Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
They didn't start passing them out today yet...
I see posts of codes on twitter and them saying stuff about batches meaning that they've made more cause the previous ones have been used.

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
What I'm not looking forward is some snot that snagged a bunch put them on like eBay afterwards for an insane amount just because they want money ._.
Indeed, Bullet Barage, if you tried that... someone else would just get to get to it first. You can't sell these codes.



Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
That's not how the codes work. Once you use them, they're stuck to your account, and you can't reserve them.
You can get a person from CS to get them to remove it to switch to a different account... I've seen it happen and once the code is off it can be sold

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
You can get a person from CS to get them to remove it to switch to a different account... I've seen it happen and once the code is off it can be sold
I highly doubt that. What you see being sold are given to the person who is selling them physically, at an event like PAX.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Why not post codes that have unlimited usage for a given period of time?

Post a code, expire it in 5 or 10 minutes. That way those following the tweets are guaranteed a code. This will create alot less disappointment amongst your subscribers and still reach out to the extended community as desired.

Reaching out to the extended community at the cost of upsetting your VIP customers is not good business mmkay. Come on Paragon, it's not rocket science.



So, I see a few issues with the whole Twitter thing.

1.) You have to sell out and (edit --) use twitter. For some, that is a big deal. (I had originally wrote 'join', but was incorrect in typing that -- oops!)
----1a - Edit#3 since now that you must re-tweet to get a code, you indeed do have to join twitter.

2.) If you're in-game, you're likely not going to be getting twitter updates (unless you're running windowed mode or have a smartphone).
----2a. If you're piping giveaways into the game directly, using the announcements popup or just a broadcast channel, then you incentivize people to be *in game*.
----2b. Raise the bar further for Premiums and VIPs with giveaways that can target them (but not by forcing people to hang out on Exalted)

3.) If you happen to be working in a place that maintains a firewall that blocks either/or twitter, city of heroes/ncsoft, you aren't going to be able to participate at least some of the time....unless you have a smartphone with a data plan.

4.) I personally don't understand the purpose of the twitter giveaway (and how it fits into a greater marketing plan).
----4a. Twitter is primarily for an audience you have already captured (....Follow us on twitter!). If you're looking to throw stuff at the existing community, it really should be more convenient.
----4b. If there's one thing I dislike more than twitter, it's facebook, but at least facebook's implementation potentially exposes you to new eyeballs, if the aim is to capture new consumers.

I'm not trying to be an armchair new-media marketing guru here, but I'm just saying....I don't necessarily see a connection between action and objective, assuming I even understand what the objective is ( ' ;

Otherwise, I like free stuff as much as anyone else, so keep it coming ( ' :

***edit: I'd just like to add, I don't mean to seem so bold as to expect objectives and plans to be shared with the community -- I'm just sharing a perspective as one member of your built-in audience.




Costume pieces limited to community team giveaways only?

Where's the "dislike" button?



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Costume pieces limited to community team giveaways only?

Where's the "dislike" button?
Oh if only there were one, dude, if only.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I'm just going to be completely honest here...
The fact that this company is continuing down the path of making costume and customization options exclusive grabs and at the end of long carrot'ed sticks... is really, truly turning me off of being a subscriber here.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Do...do you guys not GET how *un-fun* exclusive stuff like this is? Making people jump through hoops just to get stuff they might want? What does that achieve, exactly, other than really aggravating people?

The stupid 'Incarnate only' unlocks stuff is bad enough. The Super Pack only 'chance to get' costumes are even worse, even if you may get them nearly always within 24 or so. This? This is an all time [pancake] low. It's the principle of the thing, and it's not damn cool .
Count me as another of the pitchfork-wielding masses upset over this stupid pancakin' decision.

So this is how you're trying to build a twitter community? I wonder if anyone at Paragon remembers the #McDStories scandal. Honestly, I think the best place for us to give them this negative feedback is on twitter itself, for all the world to see just how much fail this decision really is.





You shouldn't have to join twitter. Just click the link on the front page and hit F5 every 5 minutes. Also check NCSOFT accounts to see if the mainteance is over, if so then log in. They won't release the codes until you can since that's were you redeem the codes at.

This is how these contests work every where. The 1st 10 callers win...



You know what would be a great VIP perk? Getting these codes automatically. Does it really matter to you if I subscribe to your twitter feed? I don't understand how that benefits you. As a VIP, I'm already giving you money. You're not selling things through Twitter. You're not being paid per follower, are you? I understand that you'll advertise there, and you want people to see the ads, but the main thing you're selling is subscriptions, and I already have one! And as a subscriber, you have no trouble getting word of new store items to me by other means.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



What are you trying to achieve with this ? Get more people on your Twitter feed ?

Some of your players already follow you on Twitter - and you're pissing off a good portion of those

Some of your players may start to follow you on Twitter - they'll try for the codes, and then will probably join the group above.

Some of your players do not want to use Twitter - and this promotion is hardly any reason for them to change their minds.

This whole scheme is a bad idea.

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



There are a few ways to encourage the ripple effect from publicly visible giveaways (which is always their purpose). One is two make it extremely exclusive, and only available during promotional events, thereby encouraging the "Wow, where'd you get that?!" factor. Another, though, is giving away something with an actual cash value, which encourages word of mouth via "I got this 400PP* aura for free by following @CityOfHeroes on Twitter!"

But as has been previously mentioned, giving away costume items in this fashion becomes just another entry in the litany of unattainable CoH items, steadily eliminating any collector mentality the game once engendered. So it goes.

*Not at all intended as an MSRP, for criminey's sake.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Actually, thanks to Playspan, you do.

It is called a promocode.
And just as soon as they get that functionality working, we'll take advantage of it.

Until then, we'll be utilizing whatever means we see fit to promote our different social media channels.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Not to be a "cheerleader' or anything but you do know that you don't have to sell your soul to join twitter right? Granted I still am not sure what I am doing but you only have to give your name ( it doesn't have to be real come on people!)a email addy ( i have more than a few that i use for just such occasions) a password and a user name, that's it!

So saying all that I dislike all this fancy social media stuff as well. I'm an old lady that has no intention of tooting about what i am doing every five minutes.

Toot: going 2 the store
Return Toot: ur g8t!!1
Toot: i jst got apples nd a box of tampax
Toot: I jst got in my car
Return Toot: u suk!!1

BUT I'll play along because for now, it's fun and maybe I might get a code or maybe I will get bored and just go play the game instead :P



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
And just as soon as they get that functionality working, we'll take advantage of it.

Until then, we'll be utilizing whatever means we see fit to promote our different social media channels.
Judging by the response so far? This seems like a really *bad* way to go about it, Zwill. Exclusivity is NOT an incentive that people like, it just gets them all burned up and angry. Rightly so, in this case...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, actually, what the actual [PANCAKE] HELL?

Do...do you guys not GET how *un-fun* exclusive stuff like this is? Making people jump through hoops just to get stuff they might want? What does that achieve, exactly, other than really aggravating people?

The stupid 'Incarnate only' unlocks stuff is bad enough. The Super Pack only 'chance to get' costumes are even worse, even if you may get them nearly always within 24 or so. This? This is an all time [pancake] low. It's the principle of the thing, and it's not damn cool .

Edit: Oh, look at all that majorly unpositive feedback. Is this giving you guys any HINTS yet? ¬¬
As Zwill said. It's about "driving traffic" to these alternate venues.

My question about it is, if they have to "drive" people to these venues, exactly what does that say about the value of the venue to their customer base.

Sure, it MIGHT make it look "bustling" to people outside the community for a while. A very SHORT while. But you've essentially built yourself a little Potemkin Village.

Now Zwill's going to dig his heels in on this. I guarantee.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
And just as soon as they get that functionality working, we'll take advantage of it.

Until then, we'll be utilizing whatever means we see fit to promote our different social media channels.

About the only way we could REASONABLY send a credible "**** no" would be if people avoided these silly promotions entirely.

But, that won't happen. Because there's always going to be a group of people who GOTTA have their freebie "bling".

So Zwill's going to burn a lot of time trying to capture new membership in these various venues. The problem is, that Paragon simply doesn't generate that much new information that outsiders might find "interesting". All that's happening is they're churning their current playerbase and trying to move them around to these ancillary sites for no reason.

So the account either goes underutilized leading to "Under Contstruction (for the past 10 years)" syndrome or it devolves into a bunch of pointless updates just to say that there's activity. Like my humorous example of "In the bathroom. Taking a dump. Jeeze this is a brick! OOF!"

Basically, Zwill and Paragon haven't taken full advantage of the venues they ALREADY have NOW. Flailing around wildly with the twits and facepalmers accomplishes nothing but further dilution of Paragon's small information stream.

Their Facebook promotion was a joke. Facebook got not one iota of real information out of me (didn't even get my real IP/location/machine). So both they and Paragon got a net nothing from me (and likely a lot of other users who simply created throwaway accounts).

This is going to be no different.

If there are people like me who're willing to jump through five machines and in and out of TOR a couple times to fake this sort of thing what is that saying?

That their product is desirable, but their hamfisted attempts to cattle-prod us into these other social marketing venues of dubious worth (that we are militantly avoiding or bypassing) are most definitely NOT welcome.

If they want to give away free stuff on these sites that everyone else can buy on the forums? Cool. More power to them.

But this crap with exclusivity needs to stop. And I don't mean with *nudge*nudge*wink*wink* vague blatherings about how these things might someday show up on the market...maybe.

Paragon is free to handle their business however they want.
But at some point, they're going to realize that certain marketing antics are going to leave the players free to tell them to **** off and exit the game.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Everything Hyper just said. Seriously.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
So, I see a few issues with the whole Twitter thing.

1.) You have to sell out and join twitter. For some, that is a big deal.
No, you don't have to join Twitter. The COH Twitter page can be accessed via browser like any other webpage. Bookmark it and refresh/read it when you like.

Now, for certain smartphone apps, you may need to sign in with an account. Chances are, however, that any given device has a browser that you can pull up the page, account-free.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
And just as soon as they get that functionality working, we'll take advantage of it.
Hey, the in-game store still isn't working right? Imagine my surprise.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



i thought the codes were going to be like facebook log on get code update account..yay
instead and i did try yesterday log into twitter add city of heroes see codes pop
they went fast...

give up...unfollow

will not touch with a 50 foot pole
what i dont have....i wont miss

add my vote to bleh
(not that it matters)



Promo Codes or don't bother; Paragon Studios is professional enough to try to drive their social media, but then fumble the ball on the 3 yard line. This does nothing but upset the very people you're marketing to!

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



How's this sound? I created a Twitter account just for this fiasco. If I get a code, I'll stick around and follow you guys on Twitter. If not, I'll just un-follow you. No big deal.

...And you'll have created just another tiny little bit of ill will among the players. I'm not going to quit or boycott anything, and this'll be the last bellyaching I do over it. Just... every little screw-up like this causes your "stock to go down", as they say, in peoples' eyes. It adds up.

And by the way, I'm one of those who would've been glad to pay good money for this in the Market (Kirby fan since his mid-70s return to Marvel).



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
On a weekly basis, we reach (actual reach, not potential) about ten times more people on Facebook than we do on the Official Forum. I have numbers to show this. Why is this? Because your average user is more inclined to check Facebook at work/home/on their phones/on the toilet/wherever than they are the fora.

There's a lot of things we can do to promote/encourage forum use such as securing mobile skinned fora, however that kind of stuff is out of my hands and squarely at the mercy of Seattle. I've requested it, but something like upgrading fora software is an org wide decision that affects more than just CoH.

Social Media is something we (Paragon) have direct control over. It's measurable, it's accessible to everyone and it's tapping into a huge market that we otherwise wouldn't be able to here in our walled garden that is the forums. For example, did you know that social media is huge in Brazil? We can track the number of people who visit the account sign up page from Facebook from a country like Brazil. That number is very interesting to watch, to say the least. To say that we'd be foolish not to do everything we can to have a great engagement on Social Media platforms would be an understatement.

I understand that some of you are *very* resistant to Social Media. People say that Facebook is free...it's not. You pay with your metrics, your clicks, your likes, all of that information that allows companies to more effectively market to you and people who also match your similar demographic. You have to decide if that information is worth the convenience that services like Facebook offer, the ability to connect with people around the world in a moment, to share your life experiences. For me, that answer is yes, to a degree, for some it's no, and I grok that.

I've said this before; we're not going to stop promoting and growing our social media presence. It's not the future, it's the now. Social Media is here and it's a HUGE part of building strong and vibrant Communities. We're not going to stop interacting on the forums, in fact that's the main reason to come to the forums, a direct and more personal way to interact directly with the team that makes CoH. There *will be* exclusive giveaways. There *will be* exclusive media content. For all venues, not just social media.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Zwill, I don't object AT ALL to you using and promoting Twitter - I use Twitter to promote my own business. By all means, use and promote Twitter.

My objection is to the code grab.

All it does is frustrate me. Especially when you then tell me I won't be able to get that item any other way.