Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think that there's a bit of perspective being lost here
Just a little.

Q: Will this be the only way to receive these items?
A: In short - no. We are constantly looking for ways to reward our community memebers. This includes in-game, Community Forums, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
In-game events are one of the alternatives listed as an example. Let's keep that in mind.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Aramar View Post
Some of us have ZERO access to the only method to get these items. We would like an alternative method, even if it occurs at a later date.
(Bolding added by me)

The only method...being...the Internet? How are you posting to an Internet forum then, messenger pigeons?

...I realize my points are a little weird, now I'm just having fun.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



LOL this is sooo fortunate and I knew I was right in my assumption that you (Zenlon) were one of the ones to grab the aura. I'm not mad in the slightest that you got the aura. This only says why you are advocating for such nonsense in the first place. If you had not gotten the aura you'd have been salty. You sir do not get any of my future attention in this thread.

This is the funniest thing in this thread, lol.

That also says why you do not make any sense in any of your posts hahahaha...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, if you're posting, then yes, you do.
Interesting in how you know my company's internet policies.

Once again, I DON'T have access to twitter during the time that is mentioned...no matter how many people in this forum tell me I do.

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
It's hilarious how inapplicable that example is. But go on thinking that if it makes you happy.

What the majority of us are mad about is that (to keep your analogy) the free sample lady gives ONE taste of pizza to the first person to look at her... and everyone else gets told they can't have any because that guy just ate his. Nevermind the giant pizza behind her.
And the pizza is unique and can't be purchased anywhere.



If I hadn't gotten the aura I'd just try again today or next week. not everyone cares that much about a costume piece.


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Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
(Bolding added by me)

The only method...being...the Internet? How are you posting to an Internet forum then, messenger pigeons?

...I realize my points are a little weird, now I'm just having fun.
You are aware twitter access and cox forum access are not the same thing, correct?

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

Currently published arcs:
1) Azuria's Difficulties (arc: 55639) - Ver 1.2



Originally Posted by Aramar View Post
You are aware twitter access and cox forum access are not the same thing, correct?
This was in the OP by Hit Streak. You don't need Twitter except if you want to get it using the Twitter method. There will be alternatives. If you're upset that there isn't an alternative right now, I'm sorry. But I hope that knowing that they've listed possible alternatives for the future is a help.

Q: Will this be the only way to receive these items?
A: In short - no. We are constantly looking for ways to reward our community memebers. This includes in-game, Community Forums, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
This was in the OP by Hit Streak. You don't need Twitter except if you want to get it using the Twitter method. There will be alternatives. If you're upset that there isn't an alternative right now, I'm sorry.
It could be I simply misinterpreted the follow-on comments. The phrasing of "we have many items to give away" (and other numerous red name quotes) had me under the possibly erroneous interpretation that this particular handout will be for a limited time, and then they will move on to the other items. As they stated twitter is the focus right now ("although we might be on servers giving things away"), I am under the impression that those of us without access to twitter or the game during the day will be left out.

I could be wrong. (shrug)

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

Currently published arcs:
1) Azuria's Difficulties (arc: 55639) - Ver 1.2



Now I'll admit I haven't read through the thread, but here are my thoughts:

I understand the appeal of Social Media. It has it's uses and can be a good thing. What I don't care for is 'You must use XXX Service to get a Shiney for use in our game' marketing. I just find 'exclusives' like that demeaning.

As of now, I don't use Twitter or Facebook or similar outlets (I have a Youtube account, but that is more for access than anything else) and don't intend to in the foreseeable future. It isn't something I care for. If the Aura or the Facepalm emote were offered on the PMarket, I'd get them. I am not going to go through bloody hoops signing up for a third party service on the 'chance' of getting a shiney.

Z, if you really want to get a understanding of some of this negativity, Take a look back at the fervor from when the Game Stop Pre-order enhancements for GR were announced. In essence, it's a similar kind of thing.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



How exactly do we earn them via The forums?



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
In-game events are one of the alternatives listed as an example. Let's keep that in mind.
Yeah, seen those in the past:

ADMIN: <insert item here> XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. First person enters it gets it.

Those tend to go within a second of being announced.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, if you're posting, then yes, you do.
Not necessarily. Access to the forums does not equal access to the PlayNC site. It also doesn't equal access to Twitter.

Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
(Bolding added by me)

The only method...being...the Internet? How are you posting to an Internet forum then, messenger pigeons?

...I realize my points are a little weird, now I'm just having fun.
Various companies internet usage policies prohibit certain types of access.

Some have hardware in place to handle blocking sites that violate those policies.

For example, the school district I work in blocks Twitter and Facebook. If my phone or iPad are connecting to the internet through the school network, those sites are blocked.

They also block most discussion forums although I was able to get them to put in an exception for these boards since you must have an account to post there.

The main CoH site is still blocked even though the forums are accessible.

The PlayNC site is also blocked by policy.

That being said, due to being in the Technology Department I have an override I can use to access blocked sites if needed to get to things I need for Technical Support issues. We are asked not to use that for Facebook, Twitter or any other sites unless we are at our desk with no one around. Since I'm rarely at my desk except for lunch and the end of the day, that's not a problem.

But, if I were using my override in the classrooms, computer labs, library or offices to access things that have nothing to do with my job, other staff members that don't have that access could, and would, complain and could cause problems for the Technology Department so that we would lose those privileges. I won't do that to myself or to the other members of the Technology Department and I expect the same from them.

Students would likely complain as well, but they have the most restricted access as it is and they complain about everything that's blocked, so we don't pay much attention to their complaints. But when their parents start to complain, that causes the same problems as when other staff members complain if not more.

So yes, it's entirely possible that people can have access to one site but not another. It's also possible that the access is only available to them in specific locations or at specific times.

My work phone is a smart phone. It has Twitter and Facebook built in. Due to the construction of the building there are very few places inside the buildings where I have a cell signal. We are still discouraged from using Twitter and Facebook on our phones while at work, even if we aren't using the wifi network.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Aramar View Post
It could be I simply misinterpreted the follow-on comments. The phrasing of "we have many items to give away" (and other numerous red name quotes) had me under the possibly erroneous interpretation that this particular handout will be for a limited time, and then they will move on to the other items. As they stated twitter is the focus right now ("although we might be on servers giving things away"), I am under the impression that those of us without access to twitter or the game during the day will be left out.

I could be wrong. (shrug)
I can see how interpretation is really key here, and it's certainly not absolute that they will give things away outside of Twitter; I could be wrong in my defense of the new Thursday freebies, as he didn't say that they will for sure make it available through other means. But in the past when they were giving away Facebook related costume codes they would give them away during scheduled events, as well as player events that asked the development team for special prizes.

It's that sort of interaction that have made me a CoHDev fan; they've earned the benefit of the doubt from me as my default reaction.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




What about those who don't have / don't use twitter? Very unfair to those who don't use it!!



Well this first come first server code thing is kinda unfair in my opinion.. because people will just crowd the site redeeming codes, some may have multiple accounts and redeem more then one code for both of them...

Why make it this way?



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Not all of the issues were fixed.

Several players have reported that instead of keeping the cookies and simply expiring them at the end of 8 hours the cookies are being deleted if you close the browser. Arcanaville can give more information on what's happening with the cookies since she's looked at it to see what is happening.

Even if I leave the browser open and never touch the Back button it will regularly log me out before 8 hours have passed if there has been any inactivity at all.

The Remember Me button does absolutely nothing. Luckily, my browser will fill in my username and password for me at home. I obviously don't have this enabled at work due to security reasons.

There are also the random logout bugs.
Yup, I'm still in this boat. Remember Me, for me, DOES NOT WORK. Just, y'know, as a heads up. In the EU and using Chrome, if that helps?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
By the looks of this thread - it's not something I'd doubt.

This entire thread breaks down to, "I want something I can't have that I know we all have the same methods of obtaining, however I don't think I can get it so if I won't have a way of obtaining it no one should be able to."
Uh....your reading skills are apparently not as good as you think they are.

People do NOT have the same odds of getting something;
-Slower internet
-Slower reflexes
-Slower typing

Oh look, you just missed the codes because someone was a faster typer. Or you lagged. Or...something.

So...why not offer this promotion in other ways so that EVERYONE has a FAIR shot at it?

Or does that clash with your little bubble-world where you get to high-horse at everyone who dares have their own opinion?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The community team's actions by using this method are a dishonor to the craftsmanship of this item.

To me the costume part represents an iconic comic book look that could bring my characters to look like the comics when I grew up. I was reading comic books in the 70s, so Kirby dots are a part of my youth. I don't think they should be exclusive, just like I don't think that any other costume part should be exclusive in a game designed around creativity.
Absolutely agreed. My point is that by making an item such as this hyper-exclusive, they've sapped some or all of its appeal as a really freaking cool piece and replaced it with competitive, chase-instinct, elitist appeal, which IMO is a terrible appeal to cater towards. (You can see the ugliness of it in this very thread.)

We've been seeing this unfortunate kind of thing creep into the game little by little over the last year, mostly via the Incarnate system (edit: and Super Packs, another source of costume parts that I simply cannot bring myself to care about because of their exclusiveness). It greatly worries me that by all appearances Paragon either lacks the foresight or simple foreknowledge that this kind of thing is mostly loathed, or they largely disregard our oft-given feedback on the forums, instead being guided by raw numbers or just plain stubbornness.

The /em Facepalm promotion wasn't nearly as impactful because it was a cute little bonus. This is an aura with wide, wide appeal and wide, wide potential for use. This is the exact same situation as with many of the Incarnate-locked parts, it's spawning the exact same arguments, and I'm forced to wonder why we're going down this exact same road, a road utterly contradictory to the game's main enduring strength, time and time again.

I also strongly agree that we need to move on from the incredibly weak-sauce promises that limited-time promos will be available "at some other time, in some other place". Outside of a few holiday market items showing up again during sales (Think Tank pack), we haven't seen any exclusives re-appear with wider availability yet, to my knowledge. There needs to be a better system or schedule in place for exclusives, and we need firmer assurances than "eventually later ".

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That needs to be changed then
Why? I hate Firefox's layout and memory leaks...and Internet Explorer. I really shouldn't have to expand on that. Even to you.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Yeah, seen those in the past:

ADMIN: <insert item here> XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. First person enters it gets it.

Those tend to go within a second of being announced.
Yeah, those are a drag for sure. The way I've seen the Dev run events go is to have them run trivia contests or guessing games, then they PMed the code to the person that won. It was a lot of fun.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The log in errors were fixed awhile back
I think we're using "fixed" in a different way. The "remember me" function/feature/red herring stopped working for me several months ago... basically any time I close/re-open a browser (or just sometimes when I've let it sit for a long time) I have to relog.

So....yeah .

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Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post

Z, if you really want to get a understanding of some of this negativity, Take a look back at the fervor from when the Game Stop Pre-order enhancements for GR were announced. In essence, it's a similar kind of thing.
Adding to that point: as outputting as it was to have to deal with Game Stop for the Going Rogue pre-order items, it was a pretty sure deal for anyone willing to cough up the cash. At the time I was disappointed because I'd already bought Going Rogue through the Paragon/NCSoft market and this did not count as a pre-order, but I figured in the end it was worth buying the game twice.

My only regret was that GameStop got a big chunk of my money instead of the developers or NCSoft.

I'm still glad that those GR pre-order items eventually wound up in the VIP reward system (though their usefulness was reduced by the introduction of the Death From Below/Drowning in Blood rapid-leveling trials at the same time).



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
If I hadn't gotten the aura I'd just try again today or next week. not everyone cares that much about a costume piece.
It's not the costume piece that is the issue... it's the method to get it. Really, is it that hard to understand?