NCSoft Closing Paragon Studios




Still waiting on a redname post.

The fact that this isn't even a redname thread is suspicious.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
He isn't actually. NCSoft isn't cutting the game because it is losing money. I would guess that the costs associated with starting GW2 were enough that they want to cut something to make their books look better. And sadly for us they appear to be cutting Paragon Studios and COH.
Thank you.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
He isn't actually. NCSoft isn't cutting the game because it is losing money. I would guess that the costs associated with starting GW2 were enough that they want to cut something to make their books look better. And sadly for us they appear to be cutting Paragon Studios and COH.
Between fumbling Aion and Blade & Soul, NCSoft lost $6 million last quarter.

So of course they kill City.

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Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
well, i suspect that some enterprising person or persons will do something slightly legally grey, and im hoping they get the word out to enough of us so we can come there.
Well, I've looked for a "private" server, but something about CoH's server structure hampers this, since I've never found one. Maybe there was never much of a will since we are, even at the best of times, a niche community that might get a boost of motivation after the fact. I kind of sort of hope it happens, what with me willing to pay full price for a new game just to play this one in offline mode.

I guess my only other hope is that someone wises up and buys the property to revive it, like what happened to Hellgate London, even if that took... What, a year? If we're lucky, it would be someone like SOE or, heaven help me, even EA, who are never too proud to support suck every last penny off a game so long as it's generating revenue at all.

I guess that's the big problem with the "publisher" model of gaming of today - it's not a question of a game being popular, so much as how it fits into a corporate over-structure. Which is good for the corporation, I guess, but not so good if all I want out of the corporation is that one game. And I know I might sound just bitter when I say this, like "NCsoft shut down my game! I hate them!" but it's the truth: I really have no interest in any of their other games. I don't want "in a forest" fantasy. Lineage II and Aion are both trash - Korean grindfest MMOs of the purest form, and even Guild Wars 2 has utterly failed to impress me, trotting me around a forest for five hours straight with nary a hint of storyline but "Go explore and do whatever you run across!"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Wow. Like all of you I am in shock and dismayed. This was my home away from home. I bought 3 pc's over the years just to keep up with this game. I've met countless awesome folks on this MMO that I probably would never have talked to if not for this game. I have battled street thugs, Zombies, aliens, heroes and villains alongside with my comrades and enemies. I have escaped into far away lands and locales at the click of a button. I have created with my own imagination, some of the best heroes and villains I could ever think of. This all comes to an end soon. I want to thank the devs for listening to the fanbase for making this a wonderful game. I want to thank you, the fanbase, for providing me with company when battling mind controlled Statesman or the multiple Lusca's that where in the bay. I am a little sadened now by this loss of my friend. I wish you all peace wherever you find yourself after this is concluded. I will remain here until it goes down. Just like when Galaxy City was destroyed, looking over the city from Atlas Statue. Thank all of you for being part of my life.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
He isn't actually. NCSoft isn't cutting the game because it is losing money. I would guess that the costs associated with starting GW2 were enough that they want to cut something to make their books look better. And sadly for us they appear to be cutting Paragon Studios and COH.
OMG, stop. Really. It's shutting down and many have argued it would stay open for years more. Ugh, you guys are still impossible. If you decide on another MMO, please do not carry over this attitude.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Between fumbling Aion and Blade & Soul, NCSoft lost $6 million last quarter.

So of course they kill City.
Cut the small guys to save money because while they aren''t losing any money, they aren't making ENOUGH profit. They still hope they can turn around losses on the big money makers.

I've seen it happen in business all the time.



They must be real confident that GW2 will be the much-fabled "One MMO To Rule Them All"

Quite frankly, I don't see it.



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
They must be real confident that GW2 will be the much-fabled "One MMO To Rule Them All"

Quite frankly, I don't see it.
It's a decent themepark. I already bought it so I'm going to play the hell out of it. It will be a cold day in hell before I buy anything from its cash shop. I want to waste as much of their bandwidth as possible.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post

Theyre too busy saying godbye to eahc other and packing up. You wont be seeing a redname again.
That explains it. Thank you.

Maybe CoH will be bought up by another company?

When APB went bankrupt, it took several years but a company bought it up and it's now a successful running game again.

Maybe something like that will happen.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Between fumbling Aion and Blade & Soul, NCSoft lost $6 million last quarter.

So of course they kill City.
Oh, yeah, and Blade and Soul, I forgot about that one. The game that a bunch of developers quit in the middle of making and went to form a company of their own that made Tera, which seems to have beaten Blade and Soul so hard I can't actually find almost any news about the latter, nor almost any screenshots. And I'm told it's another Korean grindfest MMO in a forest, and it doesn't have the "fighting game like" combat the old-old trailers seem to suggest.

I obviously don't know enough about the game to hold an opinion, but nothing I've seen or heard about it has convinced me it's interesting. That's the same feeling I had before Champions Online launched.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
OMG, stop. Really. It's shutting down and many have argued it would stay open for years more. Ugh, you guys are still impossible. If you decide on another MMO, please do not carry over this attitude.
Get over it. The game isn't shutting down because it failed. It's shutting down because NCSoft screwed up in other games, and it's easier to cut losses here than in those games.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No you are obviously wrong. The articles already out there that the losses they suffered are from their other games.

NCsoft may have more banking on Guild Wars 2 than once thought. The mega-publisher announced that its second quarter earnings were lower than expected; it posted a$6 million loss for the period.

Revenues were down 12% from last year to $130 million, of which a vast majority came from NCsoft's online titles. The company stated that it dipped into the red due to rising labor costs, an increased marketing budget for Blade & Soul's Korean launch, and the acquisition of Ntreev. Aion was also blamed for the company's financial woes, as revenues in that title sharply decreased due to fewer microtransaction sales.

BothLineage titles composed a great share of the company's revenues, with the first game producing 45% of sales and the sequel 13%.

NCsoft said that it is banking on Guild Wars 2 to produce a profitable third quarter, however.

Notice there is no mention of CoH losing them money.

But you haters have always believed what you wanted. Your antics have always been amusing here.
Yes, I have hate but it is just for people like you, not the game I've enjoyed and spent much money on for nearly 8 years. Keep trying that spin but the game is shutting down and not lasting a few more years as people like you predicted.

You were wrong. Get over it.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
OMG, stop. Really. It's shutting down and many have argued it would stay open for years more. Ugh, you guys are still impossible. If you decide on another MMO, please do not carry over this attitude.
...Annnnnd here comes the vultures.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Get over it. The game isn't shutting down because it failed. It's shutting down because NCSoft screwed up in other games, and it's easier to cut losses here than in those games.
I didn't say that. You implied it and incorrectly. I just said the game was closing and where were the guys that said it would last a few more years.

You were wrong. Get over it.



How I feel:

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, I'll be doing the same in the comic weeks. Probably even the coming weekend. All things considered, those are what I'll miss the most, because no other game can really support my menagerie of weird and wonderful characters.

I keep wondering if there isn't something we can do. I joked around with a friend of mine about "Kickstarter!" though I know that's not realistic, but isn't there something that can be done? Petitioning a corporation probably won't work, but I keep thinking there has to be some way for us to vote with our money. Just can't imagine what it might be.
I've heard of a service (specifically from Penny Arcade, when Tycho/Jerry bought Gabe/Mike a print of his World of Warcraft character) that designs artwork based on MMO characters. Does anyone have anymore information of that?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Well... the Paragon Wiki is inaccessible already. That was quick.

If they laid off the main staff, are the mods still here? Or do the lunatics run the asylum now?



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
...Annnnnd here comes the vultures.
Annnnd, you are wrong. Just finally saying what's on my mind regarding certain posters. I am extremely sad the game is closing and made a light comment about where are those players that said the game would go on for a few more years. In typical forum fashion, those people that think they have some special relationship with the game took it entirely too seriously and just couldn't ignore it.

No, I do NOT want this game to go away but I would not mind if people such as Forbin Project did.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Between fumbling Aion and Blade & Soul, NCSoft lost $6 million last quarter.

So of course they kill City.
Of course. It makes perfect sense to kill the game that is making you money not the ones you screwed up on.

Someone needs to save face by cutting something and they can't admit their mistake so cut the thing they aren't personally associated with. Makes perfect sense.

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Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
I didn't say that. You implied it and incorrectly. I just said the game was closing and where were the guys that said it would last a few more years.

You were wrong. Get over it.
I didn't imply anything incorrectly. This is your post making incorrect implications not mine.

Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Damnit, where are all those posters that said the game was healthy and would last for years whenever a complaint about population came up. I want to have a word with all of you.
You're wrong. But please continue to rage against the dying of the light. There's always hope someone might believe you.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I didn't imply anything incorrectly. This is your post making incorrect implications not mine.

You're wrong. But please continue to rage against the dying of the light. There's always hope someone might believe you.
Keep trying since you like to keep failing.



I'm kind of shocked at how quickly this went, can you really fire someone without notice like this in the US?

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Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
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