NCSoft Closing Paragon Studios




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
very few places are union anymore. may be going to a job that is soon, but in general, most places are not union.
Honestly, that's the baffling thing. What's a union workplace? Surely individuals are members of unions, not workplaces?

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Try The Secret World from Funcom.
My computer doesn't like it. Not with framerates of 1 - 15 fps.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
News Flash, at the time it shuts down the game will have lasted 8 1/2 years. That by definition proves the accuracy of any prediction that the game will last for years.

So once again you are wrong.
Sure, that is a long time but it did not last years from Freedom whenever the topic of population came up. See, I can chose a timeframe and make it fit my argument too.

You are wrong again. Keep trying as I'm here for good. Oh wait, I'm here until the game shuts down that you indicated was healthy and would last for years longer.

I love this game and would gladly like to see it go on for years more. I was hoping so when i saw how much VIPs were spending above their subs. But what I don't LOVE is people like you. I think you are pompous, self-serving and a forum jerk. I'm saying this now because it doesn't matter and I find it amusing that you continue to redirect the comments to the life of the game instead of what I am saying about you personally. Maybe you are nice in real life, but I always found you to be a forum a-hole in the biggest manner.



I looked for the BAZINGA!, saw Zwill's confirmation instead ...

Man ...

The hours I've spent here. Running 3 AM TFs while up with a baby.

Swapping PMs with the devs over FF.

Running with the Carl and Sons on Pinnacle, then the Repeat Offenders on Freedom.

The people.

The craziness.

Occasionally the drama.

I haven't honestly sat down and played the game since November(?) so this doesn't come as a real shock to me.

But first, THANKS! to the devs for giving me a great time.

THANKS! to the community for being the best I've seen.

And thanks, Arcanaville, for once trying to edumucate me about DR in PvP.

And here's hoping that everyone at Paragon can smoothly transition to something new.



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Honestly, that's the baffling thing. What's a union workplace? Surely individuals are members of unions, not workplaces?
It's where you're forced to be part of a union, whether you want to or not.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Honestly, that's the baffling thing. What's a union workplace? Surely individuals are members of unions, not workplaces?
We hardly have any unions in the first place, and one major political party is doing everything they can to get rid of the rest. Hard to imagine, isn't it?



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Annnnd, you are wrong. Just finally saying what's on my mind regarding certain posters. I am extremely sad the game is closing and made a light comment about where are those players that said the game would go on for a few more years. In typical forum fashion, those people that think they have some special relationship with the game took it entirely too seriously and just couldn't ignore it.

No, I do NOT want this game to go away but I would not mind if people such as Forbin Project did.
So this was an "I TOLD YOU SO, GUIZ!!!LOLZZZ" huh?
Duly noted



The speed this is happening is pretty staggering, was expecting when this game ended it would more wind down to maintenance mode.

I'll be playing Lightslinger exclusively until the game goes dark, gotta figure out where he should be when the world ends. Hopefully whoever pulls the plug can at least give us a big invasion to go out in.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, yeah, and Blade and Soul, I forgot about that one. The game that a bunch of developers quit in the middle of making and went to form a company of their own that made Tera, which seems to have beaten Blade and Soul so hard I can't actually find almost any news about the latter, nor almost any screenshots.
I would just like to point out that it was actually the Lineage 3 dev team who did a runner and not the Blade and Soul dev team.



Also, this is a plea to the devs: Tell us the rest of the story. No, not how NCSoft is closing down the studio, but what was going to happen? What was the Coming Storm going to be like? What were the plans for the game, story-wise, that we will now not be able to see?



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Try The Secret World from Funcom.
I may have to try that one now. I haven't played a Funcom game since Anarchy Online years ago.



NOOOOO...I am in tears.

I really loved this game. I played everyday, spent real money to support the game and buy all sort of cool things for my toons..toons I feel like are my kids....and..all gone.



This is the only video game I have ever played, and the only game I play.

I really thought this game was doing fine...I even got started playing a Blaster and was looking forward to issue 24 more than any issue.

Lisa-Very sad.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Sure, that is a long time but it did not last years from Freedom whenever the topic of population came up. See, I can chose a timeframe and make it fit my argument too.

You are wrong again. Keep trying as I'm here for good. Oh wait, I'm here until the game shuts down that you indicated was healthy and would last for years longer.
Sorry but I never said the game would last for years after Freedom launched. So once again you are wrong. That doesn't however change the fact that the switch to the Hybrid model made more money than ever before. The simple fact that the amount of content being added to the game is proof they were making more money than ever before. And they flat out admitted that the Super Packs brought in over half a million only a few months after it was released.

Now if you pointed out that I predicted the game would never go F2P then you'd be right, but I admit I was wrong on that count.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Sure, that is a long time but it did not last years from Freedom whenever the topic of population came up. See, I can chose a timeframe and make it fit my argument too.

You are wrong again. Keep trying as I'm here for good. Oh wait, I'm here until the game shuts down that you indicated was healthy and would last for years longer.

I love this game and would gladly like to see it go on for years more. I was hoping so when i saw how much VIPs were spending above their subs. But what I don't LOVE is people like you. I think you are pompous, self-serving and a forum jerk. I'm saying this now because it doesn't matter and I find it amusing that you continue to redirect the comments to the life of the game instead of what I am saying about you personally. Maybe you are nice in real life, but I always found you to be a forum a-hole in the biggest manner.
I dunno man. I'm new here, but it seems like the guy saying "I told you the game would die" when everyone's bumming about the shut-down is a pretty big a-hole to me.



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
So this was an "I TOLD YOU SO, GUIZ!!!LOLZZZ" huh?
Duly noted
Uggh, no. It wasn't.

It was more a jab at certain posters that I just can't stand and now have off of ignore to let them know what I thought of them these past years. Not that I'm going to search them out but they are drawn like flies to honey whenever you make the slighest variation of a comment that doesn't fit their world view. It looks like they protected/promoted the game but I found their attitude detrimental to the community. Yes, there are some very helpful and friendly people here but it was not directed toward them.

I love this game and do not want it to go anywhere. I just can't stand forum jerks and now I get to say so because it doesn't matter anymore if my account gets locked or banned.

Can you stop trying to paint me as someone that hates the game instead of someone that just has a personal beef with some forumites? Get it now?



This is a bit of a surprise. I knew that the franchise wasn't making big money for NCSoft, but I figured, at gross revenues of ~$10M/year, it was around break-even.

But enough about business.

I want to take a moment to thank the members of Paragon who developed a great game and provided me with a truly frightening number of hours of entertainment. My best wishes to all of you and I hope you find good landing spots in the near future.




Originally Posted by TooLittleTooLate View Post
I dunno man. I'm new here, but it seems like the guy saying "I told you the game would die" when everyone's bumming about the shut-down is a pretty big a-hole to me.
I agree. It seems a bit trollish to me.
I may not have played CoH nearly as long as alot of these folks on the forums, but I can't help but feel sad at how this turned out.



Originally Posted by TooLittleTooLate View Post
I dunno man. I'm new here, but it seems like the guy saying "I told you the game would die" when everyone's bumming about the shut-down is a pretty big a-hole to me.
Nope, wrong. Read my other comment above to Rufus. just a beef with players and nothing against the game I assure you. But par for the course on these forums. People defend this game with an inappropriate amount of passion. And most of all, they can't ignore one comment. He chose to respond to my initial comment and you decided to read something that wasn't there.

So, in short, since I don't have to worry about coming back to this game. Go F*U*C*K yourself.(same to Brillig and Kitsune down below). Seriously, ignore the comment and its effect is marginalized. The more you call me out the more you legitimize my comments. In all the years you think guys would get that. Par for the course here.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Also, this is a plea to the devs: Tell us the rest of the story. No, not how NCSoft is closing down the studio, but what was going to happen? What was the Coming Storm going to be like? What were the plans for the game, story-wise, that we will now not be able to see?
This please.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Right, see if I ever buy an NCSoft related product again. For 7 years I enjoyed the crap out of this game and they decide to end it without any explanation at all. **** NCSoft. I'm so pissed off right now.



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
So this was an "I TOLD YOU SO, GUIZ!!!LOLZZZ" huh?
Duly noted
That's all he's got. Some people have been making doom posts evey 6 months for the entire lifespan of the game. This is finally there chance to crow their "I told you so's".



Tutelary - you're being way out of line. Basically, you're saying that since the game is closing, you've decided to come settle some old scores. Try just letting it go - you'll live longer.

Forbin - seriously, what does it matter whether Tutelary is getting it right or not? Let him have the last word, in a week no one is going to remember anyway.

Let's have some respect for the people who just got unemployed in a miserable market.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
That's all he's got. Some people have been making doom posts evey 6 months for the entire lifespan of the game. This is finally there chance to crow their "I told you so's".
And so wrong again. Just you are the problem Forbin, just you.

GO F*U*C*K YOURSELF, FORBIN. The silver lining to this game shutting down? Your fu cking mouth and over inflated ego being permanently silenced.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Try The Secret World from Funcom.
Well, it IS "different," but I sadly hate everything about it. Not a fan of "conspiracy" storylines, I hate the combat mechanics and I haven't seen much in the way of customization. Plus, despite having a meaty video card, I too was getting graphical slowdowns. Plus, it reminded me a lot of Hellgate London.

That said, at least in terms of style and settings, the Secret World is different. It still lacks CoH's wide-spread instancing as far as I've seen, though. That's a bigger thing than I've ever given it credit for.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Nope, wrong. Read my other comment below.
Already did. I stand by my statement

Why choose now to pick a fight? It's not going to amount to anything.

I'm not trying to argue with you. Whatever Forbin said before to you is moot now. Let's bury the hatchet and at least give this game an honorable death.

Increase The Peace