NCSoft Closing Paragon Studios




I am stunned honestly, shocked, I dont know what to say, I've put years of my life into this game, and money haha. And now it's just going to waste. Get your gear together NCsoft.



Okay this is just rubbing salt in the wounds. I just got this automated email.

Hi John,

Your City of Heroes® VIP subscription on account *********** has been cancelled. This account will no longer auto-renew, and once the current paid-for time expires, you will no longer have access to VIP features in City of Heroes Freedom but you will be able to continue to play for free.

If you wish to avoid disruption to your VIP status, it's easy to upgrade again in-game or through My Account on the NCsoft site to continue to enjoy exclusive VIP benefits:

  • 400 Paragon Points™ per month to use in
  • the in-game Paragon Market™
  • Access to all 14 character Archetypes and over 150 power sets.
  • 12 character slots per server, plus slots that were unlocked or directly purchased.
  • One free character transfer per month, priority queuing, and access to Exalted, an exclusive VIP-only server.
  • Elite VIP content, including the Incarnate System, monthly signature story arcs, and City of Heroes Going Rogue™ expansion content, costumes and power sets for free and more!
Thank you for supporting City of Heroes, see you back in the game soon!

- The City of Heroes Team




Wow... I am totally shocked. Haven't played COH in a few months but I always thought it would be here when I came back... just never really imagined that it would go anywhere.

This is where I grew up in MMOs - heck, it was the first MMO I played... so many great memories.

I always thought Paragon would be forever



Originally Posted by BasilAcid View Post
I wonder what the other super secret project was? Still in shock, but this just dawned on me that it's basically two games worth of development teams getting laid off.
I forgot about that. Since most posters seem to think it will be impossible for PS to get the rights, game engine, server tech, etc, to CoH, I wonder if their new project has similar restrictions. Yes, I'm hoping against hope of seeing some of the developers gathering and opening a Kickstarter project.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Okay this is just rubbing salt in the wounds. I just got this automated email.

Hi John,

Your City of Heroes® VIP subscription on account *********** has been cancelled. This account will no longer auto-renew, and once the current paid-for time expires, you will no longer have access to VIP features in City of Heroes Freedom but you will be able to continue to play for free.

If you wish to avoid disruption to your VIP status, it's easy to upgrade again in-game or through My Account on the NCsoft site to continue to enjoy exclusive VIP benefits:
  • 400 Paragon Points™ per month to use in
  • the in-game Paragon Market™
  • Access to all 14 character Archetypes and over 150 power sets.
  • 12 character slots per server, plus slots that were unlocked or directly purchased.
  • One free character transfer per month, priority queuing, and access to Exalted, an exclusive VIP-only server.
  • Elite VIP content, including the Incarnate System, monthly signature story arcs, and City of Heroes Going Rogue™ expansion content, costumes and power sets for free and more!
Thank you for supporting City of Heroes, see you back in the game soon!

- The City of Heroes Team

I haven't recieved my evil email yet. Though I did have one from Perfect World letting me know that Champions has vehicles.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't NCsoft still license the game engine and other assets from Cryptic (now part of Perfect World)? Perhaps the contract is due to expire and they were either unwilling or unable to renegotiate? That would pretty much mean the game needs to shut down ASAP.

I haven't played regularly in a long time, but was there for a good 6 years from beta. Feels like the end of an era and hard not to feel a little saddened.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
That's an interesting angle. The initial announcement was November 7, 2007, so it'll be pretty much 5 years when it closes.

I would have thought that NCSoft would have made that part of the announcement though, it would blunt the bad press they are getting.
Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
5 years almost to day? Yeah, definitely sounds like a contract issue to me. No matter what they say there's no way they're going to shake the stink on them over this. We'll probably never know which party is to blame -- NCsoft for willingly deciding to not renew, Perfect World for not offering, or any other possible combination of failed negotiations.

I'm completely and totally bummed out by this news. I haz a sad

The above quotes are a very good question. If the license is expiring, could Cryptic put it back up and running? Is that too much to hope for?



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
I'm completely and totally bummed out by this news. I haz a sad

The above quotes are a very good question. If the license is expiring, could Cryptic put it back up and running? Is that too much to hope for?
If Cryptic bought it they'd own all the big ones in Superhero MM, but they'd also have two games competing against eachother.

But then, they are making money either way.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I am shocked and dismayed.

It's one year since Freedom launched. It's on the official website. There's no possible way for this to be a joke. It would be in such poor taste that it nobody could possibly think it was funny.

I'll hold out hopes that this is some kind of hacking incident but I don't think it is. Not the way it's written.

I've been through this before with other games (I still have a grudge against EA for Earth and Beyond) but I can sincerely say that this is like losing an old friend.

I don't know what to say.
Earth and Beyond and Auto Assault for me. This is number three they'll have shut down. I think this pretty much does it for my buisness with NCsoft. If I could return GW2, I'd do it in a heartbeat. This is inexcusable.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
forum rules do not permit me to say what i think of ncsoft for doing this.
What forum rules? They have no employees now.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Though I did have one from Perfect World letting me know that Champions has vehicles.
They're vastly overstating that, though it is nice for people like myself that swing from invisible-anchor-point-in-the-sky to invisible-anchor-point-in-the-sky to be able to zip to missions on the other side of the map.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



I too was shock and dismayed, everything seemed to be going well enough. This news was so sudden and abrupt.



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
I'm completely and totally bummed out by this news. I haz a sad

The above quotes are a very good question. If the license is expiring, could Cryptic put it back up and running? Is that too much to hope for?
Cryptic is now owned by Perfect World Entertainment. I don't think PWE would be interested in buying back CoH, considering they spent a bunch of money and time to buy Champions Online and integrate it with PWE already.

Indeed, it's entirely possible that if this was due to the license expiring, that PWE's terms were unacceptable to NCSoft, in order to produce exactly this result.

We'll probably never know though.



I'm numb/shocked. Just was coming back to re-sub (now that I'm pulling a paycheck again) and see this instead.


Miss you all so much more now.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
...[I]t would be more proper to say this game is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly dying.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Good cuz there's something I've been wanting to say to NCSoft.
Thanks for that. I think we all needed it (and agree with it).

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
I haven't recieved my evil email yet. Though I did have one from Perfect World letting me know that Champions has vehicles.
So does this mean all the VIP related stuff is going to go away sooner than the rest of the game, or are they unlocking everything in these waning months?



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
So does this mean all the VIP related stuff is going to go away sooner than the rest of the game, or are they unlocking everything in these waning months?
I kinda hope they unlock everything... my sub had expired and I want to be able to login and capture all my characters before everything shuts down for good



Really sad right now.

CoH was my first MMO, and is still to this day my absolute favorite. I remember all the excitement and hype back from the old beta forums, the first Rikti invasion, getting a frantic phone call from my best friend telling me he'd gotten into the City of Villains beta, breaking into Atlas Park, all the community run events, seeing Praetoria for the first time and just being amazed that it actually looked like a city...

I always felt like we were some big dysfunctional family here, grouped together by a common love of FREEM and shark captains. I know there won't ever be a game quite like City of Heroes in the near future. Not one that meshes everything just right, and has a great community to boot.

So, thanks everyone. To everyone at Paragon: best of luck wherever you end up. I know any studio would be privileged to have your expertise and experience. You're some of the best devs I know.

To the community: thanks for being continually awesome. I was never a particularly loud voice in it, but I always around. You guys are some of the most dedicated and loyal people I know, and I've made some good friends being here.

Though, if I do get a parting question, what was that "insert Kickstarter URL here" bit for in one of the old coffee talks? Probably getting my hopes up (I know Zwill likes to goof around some), but uh, if there's something you guys wanna tell us...



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Cryptic is now owned by Perfect World Entertainment. I don't think PWE would be interested in buying back CoH, considering they spent a bunch of money and time to buy Champions Online and integrate it with PWE already.

Indeed, it's entirely possible that if this was due to the license expiring, that PWE's terms were unacceptable to NCSoft, in order to produce exactly this result.

We'll probably never know though.
PWE/Cryptic has a different/newer version of the CrypticEngine that they're using in CO/STO/Neverwinter.

CoX is the only game using the old engine so if PWE could get some money from continuing to license it, not sure why they would be against that. Unless they worried about the competition, but that seems unlikely.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Okay this is just rubbing salt in the wounds. I just got this automated email.

Hi John,

Your City of Heroes® VIP subscription on account *********** has been cancelled. This account will no longer auto-renew, and once the current paid-for time expires, you will no longer have access to VIP features in City of Heroes Freedom but you will be able to continue to play for free.

If you wish to avoid disruption to your VIP status, it's easy to upgrade again in-game or through My Account on the NCsoft site to continue to enjoy exclusive VIP benefits:
  • 400 Paragon Points™ per month to use in
  • the in-game Paragon Market™
  • Access to all 14 character Archetypes and over 150 power sets.
  • 12 character slots per server, plus slots that were unlocked or directly purchased.
  • One free character transfer per month, priority queuing, and access to Exalted, an exclusive VIP-only server.
  • Elite VIP content, including the Incarnate System, monthly signature story arcs, and City of Heroes Going Rogue™ expansion content, costumes and power sets for free and more!
Thank you for supporting City of Heroes, see you back in the game soon!

- The City of Heroes Team

Wow, **** them. Seriously (wondering if my swearing will even be modded at this point). That is some twisted crap. One would think that the entire game would be opened up at this point. NC Soft is full of number crunching ****** bags. Not a single cent more from me NC Soft. From what I understand they shuttered Paragon Studios today and we won't even get a proper farewell from the devs.



I think what sucks the most is that both (inn my eyes) CO and DCUO absolutely suck, but they get to keep chugging while CoH gets axed. NCSoft is run by a bunch of morons. I just don't understand why they wouldn't try to sell it. I'm sure they could have found a buyer. Anything would have been better than a sudden end like this. I25 woulda have been a good epic end to it all too, make the fight against The Battalion the last fight. Go out in a blaze of glory, you know, not in a blaze of nerdrage.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Good cuz there's something I've been wanting to say to NCSoft.
Thank you Fobin, that actually made me smile for a second on a day that I could use it the most.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



Dear developers and community staff of City of Heroes, both past and present.

Thank you. You brought me into the world of MMOs. You gave me hope that there might be other MMOs out there that were just as good, though I haven't ever come across one. You introduced me to some fine people from all around the world.

To the current staff: I sincerely hope that you find good homes when the sun sets on Paragon City. If I were in a position to hire you, I would do so in a heartbeat.

I do have one last request before the lights go out on our fair city: would it be possible to release the story bible in digital format so that we might learn the eventual fate that was planned for the characters and places that we have all come to know and love?

The Players' Guide to the Cities



While I was busy scrambling to get as many screenshots and costume file saves as I could, someone in-game told me that according to Positron, there's literally no one holding the reigns on the servers right now. Apparently they could go offline as soon as tonight.




Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
While I was busy scrambling to get as many screenshots and costume file saves as I could, someone in-game told me that according to Positron, there's literally no one holding the reigns on the servers right now. Apparently they could go offline as soon as tonight.

When it was said that everyone was laid off immediately, that was my fear. If the severs coughed, there wouldn't be anyone to take care of the problem.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183