Furthering attack animations (Suggestion)
Your smaller font is making my old eyes sad.
being one of the ones who suggested it; I'm glad to see you're including the custom attack animations! I knew those were a great Idea!

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible right now. From what BABs used to explain about how the animations system is hooked up, weapons come with their own stances and combat modes which doesn't seem like something which is currently rigged to change on the fly. Unless you want just one singular uncustomizable weapon as an option, which I don't think is what you're talking about, adding weapons to non-weapon sets and vice versa is not something the game can currently do.
Maybe in the future, though. Being able to use weapons for non-weapon sets and your bare hands instead of weapon sets (say like Techbot's ideas of arm wrist-mounted guns instead of an Assault Rifle) would be a major step forward in power customization.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I have often wanted my Robotics/Poison Mastermind to be able to disseminate all of his secondary powers from his pulse rifle.
I think Samuel_Tow is right, but I like the idea in theory.
We can still keep suggesting it nevertheless. Maybe one day they'll devote the resources to figuring out a way. That's really all that's left to add to the power customization system in terms of depth.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible right now. From what BABs used to explain about how the animations system is hooked up, weapons come with their own stances and combat modes which doesn't seem like something which is currently rigged to change on the fly. |
but what I'm suggesting is to start with the basics, for ranged attack users, using the default weapons animations, merely add in a firing range blast off the edge of the weapon equipped at the tailor.
real simple.
See this post by BaBs:
Considering the issues that BaBs had trying to remove redraw, the issues they apparently had getting Brawl to work correctly, not to mention the complications involved in Shield Defense I think it's safe to say that mucking around with stances is not something that's as simple it might seem.
What they are doing is having different animations for a power which all use the same stance (which they already did for Super Strength and Martial Arts) and that is very different from different stances.
What they are doing is having different animations for a power which all use the same stance (which they already did for Super Strength and Martial Arts) and that is very different from different stances.
And even then, you introduce redraw into sets which previously didn't have it.
The groundwork for this isn't there. I'm all for this change, but as it stands right now, there are several large problems that need to be solved before this can be considered.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
real simple. |
I mean, right on on the suggestion, but we probably won't see it any time soon.
Also, might I tack onto it that if you choose one weapon, you should only get that one weapon. Lord knows people would not only complain about constant redraw ("How come my dual blades take longer to animate after I use my broad sword with my assault rifle and my shield?"), but it would also be a coding nightmare and, all-in-all, pretty silly.
While there's a few technical limitations in the way, to vastly understate things I'm sure, I wouldn't say there isn't any groundwork laid out...
While there's a few technical limitations in the way, to vastly understate things I'm sure, I wouldn't say there isn't any groundwork laid out...

It's a bug when the character uses a different animation with the Nem Staff out? Notice in the second screenshot, she's holding the staff properly instead of doing the normal two-fisted "Air Superiority" animation for Enervating Field. Or, more subtle with Radiation Infection, she's holding the staff up rather than keeping her hand down by her side (which would make the staff clip horribly). There's actual animations for these and I've heard the Blackwand has some too (and maybe, by extension, the Lost Cure). Not sure if other temporary powers /w weapons do this too, but it wouldn't be hard to check some of them.
I'd try for some different, closer screenshots, but I haven't had the Nem Staff temp in over a year and I'm not due for the vet version for a very long time. The screenies date back to I13 or thereabouts.
being one of the ones who suggested it; I'm glad to see you're including the custom attack animations! I knew those were a great Idea!
I suppose this is a request, or rather bringing something to your attention.
now that there will be attack customization, this opens up the possibility of allowing players the ability to mix weapons into non-weapon based attacks.
for example, an electric blaster could equip a sword to his long range attacks. of coarse the weapon would just be eye candy not actually effecting anything except the visible traits of the attack.
For Example;
[Lightning Bolt] could have a weapon equipped to it, lets say a sword; this would mean the player would have to choose 1 animation for the movement of the sword during lightning bolt BUT the original lightning bolt itself would be the same, instead of firing from the hand it would fire from the blade's Edge or Tip.
or a double handed attack like; [Charged Bolts] could be fired from a one handed weapon OR a two handed weapon!, if fired from say.. a 1 handed gun it would make 2 electric bolts at the firing point of the gun, if fired from dual blades, one shot would come off each blade's edge or tip
the same could be done for other power sets and powers, all this would change is; the looks, what the character is holding, and the firing point of the attack.
this could enable lots of things:
EX: a fiery blast from the edge of a sword or axe or mace as it swings
EX2: a energy blast being fired from a gun or rifle instead of bullets.
EX3: holding a shield on an arm just for the looks during an attack, or even at the activation and during the duration of something like [tough] or [weave] or any other toggle-able power like [Fly] or [hover].
please, the customizable attack animations could easily include this feature. please think about it, it would be really cool!
additionally the thought does come to allow an attack like an energy blaster's [Power Blast] to have an alternate animation that allows Rapid firing EX; instead of just thrusting both arms out and letting out 3 blasts from both fists, it could be one hand throws an energy ball, then the other hand throws one while the first hand comes back to the character's side, repeating very quickly one hand at a time until 3 shots have fired from each hand.