am defiantly down to hear as at this point I know no one in the game but am a good listener and love to learn from anyone who loves to teach a nub like myself . Hopefully I will get a chance once I am seasoned enough to pass on my knowledge to any new player that would like to learn. Thanks again to everyone how pitched in with responses.
Wow was not expecting this many replies this quickly but hey thanks all. A lot of great advice I have received thus far and I am sure a lot more to come. Red Valkyria about the mentor program that you mentioned I am defiantly looking forward to joining that and learning the ropes from the Vets not too fast although. Another thing I am looking for the best server with the largest friendliest community that I can find. If anyone has any suggestions I am defiantly down to hear as at this point I know no one in the game but am a good listener and love to learn from anyone who loves to teach a nub like myself
![]() BlueMyth |
As mentioned before Freedom* and Virtue have the highest population, that is not necessarily the "best" for everyone.
My home server is Protector which tends to be on the smaller end of the population scale, we just make up for it in quality. That most of us are crazy goes without mention
Justice is like a big sister to Protector, and I often swap over to Justice later in the evening. The community seems very similar to me and there are a lot of great people on both.
My opinion is to roll up characters on every server, introduce yourself to their respective forums, and get a feel for their communities.
*You will often hear of Freedom referred to as Freedumb and it has earned that name to some extent. I've run across a lot of good people over there, but more often than not I'll end up on at least one PuG (Pick-up Group,) in which some jacktard requires petitioning. It has pretty much turned me off of playing on Freedom.
Hi BlueMyth, welcome to the game.
In terms of servers, larger population isn't always better, but it can be depending on what you're looking for. Virtue and Freedom are our two highest population servers. Virtue is known as the Roleplaying server and has a very welcoming community in that regard. Freedom is the server a lot of the old hands from the original beta test went to when the game launched and also has a large population of PvPers.
I play exclusively on Champion, which is known as either the Community Server or the Drama Server, depending on who you ask. Both titles are pretty apt though. We've got some great players who put together various events, but as with any close-knit community some headbutting goes on from time to time.
There are other servers but I don't know enough about them to offer a good opinion.
Anywho, server choice isn't a permanent thing. Every now and then the developers allow free server transfers for a weekend, so if you find your server of choice to be a den of conniving backstabbers or egotistical blowhards, feel free to seek greener pastures. One of the strengths of City of Heroes is the variety of ways you can play the game.
The best advice I can give is to keep your ears open, never be afraid to try something new, and above all else have fun.
Also on Steam
Welcome to this wonderful MMO, BlueMyth! I have been playing since the game hit the shelves in 2004...I have never been bored, never lost the 'fun' playing it. I have made friends here that will be a part of my life forever. (I tried WoW, but it was too much of a grind and was more like work then fun so I never went back.)
You will find the biggest percentage of people here are helpful and friendly! There is SO much content to be enjoyed...in six years I still haven't done it all, and I have a few 50s. (Getting to 50 is a lot of fun...enjoy, and don't cut corners.) I still play my 50s often, and love to team with lower level friends, so 50 is not the end of the trail. The devs are always adding new things, and I so look forward to seeing what is over the horizon. I only hope you enjoy this great game half as much as I have! Once again, welcome!

BlueMyth. Don't worry about what is the friendliest server. Compared to WoW all of them are friendly. Most servers have at least a few of those obnoxious "Lrn 2 pla noob!" types but there are almost always incredibly helpful types as well. My preferred server is Virtue.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Welcome BlueMyth.
What other game added a feature to allow a player to stop earning XP because playing outweighed leveling? Have a major feature that allows players to do stories they might have skipped, leveled past or simply do them again because they enjoyed them? Have a teaming system that scales, allowing any mix of levels on a single team? Allows players to establish their character's "look" from level 1 and separate ability from appearance? Allows the player to adjust the difficulty of the enemies they encounter in a mission to be as easier or ridiculously challenging?
And while this game is casual those who enjoy tweaking their stats to the extreme are equally welcomed. Turn your character into a tiny god with careful use of crafted enhancements. Earn hundreds of millions by learning and understanding the market and crafting system.
It's not just super heroes. Want to be a John Woo action character, a time displaced medieval Knight, a creature that is thought of as merely myth, it's all available here. No need to be stuck in one MMO genre.
As it has been said before, Paragon Wiki is your friend. It's the accumulated knowledge derived from years of playing, edited by some of the more helpful folks you find in these forums.
Again welcome, I hope you decide to say with us for a while.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
CoH is casual player nirvana.
Welcome aboard!
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
What other game added a feature to allow a player to stop earning XP because playing outweighed leveling? Have a major feature that allows players to do stories they might have skipped, leveled past or simply do them again because they enjoyed them? Have a teaming system that scales, allowing any mix of levels on a single team? Allows players to establish their character's "look" from level 1 and separate ability from appearance? Allows the player to adjust the difficulty of the enemies they encounter in a mission to be as easier or ridiculously challenging?
And while this game is casual those who enjoy tweaking their stats to the extreme are equally welcomed. Turn your character into a tiny god with careful use of crafted enhancements. Earn hundreds of millions by learning and understanding the market and crafting system.
It's not just super heroes. Want to be a John Woo action character, a time displaced medieval Knight, a creature that is thought of as merely myth, it's all available here. No need to be stuck in one MMO genre.
As it has been said before, Paragon Wiki is your friend. It's the accumulated knowledge derived from years of playing, edited by some of the more helpful folks you find in these forums.
Again welcome, I hope you decide to say with us for a while.
I am going to be checking out all of the servers like a couple of you guys have mentioned already. Till I find the one that suits me the best. I am also going to be subscribing once I get home today and am very excited to find a new home. You guys have all defiantly showed me the light at the end of the Tunnel. I was planning on playing an MMO till SWTOR comes out but I believe I have a new plan now and that is to discover all that I can with this game until I get bored which I can tell you right now is a long ways from happening.
I am really excited to hear that there is not that much PVP in this game because I am not a PVPer I would always get pwned whenever I tried to do it on wow. And PVE is defiantly my cup of tea if I had to chose one but that is not what I am looking forward to the most. I am really looking forward to the Journey that I am about to embark on. It is going to be one hell of a ride with some down sides but I will tell you the upsides will defiantly out weight the downs and I am sure that I will not fail or that this game will not fail me.
Anyways I thought of another question. I am all about PVE servers and never been on a RP server and would not like to explore that type of game play. I myself have nothing against RP servers just not my type. Wondering if someone could tell me the different RP servers so I can avoid them or are they listed in one of the websites that some of you guys pointed out to me. Thanks again for all the help.
Hey BlueMyth, welcome to the game. You can also leverage slotting (as was already mentioned) and game mechanics to do some crazy things. The aggro cap is set at 17 and most target caps for attacks are set to 16 because otherwise players used to herd up and wipe out entire maps in one go.
One of my favorite things is that no AT is needed to team or solo with the exception of a few encounters, and even that is pretty flexible. When it comes to powergaming/leveraging game mechanics buff/debuff focused ATs are some of the most powerful. Also the squishiest, but that can be overcome with strategy and builds.
Offhand i don't know of any other MMO where you can take a halfway competent group playing any mix of character types and tackle any Task Force/Strike Force/Trial (which are the game's equivalent of WoW's dungeons) at the standard difficulty. TF/SF/Trials are also some of the only minimum level-gated content.
Also, once you join a few channels and make a few friends it's generally pretty easy to find teams, and with global chat and friends lists you can keep track of what's going on while playing any character on any server. So feel free to make alts on any server that catches your eye.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Welcome, BlueMyth!
Let me confirm that this game is great for the casual player. I consider myself a casual player, as well.
You made a great choice by picking Champion! It has a medium-sized playerbase, but let me assure you: the most skilled players I have teamed with in the past two years have been Champs. While we're home to some pretty fantastic drama, the "Community Server" label is also quite accurate. I have not really made any in-game friends, and I am not terribly well-known, but the vast majority of players have all been really friendly to me, and I suspect you'll find the same.
There are a couple of large channels you may want to join to find teams, chat, or get assistance.
BMT of Champion (Badges, Monsters and Task Forces) is a great way to find teams or become involved in events. A word of advice, though... off-topic chat is discouraged, and farming discussion is prohibited. The channel serves its purpose quite well. Send a tell to @Cobalt Azurean, @Force, @ReDorothy or @iltat for an invite. (I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones I remember).
Another is Champions United. This one is a bit more loose with its rules. General chatter is okay, and it's another resource to find teams. I don't remember if it's invite-only.. but I think it's moderated by @Viking Queen, @Elf_Stalker, and a few others (sorry, Bud... I don't remember your uses of V's and X's and such)
Feel free to send me a tell or in-game email, and I'll be happy to help you when I can. @Bramphousian.

Thank you, Champion.
Anyways I thought of another question. I am all about PVE servers and never been on a RP server and would not like to explore that type of game play. I myself have nothing against RP servers just not my type. Wondering if someone could tell me the different RP servers so I can avoid them or are they listed in one of the websites that some of you guys pointed out to me. Thanks again for all the help.
BlueMyth |

Serious RP usually requires looking for teams and groups. More casual RP mostly happens at a few locations.
Otherwise it's not that different from playing on any other server.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Greetings and welcome. I've been playing for 9 months. This is my first and only MMO and I've found it easy to get into, but with loads of depth I haven't even begun to dig into. I still have only done a fraction of the mission content available after all that time.
Once you have a full account, consider joining the N P C channel. I think you've already heard of it, but that's the Mentor Project channel where you can ask any and all questions.
And if you ever make a toon on Freedom, send me a PM and I'll give you a few million inf to get you started.
I think you'll probably be happy with most of the servers, Freedom is the only place I've encountered jerks in any meaningful quantity. Yes, there's jerks everywhere but they're vanishingly rare at least on Guardian, and I haven't seen more than one or two on Pinnacle either. On Freedom it was a daily occurrence running into a jerk. They ARE vastly outnumbered by good players but there's so many players on Freedom that you're bound to run into more jerks. It's also where most of the PvP'ers moved to.
I do have to admit that I spend the majority of my time on Guardian and also play occasionally on Pinnacle and Infinity (red side only on Infinity); I've rolled characters on Freedom a few times but the greater number of jerks cause me to abandon characters by the time they reach the 20's. Unfortunately with the largest population comes the largest number of jerks. Smaller servers tend to be more tight knit and the occasional idiot who surfaces usually finds it difficult to find people willing to play with them and move to larger servers so they're more anonymous.
I'd imagine that outside of Freedom and to some extent Virtue (by hearsay anyway, I've only played with my SG's expansion team there) any server you choose will have vastly more great people than idiots. It's kind of like the difference between a big city and a small town, people are nicer as a general rule in a small town. While I don't have any real experience with Champion I imagine you'll probably enjoy the community there. On Guardian we're a bit crazy on occasion and we have Bacon! We used to have Cookies but Ulli ate them all.
You're also joining at a great time, the player population is much higher now than I've seen in the last couple of years. I've seen more new players on Guardian in the last month than I'd seen in the previous year... this is a very good thing. To all the vets, when was the last time we consistently had all the servers at medium or greater load other than a double XP weekend? I can't remember that happening since way back in 2007.... and they've been this way since Going Rogue launched.
Most of us old time vets are more than willing to take a newbie under our wing and show them the ropes. After all, EVERYONE was a newbie at one time... we have a lot of patience with anyone who's willing to learn.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Welcome to the game bluemyth... I am one of the vet players on champion and if you ever need help/advice, my global is @stonejaguar
If you decide to stick with champion as your server, i would suggest joining a couple global channels for team invites and other activities. champions united is a public channel you could join. just type: /chanjoin champions united
The players on champion for the most part are really great players. with a few jerks added in for a bit of drama but the core players on champion are really good. If you are going for a pure casual experience, then server population size shouldn't really be an issue. Champion like several of the other servers has a population that fluxes based on the day and time of day.
I am an altoholic and am willing to roll up a newb toon to join in any low lv teaming.
Good Morning all I just wanted to stop by and say that I just started my 7
with him and send
day trial yesterday and possible thinking about subscribing to the game.
Let me give you a little background and my first impressions of the game
for about the 1 and ½ hours I was online. I have played WOW for about 3
and ½ years off and on and finally decided to quit for good a couple of
days ago. I have played other MMO’s such as FFXI, GW, LOTR, and EVE
but none of those games gave me as much fun as WOW has provided me
with. Now I am either thinking of giving COH / COV a chance or FFXIV /
Fallen Earth a try. Just need to figure out what game I will have the most
fun with.
Now for my impression of the game so far. I really like the new
fresh feel of the game compared to WOW. I really liked the Character
creation in COH compared to WOW that was probable the biggest
improvement that I noticed so far. Oh yeah and the Dancing / playing
music on the boom box was a nice touch as well. It was not too hard to
get used to the controls compared to WOW controls so that was nice. I
like the comic strip bubbles that pop up whenever you chat with someone
in say chat or when an NPC talks to you. I thought that the tutorial was a
good intro for any new player to the game. Making my way to completing
the first mission I run into an android that I forget what his name is but I
had 2 options. One of the options is to turn him in and the other is to
keep him safe even though he is a part of the Resistance. He did offer me
some good buffs but on my current character a Blaster named Bluemyth
who is a part of the Hero’s I decided to play trickies
him to the wolves. I really enjoyed that the decision that I made and
many more decisions that I make will play a part in the way the story
plays out. So to end this somewhat of a long post I defeated the boss to
move to a new area and made lv 2. That is when I decided to go to bed
because I had to work in the morning.
Is this a game that will keep me entertained if I decided to play it casually? That is the main thing that I am looking for in the next MMO that I decided to play. How is the lv 50 PVE / PVP content? What is the bigger focus that lv 50 guilds are working on PVE or PVP based? Thanks for any answers or suggestions in advanced. BTW my server is Champions