NCSoft Closing Paragon Studios




Please stop quoting the troll.



Despite my many differences of opinions with people on the forums, I'm going to miss having those arguments just as much as I will miss everything else. I never took any argument personally and the next few weeks will be the last time I get to chat with friends and spar with opponents who have all been members of the best damn MMO community I ever met.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Please stop quoting the troll.
Sorry. My sincerest apologies. I just needed a scapegoat and the NCsoft execs weren't available.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Sorry. My sincerest apologies. I just needed a scapegoat and the NCsoft execs weren't available.
I am to a degree but I might as say what I really feel about certain posters. It doesn't matter now and I'm not holding back.

As far as the game is concerned, I am truly sorry and sad to see this game go despite what anyone thinks. You don't know me and considering your attitude over the past years, I don't want to know you. I've truly enjoyed the switch to Freedom and finally found my pacing in game where I enjoyed nearly every aspect.

Nothing else comes close to this game and it is just sad.

But what makes me happy is FU Scythus:

...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´



Dear Paragon Studios: Thank you for so many years of good times, good memories, and good friends made through the game. Good luck in the future.

Dear NCSoft: @#$% you. I've been a loyal customer since 2004. I even bought Guild Wars and Aion, though City of Heroes has always been my home. Now you pull the rug out from under us like this on a game that was still going strong? You've just guaranteed that I will never EVER buy another NCSoft game again. And you can bet your @#$ that there are lots of other customers like me.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
I got this news the day after I found out my dad had a stroke.
Yeah. I got this news seven hours after I learned that my stepfather had died.

Not sure what do now....

I'll have to make sure these next few months are the best I can have with this game I guess...

That's what I'm going to do.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Dear NCSoft,





"CoH had a good run, but we have to acknowledge, that in all likelihood, this is it for the IP.

"Every day from this day on is a gift. Use it well""- Johnny_Butane 07-23-2012.

I remember those words and at the time, they were just words. Now they ring more truth now than ever.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Dear NCSoft,


and Scythus



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
"CoH had a good run, but we have to acknowledge, that in all likelihood, this is it for the IP.

"Every day from this day on is a gift. Use it well""- Johnny_Butane 07-23-2012.

I remember those words and at the time, they were just words. Now they ring more truth now than ever.
Wasn't Johnny Butane predicting doom when villains arrived?



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Wasn't Johnny Butane predicting doom when villains arrived?
believe so. Guess predict doom long enough eventually it will come true.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Instead of a making a new thread, this is my goodbye.

I can't really convey this in words, I just found. This community was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I think I really felt at home here, more then, say, school where I have/had only one group of good friends.

And my good friends here, specifically, were some of the nicest people I ever met, and likely shaped my personality in ways I don't realize. It will be a shame to lose easy contact with them, and I know even if we get solid contact we will drift because CoH was a bond.

The Devs were amazing, too. I have not seen any creator/s keeping such frequent and personal contact with the viewers/players/listeners.

In short, I think CoH is best viewed not as a game, but rather as a community, and that's what I'll miss.

As for the actual game, I never accomplished much. I never got a single Master of X badge, and never had a character to have the four status accolades. I'd only had three 50s in my entire time in CoH, one I'd like to forget entirely because it was PLed. But the game always felt rewarding, and I'll miss that too.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



So about how much $$$ you think it would take to save this game?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So about how much $$$ you think it would take to save this game?
I'm not sure any amount can do it, with Perfect World holding the engine hostage.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So about how much $$$ you think it would take to save this game?
25 - 50 million minimum. I'm guessing that NCSoft is writing off COH and Paragon studios for the maximum loss they can put on the books. I'll bet the secret project could in theory be worth several million all on its own.

Which is why they won't be entertaining offers of buy out unless they are very high. NCSoft isn't closing the game and studio to save money but to make thei books look good and the maximum way to make their books look good is by closing not selling the game and studio.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



They just sucked the joy right out of the last few months that will be left for this game.. November 30th. A few days after my birthday. I love this game but what's the point if they're closing the doors in November? I want to play and work on my characters but there's no joy in that anymore because after that date they'll all be gone. Aside from all the money I just recently spent buying points, I'd never be able to decide on who to play on the last few weeks of this games existence because it'll just be…gone. I can't even make sense of this. What toon do I spend my last few weeks on? I have so many I enjoy playing and working on… None of the other super heroes-esc compares to this one.

NCSoft will never see my money again and I'd better get a refund seeing as how i'm paid up till February. Heartless bastards.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So about how much $$$ you think it would take to save this game?
Well it was looking like they were going to make about $10mil USD for 2012 and in the year NCSoft bought it out from Cryptic in 2007 it was about $25mil USD.

But seems doubtful they would sell it off.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
25 - 50 million minimum. I'm guessing that NCSoft is writing off COH and Paragon studios for the maximum loss they can put on the books. I'll bet the secret project could in theory be worth several million all on its own.

Which is why they won't be entertaining offers of buy out unless they are very high. NCSoft isn't closing the game and studio to save money but to make thei books look good and the maximum way to make their books look good is by closing not selling the game and studio.
Makes sense, buisness wise.
Kind of wondering what is this "secrect project" is going to be.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Cut the small guys to save money because while they aren''t losing any money, they aren't making ENOUGH profit. They still hope they can turn around losses on the big money makers.

I've seen it happen in business all the time.
I don't think Paragon has all that many people on CoH's development -- I think the bulk of its resources are (errrr, were) being spent on the development of a new title.

/tinfoilhat 1

The development of the new game is, IME, chewing through whatever profit CoH is generating.

Further, sub- and transaction-based MMOs are freaking tough to launch these days -- they have to be mature (i.e., match existing MMOs in terms of depth, breadth, and WoW factor) from release; players no longer give them time to grow.

I think NCSoft ran the numbers and found Paragon, as a whole, to be unprofitable and not worth supporting as CoH's numbers are trending down ... and launching a new MMO is rather risky.

/tinfoilhat 0

The thing is ... CoH was never more than a rounding error in NCSoft's revenue. The really, truly amazing thing to me is just how long CoH has continued.

No, that's wrong.

The really, truly amazing thing about CoH is that its best ever string of updates was issues 8-12, the issues done on a shoestring budget with a small staff.

Perhaps ... Paragon had simply bit off more than it could chew once the team grew past those remaining dozen or so employees. And NCSoft got nervous after having watched SWTOR crater despite it being a genuinely decent MMO with VERY solid IP.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Makes sense, buisness wise.
Kind of wondering what is this "secrect project" is going to be.
Unfotunately in twisted way it does make sense. It's a bad habit that NCSoft picked up somewhere along the way. I think they closed their first game because it was losing money but ... they gained so much benefit from the write off's that the next time they needed a quick fix to make their books look good they did it again. And again ... etc. And now they are around to COH and Paragon Studios. Not losing money but not making it hand over fist. ::sigh::

I do think this isn't a healthy way to fix their books because at some point they will have tossed all the easy to write off things. At a guess if their books are needing fixed every couple of years they are doing something wrong.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Unfotunately in twisted way it does make sense. It's a bad habit that NCSoft picked up somewhere along the way. I think they closed their first game because it was losing money but ... they gained so much benefit from the write off's that the next time they needed a quick fix to make their books look good they did it again. And again ... etc. And now they are around to COH and Paragon Studios. Not losing money but not making it hand over fist. ::sigh::

I do think this isn't a healthy way to fix their books because at some point they will have tossed all the easy to write off things. At a guess if their books are needing fixed every couple of years they are doing something wrong.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



This is a damn shame. I'm sorry Paragon. Hopefully there's something we can do.

Guardian Server
Fury 50 NRG/ELC Blaster
Alecto 23 MA/Reg Scrapper
Megarea 22 Ill/Storm Controller
Gloomwave 23 Warshade
Among many others...Part of Guardian's Evolution
G Handle: @Fury. with the period sigh



Go to the forums and read about their progress in creating a player run server for CoH, THIS IS COH'S BEST CHANCE.

Coders are needed quickly as there is work to be done that can't be done once the servers are down.



I cannot express how gutted I am to hear about this.

I've ran two accounts for over four years and it's given me so much; a distraction during the bad times, good friends and hours and hours of entertainment.

I'd keep paying my subs even if there was never another update because there is so much to do already.

If there's anyway to reconsider this, I'd like to ask that it is reconsidered.

If not ... best wishes to the NC staff who've just been dumped on too. Thanks to the friend who introduced me, to the friends I've made and the great team mates .. thank you for the fun.

And to the person who decided that closing this down would be a good idea ... you are a flaccid excuse for a human being. The decision, the way it was announced to players and staff was disgusting.

I'm hoping the full story of why the closure is made comes out because I'd hate to give money to whoever caused this; whichever company you're in.

Best wishes to the Titan guys for trying to keep CoX alive.,4877.0.html

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info