Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I personally find this sort of giveaway very frustrating, and I don't enjoy it.

I can't say I'm happy to learn that every week I get to be as frustrated as I was yesterday.

I didn't mind so much, for instance, the /e facepalm promotion on Facebook because everyone COULD get that. But this... this just makes me frustrated and sad.
I have to disagree with part of this, as a non-facebooker, I never even heard of this until now, and I am rather upset about it. =( just goes to show how bad an idea that sort of giveaway is. And it's not fair to those who only play the game IN THE GAME.

so they put out a code and only one person gets to use it? oh that is seriously messed up, I thought they at least put out the code and everyone who saw it could claim it, once. This is so much worse it is just insane that anyone thought it was a good idea, worse than the contests they did on there a couple years back.

#COHFAIL, if only this were in time for the Meme CC...
The whole social media fad is highly overrated and not good for everything. This is NOT the way to use it. Gah, I gotta say, if we had a worst CoX idea of the year this one would have some really strong competition this year. "Code Grab" should probably win though.

Face book isn't free, it costs you your information, and your soul. And more time of your day than most people spend on their actual lives! Most ppl I know who use it spend more time on it than they do on their jobs, so it costs you your life! Besides, the creator of FB is a taxdodger, and should not get our support for anything.

Is it worth it if a few find it fun, if most find it maddening? It's one thing to give away things we can get in other ways, but this exclusivity just makes it worse. Worse even than the $700 you expect to get out of the avj person who wanted a black wolf pet, and that was horrendous. This means that only a handful of people will get the item, not kewl at all. And to do a timed thing in the middle of the morning? when most of us are either at work or asleep?
I give you, The Bird, it is the word after all

Speaking of "fixing the rewards" I am still waiting on the new version of the vet reward badges to start coming again, I got 34 when freedumb went live, and not one since.
I for one am among the people that no mater what browser I am using (and I have about a dozen installed) this site will NEVER "Remember Me" no matter if I check the box or not. As a matter of fact it forgets me if I do not keep refreshing the page every so many min. and I am using 'boards.cityofheroes.com'.

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
I find it hilarious that people are THIS worked up about an aura. Really? It's not that serious...

...Will I get the code? Probably not. Am I gonna cry about it? God, no.
Schadenfreude and sour grapes.

Yeah, Kirby dots aren't a big deal. It's just like that ugly Rulu Shin costume code -- nobody would actually use it.

Oh wait. Not at all.

Matter of fact, I have a Rulu Shin costume code here from a lucky break in the last costume contest that I would trade in a heartbeat for a Kirby Dots aura. But, I'd feel guilt about it still... unless it is later made available to everyone somehow. What would I tell someone who notices it in game? "Sorry, you can't get this any normal way."

It's bad enough when you actually did or paid something significant to get the item, like with the loyalty helmets, but at least everyone had the opportunity to get those.



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
What WOULD be fair?
I already mentioned one way... whoever follows CoH on twitter (which is what they are trying to build up anyway) gets thrown into a bucket and then winning names could be drawn from that. THAT is fair. doesnt rely on quickness of fingers quickness of internet connection, time restraints from having to be at work, etc etc etc...



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
What WOULD be fair? As said by a previous poster, we're trying to build the community. This isn't about giving away free stuff to everyone - if they wanted to do that, clearly we'd all have a bunch of free stuff.
Nobody's asking for "free stuff" (or if they were, I missed it).
Simply stuff that isn't exclusive to contests like this. Even if there's a price tag on them. ESPECIALLY if it is a costume item.

I don't have a phone. I'm not sitting at home on my butt in front of my computer 24/7 refreshing Twitter. I have responsibilities. I still managed to get a Kirby Dot aura yesterday.
Good for you. It still doesn't mean that "Everyone has an equal opportunity" is a correct or truthful statement.

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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Could you imagine the fervor if they -were- doing this same promotion for a unique Power Set? I can't.
Boy o boy that might be the last straw if this ever happened... I'd hate to even see that as a April Fool's joke.



Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
I already mentioned one way... whoever follows CoH on twitter (which is what they are trying to build up anyway) gets thrown into a bucket and then winning names could be drawn from that. THAT is fair. doesnt rely on quickness of fingers quickness of internet connection, time restraints from having to be at work, etc etc etc...
OK - you go get the bucket and make sure the names are randomly drawn - also, find a way to identify every City of Heroes player based on their Twitter for when they are selected.


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Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
OK - you go get the bucket and make sure the names are randomly drawn - also, find a way to identify every City of Heroes player based on their Twitter for when they are selected.
If a radio host with 400,000 followers can do it, I'm sure CoH with 5500 could



Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
The worst part is that this could be solved with a compromise. Specifically:

We are giving them away on Twitter, for free, during the months of July and August.

On the first Tuesday of September, we'll add them to the paragon store.

Still plenty of incentive to try to win the contest. It's free, meaning no money and you can spend your points on other stuff. And you get it before most people.

But those who don't win the giveaways still know there's a chance coming up, whether they try their hardest to win every time codes are posted or for one reason or another can't/won't try, don't feel frozen out.

And... Paragon Studios gets money from the sale of the aura.
Stop being reasonable... There is no place in this thread for that.

This would be a complete non-issue if Zwillinger, Hit Streak, or other red name came out and said, unequivocally, that the aura would be permanently on the market in September (of 2012).

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Hit Streak has already said that there were no plans. I don't think any amount of vitriol could ever change that decision.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Stop being reasonable... There is no place in this thread for that.

This would be a complete non-issue if Zwillinger, Hit Streak, or other red name came out and said, unequivocally, that the aura would be permanently on the market in September (of 2012).

Permanently on the market..

A big part of me wants to know how you guys would react if someone was handed something in front of you, unique that you also had interest in for a holiday, such as Christmas.

It seriously makes me sick.


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Why should Paragon care about a few change averse, entitled individuals who think that if they cannot get every little thing then there is a problem?

The level of entitlement and nerd rage of gamer forum goers never ceases to amaze.

I'ts hard to believe that they can give something away and still get all this static.

Grow up people.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
Permanently on the market "forever".

A big part of me wants to know how you guys would react if someone was handed something in front of you, unique that you also liked for Christmas.

It seriously makes me sick.
do you want to try and rephrase that in English?



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Could you imagine the fervor if they -were- doing this same promotion for a unique Power Set? I can't.
Such a situation would be one of the few things that could actually get me to cancel my sub with prejudice.

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Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
That seems like it would do more harm than good - I'd rather not have a viral anti-marketting campaign for City of Heroes. That just sounds destructive.
Don't think of it as an ant-marketing campaign. Think of it as giving the community team exactly what they want: an active community on Twitter. And if they still have that monitor on the office vending machine that broadcasts all the tweeted feedback, even better.





Some of the attitudes on display in this thread lead me to believe that these sorts of exclusive pieces are being sought more for their sheer exclusiveness rather than for how they look or what they represent. That's depressing in a game as creativity and art-focused as CoH.

To paraphrase a rather infamous (to me) red name post: That seems like a real dishonor to the craftsmanship of Paragon's artists.

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Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
Yeah, we're all bad people.

I'd just grab a crowbar and beat that person over the head for their swag.

Enjoy being sickened... maybe it's motion sickness from riding that high horse all day.
By the looks of this thread - it's not something I'd doubt.

This entire thread breaks down to, "I want something I can't have that I know we all have the same methods of obtaining, however I don't think I can get it so if I won't have a way of obtaining it no one should be able to."


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Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
Hit Streak has already said that there were no plans. I don't think any amount of vitriol could ever change that decision.
Yeah, they said it at the beginning of this fiasco. If they continue that line, they are not as smart as I believe them to be. You don't shoot yourself in the foot this bad in public relations and keep your job very long.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Could you imagine the fervor if they -were- doing this same promotion for a unique Power Set? I can't.
Such a situation would be one of the few things that could actually get me to cancel my sub with prejudice.
I'm sure that Paragon Studios wouldn't like to see the reaction that would cause. Especially if the power set was an iconic power.

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Originally Posted by Stonehead View Post
Don't think of it as an ant-marketing campaign. Think of it as giving the community team exactly what they want: an active community on Twitter. And if they still have that monitor on the office vending machine that broadcasts all the tweeted feedback, even better.


It's hard to think of it that way. Even if I were feeling as disappointed and annoyed as everyone on these forums, I'd want the game to succeed. Soliciting a "criticize the game" campaign is a bad idea for anyone who enjoys this game. Use the forums, use twitter, use facebook, but keep it directly with those you're addressing. Damaging the game's reputation, even over a dumb marketing decision isn't constructive.

As me dear ol' mother used to say, praise in public and criticize in private. Everyone's doing a good job representing their positions here, and the interaction with Hit Streak and Zwillinger is good. We may or may not like what they have to say, but it's not like these posts aren't being heard already.

They've said there will be other ways to get one-use codes. I'm looking forward to see what the community can come up with. Previously they gave codes like this away for taking part of beta tests and events - If they continue to do so, it can go a long way to bump up community attendance.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Q: Will items from the codes make an appearance on the Paragon Market?
A: None of the items we'll be giving away through this program are slated for the Paragon Market at this time.

Q: Will this be the only way to receive these items?
A: In short - no. We are constantly looking for ways to reward our community memebers. This includes in-game, Community Forums, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
I'm all for contests and rewarding people through social mediums. Its great to get more participation in the game and get people excited. My issue is with the exclusivity of these items. Many of these context will occur while many of us are at work and/or otherwise occupied, when we really shouldn't or can't spend our time watching for on various social networking sites to be the first to get the various codes.

They really should be available to purchase on the market for those that can't get to the social medium during the times. Give them away also if you wish, or just give the equivalent paragon points away instead for winners to use on what they wish, but for those of us that would like the items and are willing to pay for it, its really unfair to say sorry you can NEVER have some piece that completes your concept unless you put your job in jeopardy and scour twitter, the forums, facebook, google, etc during work hours for the chance that you might get lucky.

City of Heroes has always been about great character creation options and your appearance being limited by only the options in the costume creator. Now we have some items locked for a certain level (accention pieces, which is fine since its a one time thing to unlock for all characters), a few weapons locked behind some fairly easy tasks (roman weapons, again fine to me), luck on winning the super packs for the pieces (with the exception of the wolf and skiff, they are easy enough to get them all so its not too bad, plus you get other stuff while at it, but still not a huge fan). This is a step too far IMHO to have costume pieces locked behind being able to be on twitter at just the right time on the right day and hoping the internet doesn't give out on you.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Some of the attitudes on display in this thread lead me to believe that these sorts of exclusive pieces are being sought more for their sheer exclusiveness rather than for how they look or what they represent. That's depressing in a game as creativity and art-focused as CoH.

To paraphrase a rather infamous (to me) red name post: That seems like a real dishonor to the craftsmanship of Paragon's artists.
The community team's actions by using this method are a dishonor to the craftsmanship of this item.

To me the costume part represents an iconic comic book look that could bring my characters to look like the comics when I grew up. I was reading comic books in the 70s, so Kirby dots are a part of my youth. I don't think they should be exclusive, just like I don't think that any other costume part should be exclusive in a game designed around creativity.

Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
This entire thread breaks down to, "I want something I can't have that I know we all have the same methods of obtaining, however I don't think I can get it so if I won't have a way of obtaining it no one should be able to."
  • Tell that to the people with poor internet connections.
  • Tell that to the people that have to work during these "giveaways". I live on the Pacific coast. These codes are being "given" during working hours.
  • Tell that to the people with mobility issues.
  • Tell that to the people with Dyslexia.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
By the looks of this thread - it's not something I'd doubt.

This entire thread breaks down to, "I want something I can't have that I know we all have the same methods of obtaining, however I don't think I can get it so if I won't have a way of obtaining it no one should be able to."
Guess you missed where I said, effective: hey, I have something unique in the game and it doesn't make me happy at all that others can't have it also. With the pre-order items, they wound up in the VIP rewards, and that's great. The loyalty helmets? Kind of like the pre-order items; after a certain point nobody had a chance of getting it anymore, so I wind up feeling bad for those who missed out, and hope they wind up in the VIP reward system or somewhere else at some point. Now I have a costume code from an official costume contest that I haven't redeemed... and the only comfort in that is knowing it's kind of ugly and just a costume code, so not many people would want or use it, as opposed to something awesome and useful like one of the most fundamental and iconic superhero comic-book visual effects for the costume creator.

And we do not have equal opportunity. Some people have fast internet with no bandwidth or connectivity issues. Others don't. We are not equal on this internet.



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
By the looks of this thread - it's not something I'd doubt.

This entire thread breaks down to, "I want something I can't have that I know we all have the same methods of obtaining, however I don't think I can get it so if I won't have a way of obtaining it no one should be able to."
Just for you xx



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
By the looks of this thread - it's not something I'd doubt.

This entire thread breaks down to, "I want something I can't have that I know we all have the same methods of obtaining, however I don't think I can get it so if I won't have a way of obtaining it no one should be able to."
Or as a more reasonable person would put it:

"Some of us have ZERO access to the only method to get these items. We would like an alternative method, even if it occurs at a later date."

I cannot follow your repeated inability to understand that some of us do NOT have this access you continue to refer to. I don't. I would like an alternative. I have zero concern that other people can get it through the current method; great for them! But I would like to have the chance to get it AS WELL (for sale in the market at a later date, as one example method).

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