Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




I'm at work during most of these giveaways, but I'm glad to see them. As annoying as it can be to miss out on things I've a feeling the positive of gaining subscribers and begrudgingly monitoring the social media will wind up outweighing any harsh feelings and complaints. I don't see many (because there's always one..) cancelling over this or it pushing people over the edge.

It's also reassuring to know that these will be made available outside of Twitter. This can prove to be a good incentive to attend or even host events. Those looking to boost event attendance can ask to coordinate with the development team and award these codes to random or event winners.

I can see a lot of possibilities these valuable costume pieces open up, as long as it's not exclusive to twitter.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




[QUOTE=Seschat;4304626]One, that's kind of depressing. I'd like to think my fellow CoH players are brighter than the average internet user. Two, one wonders how these numbers would change if the broken parts of the forums, such as the login, were ever fixed?[quote]

The log in errors were fixed awhile back

As I've said earlier, far too often the price of using social media is your career. You are fortunate, Zwillinger, that Paragon encourages your use of Twitter/Facebook/whatever. Many companies look on such usage as a liability to their business, and a poor reflection on your character.
Companies that view it as a liability would be better off investing their time in teaching their employees proper social media management and security. IMHO that is.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
Why not have an unlimited amount for a period of time or a HUGE quantity for Thursday say like 10,000 (give or take) so that it's not the mini "black Friday" of trying to pile over each other for so few codes when I'm sure there's a lot of people.

Orr exactly what you guys did on Facebook for "facepalm" emote only on twitter for the day and give the whole day to let people get a code
Me myself am hardly on twitter and don't usually keep up with promotions :/
He already addressed this. It wasn't as simple as you make it seem. There was a third party that programmed a tab on the Facebook page that pulled from a database of codes. They don't have a way to add such a feature to Twitter.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Yes, we're trying to grow another outlet. There's strategery in them thar hills.

The "code generator" wasn't generating anything at all. It was pulling from a static database of codes. It was also programmed by a third party and was a standalone tab on our Facebook page. Something we don't have the option to do on Twitter.
They already know my thoughts about this matter, so I won't go into them here.

I will admit that I follow and interact with them on Twitter (without having had to divulge any personal information aside from an email account that I created for that purpose). My tweets are private so you have to have my permission to see what I post.

I also Like the CoH page on Facebook and interact there asking and answering questions or just making comments as I do here. Facebook has very minimal personal information about me and it is blocked so that only those I allow can see that information. I know of people who are not giving any actual personal identification on Facebook.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Oh damn I spent my day playing the game instead of being on twitter.

What a dumb idea this is.

So if I want to see a video feed I have to go to one site. If I want to grab a free item I have to watch another social media.

But It gets better you have to snag it first. So the people you actually get to watch for the promo are still left out if their service or computer is slow.

Please stop with the gimics and go fix the current reward bugs. Like yearly badges and random Paragon reward dates.

Who would get the COH twitter feed that isn't already playing the game? So every player that doesn't get a reward you risk pissing off.



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Oh damn I spent my day playing the game instead of being on twitter.

What a dumb idea this is.
Who cares? As long as you paid your monthly sub, it does not matter whether or not you spend your time at work, eyes glued to twitter for the codes, get the code or not, or twiddling your thumbs wondering what to do...

But I am with you on that statement.



Personally, I love this.

What's to complain about FREE stuff that we all have an equal chance of obtaining?

If you don't care about Kirby Dots and never have before - then don't visit the twitter page. If it's something you desire, cast a tent and be ready.


Channel 'VIP' Host!
/chanjoin VIP



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
Personally, I love this.

What's to complain about FREE stuff that we all have an equal chance of obtaining?

If you don't care about Kirby Dots and never have before - then don't visit the twitter page. If it's something you desire, cast a tent and be ready.
That's the thing. We all /don't/ have an equal chance of getting the aura.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Dawnshift View Post
That's the thing. We all /don't/ have an equal chance of getting the aura.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
One, that's kind of depressing. I'd like to think my fellow CoH players are brighter than the average internet user. Two, one wonders how these numbers would change if the broken parts of the forums, such as the login, were ever fixed?
The log in errors were fixed awhile back
Not all of the issues were fixed.

Several players have reported that instead of keeping the cookies and simply expiring them at the end of 8 hours the cookies are being deleted if you close the browser. Arcanaville can give more information on what's happening with the cookies since she's looked at it to see what is happening.

Even if I leave the browser open and never touch the Back button it will regularly log me out before 8 hours have passed if there has been any inactivity at all.

The Remember Me button does absolutely nothing. Luckily, my browser will fill in my username and password for me at home. I obviously don't have this enabled at work due to security reasons.

There are also the random logout bugs.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Not all of the issues were fixed.

Several players have reported that instead of keeping the cookies and simply expiring them at the end of 8 hours the cookies are being deleted if you close the browser. Arcanaville can give more information on what's happening with the cookies since she's looked at it to see what is happening.

Even if I leave the browser open and never touch the Back button it will regularly log me out before 8 hours have passed if there has been any inactivity at all.

The Remember Me button does absolutely nothing. Luckily, my browser will fill in my username and password for me at home. I obviously don't have this enabled at work due to security reasons.

There are also the random logout bugs.
If it's any help, I found that the login issues were fixed on boards.cityofheroes.com but not from using boards.coh.com. I was scratching my head over the claims that it was fixed until I switched URLs - I haven't had a logout problem since, and this is coming from someone with logout problems for about 5 years.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
If it's any help, I found that the login issues were fixed on boards.cityofheroes.com but not from using boards.coh.com. I was scratching my head over the claims that it was fixed until I switched URLs - I haven't had a logout problem since, and this is coming from someone with logout problems for about 5 years.
I get the same issue that Texas is talking about, EXCEPT when at work on the Mac, but when I get home to my PC the logouts reign supreme even after 15 minutes of inactivity or less. It's pretty random and the "remember me" button as Texas said, does absolutely nothing.



I'm on twitter, and I have zero desire to try and and grab one of those codes as I know I'm not fast enough to snag one. I was willing to play along for the facepalm emote, a limited time promotion works just fine, but with a ton of people trying for the once code... really? I was on virtue last night when you gave them out... again, didn't even try. this "promo" is full of fail and if you think that almost certain failure will drum up support you are sadly mistaken.



Well since you seems to want to do promotions on all social media when are AOL afternoons starting? You know create an AOL chat room for those few COH/AOL fans out there?

Or Hook Up with COH at OKCupid! Meet the love of your gamer life and get a code for the Wedding or Valentine pack.

Maybe a meet and greet with Dr.AEON on WebMD get a chance at a temp rez power.

Just doing my part to help out your marketing team.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Yeah, I have zero problem with you using Facebook, Twitter and whatever outlets you deem worthwhile.
ZERO problem at all. I use them as well.

Exclusive costume items are just completely counter to all that I have enjoyed about this game.

You say you're going to continue this?
I say fare well.
Just read through the thread and saw your posts. If you're the "one" who leaves over this, the costume contest and benefits for twitter isn't worth it.

If it's not exclusive to Twitter and available as prizes for contests in-game but still exclusively one-shot codes, would that ease things? I can see a benefit in having a rare object in game to inspire people to action and talk. The success that the game has seen after Freedom has me trusting the people involved in sales.

Also, the Twitter account announced that codes will resume after the NCSoft maintenance. If you're inclined for Twitter codes, you might want to camp out.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The log in errors were fixed awhile back.
Interesting. I have yet to get the "Remember Me" function to work so far. Just an observation, if you could pass that along.



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
My objection is to the code grab.

All it does is frustrate me. Especially when you then tell me I won't be able to get that item any other way.

It means I will NEVER have a real opportunity at those items, since my satellite internet service is slow and has very high latency.

Yes, you folks may see me on Twitter much more than here, but what has more to do with that than the convenience of Twitter is the fact that this forum's cookies have not been working properly for me for almost a year now (NCSoft support was unable to replicate this problem, so the ticket died). I have to use an obsolete browser and clear all history/cookies every session just to retain SSL login state here, much less post anything. Others with the same problem probably just give up and move on, contributing that much more to forum stagnation.

I am VERY disappointed that you have finally implemented a Kirby Dot aura (one of the most fundamental superhero visual effects, so truly AWESOME to see in CoH) and it is only available this way. Even if I had a chance, I can not camp Twitter all day. That is not exciting -- it is frustrating in the extreme.



Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
Interesting. I have yet to get the "Keep me logged in" function to work so far. Just an observation, if you could pass that along.
It doesn't work what so ever for safari on iPad... Just to put that out there as well

It does though work better with being logged in even If the rare crash of Google Crome for iPad though... I've been moving stuff like bookmarks over so yay for Crome

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
FWIW, I agree.

I am faced with two options:
  • Do nothing.
  • Do something that I don't particularly like but some will find fun and that will increase our audience via another social media platform that has a proven track record of reaching customers.
Like I said. Just as soon as we have NON UNIQUE promotional codes working in the Paragon Market, we'll start utilizing it. We've brainstormed many ideas for fun promotions, we just need the functionality.
Like I said, you are turning off a lot of people that you don't need to turn off. More to the point, you are turning off more people than you are winning over.

As for the NON UNIQUE code situation, why aren't you talking to your market vendor about a clear lack of functionality?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There *will be* exclusive giveaways. There *will be* exclusive media content. For all venues, not just social media.
As with all the other exclusives, the problem is that they don't cease to be exclusive. As far back as the Collector's Edition to new "exclusives", people get upset over permanently exclusive items when they fail to become available eventually.

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
It's hilarious how inapplicable that example is. But go on thinking that if it makes you happy.

What the majority of us are mad about is that (to keep your analogy) the free sample lady gives ONE taste of pizza to the first person to look at her... and everyone else gets told they can't have any because that guy just ate his. Nevermind the giant pizza behind her.
Or the Soup Guy from Sienfield. "No soup for you!"

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Originally Posted by Yoru-Hime View Post
Z, it's not that you're using or promoting Twitter, it's that you're using it in a way that is going to be a frustrating, fruitless, time-wasting experience for 99%+ of those who actually try to take part. If you can change that, then by all means, tweet away. Otherwise, you need to realize that you're buying those follow numbers at the cost of frustration and annoyance from most everyone involved.

The facepalm emote giveaway worked great. You follow/like, you get it. No time sink, no lightning reflexes needed, no huge crowd left empty handed.

Here's a quick idea that somewhat follows the Facebook lines:

1) You follow the twitter account
2) You send a message to the account under some set of conditions (using a specific word from a tweet or within a certain timeframe)
3) You get a reply back with a code that you can use to unlock <insert shiny here>
Ideally, that's a great idea. I'll look into seeing if that's something we can do that won't require monopolizing my staffs entire day.

We will do what we can with the manpower and resources we have available.
Actually I'd modify that slightly so that it would be almost fully automated in the following manner:

Post a message on twitter to go to X site on the NCsoft/City hosting servers, give a time-limited password in the tweet.
The contest site asks for that password, and if successful (ie. during the timeframe), gives a code for whatever you are giving out.

This can be easily automated.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The people who *want* to actively participate in the forums are going to do so, regardless of any carrots we dangle in front of them. Because you care, because you're passionate, you want to be involved with the future of the game.
So you're saying that you're going to toss the carrots to people who DON'T care instead?

The people you're ACTUALLY tossing it to are those who care enough (about getting free stuff at least) and have more resources in terms of free time than a great many of your players.

I have the luxury of participating in the forums during the work day because the forums are very asynchronous. I can do it during downtime, or while in the middle of something else.

I have no hope of competing against someone with no job or other responsibilities who can afford to burn a day refreshing the page umpty-bajillion times a minute.

Coming back and telling us it's going to be EXCLUSIVE to said medium or going to market-speak (see: ESSENTIALLY LYING) about how that "maybe some day" it'll be put up on the market or someplace else (see: probably never) just ticks people off.

This argument comes up over and over again. The answers are always the same and always reeking of bovine excrement.

I'm sorry if you find that hostile or rude.

I do care about this game. And I care enough that I'm NOT going to sugar-coat an honest opinion just so you don't feel bad.

Also, if your market interface isn't working how you want, what is holding it up?

I mean, it's only been what? 8 months?

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
And just as soon as they get that functionality working, we'll take advantage of it.

Until then, we'll be utilizing whatever means we see fit to promote our different social media channels.
so how did you get the facepalm emote code to work?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The log in errors were fixed awhile back

No they weren't. I may have given up complaining to support, but I still can't log in properly. I just now even had to clear all cookies and log in again, on this obsolete browser (Flock), in order to respond again.

This forum has problematic cookies & SSL state preservation. Still.

And to be clear: I'm not asking for freebies. I don't need to "win" anything, or be given anything, to be a fan of Paragon Studio and NCSoft. I don't care where any limited access giveaway happens, I'm against it. Love that facepalm emote, but I'd have paid for it just as happily.



Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
so how did you get the facepalm emote code to work?
That was Facebook.. Not on twitter....

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There *will be* exclusive giveaways. There *will be* exclusive media content. For all venues, not just social media.
this isn't about *Social Media* this is about a crappy way of trying to promote something that will piss off more people than it will draw in.

A radio host did a promo via twitter... if you followed him, he would randomly draw names from those that did and give them stuff... that doesn't require the reflexes of a ninja on speed, its fair, and it doesn't piss people off



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
That was Facebook.. Not on twitter....
/e facepalm



I love the idea. The point is not to give away costume codes.

The point is to get people following the City of Heroes account on Twitter. It's not the carrot, it's the stick.

I find it hilarious that people are THIS worked up about an aura. Really? It's not that serious. Twitter can't be monetized, as far as the CoH account goes (it's not a "Promoted post," they don't get money per page view) so that's not a motivation at all.

The motivation is, like they've said, building the community off of the forums; therein lies the problem. Want to know why so many people on these forums hate social media (other than mildly understandable issues with privacy)?

Because forum posters, since the Internet was created, value anonymity more than oxygen. Social media removes that, almost entirely (although Twitter is the least invasive of all). Slinging vitriol and derision at total strangers loses a lot of its deliciousness when those strangers know your name, and your face.

Sadly, I don't believe MMOs in general will ever have a strong presence on social media as it stands now because of the huge gap in sensibilities between gamers (generally speaking) and people who are comfortable with sharing their identities on the Internet.

I run a website with several authors and several hundred thousand daily page views, and social media marketing is a pain in the butt, I know. Especially Facebook. However, getting foamy at the mouth over a COSTUME PIECE really isn't worth slamming a marketing team who's clearly simply looking for ways to expand the community into new arenas. Maybe, just, I don't know, don't worry about it? If you hate social media so much, you should have moved on from this topic the moment you read "Twitter" in the title.

Pushes into social media are important for this game, because it is a SOCIAL game, whether people want to admit it or not. I've played 2 or our 3 main competitors, completely solo, and gave up after a month because it was so incredibly alienating to be by yourself in a game designed to be shared with others.

Marketing is tough. Marketing an MMO *not* by Giant Snow Storm is even tougher. Cut the guys a break, will ya? Or, do what I'm doing; the NCSoft Maintenance isn't even going to be finished before I get home from work anyway, so I'm not worried about it. Will I get the code? Probably not. Am I gonna cry about it? God, no.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.