NCSoft Closing Paragon Studios




This is a sad time for a lot of long time fans of this game. While taking a break for a bit, and ready to dive back into this world with brought me several stories over the six years I have played, it to be suddenly shut down and beginning shut down mode, makes me sad.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
My heart goes out to all the wonderful folks at Paragon Studios who made this game possible and kept it running to this day! You guys were great! You don't deserve this! I'M SO SO SORRY!!!!!!

right, the devs were great, ill post something constructive to them later, now its just anger, not a lot constructive to be said.



Where's a redname !



I wish I had run into the LoC earlier on Guardian. So long and thanks for all the tuna and blankets.

Back to that other game I guess.



I... don't know what to say. At all.



This was my first MMO...started in 2005, it's been a fun ride



Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot and Anarchy Online are all still up and running. I'm having trouble understanding why they can't just leave the game running in maintenance mode. After all, I'd still like to give them some money.
This, precisely. Maybe it was a delusion, but I expected the game to be around for a good 10+ years, even if there was no "real" development towards the end.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




This sucks- both for the community as well as all the developers who have spent so much time and given so much of themselves to the game (and who will now need to find new jobs, to boot; even more suckage).

This is the only MMO I've ever consistently played, and though I don't play as often as I used to (and will have to try and cram some major time into; there's still a ton of stuff I haven't done), it will be greatly missed.

Thanks for everything, to everyone at Paragon Studios. And good luck.



I was actually getting back in to playing after a summer of inactivity ... now I feel like someone ran over my dog...

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I only ever got six characters to level 50...

Damnit. I really hope this property gets purchased by someone so it can continue, or something. I don't know...



Well, ****.

That was sooner than I expected.




This game cost me a marriage!
haha but she was evil hillbilly tramp.
I still owe you so much!


thanks to the DEVs and the great folks Ive met.



This seems....too abrupt.

There were no signs. None. Recent interviews implied that the game was going from strength to strength, the new content was fantastic and there was plenty more to come. Given the recent run of hacker incidents I can't just believe this yet.

We need some sort of confirmation. Twitter, FB, The site? Nothing is redname confirmation. It could all be hacked.

Come on. Give us a reason.

And watch us Kickstart the hell out of you guys to keep this strong.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!




It's Tabula Rasa all over again.



My heart just broke.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I... I don't even know what to say.

They can't even keep it running in maintenance mode or something???

Can a group (like the folks at Paragonwiki) have a chance to get the servers to keep it going?! I'd pay a kickstarter to help them get it!

At the very least make the code available so we could host our own "micro cities" for just our closest friends or something.

My SG's been together and solid for 7 years. I only know one or two face to face, the rest are all over the country. I have a SG mate in Afghanistan that won't even be able to see the close, and I'm not sure I have the heart to tell him... or any of my SG at this point, seeing as how I'm the one that keeps up with this stuff.

I'm sure this news probably hit Paragon like a punch in the gut like the rest of us, but... can't they do anything?

This honestly breaks my heart.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by _Arda_ View Post
I have no words...


@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I'd certainly start paying whatever it is I'm paying per month now to the Titan Network instead if they were able to buy the servers and the rights to the game and all that.



They can't even keep it running in maintenance mode or something???
Those are called emulators, that are run on a fan's dime.

Maybe NCSoft won't object if somebody decides to set up an emu. There's a variety of those for old MMORPGs although obviously they have rather niche audiences and you're at the mercy of the admins that run it.



And I will not be playing Guild Wars 2.

This was my game.

None of the Guild Wars had anything that interested me.

And I am sad and angry and...those other superhero games did not compare to this one and now this one is gone and they're still here.

I hope it's worth it NCSoft. You didn't just magically gain customers to some other game.




My 5 year relationship came to a very abrupt end last night and today I read this news from out of nowhere.

This has been a very bad week.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
My heart just broke.
Bad time to poke fun... probably... but this surprises me.

I didn't know you had one!

But seriously, I am sad too.