8 -
Alright well what I have to say is that I am thrilled to get so much feedback. It seem like whenever I post something in the forums I get a response really fast and they don't stop coming. I really enjoy all of your comments and all of the new stuff that is being brought up. What my plan is to keep the game in Window mode go to COH forums and add everyone on in this topic to my friends lists. Which brings up another question. Can I only add people to my friends list who are on my same server or on any server and also is it the best way to keep in touch with everyone through friends list or is there a better way?
Another thing that I was thinking was is there any add ons for COH like through curse.com or anything like that? I really don't have any probs with the normal UI but I really like to customize whenever I have the chance too and if it makes the game more playable friendly then I am defiantly down for that. I am pretty sure that I can find most if not all of the answers to my questions in some of the websites you all have suggested but I kind of like getting perspectives from anyone who will give it and some of the questions have multiple answers where one answer may not be the best for me. I am going to make sure that I go and check out the sites though next time I get a chance.
Well I am about to go shopping for some food right now and will be back later. I defiantly plan on playing for a couple of hours tonight. I will talk to you all later and might see some of you in the COH / COV. Take care all
Bluemyth -
Quote:Haha I will deff make my next alt on Virtue. I also did buy the game 2 days ago and have a full account nowAlso, simply holding down your middle mouse button and moving the mouse will pan the camera around you too - mouse wheel will zoom the camera in and out.
Of course, welcome to City of Heroes, the best MMO all around {then again, we're hardly unbiased}.
Since you're still on a trial account and can't use global channels, you might check out the in-game Help channel, which is basically a serverwide channel for players to answer other players' questions {or on semi-rare occasions, just chatter}. The tab for it should be in your main chat window by default, and you can talk in it using the /hc command.
PS: Come to Virtue! We have cookies. And catgirls. And the Cape Radio.so I will defiantly be around. To answer another question from The Grim Heaper you are absolutely correct my first character name is Bluemyth and my @global is @Bluemyth. Thanks for the clarification. I currently have just 2 characters at this time. One on Champion and one on Freedom.
I was just teaming up with Someone from the N P C chat. Can't remember the name but I had a blast and I can't believe that we where teaming up at lv 2 and made it all the way up to lv 5 really fast. Was not trying to go fast as I was reading all of the quests and exploring all of the areas with everyone in the party. We where able to get 2 others to join as well and just were running through quests left and right. It was one of many blasts that I am sure to have in this game. Anyways I am going to go to bed as I got off from work a couple hours ago and need sleep. I will talk to you all a little later.
Bluemyth -
Hello all again. Just wanted to give you all a quick update. BlueMyth is now up to lv 5 I believe and he is on the Champion server. I have had so much fun even though champion seems to be a little too quite for my taste. Might be the time of day I am playing. I have decided to create my first alt named Deaths Menace on the Freedom server. He is a Villain of course. I am going to be switching back and forth but prob focusing on Death a little more then Blue for the time being. Both Global's are @Bluemyth and @Deaths Menace. I hope to see some of you guys in game. Until next time.
Bluemyth -
Why Hello all again. Sorry for not replying for a long time. I just got done with giving all my WOW stuff to my cousin who plays and I also gave him my toons as well. Anyways now that I am done with that and finally uninstalled wow I feel like a free man and am ready to start my adventure. I am kind of wondering how I add different channels and how I find out what my Global is and I think it said that I could not Email until I was lv 10. I did go and buy the game and now have subscribed. So I should be good to go and be able to be reached in game. I will try my best to figure out how to add channels and hopefully will see some of you guys in the game. I will prob create a couple more alts on different servers once I get used to the game and gain a couple more levels on Blue.
BlueMyth -
What other game added a feature to allow a player to stop earning XP because playing outweighed leveling? Have a major feature that allows players to do stories they might have skipped, leveled past or simply do them again because they enjoyed them? Have a teaming system that scales, allowing any mix of levels on a single team? Allows players to establish their character's "look" from level 1 and separate ability from appearance? Allows the player to adjust the difficulty of the enemies they encounter in a mission to be as easier or ridiculously challenging?
And while this game is casual those who enjoy tweaking their stats to the extreme are equally welcomed. Turn your character into a tiny god with careful use of crafted enhancements. Earn hundreds of millions by learning and understanding the market and crafting system.
It's not just super heroes. Want to be a John Woo action character, a time displaced medieval Knight, a creature that is thought of as merely myth, it's all available here. No need to be stuck in one MMO genre.
As it has been said before, Paragon Wiki is your friend. It's the accumulated knowledge derived from years of playing, edited by some of the more helpful folks you find in these forums.
Again welcome, I hope you decide to say with us for a while.
I am going to be checking out all of the servers like a couple of you guys have mentioned already. Till I find the one that suits me the best. I am also going to be subscribing once I get home today and am very excited to find a new home. You guys have all defiantly showed me the light at the end of the Tunnel. I was planning on playing an MMO till SWTOR comes out but I believe I have a new plan now and that is to discover all that I can with this game until I get bored which I can tell you right now is a long ways from happening.
I am really excited to hear that there is not that much PVP in this game because I am not a PVPer I would always get pwned whenever I tried to do it on wow. And PVE is defiantly my cup of tea if I had to chose one but that is not what I am looking forward to the most. I am really looking forward to the Journey that I am about to embark on. It is going to be one hell of a ride with some down sides but I will tell you the upsides will defiantly out weight the downs and I am sure that I will not fail or that this game will not fail me.
Anyways I thought of another question. I am all about PVE servers and never been on a RP server and would not like to explore that type of game play. I myself have nothing against RP servers just not my type. Wondering if someone could tell me the different RP servers so I can avoid them or are they listed in one of the websites that some of you guys pointed out to me. Thanks again for all the help.
BlueMyth -
Wow was not expecting this many replies this quickly but hey thanks all. A lot of great advice I have received thus far and I am sure a lot more to come. Red Valkyria about the mentor program that you mentioned I am defiantly looking forward to joining that and learning the ropes from the Vets not too fast although. Another thing I am looking for the best server with the largest friendliest community that I can find. If anyone has any suggestions I am defiantly down to hear as at this point I know no one in the game but am a good listener and love to learn from anyone who loves to teach a nub like myself
. Hopefully I will get a chance once I am seasoned enough to pass on my knowledge to any new player that would like to learn. Thanks again to everyone how pitched in with responses.
BlueMyth -
Well I really like the sound of that MaestroMavius. You have defiantly provided me with enough information for me to give this game a real shot. I have always been the type of gamer that grinds as fast and as hard as I possibly can to make it to the highest lv but I plan on changing my gaming style to slow and steady. The main reason that I am making this change is because I am tired of making it to the lv cap of a game and having nothing to do once I make it there. Also I am tired of games that act as a 2nd job due to spending as much time on it as I do at my current job.
I really feel that I have missed out on so much due to the first playing style with all of the other MMOs that I have played and am kind of happy at the moment because I have gotten that phase hopefully out of me for good. I am pretty sure but there is always a chance that shows its ugly head out of nowhere. Thanks for the quick response and great links Maestro. Looking forward to my new adventure and more good people that I am bound to meet like you.
Bluemyth -
Good Morning all I just wanted to stop by and say that I just started my 7
day trial yesterday and possible thinking about subscribing to the game.
Let me give you a little background and my first impressions of the game
for about the 1 and ½ hours I was online. I have played WOW for about 3
and ½ years off and on and finally decided to quit for good a couple of
days ago. I have played other MMO’s such as FFXI, GW, LOTR, and EVE
but none of those games gave me as much fun as WOW has provided me
with. Now I am either thinking of giving COH / COV a chance or FFXIV /
Fallen Earth a try. Just need to figure out what game I will have the most
fun with.
Now for my impression of the game so far. I really like the new
fresh feel of the game compared to WOW. I really liked the Character
creation in COH compared to WOW that was probable the biggest
improvement that I noticed so far. Oh yeah and the Dancing / playing
music on the boom box was a nice touch as well. It was not too hard to
get used to the controls compared to WOW controls so that was nice. I
like the comic strip bubbles that pop up whenever you chat with someone
in say chat or when an NPC talks to you. I thought that the tutorial was a
good intro for any new player to the game. Making my way to completing
the first mission I run into an android that I forget what his name is but I
had 2 options. One of the options is to turn him in and the other is to
keep him safe even though he is a part of the Resistance. He did offer me
some good buffs but on my current character a Blaster named Bluemyth
who is a part of the Hero’s I decided to play trickieswith him and send
him to the wolves. I really enjoyed that the decision that I made and
many more decisions that I make will play a part in the way the story
plays out. So to end this somewhat of a long post I defeated the boss to
move to a new area and made lv 2. That is when I decided to go to bed
because I had to work in the morning.
Is this a game that will keep me entertained if I decided to play it casually? That is the main thing that I am looking for in the next MMO that I decided to play. How is the lv 50 PVE / PVP content? What is the bigger focus that lv 50 guilds are working on PVE or PVP based? Thanks for any answers or suggestions in advanced. BTW my server is Champions