Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
We have a lot of codes here.
Enough for everyone?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
These frenzied code scrambles are quite fun
Sure, if you grew up in opposite world.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Honestly, if it was anything other than Kirby Dots, I wouldn't mind the exclusivity. But this is a traditional staple of the entire artform, a tribute to one of the greatest artists ever to grace it... and it's going to be incredibly limited in availability. It'll be completely down to dumb luck whether you get it or not.

I'd much rather it be sold in the market, and the codes be simply free copies of it alongside the sale copies. Like giving away codes for Water Blast or something, so you COULD get it for free, or you could just pony up the cash.

Hopefully that'll be the path this goes, eventually. I finally got a Freak Tank costume in the market, after all, after years of being only available in contests. But, ugh... years.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
I wish we had codes that work that way. Sadly, that's not the case.
Actually, thanks to Playspan, you do.

It is called a promocode.

Paragon Studios enables the promo code announced on Twitter for 5-10 minutes, during which time anyone can get the item. No need for a single-use code. Not only that, you might get people that were turned off the last "contest" of this type (Coralax code).

And I'll also point out that the 12 Days of Coralax costume code has never been seen since for sale.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
I wish we had codes that work that way. Sadly, that's not the case.

We have a lot of codes here. And as I've stated previously, we do have other ways of distributing these. It just so happens that right now, we're announcing a program for Twitter.
Why can't you do what was done with the Facepalm emote through Facebook? Weren't a limited number of codes generated (one for each person) up to the maximum number of people?

That way, it doesn't put absolutely everyone who wants one in competition with each other.

I have NEVER been more excited about an Aura than I am about this one... and it is being handed out in a way that all but assures I won't get it. I will try (I even made a Twitter account just for this), but I won't really like the method even if I do luck out. Because, well, that means like 5,000 other people won't have gotten that one.

It really is a suboptimal way to do things. I wish that there was a method that was more equitable.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
For right now, the Dark Matter aura is going to be for promotional use only. There aren't any plans to put them up on the market.

This isn't to say that they won't be available as contest rewards, or for other activities online (Zwillinger gave some away last night on Virtue, I believe). It just happens that the focus right now is to build an audience on twitter.
Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
This isn't a one-time thing. "Tweet Code Thursday" isn't just tomorrow.

And as I mentioned above, Twitter won't be the only way to receive these. We will use them for other activities going forward.
I'm just going to be completely honest here...
The fact that this company is continuing down the path of making costume and customization options exclusive grabs and at the end of long carrot'ed sticks... is really, truly turning me off of being a subscriber here.

We daydream of, and suggest, bazillions of costume and aura ideas for this game that we would love to use for our characters from level 1 and on...
And the company uses the time and resources to create things...
And you go against one of the greatest aspects of this game: The open, non-competitive, not-loot-based, not-exclusive-club-uber-player-based, wear whatever you want your character to wear character costumization of this casual friendly game...
So that these studio resources can result in the exact B.S. exclusivity parade of special costume items?

Seriously... It's getting really obnoxious and counter productive.

This game has excelled based around it being friendly and non-competitive and a vehicle for creating your character concept, true to form, from the beginning of your character's play.
Stop. Pancaking. That. Up.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Not a fan of social media (have never and likely never will access any), not a fan of short term giveaways (never happen while I’m on), and I’m not a fan of unique costume giveaways that you can’t get any other way.

Like others I can’t understand why costume codes keep appearing in these type of events.

I can understand the reason behind this type of promotion and I have no issue with some promotions using social media sites. However, if the intent is to promote the game to new (and returning) players then there is no need to offer unique items not already in the game. Wouldn’t offering items that already assist in the game have the same impact? By offering new unique items all that happens is that existing players (not your target audience) rushes to get them at the expenses of your true promotional audience.



I've only been around for a year, so I'm not a super long-term vet here, but... this really upsets me.

My work schedule is entirely random week-to-week (this week it starts at 12p, last week at 4p and next week at 6p) and with the way this rush goes, I'll have somewhere between zero and nil chance of getting this code. Why are you making them one-use? It's just going to turn this wonderful, polite community against each other as everyone mad-dashes for the new shiny... I just...

I don't know anymore, guys. Isn't there ANY way more fair and less random to do this?



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I'm just going to be completely honest here...
The fact that this company is continuing down the path of making costume and customization options exclusive grabs and at the end of long carrot'ed sticks... is really, truly turning me off of being a subscriber here.

We daydream of, and suggest, bazillions of costume and aura ideas for this game that we would love to use for our characters from level 1 and on...
And the company uses the time and resources to create things...
And you go against one of the greatest aspects of this game: The open, non-competitive, not-loot-based, not-exclusive-club-uber-player-based, wear whatever you want your character to wear character costumization of this casual friendly game...
So that these studio resources can result in the exact B.S. exclusivity parade of special costume items?

Seriously... It's getting really obnoxious and counter productive.

This game has excelled based around it being friendly and non-competitive and a vehicle for creating your character concept, true to form, from the beginning of your character's play.
Stop. Pancaking. That. Up.
Absolutely THIS.... /signed

CR print this out and go stick it on every forehead of the marketing team:


And just in case they still miss the point, you can also try the old marketing adage:

"Stick to the knitting!"


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Just adding my vote to the


That is all.



I dislike this method greatly. I also dislike how there's a distinction between EU and US codes, making it even more of a gamble as to whether I get it or not. I don't use Twitter, I don't plan to ever use it. Stop penalising those of us who refuse to conform to such annoying marketing "tactics".

The aura is something often requested and you decide to distribute it limited yet freely? I'd buy this aura, just like the Volcanic, Fireworks and Autumnal auras, if it was on the market. I'd bet that a lot of people would - certainly a lot more people than however many will be able to get it through this method. Don't you want money?

The marketing team needs to be, as Synapse did with [Challenge], taken around the back of the shed and beaten until it becomes something better. Or at least less illogical.

It's not as if new or as-yet-not-returned players are able to see the code, make an account, install the game, and enter the code before existing members do. You know what has a significantly higher proportion of users on than Twitter, Facebook and the forums? The Paragon Market.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
For right now, the Dark Matter aura is going to be for promotional use only. There aren't any plans to put them up on the market.

This isn't to say that they won't be available as contest rewards, or for other activities online (Zwillinger gave some away last night on Virtue, I believe). It just happens that the focus right now is to build an audience on twitter.
No, actually, what the actual [PANCAKE] HELL?

Do...do you guys not GET how *un-fun* exclusive stuff like this is? Making people jump through hoops just to get stuff they might want? What does that achieve, exactly, other than really aggravating people?

The stupid 'Incarnate only' unlocks stuff is bad enough. The Super Pack only 'chance to get' costumes are even worse, even if you may get them nearly always within 24 or so. This? This is an all time [pancake] low. It's the principle of the thing, and it's not damn cool .

Edit: Oh, look at all that majorly unpositive feedback. Is this giving you guys any HINTS yet? ¬¬

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Try to grab these from work...?*snerks* really? It's hard enough to snatch a thing first as it is, imagine on a smartphone...?

I dislike the idea*shrugs* the times it was done with the Mutant pack and the Animal pack it was bad enough, imagine stuff that i wont be able to get other than by becoming obsessed with Twitter and having the code-apply page at all times.

you will get more tweeter followers, sure, but still think overall people will be upset and frustrated.



So basically, no one likes this. (GG doesn't count) While it's not a bad idea to try to promote the game through Twitter, doing it this way is about the dumbest way to do it. I think plenty of people here have provided much better alternatives so I really hope you guys actually listen to the feedback on this and do something about it.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



I personally find this sort of giveaway very frustrating, and I don't enjoy it.

I can't say I'm happy to learn that every week I get to be as frustrated as I was yesterday.

I didn't mind so much, for instance, the /e facepalm promotion on Facebook because everyone COULD get that. But this... this just makes me frustrated and sad.



So far the only frustrating thing is wondering if this Tweeting thing is working... I'm signed in and all I see is a message from 16 hours ago... i think..Never used this thing before, But thought what the hell maybe i'll get lucky...

Maybe I should tweet about it



Paragon Studios, the only positive feedback is from a cheer-leader known for excessive use of winky faces. Maybe you should consider compromising and putting the Tweet Code Thursday items on the market AS WELL as having the code grab.


Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



All of the codes are gone?? :C well that sucks. I can never understand twitter I thought that they were going to be doing the give away today.

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
Paragon Studios, the only positive feedback is from a cheer-leader known for excessive use of winky faces. Maybe you should consider compromising and putting the Tweet Code Thursday items on the market AS WELL as having the code grab.

This, please. Hell, make us a wait a week or two to buy them.. that way your code grab is still relevant.



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
All of the codes are gone??
They didn't start passing them out today yet...



What I'm not looking forward is some snot that snagged a bunch put them on like eBay afterwards for an insane amount just because they want money ._.

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Wow, so many negatives!

Well, over the past year or two, since they started doing this on FB and Twitter I've managed to get at least 3 codes, so it's not completely impossible, you just need a bit of luck, and a 1 in 5000 chance is a hell of a lot better than things like the Lottery, and people pay money for that!!

My only problem with it, get rid of the stupid US/EU codes and make them one, I hate seeing a code up and knowing I can't use it if I get it!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
All of the codes are gone?? :C well that sucks. I can never understand twitter I thought that they were going to be doing the give away today.
All of the codes released so far were claimed within seconds (by someone fast and/or lucky), yes.
They may release more today. You can expect exactly the same thing to happen if they do.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
What I'm not looking forward is some snot that snagged a bunch put them on like eBay afterwards for an insane amount just because they want money ._.
That's not how the codes work. Once you use them, they're stuck to your account, and you can't reserve them.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.