Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Or some information on who the heck Rula Shin is supposed to be. Maybe some pics, if it's one of the Temp Costume powers(Halloween), a Non-Combat / Non-Power toggle costume(disguse), or some costume pieces.

A little more heads-up last week would have been nice as well, many of us have the NC-loader close when we start the game, I only saw the blurb about the twitter gimmick when I had to reinstall the game Thursday night. A GMOTD popup in the game would have helped spread the message to active players! And of course the game has over 6000 people following it, but the way they're doing the codes means that a whole 360 people can get the first come - first served code!

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



Yeah not digging code grabs. Impossible to do from an IPhone when at work.



Once again , back to the method guaranteed to bum me out. Righto then. I tried I failed, 30s after I saw em. One day we'll get a retweet again.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



It was a bad idea last week. It's still a bad idea this week. Also, a temporary costume power. How nice. The Kirby crackle aura I would have scrambled for, no matter how much I damn this awful plan. But not for a temp costume power.

There's a little sour grapes, yeah. There's also the fact that this was a bad idea that upset some folks, and it's still being done.

I have confidence in our community development team. Unfortunately, they can't do a thing about demands that are sent down from on high. I'm going to give Hit Streak and Zwill the benefit of the doubt, and say this wasn't their idea.

@Joe Public
"Now, now. God never burdens us with more depleted uranium than we can carry."



Hey guys, I've got a suggestion and I don't know how feasible it would be. Could we do the retweet message with a forum handle or email address? That way you wouldn't have to hit your DM limit on twitter but could PM or email us a code.

Just a suggestion!



Well, I was willing to make an account and try to participate when it involved the direct replies, but there's little reason to bother racing everyone else to batches of ten codes.

I didn't care for Twitter to begin with, but went along to try and get some free stuff that wouldn't be available elsewhere Unfortunately, this return to the old model makes any attempt to snag a code completely improbable.

Account deleted, unlikely to bother playing along on any further pavlovian social media crud in the future, et cetera. And no, fellow forumites, you can't have my stuff, because I still have the game proper, just giving up on attempting to compete in some social media twitch game.



Forum handle essentially limits the contest to VIPs since Premium players can't send, receive or store private messages.

And I'm not sure how much people want to give out personal contact information, but I'd hazardly wager a "not really".



Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Hey guys, I've got a suggestion and I don't know how feasible it would be. Could we do the retweet message with a forum handle or email address? That way you wouldn't have to hit your DM limit on twitter but could PM or email us a code.

Just a suggestion!
Or give us a time frame to send a PM on the forums or an email.

I wish I had the words to express how much I really hate this. I'm compulsive enough that even after telling myself not to waste my time trying... I'll try anyway.

And then I'll just get angry and frustrated all day. Which I'm pretty sure is not your intent.



Zwill, Hit Streak.

I love that you guys are trying to expand on interaction with the playerbase.

But the code grabs are quite possibly the most infuriating, most stressful way you could do it.

I'd rather see codes randomly emailed to all email addresses registered to the game, throughout the year, with no guarantee of getting one ever... than have to fight everyone in the space of fifteen seconds or so for a handful of codes that are likely going to be entered by the time I even load the image.

This is not fun, nor is it rewarding.

I love you guys.

But I HATE this method of doing this.

Especially with godawful Twitter interface that is so data unfriendly that I can't even click a link until the page is loaded. (Yes, my work computer is a POS, why do you ask?)

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



I'll pass.

I get that what you did last week just isn't sustainable. I'm not some villainous ogre that wants you all manually sending codes until your hands bleed and Twitter itself cries uncle (I'm not black-hearted enough for marketing, it seems). Your time is more valuable than that.

I appreciate that you're ramping things up to try to get even more codes out there, but code rushes just aren't fun. You can dress them up, put a goofy hat on them, make more codes or whatever and I'll still pass.

You guys went all out last week and I am appreciative. It's really disappointing that your best intentions are continually hampered by lack of support on the technical side of things. I hope this entire conversation can serve as ammunition for you in going back to the higher ups and petitioning for better support for your endeavors.



For the record, I'm not too much of a fan of the code scramble, either, but I at least want to give our CRT credit for at least trying to find something that works. Last week's private tweets thing semi-worked, but there's the site limitation to work around.

Hopefully there's a happy medium in there somewhere.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
No, promotions that use permanently exclusive items annoy the people paying their salaries. That is the bottom line. You don't deliberately annoy your loyal customers to the point where they cease to be customers.
Yes, I agree completely...

I participated in last weeks Tweet Code Thursday and I thought that the way it was initiated was fair (you have 5 minutes to Retweet this post and we will send you the code) but this week due to "time issues" and "twitter restrictions" they are just making it "simple"...???...For whom? not for us the customer base but quite frankly for themselves.

"Oh here lets just let the blood bath deepen" *cuts and pastes a pic of 10-15 costume codes to a tweet and clicks send* (first come first serve)

Sorry for the sarcasm but thats how it feels... Even those of us that would go on twitter still find this to be... whats the word?... Freaking Annoying? no well its a 8 letter word that starts with a "B" and ends with a "T" sorry but its true. I have been a loyal customer of CoX since pretty much the beginning in fact a couple weeks from now will be my 8th year that i've been playing.

To make thing short, I will no longer be participating in Tweet Code Thursdays! And another thing should they ever, EVER have the audacity to paste a power set on TCT, I will not only be done but done with CoX all together.

Yomokatsu Shinsengumi Yonbantai Kumichou



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
But I simply cannot emphasize enough how much I hate code grabs.

There has GOT to be a better way.

Just curious: would a random drawing be a better idea? For example: take all comers for 12 hours, then pick 100 folks to receive a code? That at least relieves the need to constantly refresh.



freaking ridiculous.
BEFORE 1 p.m., BEFORE the tweet appears in the twitter feed, I get the notification via text message, type in one of the codes, and it's already used.

The codes are all used up NEGATIVE TWO MINUTES after being shown in the twitter feed. This isn't doing anything BUT pissing us off!

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Yoru-Hime View Post
I'll pass.

I get that what you did last week just isn't sustainable. I'm not some villainous ogre that wants you all manually sending codes until your hands bleed and Twitter itself cries uncle (I'm not black-hearted enough for marketing, it seems). Your time is more valuable than that.

I appreciate that you're ramping things up to try to get even more codes out there, but code rushes just aren't fun. You can dress them up, put a goofy hat on them, make more codes or whatever and I'll still pass.

You guys went all out last week and I am appreciative. It's really disappointing that your best intentions are continually hampered by lack of support on the technical side of things. I hope this entire conversation can serve as ammunition for you in going back to the higher ups and petitioning for better support for your endeavors.
FWIW, this whole thing is giving us ammunition.

Showing that we can grow Twitter rapidly and raise our engagement rate gives us ammo.

Showing that we had to invest an inordinate amount of time in something gives us ammo.

Showing that we need something more optimal gives us ammo.

At the end of the day, we're not going to stop working to grow our different Social Media Platforms with the tools we have available, but we're going to keep on asking for better tools to continue doing so.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Or they could just automatically give these items to VIP's who register their Twitter accounts and get a tweet, with a repeatable code. But that would entail customer support and assure their continued interest in the game and not dropping from VIP like I plan to do shortly...

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Just curious: would a random drawing be a better idea? For example: take all comers for 12 hours, then pick 100 folks to receive a code? That at least relieves the need to constantly refresh.
I'd much prefer it. At least then it's left to random chance and not who has the fastest internet connection and fingers.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
FWIW, this whole thing is giving us ammunition.

Showing that we can grow Twitter rapidly and raise our engagement rate gives us ammo.

Showing that we had to invest an inordinate amount of time in something gives us ammo.

Showing that we need something more optimal gives us ammo.

At the end of the day, we're not going to stop working to grow our different Social Media Platforms with the tools we have available, but we're going to keep on asking for better tools to continue doing so.
The question is, who are you planning to shoot with all this ammo?



Originally Posted by De_monique View Post
I participated in last weeks Tweet Code Thursday and I thought that the way it was initiated was fair (you have 5 minutes to Retweet this post and we will send you the code) but this week due to "time issues" and "twitter restrictions" they are just making it "simple"...???...For whom? not for us the customer base but quite frankly for themselves.
Yes, you're absolutely correct. It's less time spent for us.

Last week we had to invest two people for an entire day and a second person for another entire day to sending out codes via PM, and even then we ran into technical/API limitations.

It is *not* a wise investment of my teams time to spend an entire day on another project and cause other aspects of the Community to suffer as a result. At the same time, when faced with the option of do something or do nothing, I choose to do something. I respect those of you who disagree and choose not to participate. Please know that your concerns have been heard. This is simply the best possible option that we have currently available.

On a similar note, Hit Streak and I have invested a rather large amount of time in this conversation. While I appreciate everyone's concern, this is one of those decisions that I have to make that won't make everyone happy. I apologize if you're one of those people. For now, this is how we're going to operate Tweet Code Thursday, until we have a better solution.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by CyberTaz View Post
Or they could just automatically give these items to VIP's who register their Twitter accounts and get a tweet, with a repeatable code. But that would entail customer support and assure their continued interest in the game and not dropping from VIP like I plan to do shortly...
I'm not sure that's the solution, either, Taz. In the schema of things, losing one person doesn't really matter. Instead, you miss out on things you might enjoy (new VIP powersets, etc.). A better solution is to register your displeasure by using twitter to replicate the hashtag on the tweets. No vulgarity, just short, simple responses stating you don't like something.

Above all, just as Patrick Swayze said in Roadhouse, "Be nice."

@Joe Public
"Now, now. God never burdens us with more depleted uranium than we can carry."



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Hey everyone, we've obviously learned a lot from just one day of this program. We're making a few more tweaks to it to accommodate those of you who aren't available during our normal business hours and also so we can live within Twitter's limitations.

Starting at 10AM PDT, we'll post an image of 15 codes for an in-game item (redeem it at www.plaync.com). This will go on until 10PM PDT. For those of you counting at home, that's 12 hours of codes, 30 codes an hour for a total of 360 codes. This is more codes than we were able to distribute last week due to Twitter's direct message limit of 250/day. This also will allow us to actually interact with our Twitter followers more and post other interesting stuff like pictures of Zwillinger's hat vault and maybe even video from the day's frisbee match.

Yes, there will be some trial and error involved, but with this number of codes going out, hopefully we'll get everyone involved.

- Hit Streak
Yah, all codes going to one person with multiple accounts. Sorry, but this horrible idea. At least with the twitter method, those dedicated fans can get the code, even if late. The whole quickly grab codes method pretty much kills it everyone. For most of us, if not all, as soon as we put it in, its invalid.

At least all your fans has a decent chance of getting the code last week and you had more control on how many times a person got a code (though maybe not perfect). 250 per day? That is fine, if a fan did not get it right away, at least they got it later.

With this image crap, sorry, it is worse then before. It is just going to piss people off, the same way hoping on the server and giving out codes that have slim to no chance of the majority of people getting.

I made a twitter account just for you guys. This feels like a slap in the face. I know you are trying to do good by the community, but this image crap just angers me. . . mainly, because, I never get a decent chance a the code.

At least with the twitter method you had, fans had a chance fair chance the code.



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
Zwill, Hit Streak.

I love that you guys are trying to expand on interaction with the playerbase.

But the code grabs are quite possibly the most infuriating, most stressful way you could do it.
This is my point exactly.

Really love you guys... REALLY love that you're TRYING to find something that will work.

But... please... don't do code grabs. PLEASE.



Exceptionally frustrating.

Its a pic so no cut and paste using a browser. Not to mention they are all gone within seconds. I'm randomly picking my first one from the middle also.

Why not release 1 code that can be entered for 5-10 minutes from the tweet?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
FWIW, this whole thing is giving us ammunition.
I'll resist the snarky suggestion of proper application thereof and instead note that some of that ammunition appears to have been used already and people in your office may need new shoes.

Seriously, this just soured me completely to trying to play along. I don't do social media, but was willing to make an exception for this, because I really love making costumes and costume codes. As I said, this is a terrible model and whatever replaces it will need a much better incentive for me to try again. Good luck finding it.

As an aside regarding distribution rates, I fail to see how 360 codes per week is a significant improvement over 250 codes per day.



Originally Posted by Late2Party View Post

Why not release 1 code that can be entered for 5-10 minutes from the tweet?
They've said they don't have the ability to do that.

I betcha they would in a second if they could.