INF Farming Questions
Your fastest option is simply to use the market... buy recipes that you can craft and sell for a profit or flip stuff (IE buy stuff cheap and sell high, lots of things tend to fluctuate pretty dramatically over a few hours).
For example, let's say you can buy a recipe for whatever for around a million and it'll cost, including salvage, 3 million to craft. Well, if the crafted IO sells for 10 million plus you've a moneymaker there. Just check what recipes are going for and what the crafted IO is going for. I'd suggest looking for something with a high turnover.
If you do want to farm you're right about a lack of AOE being problematic... set your difficulty to higher level mobs that you can still handle efficiently and leave your team size low. Don't forget that you'll probably make a lot more selling your drops on the market than from straight kills.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.

P.S. Game time != total time. Sometimes that 5-10 minutes of work has to sit and do it's magic.
Sorry if this topic is frequently brought up. Either I'm bad at searching, or the forums are so cluttered with key words that it is impossible to find a relevant topic without sifting through many irrelevant ones. Searching for words like "farm" or "tickets" gives me too many irrelevant results and I did not find what I was looking for.
You should be able to do each tip mission in 5-10 minutes once you get to know them. Do five a day in 30-60 minutes, and every other day you'll earn a Hero merit.
Perhaps the easiest thing to do is run tip missions at -1/x1 difficulty. Get a Hero Merit. Do the random roll. You'll get five rare recipes. Sell them on the market. Profit.
You should be able to do each tip mission in 5-10 minutes once you get to know them. Do five a day in 30-60 minutes, and every other day you'll earn a Hero merit. |
I've been doing this with my 50 BS/Shield and my 50 Ill/Rad. Right now I'm just buying the recipes, crafting and putting them into base storage for some rebuilds once issue 19 hits.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I already do tip missions for hero merits. I am looking for another way to make INF after my tips are done.
I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation. For example, one recipe sells for 50 mil while the crafted IO sells for 80 mil. There is no reason other than greed for a 30 mil crafting charge. I may have to do it anyways...
I already do tip missions for hero merits. I am looking for another way to make INF after my tips are done.
I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation. For example, one recipe sells for 50 mil while the crafted IO sells for 80 mil. There is no reason other than greed for a 30 mil crafting charge. I may have to do it anyways... |
Heck, I'm not quite in that area myself but frequently I'm perfectly willing to shell out a premium and avoid the hassle of crafting an IO. There's also occasions where I'm looking for something and the only one for sale is already crafted; unless it's a hugely expensive item I'm likely to just snatch it up and move on.
It's a convenience thing; if people weren't perfectly willing to pay the premium then things wouldn't sell for the amounts they do.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
A frugal player would have learned to buy the recipe and craft it themselves. If the recipe itself was expensive, I'm sure they would be more than willing to try to bid low and wait it out for a while. Or use one of the other methods the Devs implemented to enable them to attain the recipe without spending Inf, like Reward Merits, AE Tickets, and Hero/Villain Merits. Or, they can learn to work the Market too.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I already do tip missions for hero merits. I am looking for another way to make INF after my tips are done.
I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation. For example, one recipe sells for 50 mil while the crafted IO sells for 80 mil. There is no reason other than greed for a 30 mil crafting charge. I may have to do it anyways... |
Now, yeah, sometimes the *listed* price is pretty high, but for some items (those specific IOs) - you're going to get a good chunk of change, most times, even listing at 1 inf.
I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation. For example, one recipe sells for 50 mil while the crafted IO sells for 80 mil. There is no reason other than greed for a 30 mil crafting charge. I may have to do it anyways...
If people are willing to pay 30million inf for someone else to craft something then it is worth 30million inf to them.
I already do tip missions for hero merits. I am looking for another way to make INF after my tips are done.
If you have bad AoE damage then your best bet in AE is to create yourself an boss farm. What you want is a big outdoor map and set enemy group to none. Then pick one boss who is weak to Negative damage (hint, don't use Banished Pantheon or Circle of Thorns). Shivans and Devouring Earth take 20% bonus Neg damage, Redcaps 14%. Set the maximum number of mission goal "defeat boss" set the group to weak so it is just the boss and 1 minion. Set your difficulty to +2/x1. Only go higher if you kill at the exact same speed as you do on x2. If it takes you several more hits to kill the boss, you are not increasing your inf/hour even if your inf/kill is higher. Do NOT change the player number, any attacks on enemies weaker than bosses are hurting your influence per unit of time.
Suggestion 2:
Outside of AE, find an Oro Arc that you can run very fast (-1/x1, or 0x1) and collect merits. Convert to Hero Merits and sell those for profit.
Suggestion 3:
Last, make a better farming build on your second build screen. Say pick Fire for your APP. Shadow Maul, Fireball, and Shield Charge should work for you to earn inf pretty quick at +0/x6,7,8 depending on what your defenses can handle. Keep bosses off for this as with AoEs you'll earn more by killing many mobs.
So, with high ST damage, you want lots of bosses minimum minions and lieuts. If you can up your AoE rock the minions and lieuts and turn off bosses. Farm tickets or merits, or just get AoE and go to town on your favorite missions and hope for purples. Best part is with two builds you can do all three to keep from getting bored.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
The reason the crafted IO sells for 80 mill? There's a bid sitting there for 80 mill. I've sold IOs for 100+ mill... I list them at, say, 10k.
Now, yeah, sometimes the *listed* price is pretty high, but for some items (those specific IOs) - you're going to get a good chunk of change, most times, even listing at 1 inf. |
afk farm while you sleep, play the market when your playtime is slow.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
I already do tip missions for hero merits. I am looking for another way to make INF after my tips are done.
I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation. For example, one recipe sells for 50 mil while the crafted IO sells for 80 mil. There is no reason other than greed for a 30 mil crafting charge. I may have to do it anyways... |
The crafters really aren't charging a 30 million influece crafting fee either. Maybe 3 million. Once again people pay it. And pay well.
Don't ask me why they do it. They just do.
I think what causes the inflation is people earning lots of influence and then spending it foolishly. Repeatedly too I must say.
And sorry for the ThreadJack. Carry on.
Enjoy your day please.
I think what causes the inflation is people earning lots of influence and then spending it foolishly. Repeatedly too I must say.
A lot of people make extremely foolish decisions with their money, expecting people to be smart about spending make-believe money is just silly.
Oh, I continued the threadjack... oops. I think the question was pretty much answered anyway.
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
Suggestion 1:
If you have bad AoE damage then your best bet in AE is to create yourself an boss farm. What you want is a big outdoor map and set enemy group to none. Then pick one boss who is weak to Negative damage (hint, don't use Banished Pantheon or Circle of Thorns). Shivans and Devouring Earth take 20% bonus Neg damage, Redcaps 14%. Set the maximum number of mission goal "defeat boss" set the group to weak so it is just the boss and 1 minion. Set your difficulty to +2/x1. Only go higher if you kill at the exact same speed as you do on x2. If it takes you several more hits to kill the boss, you are not increasing your inf/hour even if your inf/kill is higher. Do NOT change the player number, any attacks on enemies weaker than bosses are hurting your influence per unit of time. Suggestion 2: Outside of AE, find an Oro Arc that you can run very fast (-1/x1, or 0x1) and collect merits. Convert to Hero Merits and sell those for profit. Suggestion 3: Last, make a better farming build on your second build screen. Say pick Fire for your APP. Shadow Maul, Fireball, and Shield Charge should work for you to earn inf pretty quick at +0/x6,7,8 depending on what your defenses can handle. Keep bosses off for this as with AoEs you'll earn more by killing many mobs. |
That suggestion was great and I now have a farming map I am satisfied with. I killed the bosses only (mission objectives only required bosses, not their minions) and got just shy of 1500 tickets on +1 x1. Took me about 15 minutes. I will probably increase the player count so I can do more damage from Soul Siphon and Against All Odds. My capped defenses and Siphon Life healing can handle it.
I am already doing suggestions 2 and sort of 3. My build is inexpensive, but made more for farming until I can afford the really expensive build I want. The merit conversion can only be done once per day, so farming hero merits isn't taking up much of my play time. For anyone with less time, I would definitely suggest farming hero/villain merits before looking to other methods of farming.
If this surprises you, you haven't been paying attention to the real economy. In real life, it's even worse. People get a little credit and decide they need a High Definition Television. And when they can't pay that back, they decide they need a new car/truck/suv (I really don't understand the "logic" of this, but I've seen it happen too often).
A lot of people make extremely foolish decisions with their money, expecting people to be smart about spending make-believe money is just silly. Oh, I continued the threadjack... oops. I think the question was pretty much answered anyway. |
On topic, if you want to kill stuff for money while playing melee rather than play the market, reroll a SS/Fire brute and make an AE farm with just fire damage.
If this surprises you, you haven't been paying attention to the real economy. In real life, it's even worse. People get a little credit and decide they need a High Definition Television. And when they can't pay that back, they decide they need a new car/truck/suv (I really don't understand the "logic" of this, but I've seen it happen too often).
A lot of people make extremely foolish decisions with their money, expecting people to be smart about spending make-believe money is just silly. Oh, I continued the threadjack... oops. I think the question was pretty much answered anyway. |
Almost but not quite. Which may sound a little crass and cruel but isn't really the intent.
While everyone was riding high on the economy buying their third vehicle and the biggest home the bank would allow them to have I maintained my happy little, non extravagent life style looking forward to and saving for the day that I too might be able to own a place of my own.
The market crashed, as it always does, and I walked over to the bank with my history of modest spending and decent credit (which really surprised me honestly) and applied to be pre-approved. I fully expected to be turned down but then at least I would know what steps I would need to take in the future to get me to where I wanted to be.
But I was approved and my kitty and I were able to find a place that was in a great location, 4 years old, and super pretty.
I guess the point of all of that was to live within your means and then you will be able to take advantage of the options that become available to you.
Enjoy your day please.
Continuing the threadjack: Congrats, banshee, on your new home!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
In case someone reads this in the future, don't set enemy groups to "None" as it will not allow you to play this mission that way. Set it to "Empty" to achieve the result intended by the quoted poster.
Glad it's working out for you!
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I am not a fan of flipping items or crafting and selling because it is causing unreasonable price inflation.
grind farm maps, it's about your speed.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
If you insist upon farming...
Although it's not even close to the efficiency as my elec/shield, I've found my dark/shield to be a fun change of pace for farming purposes.
Assuming you are softcapped to defense, Council Empire foes are perfect to farm for */shield toons. After a ranged volley or two they pack in tightly around you. Hit your build up, SC, and take out the stragglers with your single target strikes.
Make yourself a custom farm in AE using Council Empire as your foe or run the Council Empire farm from Unai Kemen in PI.
I recently leveled and IOed my Dark/Shield Scrapper and I'm looking for a fast way to earn INF. The AoE damage is lacking, so most AE farming missions won't be very fast for me. If anyone could point me in the right direction of missions that would be efficient farming, I would appreciate it. It doesn't have to be AE. I just remember that's what everyone used to farm when I last played.
I did try searching for "AV" in the AE search window, but it fails to produce the results I'm looking for. The search filter will include missions with words like "have", "maverick", and "Dave" because "AV" is in the text. Someone directed me to a mission that was supposed to have AVs, but I only found EBs. I did have my difficulty set to +1, x4, bosses and AVs on, so I have no idea why it only produced EBs for me.
Sorry if this topic is frequently brought up. Either I'm bad at searching, or the forums are so cluttered with key words that it is impossible to find a relevant topic without sifting through many irrelevant ones. Searching for words like "farm" or "tickets" gives me too many irrelevant results and I did not find what I was looking for.