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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Kings Row broadcast channel: "Does anybody know where the Lost are?"
    I thought it was circle of thorns also, they're on the rooftops, at night.
  2. Don't know if anyone remembers me or our Supergroup Evolution but Guardian was my server and for a good chunk of time my home away from home. I'm sorry to see it end like this. I'm still wondering how I'm going to leave my avatars behind, just gone into the digital ether.

    It's not the way a superhero should go. Thanks for the memories Guardian.

  3. I agree with the Maligned Amphibian. Thanks for the 8 years of entertainment and good fortunes wherever you all end up.
  4. Fury_

    To all of you...

    Sorry to see it end like this. With any hope and luck it's not over yet.
  5. Just tell me where and I'll pitch in as much as I can.
  6. This is a damn shame. I'm sorry Paragon. Hopefully there's something we can do.
  7. Manticore:
    Has the Teen rating of the game ever made it more difficult to write a story?

    and to repeat many others: Why remove the name of the 5th column from everything? It makes it seem like the monster in the basement everyone ignores.
  8. With there no longer being a need to farm hammi i can pretty much park my 50 in the shard. Awesome stuff guys.
  9. L5R happens to be among my largest cash drains heh.
    Shadowlands for life! (or uh...unlife for the non maho dead folk...)
  10. this may be a weird bug involving the forum pulls, already /bugged it

    I logged in seeing Global Chat live, i change my handle from The_Fury My old forum taken from the first forum pull to Fury. when i log in now my Global chat handle is Erinyes, my current forum name taken from the second forum pull. Naturally the nick Fury is taken now. i know i had Fury because i was chatting to people using it.
  11. Fury_

    The Kudos Thread

    The things i love about I3: <ul type="square">
    The Ancillary power pools
    Khelds (gives me an excuse to team while still being able to do some stuff solo)
    BEING ABLE TO HIT A RUNNER IN MELEE! god i love that
    the new insps (though i never have the right one when i need it)
    The end of the door clock bug which was my bane...
    The change to unyielding (immobile status protection prevented me from considering Invul for any of my scrappers)
    The Regen changes makes the 16-27 game WAY more fun.
    The zone events while infrequent are very cool when you catch one.[/list]
    haven't had the chance to really check out striga or it's TF's so i'll wait till i get there.
    and i dont think everything in I3 is perfect but i like more than i hate so i'm still happy
  12. I like almost everything (he invul changes didn't affect me so i don't know how thats fairing) only thing thats getting on my nerves is the kheldian shapeshift casuing mapserver lost connections.
  13. wow...i thought i was the only Energy/Electric blaster ever good to see i'm not alone

    Comments: i pretty much agree with everything you put except snipe, i have 1 acc and 5 damg, and it's part of my attack cycle, i find the time for a mob to get back up is about equal to snipes warmup time, i usually run Aim+Buildup--&gt;Snipe--&gt;Burst--&gt;Blast--&gt;Bolt--&gt;Push--&gt;Snipe etc

    also i have burst 1 acc 2 range and 3 damages and it's still amazingly powerful and usable outside the risk of most PBAOE effects. with 1 range i had issues staying away form oppresive gloom/any AOE dmg aura etc. 2 fixed that right up.

    And i can't stress how useful Stealth/SS combo is for an energy blaster because positioning is EVRYTHING. also the safety of not aggroing extra mobs when you toss one of them into a pack is useful.

    I love energy by the way and Power pushing a level 1 when you have vanguard on is like punting a football.

    Fury level 44 Energy/Electricity Blaster