Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Zwill, I don't object AT ALL to you using and promoting Twitter - I use Twitter to promote my own business. By all means, use and promote Twitter.

My objection is to the code grab.

All it does is frustrate me. Especially when you then tell me I won't be able to get that item any other way.
This. A thousand times, this.

Also, why not have another set of codes (for the same item) for loyal forum-goers to encourage players to actually use the fora? Isn't this where we're supposed to be giving feedback to you devs? Wouldn't having more players here help you get more feedback, or at least consolidate it in one place?



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Zwill, I don't object AT ALL to you using and promoting Twitter - I use Twitter to promote my own business. By all means, use and promote Twitter.

My objection is to the code grab.

All it does is frustrate me. Especially when you then tell me I won't be able to get that item any other way.
FWIW, I agree.

I am faced with two options:
  • Do nothing.
  • Do something that I don't particularly like but some will find fun and that will increase our audience via another social media platform that has a proven track record of reaching customers.
Like I said. Just as soon as we have NON UNIQUE promotional codes working in the Paragon Market, we'll start utilizing it. We've brainstormed many ideas for fun promotions, we just need the functionality.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There *will be* exclusive giveaways. There *will be* exclusive media content. For all venues, not just social media.
Exclusive giveaways are fine, it's just that the method that was chosen for the Dark Matter aura was about the worst way to do it. I don't think anyone complained about the Facepalm emote giveaway because it wasn't a race to see who could input a code within the first 5 seconds of it appearing. That's not the case with this aura. That's the main complaint about this Twitter Thursday thing.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Zwillinger, why the choice to do this with an actual costume piece? As far as I am aware (and please correct me if I am wrong), this is the first time in the history of the game that a piece has had limited quantity availability. Did you not get the results you wanted with Costume Codes, and decided it was the reward rather than the methodology that wasn't working? Will you be doing this with badges next?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
entire post about the benefits of social media
So your research and data indicates that Facebook is an effective tool to reach outside of your regular community, so then you decide to make a promotion only on Twitter?

You've been able to use a code generator app on Facebook in the past, as evidenced with the Facepalm emote giveaway.

So why not use that again? I mean, your research and data clearly shows that people visit/join the CoH community on there. You have a mechanism in place to deliver the codes to nearly anyone would want to use the service (And again, if things have changed and you can no longer use that app, tell us so we can drop the CoH page from our Facebook pages)

To use an extremely crude delivery service of either a picture containing codes or one code just seems dumb.

Give everyone a chance to get the code like the facepalm emote and I'm sure some of us would back down.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Zwill, I don't object AT ALL to you using and promoting Twitter - {...}. By all means, use and promote Twitter.

My objection is to the code grab.

All it does is frustrate me. Especially when you then tell me I won't be able to get that item any other way.
This is my position entirely. And I think it is the only reasonable position one can have on this.

Zwill, you seem like an awesome guy... and I guarantee that you have clear goals in mind and a reason for everything you have said... however, I really don't see the passing out of "5-seconds-and-gone" codes for things that everyone clearly wants.

Isn't there a happy medium? Can't something be done like the Facebook promotion for "/e facepalm"? That worked a TON better and pissed off far fewer of the people you want to keep loyal to your brand.



Originally Posted by Dawnshift View Post
Exclusive giveaways are fine, it's just that the method that was chosen for the Dark Matter aura was about the worst way to do it. I don't think anyone complained about the Facepalm emote giveaway because it wasn't a race to see who could input a code within the first 5 seconds of it appearing. That's not the case with this aura. That's the main complaint about this Twitter Thursday thing.
What he said ===^^^

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
Also, why not have another set of codes (for the same item) for loyal forum-goers to encourage players to actually use the fora? Isn't this where we're supposed to be giving feedback to you devs? Wouldn't having more players here help you get more feedback, or at least consolidate it in one place?
Interesting bit of Community Management science.

No matter how much you promote forum engagement through contests or other carrots, the most amount of players you'll ever see actually registering for your forums is 10%. That's 10% of the entire user base. Ever. Of that 10%, maybe 5% actually actively participates. I've personally seen this across multiple games and shared multiple experiences with my peers that reflects this as being pretty accurate, no matter the game. It's true for CoH (uncannily accurate actually) and I imagine it will remain constant for any other game I work on in the future.

The people who *want* to actively participate in the forums are going to do so, regardless of any carrots we dangle in front of them. Because you care, because you're passionate, you want to be involved with the future of the game.

Like I said previously, we'll have things that are exclusive to the fora, such as the voting for the Retro Sci-Fi costume set as an example. And we're going to definitely use other Social Media platforms to drive people to participate in the forum discussion as much as we can (we regularly link to forum threads on Facebook, Twitter and G+). I want for there to be synergy between all of our Community outlets, which is why we treat them all as equally important.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Z, it's not that you're using or promoting Twitter, it's that you're using it in a way that is going to be a frustrating, fruitless, time-wasting experience for 99%+ of those who actually try to take part. If you can change that, then by all means, tweet away. Otherwise, you need to realize that you're buying those follow numbers at the cost of frustration and annoyance from most everyone involved.

The facepalm emote giveaway worked great. You follow/like, you get it. No time sink, no lightning reflexes needed, no huge crowd left empty handed.

Here's a quick idea that somewhat follows the Facebook lines:

1) You follow the twitter account
2) You send a message to the account under some set of conditions (using a specific word from a tweet or within a certain timeframe)
3) You get a reply back with a code that you can use to unlock <insert shiny here>



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
FWIW, I agree.

I am faced with two options:
  • Do nothing.
  • Do something that I don't particularly like but some will find fun and that will increase our audience via another social media platform that has a proven track record of reaching customers.
Like I said. Just as soon as we have NON UNIQUE promotional codes working in the Paragon Market, we'll start utilizing it. We've brainstormed many ideas for fun promotions, we just need the functionality.
Like the poster you were replying to, it is just agravating to have to be zombie/automaton like to be able to grab a slot. The /thing/ that you are giving away is even more annoying and frustrating. An Aura, even more, an aura that is based on one of the most famous things about comics art...

Silly costume codes like the Corallax and ect most people wouldnt mind(most, yet people still get annoyed over the exclusivity). The facepalm emote was a great example of something that improved a social media outlet without frustrating as many people as this is. How many codes you give out a day? 10? even if it's 50 it would be spending hours upon hours of refresh to even have a small chance. Heck, even while I was /in game/ with you handing the codes on virtue /right there/, it was only 3 codes with everyone else not being fast enough.

So, I would say a huge part is not the method but the WHAT it is given on this giveaway. I use twitter, facebook, google+(the last two only to follow you and ArenaNet), I understand the value of Social Media... but please, tying an /Epic Aura/ for a handful of people just makes me want to stop watching the twitter feed, not the contrary.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
So your research and data indicates that Facebook is an effective tool to reach outside of your regular community, so then you decide to make a promotion only on Twitter?
Yes, we're trying to grow another outlet. There's strategery in them thar hills.

You've been able to use a code generator app on Facebook in the past, as evidenced with the Facepalm emote giveaway.

So why not use that again? .
The "code generator" wasn't generating anything at all. It was pulling from a static database of codes. It was also programmed by a third party and was a standalone tab on our Facebook page. Something we don't have the option to do on Twitter.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Yoru-Hime View Post
Here's a quick idea that somewhat follows the Facebook lines:

1) You follow the twitter account
2) You send a message to the account under some set of conditions (using a specific word from a tweet or within a certain timeframe)
3) You get a reply back with a code that you can use to unlock <insert shiny here>

In fact, it is better than the current method in every way. It makes people actually join Twitter... and then follow you. Which, well, is what you want. Now, people can get around following by just watching the public page.

Is this not an option for some reason?



Originally Posted by Yoru-Hime View Post
Here's a quick idea that somewhat follows the Facebook lines:

1) You follow the twitter account
2) You send a message to the account under some set of conditions (using a specific word from a tweet or within a certain timeframe)
3) You get a reply back with a code that you can use to unlock <insert shiny here>
That's not a bad idea. I could definitely get behind something like this.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Yoru-Hime View Post
Z, it's not that you're using or promoting Twitter, it's that you're using it in a way that is going to be a frustrating, fruitless, time-wasting experience for 99%+ of those who actually try to take part. If you can change that, then by all means, tweet away. Otherwise, you need to realize that you're buying those follow numbers at the cost of frustration and annoyance from most everyone involved.

The facepalm emote giveaway worked great. You follow/like, you get it. No time sink, no lightning reflexes needed, no huge crowd left empty handed.

Here's a quick idea that somewhat follows the Facebook lines:

1) You follow the twitter account
2) You send a message to the account under some set of conditions (using a specific word from a tweet or within a certain timeframe)
3) You get a reply back with a code that you can use to unlock <insert shiny here>
Ideally, that's a great idea. I'll look into seeing if that's something we can do that won't require monopolizing my staffs entire day.

We will do what we can with the manpower and resources we have available.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Interesting bit of Community Management science.

No matter how much you promote forum engagement through contests or other carrots, the most amount of players you'll ever see actually registering for your forums is 10%. That's 10% of the entire user base. Ever. Of that 10%, maybe 5% actually actively participates. I've personally seen this across multiple games and shared multiple experiences with my peers that reflects this as being pretty accurate, no matter the game. It's true for CoH (uncannily accurate actually) and I imagine it will remain constant for any other game I work on in the future.

The people who *want* to actively participate in the forums are going to do so, regardless of any carrots we dangle in front of them. Because you care, because you're passionate, you want to be involved with the future of the game.

Like I said previously, we'll have things that are exclusive to the fora, such as the voting for the Retro Sci-Fi costume set as an example. And we're going to definitely use other Social Media platforms to drive people to participate in the forum discussion as much as we can (we regularly link to forum threads on Facebook, Twitter and G+). I want for their to be synergy between all of our Community outlets, which is why we treat them all as equally important.

I'd like to know in which way voting for a costume piece is equal to having a piece of exclusive epic aura on my character.*confused/Not sure if serious*



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Ideally, that's a great idea. I'll look into seeing if that's something we can do that won't require monopolizing my staffs entire day.

We will do what we can with the manpower and resources we have available.
BEST news of the day!! That you are even thinking about it is amazing! I knew my faith in you was well placed.

Perhaps you could make it VERY much like the Facebook giveaway... make it: Send us a tweet now with the word FLARGGLE! and the next 100 people, or 50 or whatever, will get a Code e-mailed? twittered? back to them. That way you don't have like 1,000 people tweet you in like 5 minutes and swamp everyone for hours.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Interesting bit of Community Management science.

No matter how much you promote forum engagement through contests or other carrots, the most amount of players you'll ever see actually registering for your forums is 10%. That's 10% of the entire user base. Ever. Of that 10%, maybe 5% actually actively participates. I've personally seen this across multiple games and shared multiple experiences with my peers that reflects this as being pretty accurate, no matter the game. It's true for CoH (uncannily accurate actually) and I imagine it will remain constant for any other game I work on in the future.

The people who *want* to actively participate in the forums are going to do so, regardless of any carrots we dangle in front of them. Because you care, because you're passionate, you want to be involved with the future of the game.

Like I said previously, we'll have things that are exclusive to the fora, such as the voting for the Retro Sci-Fi costume set as an example. And we're going to definitely use other Social Media platforms to drive people to participate in the forum discussion as much as we can (we regularly link to forum threads on Facebook, Twitter and G+). I want for their to be synergy between all of our Community outlets, which is why we treat them all as equally important.
Okay, so I obviously know nothing about community management.

I'm just frustrated that this costume part won't be more accessible to people who aren't into social media and/or aren't lightning-fast code transferers (read; me). I grudgingly followed directions for obtaining the facepalm emote, mostly because it seemed so useful to my in-game characters. I would very much like to get this costume piece, but with the ".5 seconds and gone" version that is Twitter, it's just not worth it.



Why not have an unlimited amount for a period of time or a HUGE quantity for Thursday say like 10,000 (give or take) so that it's not the mini "black Friday" of trying to pile over each other for so few codes when I'm sure there's a lot of people.

Orr exactly what you guys did on Facebook for "facepalm" emote only on twitter for the day and give the whole day to let people get a code
Me myself am hardly on twitter and don't usually keep up with promotions :/

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
What are you trying to achieve with this ? Get more people on your Twitter feed ?
This is exactly what they are trying to accomplish.

The fail is not on their part, but on ours for assuming that what they want to do is give away costume pieces, when what they want to do is get people to follow them on Twitter, and the costume pieces are just the carrot to get people who wouldn't normally join Twitter or follow a 'corporate' account to do that.

Right now, we sound like the people in the grocery store ******** at the free sample lady that we can't get a whole pizza for free. Please stop.




I'm going to take on some comments from both sides here. Additionally, I'm taking my time to not "shoot from the hip" and trying not to be overly hostile (well more than usual, I do have a reputation to uphold. ). I'm only catching updates as I preview this post.

Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
What I'm not looking forward is some snot that snagged a bunch put them on like eBay afterwards for an insane amount just because they want money ._.
I would say that is next to impossible to do. A code has to be applied to be won. Any account being caught petitioning for the code to be removed and sold will likely be flagged with the possibility for the account to be closed.

Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Wow, so many negatives!

Well, over the past year or two, since they started doing this on FB and Twitter I've managed to get at least 3 codes, so it's not completely impossible, you just need a bit of luck, and a 1 in 5000 chance is a hell of a lot better than things like the Lottery, and people pay money for that!!

My only problem with it, get rid of the stupid US/EU codes and make them one, I hate seeing a code up and knowing I can't use it if I get it!
No, it favors people with fast internet connections and fast typers. It is not in the least a fair "contest". Previous community reps got blasted for doing this type of promotion every single time they did it. Why? It is because for every "winner" there are many more people that did not win.

As to merging the EU and NA codes, did you even think for a minute that because there are less EU players that means you have a wider window to get the codes? Obviously not, given your post.

Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
You know what would be a great VIP perk? Getting these codes automatically. Does it really matter to you if I subscribe to your twitter feed? I don't understand how that benefits you. As a VIP, I'm already giving you money. You're not selling things through Twitter. You're not being paid per follower, are you? I understand that you'll advertise there, and you want people to see the ads, but the main thing you're selling is subscriptions, and I already have one! And as a subscriber, you have no trouble getting word of new store items to me by other means.
I actually get why they want traffic going to Twitter. I really do. They don't want to sell to outside players via twitter (though that would be a bonus perk), they want to inform their current players about stuff that is happening in game, like costume contests or building customer relations.

However, that is where players are having the issue. "Contests" like this serve the exact opposite of what they are trying to do. For every player that they establish a positive relation with these codes, they are ticking off far more players. What will happen will be exactly what has happened in the past. Instead of driving people to the social network, the opposite will happen: people will avoid both the contest and twitter.

Way to go heroes.

Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
Why not post codes that have unlimited usage for a given period of time?

Post a code, expire it in 5 or 10 minutes. That way those following the tweets are guaranteed a code. This will create alot less disappointment amongst your subscribers and still reach out to the extended community as desired.
I suggested a way to do that. See Zwillinger's response (below). Apparently someone hasn't read the manual for the Paragon Market software.

Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
Reaching out to the extended community at the cost of upsetting your VIP customers is not good business mmkay. Come on Paragon, it's not rocket science.
And yet they attempt the same stunt every few years. There are a couple apt quotes for this behavior:
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Yep, we've had several community reps get burned by this ploy. And I doubt that the current community team will be the last to suffer from this ploy.
It's not rocket science. It's social science.
Sadly, they are learning. Just not very fast.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
And just as soon as they get that functionality working, we'll take advantage of it.
Is someone feeding you a line? I'm sorry, but I'm finding this claim specially hard to believe. All a promocode does is apply a discount to an item in the store or gives a bonus to the customer. The market already applies the same code (it is an account code that has a SKU that is applied to an account). Now I could understand your team not knowing how to use that, but doesn't your market vendor have tech support? Isn't that why Paragon Studios bought an outside market interface for?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Until then, we'll be utilizing whatever means we see fit to promote our different social media channels.
I realize that. However I don't think you fully realize what this contest is costing you.

It is costing you followers on twitter.
It is costing you public relations.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
Right now, we sound like the people in the grocery store ******** at the free sample lady that we can't get a whole pizza for free. Please stop.
It's hilarious how inapplicable that example is. But go on thinking that if it makes you happy.

What the majority of us are mad about is that (to keep your analogy) the free sample lady gives ONE taste of pizza to the first person to look at her... and everyone else gets told they can't have any because that guy just ate his. Nevermind the giant pizza behind her.



Yeah, I have zero problem with you using Facebook, Twitter and whatever outlets you deem worthwhile.
ZERO problem at all. I use them as well.

Exclusive costume items are just completely counter to all that I have enjoyed about this game.

You say you're going to continue this?
I say fare well.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Ideally, that's a great idea. I'll look into seeing if that's something we can do that won't require monopolizing my staffs entire day.

We will do what we can with the manpower and resources we have available.
If you want to make it easier for everyone to get these, you could do that with no special resources. Just release a larger number at a time. I don't know how many it would take to make sure there are still codes left 15-30 minutes after the post -- 50? 100? -- but you could experiment.

Releasing codes in ones or small numbers is what makes these so hard to get, and that's not a technical limitation.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
On a weekly basis, we reach (actual reach, not potential) about ten times more people on Facebook than we do on the Official Forum. I have numbers to show this. Why is this? Because your average user is more inclined to check Facebook at work/home/on their phones/on the toilet/wherever than they are the fora.

There's a lot of things we can do to promote/encourage forum use such as securing mobile skinned fora, however that kind of stuff is out of my hands and squarely at the mercy of Seattle. I've requested it, but something like upgrading fora software is an org wide decision that affects more than just CoH.

Social Media is something we (Paragon) have direct control over. It's measurable, it's accessible to everyone and it's tapping into a huge market that we otherwise wouldn't be able to here in our walled garden that is the forums. For example, did you know that social media is huge in Brazil? We can track the number of people who visit the account sign up page from Facebook from a country like Brazil. That number is very interesting to watch, to say the least. To say that we'd be foolish not to do everything we can to have a great engagement on Social Media platforms would be an understatement.

I understand that some of you are *very* resistant to Social Media. People say that Facebook is free...it's not. You pay with your metrics, your clicks, your likes, all of that information that allows companies to more effectively market to you and people who also match your similar demographic. You have to decide if that information is worth the convenience that services like Facebook offer, the ability to connect with people around the world in a moment, to share your life experiences. For me, that answer is yes, to a degree, for some it's no, and I grok that.

I've said this before; we're not going to stop promoting and growing our social media presence. It's not the future, it's the now. Social Media is here and it's a HUGE part of building strong and vibrant Communities. We're not going to stop interacting on the forums, in fact that's the main reason to come to the forums, a direct and more personal way to interact directly with the team that makes CoH. There *will be* exclusive giveaways. There *will be* exclusive media content. For all venues, not just social media.
Promoting the game and exclusivity are two totally separate things Zwil. The problem I have with this is the latter. I don't even wish for premiums to be treated like this in terms of the vet system, they at least get a stab at it on the market or have a chance to buy the items we get. If anything it should be equal opportunity. Just because you get more attention from one or the other, does not mean you should exempt the bulk of the community, no wait the bulk or the TRUE community who come to the designated site for the game aka the forums to give you real feedback.

EDIT: Why not just move the forums to twitter or FB and be done with it here? /sarcasm

Now with this system you are asking me/us to go to a place some of us don't like to go for personal reasons or otherwise to seize a code that we all should have some chance of purchasing or whatever at a later date (Deja Vu Coralax costume which I am still heated about btw).

AGAIN, not even premium players get treated like this when it comes to things that the vets can sport early on, at least they get a chance to still purchase the things we have... This is pretty silly...



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
On a weekly basis, we reach (actual reach, not potential) about ten times more people on Facebook than we do on the Official Forum. I have numbers to show this. Why is this? Because your average user is more inclined to check Facebook at work/home/on their phones/on the toilet/wherever than they are the fora.
One, that's kind of depressing. I'd like to think my fellow CoH players are brighter than the average internet user. Two, one wonders how these numbers would change if the broken parts of the forums, such as the login, were ever fixed?

I understand that some of you are *very* resistant to Social Media. People say that Facebook is free...it's not. You pay with your metrics, your clicks, your likes, all of that information that allows companies to more effectively market to you and people who also match your similar demographic. You have to decide if that information is worth the convenience that services like Facebook offer, the ability to connect with people around the world in a moment, to share your life experiences. For me, that answer is yes, to a degree, for some it's no, and I grok that.
As I've said earlier, far too often the price of using social media is your career. You are fortunate, Zwillinger, that Paragon encourages your use of Twitter/Facebook/whatever. Many companies look on such usage as a liability to their business, and a poor reflection on your character.