Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




You have to be kidding me. Kirby dots are a staple of the genre. I have no words for this. Seriously.

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Fail Paragon Studios, Fail.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Black Baron View Post
Not using Twitter nor Facebook.
Not starting to do either.
Old fashioned ?
Maybe not. maybe you recognize Twitter (and Facebook before it, and Livejournal before it, and...) as an environment targeted towards narcissistic self-aggrandizement and/or a liability for anyone seeking employment in the modern business world where HR departments unabashedly filter social media for reasons NOT to hire people?

Or perhaps you just value soem level of privacy in the modern world. Who can tell.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
For right now, the Dark Matter aura is going to be for promotional use only. There aren't any plans to put them up on the market.

This isn't to say that they won't be available as contest rewards, or for other activities online (Zwillinger gave some away last night on Virtue, I believe). It just happens that the focus right now is to build an audience on twitter.
If there was ever a time to use the Facepalm emote...


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post

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I just want to go on record stating how awesome an ASCII facepalm macro is, especially one that looks right in the non-space-justified font the forum default so. Thank you, Bullet Barrage!



Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
............................................______ __
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........................................_\........ ..._,-%.......`\

Are those Kirby dots too?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dawnshift View Post
If there was ever a time to use the Facepalm emote...
At the very least, there wasn't a perpetual shortage of those.

I would at least appreciate a lack of this bullheaded approach when it comes to acknowleding community feedback. It's one thing to say, "hey, we hear you," and a whole separate beast to actually act on feedback. There's a real depressing reality that unless enough people stamp their feet and make enough noise to the point where it makes the people with legitimate qualms or criticisms about an issue feel embarrassed (since it makes them out to look like whiny children who need to be pacified), things just don't really see change with marketing type issues.



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
At the very least, there wasn't a perpetual shortage of those.

I would at least appreciate a lack of this bullheaded approach when it comes to acknowleding community feedback. It's one thing to say, "hey, we hear you," and a whole separate beast to actually act on feedback. There's a real depressing reality that unless enough people stamp their feet and make enough noise to the point where it makes the people with legitimate qualms or criticisms about an issue feel embarrassed (since it makes them out to look like whiny children who need to be pacified), things just don't really see change with marketing type issues.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, I can understand if they gave away something like a random enemy group costume code but an actual costume piece is something that should be available for everyone; not just the person who can type in a code the fastest.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



I can understand the desire for bringing more attention to Twitter feeds, but I would be more in favor of this if everyone who followed, or even just visited @CoH without a Twitter account, would be able to access the code. At the moment it's just disappointing the thousands of fans who have a slow connection or aren't able to check twitter and manage their account at the posting times, not to mention those who really do not want social media in their lives at all. Personally, I tried very hard to get the codes and the one time one went through I was told the code was valid but wouldn't be applied to my account



Originally Posted by Morrigana View Post
I can understand the desire for bringing more attention to Twitter feeds, but I would be more in favor of this if everyone who followed, or even just visited @CoH without a Twitter account, would be able to access the code. At the moment it's just disappointing the thousands of fans who have a slow connection or aren't able to check twitter and manage their account at the posting times, not to mention those who really do not want social media in their lives at all. Personally, I tried very hard to get the codes and the one time one went through I was told the code was valid but wouldn't be applied to my account
This isn't a one-time thing. "Tweet Code Thursday" isn't just tomorrow.

And as I mentioned above, Twitter won't be the only way to receive these. We will use them for other activities going forward.

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
This isn't a one-time thing. "Tweet Code Thursday" isn't just tomorrow.

And as I mentioned above, Twitter won't be the only way to receive these. We will use them for other activities going forward.
Thank you for your response, I was assuming that they would only be broadcasted somewhere such as Twitter or on Virtue and everyone had to rush to their account management and hope to get the code in. It's really hard to complain about free stuff, but if they are used for other promotional activities in addition to twitter, that seems more fair. I think most of us just really like auras and don't want to miss out on the awesomeness.



First to grab the code and apply to account wins?! Guessing there will be zero chance to actually obtain a code so I think I will give it and twitter both a miss but thanks for the idea. A way to have made this stunt work in terms of satisfaction plus gaining followers may have been to have codes that could be applied only within a 10-15 minutes timeframe from when they were mentioned on twitter. Anyone applying the code inside that timeframe gets the goodies/whatever.




Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
The codes we have are one-time use.
By the way, it has not been that long since the uproar over the Coralax costume giveaway (and other similar "giveaways") that the community team should have forgot this type of promotion ticks off players to no end.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
This isn't a one-time thing. "Tweet Code Thursday" isn't just tomorrow.

And as I mentioned above, Twitter won't be the only way to receive these. We will use them for other activities going forward.
Still unfun.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
By the way, it has not been that long since the uproar over the Coralax costume giveaway (and other similar "giveaways") that the community team should have forgot this type of promotion ticks off players to no end.
The community team thinks our tears are delicious.

Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Still double-plus unfun.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



"This sucks." said Zombozo.

Though my original response was far more unprintable.

Rend this space....



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
For right now, the Dark Matter aura is going to be for promotional use only. There aren't any plans to put them up on the market.

This isn't to say that they won't be available as contest rewards, or for other activities online (Zwillinger gave some away last night on Virtue, I believe). It just happens that the focus right now is to build an audience on twitter.
I just want to add to the chorus, this is possibly the worst idea you've ever had as far as limiting costume pieces go.

EDIT - This is not hyperbole or exaggeration. I literally can not think of a single case in the history of CoH that is worse. I am also hard pressed to think of a potential future situation which could be worse. It's just a terrible idea all round.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Keep in mind that you don't have to subscribe to Twitter to see the posts. Following with a Twitter account with may get you quicker access, sure, but you can bookmark the COH Twitter page and check in on a browser to see the same exact posts a Twitter account holder would see.



I definitely like that idea of providing a code that could be used by anyone but only in the span of a couple/a few minutes. That way people don't have to try to outrace each other and the costume piece actually gets to everyone and not just that select few speed typers.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)





Only way to get a costume piece?

This... this is a poor decision.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
We create promotions like this in order to get old/new/current City of Heroes players to join us on these sites as an extension of our community.
No, you don't. You "create" these promotions, like previous attempts using these methods, in blind disregard of feedback on previous attempts at these same promotions.

Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
We will continue to support our other outlets (FB, G+ and our forums) with content/updates and will do our best to make sure that no matter what method you use, you have the most up to date information possible. If we've failed you in this regard, we certainly apologize, but it's not intentional (we don't play favorites).
Yes, but how intentional is it when the company has been told repeatedly that the customer base doesn't like this type of promotion and you go ahead and do it anyways?

Take a look at the feedback for the Coralax codes given away by twitter/facebook/the forums in this format:
Discussion: The 12 days of Coralax!

Here is some of the comments in the first 20 posts:
Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
I really dislike this sort of method of costume code giveaways.

Any chance Black Pebble could come up with a way of selling these sorts of codes in a Booster Pack?
Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
Yah. Honestly I just came here to post that I think I'd actually pay to get a bunch of these in a booster pack. But I'm not gonna sit there with my eyes peeled on a site all day in a frustrating attempt to try and snatch codes while I could...you know...be PLAYING the game. xD
Originally Posted by Mikuruneko View Post
*sigh* Another cool costume code I'll have no chance to get whatsoever because I have to work and can't sit refreshing Twitter every 5 seconds.

I appreciate that this contest is open to everyone, but it's seriously unfair to the vast majority of the playerbase.

That said, since nothing's gonna change about it, I wish the best of luck to those who have a chance and hope they enjoy their new code.
Originally Posted by Torell View Post
you guys don't have a way to limit the new codes from the lucky few (and fast fingered) that already have one of these codes.. there's no point as I can not check these places from work and most of the time they are all gone in seconds.. come on marketing.. think of a better way. and yes I would ponder the option of buying a costume code pack.
Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
Thanks, great to see a competition I can enter.

More like it please, even if it is hard to win
This is one of the very few examples of positive feedback in the thread.

Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Ponder? Hell, if a pack of these were offered (or even individually), I'd buy it in an instant.
Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
This is completely unfair to people who cannot spend all day refreshing twitter, facebook and the forums. The NA codes are usually sniped in a matter of SECONDS, this contest is hardly open to "anyone" who plays a game, just an elite/lucky few that can type very fast.

I still can't understand why marketing keeps pushing Boosters that no one asked for while people are begging to buy costume codes...yeeesh.

Sorry for the negativity, spent a week trying to earn a PPD code from one of these "contests" and the frustration was INSANE.
Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
While I appreciate the fact that you guys do have these sorts of contests, holding them during weekday business hours, especially on the West Coast, is, well, meh and not very fun. I can't spend all day at work trying to have faster twitch reflexes than those who do just to try to get a costume code.

I'll mention my support of the idea of a booster pack with these temporary costume powers.
Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
I must say, I think these "contests" are the most disliked thing to ever "grace" City Of Heroes.

They're ridiculous, retarded, insane, unfair, and just not fun.

If you want to continue to hand out new codes this way, that's fine, but ONLY if you start bundling the older costume codes into "booster" packs and make them for sale at the NCSoft Store.
Originally Posted by Commander View Post
The thing that baffles me is that "contests" like this keep popping up and the majority of comments are negative.

I always thought that contests were supposed to be fun and make the entire playerbase happy, yet these seem to only irritate the players.

It's been, what, two years since they've been giving away costume codes via "first come, first serve" and they haven't been able to find another method of giving these away?

To me, what would make more sense to start a thread called "Post in this thread between 12am and 12pm and you may be randomly selected to receive a costume code." Then after however many post in the 12 hours the contest is active, someone from NCsoft can pick a random number (between all of the post counts in that thread) and award the poster a code.

Contests like the current "snatch and grab" do two things:

1.) slow down the NCsoft Master Account page because so many people are trying to enter the same code at the exact same time

2.) cause frustration and anger amongst everyone that didn't win because they, physically, were not fast enough to type in a code.

Let's not even take into consideration that people that have a physical handicap are completely shut out, especially if they have an impairment that slows down their response time.

This post, btw, is not made as a complaint. Just that there is so many more ways to go about handling a contest where every person has the same exact opportunity to obtain a gift, rather than just whoever is the fastest to enter a code. I mean, ED supposedly was implemented to give everyone a fair chance, right? Maybe these contests need CD (Contest Diversification) ?
Pretty much the entire thread goes the same.

With feedback like that, why in the world could you possibly think that it would generate positive feedback for people to use twitter?

At least with the facepalm emote codes, it got people to sign up to Facebook so that they could get one of the 30/60 thousand codes knowing that they at least have a chance to get the code. Promotions like these 1-use codes only develops ill-will.

Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post

* The vast majority of the player base hates this, they tell you they hate it and yet you still do it
Black Pebble, at the very least, should have warned the community team about this. He was around for the last feeble attempt at this type of "promotion". I really have to question the community team's, the marketing team's, and the business team's planning if they insist on going through this every couple years.

You don't win customers by ticking them off.

And I say this having got a Coralax costume code from the Forum portion.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Seriously, &^%&^ Twitter and the Hungry Hungry Hippos Code Grabs. Again, I'm chalking up another thing that will dangle out there for me not to get because I don't have a good Image Text ripping plugin.

I know you're trying to sing and dance and make Happy Fun Times in Social Media World to attract Vets and New Players. I understand this from a business perspective.

However, dancing Shinies around that we really stand no chance of getting stirs up resentment in your playerbase at a time where I see so many less players and most of my friends have left. I myself am now getting hard pressed to enjoy myself and am feeling a pull towards other things.

Freebie Freedom, where we are guaranteed to get some little token of your appreciation, makes me feel like you still care about us. The Facepalm Emote was an awesome promotion. The sales in the Market are... um, I guess they're ok on some things. Putting us into a mosh pit in the Shinydome to fight it out to the death, well, that's just Mad.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



The only thing more annoying than Twitter is using it to hand out single-use codes for costume bits. <_<

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Till the code generator is brought out like for the facepalm emotes, I'll just do without.

It was posted on the facebook account that there may have been legal issues from not doing it on there. Have things changed so dramatically in a year regarding giveaways? Not a sarcastic question, I just don't follow the facebook dealings enough to know.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Aubrey_EU View Post
First to grab the code and apply to account wins?! Guessing there will be zero chance to actually obtain a code so I think I will give it and twitter both a miss but thanks for the idea. A way to have made this stunt work in terms of satisfaction plus gaining followers may have been to have codes that could be applied only within a 10-15 minutes timeframe from when they were mentioned on twitter. Anyone applying the code inside that timeframe gets the goodies/whatever.
I wish we had codes that work that way. Sadly, that's not the case.

We have a lot of codes here. And as I've stated previously, we do have other ways of distributing these. It just so happens that right now, we're announcing a program for Twitter.

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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These frenzied code scrambles are quite fun
Although I'm not going for this one, as I have no use for it, and it'd be selfish to waste a code when someone who actually has a use for it wants it way more.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork