Voice Customization? ^^;
Doubt it'll happen anytime soon if ever but I'd love to have it.
I don't see how hard it would be to implement. I mean, they made powertinting work, and that was hardcoded, and a lot more code than it would be to tweak the voices, I would expect.
Granted, I've never picked at the actual codebase, so I dunno for sure. I'm just going on my experience as someone training for exactly that job. ^^;
I don't see how hard it would be to implement. I mean, they made powertinting work, and that was hardcoded, and a lot more code than it would be to tweak the voices, I would expect.
Granted, I've never picked at the actual codebase, so I dunno for sure. I'm just going on my experience as someone training for exactly that job. ^^; |
But voices aren't hardcoded into any powers (as far as I know). They are simply linked to body type or whatever. It could be easy or hard but they don't have any UI handy for changing it either. I guess it would be in the body-slider screen...
....but if/when they do add this, I hope they add more voice use. Like, when I get knocked back or 'fall', hearing a "Whoa!" thrown in or when I'm defeated, hearing my character go "Uhg!" and fall over. Just little extras like that sprinkled in...

But voices aren't hardcoded into any powers (as far as I know). They are simply linked to body type or whatever. It could be easy or hard but they don't have any UI handy for changing it either. I guess it would be in the body-slider screen...
....but if/when they do add this, I hope they add more voice use. Like, when I get knocked back or 'fall', hearing a "Whoa!" thrown in or when I'm defeated, hearing my character go "Uhg!" and fall over. Just little extras like that sprinkled in... |
That said, I'd very much like to see that just the same. It'd add a new depth to customization and to making our characters feel much more... Ours. It's really unsettling to have a little girl sound like a shouty, gritty adult woman, or a supposed cyborg grunt like a dude who's been dining on rock and gravel his whole life

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
The problem with Voice Customization is that there isn't much application for it. However, if the devs added new ways voices could be applied (Grunts when taking damage or dying, yells when falling, voice emotes (ala WoW) or even customize Martial Arts with the random "HYAAH!", I could see it coming.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I would really love to see this. My Kheld is supposed to be a 6-7 year old boy, and he sounds exactly the same as my adult Scrapper when he jumps. It's a little ridiculous.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Yes, yes I think we can and should have this!! It would be cool, and that voice when you jump is alittle... many? lol, maybe I will say Hulky. So yes let do this!!!
While I'm not holding out for a Sims 3-style voice slider, two per body type would be a nice start. Possibly three.
Young Male
Young Female
etc etc
I'm proposing Huge be male/female as, with the introduction of the body changer, the Huge model can be used as some kind of gargantuan power armour which doesn't necessarily have to equate to being one gender or the other.
Of course, if they actually introduced a Female Large (Amazon?!) body type then all the better (plus that would work with the $himher stuff in MA and some newer missions).
I think any more than that would be too much work (i.e. having a crazy animal noise voice for if you happen to have a character with one of the monstrous heads, or a reptilian hiss for if you decide to create a snake character with an animated tail) and too specific but I'm all for a few choices of voice.
I'm not sure I'm down with the idea of sound effects for falling over, doing Martial Arts moves and the like (especially on Stalkers and such - they are supposed to be silent killers you know :P).
Again, if we're doing voice customization, one of the options has to be simply "None." And we really can't do without "Robotic," but "None" will actually do for that in a pinch.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I think that this would be a grand idea.
This would be great. One of the only things I miss about Neverwinter Nights is being able to hear my character laugh during a laugh emote or say "thank you" and I loved the old taunts from some of those voice sets "Is that the best you've got?"
I still think this is a valuable and worthwhile idea.
Hel, if part of the problem is the cost of voice actors, I'm sure -- given the prospect of adding voice customization into the game -- there's probably enough forumites that would volunteer that you could probably do the project for free. (Well, the paid-actor portion of it. The coding hours I'd volunteer for, but my coding still isn't quite there. Almost... not quite. ;P)
Um? What voice actors? All the game has is grunts and shouts. I'm pretty sure anyone can do that at least to the extent required in this game Not to mention there are probably plenty of public domain sounds to use anyway.
That said, I'm still firmly in favour of the idea as presented and expanded upon.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
yes some voice customization would be lovely I realize its just grunts and groans and stuff but since that is all it is just take the current ones and do some modulation and wallah
I'd like some voices, especially the following additional options...
NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases
We have all sorts of wonderful character customization. We can change characters' genders (even after creation, provided we have the Science pack), we have umpteen trillion costume combos, we can even tint 90% (possible exaggeration) of the powers in the game!
But we still have one default voice for each male/female/huge.
Would it be possible to include more voice options? Possible adding more over time, but at least a couple basic different ones (ie. a younger and an older) for each of the "three genders"? Ideally, this would end up snowballing into dozens of voice options for each "gender", but at least a little variation to start.
It's a bit distracting and confusing to be playing what's supposed to be a 10 year old hero, and hear some way-past-puberty voice issue from his mouth every time he jumps, for example. ^^;;;;;