NCSoft Closing Paragon Studios




Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Also, this is a plea to the devs: Tell us the rest of the story. No, not how NCSoft is closing down the studio, but what was going to happen? What was the Coming Storm going to be like? What were the plans for the game, story-wise, that we will now not be able to see?
This, please. So much this.

Also, it's now or never to say: Psychoti, I'm a long time lurker, and the Rude Tells thread gave me so much hours of laughs and enjoyement. You're a boss and I love you, pal.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
That's all he's got. Some people have been making doom posts evey 6 months for the entire lifespan of the game. This is finally there chance to crow their "I told you so's".
Yep. Except that even now they are wrong since the game isn't being shutdown because it is losing money. It's being shutdown because NCSoft has to cut something to make their books look better for investors and sadly they picked COH/Paragon not the things that actually cost them money.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
Already did. I stand by my statement

Why choose now to pick a fight? It's not going to amount to anything.

I'm not trying to argue with you. Whatever Forbin said before to you is moot now. Let's bury the hatchet and at least give this game an honorable death.

Increase The Peace
Well, then sorry you didn't get it. Not sure why you decided to jump in either. Practice what you preach.



Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
This please.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by TooLittleTooLate View Post
I dunno man. I'm new here, but it seems like the guy saying "I told you the game would die" when everyone's bumming about the shut-down is a pretty big a-hole to me.
The world's full of strange people. We had one girl from this game that bought a lifetime sub to CO, which she proclaimed frequently on our forums that she hated before and after it launched.

Go figure.



NOOOO!!! Oh please, no....

This game is my Forever Game. This game is my 'always there, even when I'm distracted by another' game. Now I feel terrible by being distracted by The Secret World, but I'm also grateful to TSW, because it kept me from picking up GW2 on launch day.

And I'm glad. Because
I will never purchase an NCSoft game ever, EVER AGAIN.
I have no other way to show my displeasure at their treatment of this game and this studio, so I'm left with simply doing what I can to not support them in ANY way, and well, I'm also likely to badmouth them in the vein of how Sony's NGE gets badmouthed to this very day. I just can't trust them not to exterminate another game I love.

I'm sorry, Paragon Studios. I loved all of you from afar, and I really wish you all the best. You deserve better than this.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Yep. Except that even now they are wrong since the game isn't being shutdown because it is losing money. It's being shutdown because NCSoft has to cut something to make their books look better for investors and sadly they picked COH/Paragon not the things that actually cost them money.
I don't care what the reason was and amazed you still think I said something about the money. No, it's about people like you that said my game would last for years to come but it's not. It is being shut down and CO just isn't the same. I'm calling you guys out, not PS. PS has been awesome the past year.

And you can also F*U*C*K yourself, Terra. So tired of you retards and the only silver lining of this is you fu cks won't be able to post your crap anymore.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Well, then sorry you didn't get it. Not sure why you decided to jump in either. Practice what you preach.
God Bless You!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The world's full of strange people. We had one girl from this game that bought a lifetime sub to CO, which she proclaimed frequently on our forums that she hated before and after it launched.

Go figure.
There's that pompous attitude I so love.



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
God Bless You!
Ok, thanks for that Rufus. I will try but it is hard. Didn't mean for you to get drawn in. You have a very reasonable voice.

Edit: uhh, just ignore the comment immediately above.



By the way, if anyone out there has sneaky plans to do an EMU... you've got my support.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
That doesn't however change the fact that the switch to the Hybrid model made more money than ever before.
Hmm, risking some blowback here especially during a somber time but in case there's more information behind it, can you elaborate since that statement doesn't seem to match NCSoft's reports though.

What i was seeing was their revenue kept decreasing even after F2P.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Ok, thanks for that Rufus. I will try but it is hard. Didn't mean for you to get drawn in. You have a very reasonable voice.

Edit: uhh, just ignore the comment immediately above.
Heh no worries,mate. Just a bit bummed how a great game like this can be taken away from us.

I try to be reasonable, but it is hard. It does freak out the WoW players, though.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
There's that pompous attitude I so love.
Nothing pompous about it. Merely stating facts. Perfect Pain spent months bashing Champions Online on our forums while she was Beta Testing it, then she bought a lifetime sub to it, then she claimed she cancelled her sub and got her money back, only to do a complete 180 and change her story two months later when she was caught still playing Champions because she used the same forum name in both games.

That's strange behaviour



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Nothing pompous about it. Merely stating facts. Perfect Pain spent months bashing Champions Online on our forums while she was Beta Testing it, then she bought a lifetime sub to it, then she claimed she cancelled her sub and got her money back, only to do a complete 180 and change her story two months later when she was caught still playing Champions because she used the same forum name in both games.

That's strange behaviour

Ok, yes, I agree. I mistook this as part of our earlier 'conversation'. It is not. I have read PP's posts in the past and she was in a league of her own. Kind of like GG's polar opposite.



I'm completely stunned. I just came back to the game last month, I was amazed at how much new content, new development, and how healthy the game seemed to be after all these years.

So they're just going to shut it all down, period?!? I would think at the very least they would try and sell the game to another company, it seems like it was making money for NCSoft, just not enough money?

If they're going to leave it open for 3 more months I hope they at least let us have some fun - disable the aggro caps, target limits, etc. Let us be truly powerful like we were in 2004/2005.



Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't NCsoft still license the game engine and other assets from Cryptic (now part of Perfect World)? Perhaps the contract is due to expire and they were either unwilling or unable to renegotiate? That would pretty much mean the game needs to shut down ASAP.

I haven't played regularly in a long time, but was there for a good 6 years from beta. Feels like the end of an era and hard not to feel a little saddened.



Originally Posted by Bloodflame View Post
If they're going to leave it open for 3 more months I hope they at least let us have some fun - disable the aggro caps, target limits, etc. Let us be truly powerful like we were in 2004/2005.
Actually that could be a fun send off for the game...maybe enable dev tools/functions or something at the last day.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't NCsoft still license the game engine and other assets from Cryptic (now part of Perfect World)? Perhaps the contract is due to expire and they were either unwilling or unable to renegotiate? That would pretty much mean the game needs to shut down ASAP.

I haven't played regularly in a long time, but was there for a good 6 years from beta. Feels like the end of an era and hard not to feel a little saddened.
That's an interesting angle. The initial announcement was November 7, 2007, so it'll be pretty much 5 years when it closes.

I would have thought that NCSoft would have made that part of the announcement though, it would blunt the bad press they are getting.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
That's an interesting angle. The initial announcement was November 7, 2007, so it'll be pretty much 5 years when it closes.

I would have thought that NCSoft would have made that part of the announcement though, it would blunt the bad press they are getting.
5 years almost to day? Yeah, definitely sounds like a contract issue to me. No matter what they say there's no way they're going to shake the stink on them over this. We'll probably never know which party is to blame -- NCsoft for willingly deciding to not renew, Perfect World for not offering, or any other possible combination of failed negotiations.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I... I don't even know how to react.

I am sad, angry, disappointed. I feel like one of my pets died or something.
Everyone, I grew up with the CoH community through high school, college, and my current career. I am so proud to have known all of you in spite of any differences we may have had. Thank you all for these fond memories and friendships. I hope you will find a bright future somewhere down the road.

It breaks my heart to accept this isn't some nightmare I'm having while trying to sleep this afternoon. I honestly feel like a part of my life is being stripped from me. I know that sounds pathetic, but there's more than digital currency at play here - there was a living, breathing community of players unmatched in all the internet. The people who played CoX are an intelligent and deep-thinking tribe. You all brought out the best in me, in the game and in real life.

Fare well, and always believe in your Justice.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



I wonder what the other super secret project was? Still in shock, but this just dawned on me that it's basically two games worth of development teams getting laid off.



Well, to any I dont see in game... It has always been fun playing this game, and i hope to meet at least some of you in other far-off games...



It would be nice if someone with the know-how could drum up a forum for us to migrate to. This is where I get all my nerd news and get to spew my distaste for the New 52, and it'd be nice if we could have a place to do that if/after we lose this place.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



I just found out now...


There really are no words...
