Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
It's not the costume piece that is the issue... it's the method to get it. Really, is it that hard to understand?
Apparently it is for some.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
Yeah, those are a drag for sure. The way I've seen the Dev run events go is to have them run trivia contests or guessing games, then they PMed the code to the person that won. It was a lot of fun.
No matter what kind of contest they run, the simple fact is that the contest supply cannot match the demand for the iconic costume part.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yup, I'm still in this boat. Remember Me, for me, DOES NOT WORK. Just, y'know, as a heads up. In the EU and using Chrome, if that helps?
Doesn't work in the US using Chrome, Firefox, IE or Safari either. Those are the only browsers I've tried.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Oh, and apparently, on a slight tangent, the NC site hates anyone in the UK (rotating IP addresses) because I have to re-input my security questions Every. PANCAKE. TIME. I try to log into my Master Account. That got old the first time around, let alone the umpteen times after it....

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I think the worst part, overall, is due to how... weird the timing scheme Paragon uses for these, that apparently(?) this happened on Wednesday, not Thursday.

So, even if you were willing to deal with Twitter(/em gag), there was a good chance many people(like me!) had absolutely no idea when to even look.

As OCD as I am, and how much I like spiffy auras, this... was a real mood killer. One of the absolute worst ways you could have gone about it, Paragon. Even as an owner of /em facepalm, I thought THAT was bad, and you had thousands of those.

This? Was horrid. Absolutely horrid.

If we're going this route of hyper-exclusivity of in-game items, a route Freedom was aiming to abolish due to how that made other players feel (primarily toward the Veteran system, but it was also done in-general to many other exclusive items), again? It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Either way, 0/10. I'm extremely unhappy I don't get my spiffy Kirby dots because the time zone functions you all use change daily.



Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
One, that's kind of depressing. I'd like to think my fellow CoH players are brighter than the average internet user.
So you're equating using Facebook with being stupid? Really???

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Snow Globe, I'm not going to debate the pro's and con's of this with you as you obviously feel WAY more passionate about it than I do.

I was simply trying to point out that not EVERY single player hates this system and that's it's NOT completely unfair either. I like it, I'll give it a go, and if I don't get it, meh, I'll live, it's not the end of the world to me.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
No matter what kind of contest they run, the simple fact is that the contest supply simply cannot match the demand for the iconic costume part.

Even if it were less iconic it would stink. It even blows my mind that costume parts have been used for Freebie Fridays and similar.

I believe every costume part should be monetized. We all pay a little price for having them in memory, and memory remains a pretty hard limit due to players using older operating systems, so why shouldn't every such item be a source of income, and at the same time give everyone an opportunity to use it?

The loyalty program keeping subscribers aboard when the launch of DCUO was threatening to siphon off CoH customers was a sensible alternative, IMO. It was still monetization of a sort, and didn't have too small a window of access (iirc the lead-in was over a month).

One month windows of opportunity for purchasing costume parts is not too bad -- I'm sure that having some time limit drives up interest. Just so long as the window is not small enough to prevent regular customers from seeing it, or being able to rally the paragon points.

I would have really been kicking myself, however, if I had missed the tri-corner hat freebie, since I had been lusting after that since I first stumbled on it in the costume creator late last year. To be sure, that was worth money to me -- so opportunity missed there, but thank you just the same for the awesome costume part!



If this is a Twitter-only costume piece promotion (saying "we might, maybe, sometime pop up unannounced on a server to maybe give these away" still means Twitter only,) then I'm disappointed.

I don't mind if this is "exclusive" for a little while, and then shows up in the store or via incarnate merits or something like that. But 100% twitter only = 100% non-participation and 100% IRRITATION (and some loss of good will and enjoyment... that same good will and enjoyment that leads to me staying subbed and spending money) for me.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
If this is a Twitter-only costume piece promotion (saying "we might, maybe, sometime pop up unannounced on a server to maybe give these away" still means Twitter only,) then I'm disappointed.

I don't mind if this is "exclusive" for a little while, and then shows up in the store or via incarnate merits or something like that. But 100% twitter only = 100% non-participation and 100% IRRITATION (and some loss of good will and enjoyment... that same good will and enjoyment that leads to me staying subbed and spending money) for me.
Thats just it, there is NO little while exclusivity, it is exclusive, remember the coralax costume giveaway a bit ago? This is History repeating itself and it was already confirmed by a red name that this item will not be up for grabs any other way.



Originally Posted by Razai View Post
Thats just it, there is NO little while exclusivity, it is exclusive, remember the coralax costume giveaway a bit ago? This is History repeating itself and it was already confirmed by a red name that this item will not be up for grabs any other way.

Yup. And what I have to say to that is something that would get me banned from the forums if the forums didn't censor me.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Razai View Post
Thats just it, there is NO little while exclusivity, it is exclusive, remember the coralax costume giveaway a bit ago? This is History repeating itself and it was already confirmed by a red name that this item will not be up for grabs any other way.

That's what I'm saying, really. I guess it didn't come out like I wanted.

If it's "Twitter first, three/six months later it'll show up in the store," hey, I'm cool with that. "Twitter only!" (or even "And we may show up on a server," which they do on occasion, or even a meet-and-greet,) then no, I am NOT fine with it. Not in the least.

It was bad enough with the costume overlays like the freak tank and such, but even THOSE, for the most part, you can get to play with for a while during the halloween event.


Why, Paragon, do you not want to (a) make a loyal customer happy and (b) take more of my money? I mean, this annoyed me enough to break out of my "ignore the forums and just have fun" I've been doing lately!

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.






Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Q: Will items from the codes make an appearance on the Paragon Market?
A: None of the items we'll be giving away through this program are slated for the Paragon Market at this time.
See thar?


Channel 'VIP' Host!
/chanjoin VIP



Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
The worst part is that this could be solved with a compromise. Specifically:

We are giving them away on Twitter, for free, during the months of July and August.

On the first Tuesday of September, we'll add them to the paragon store.

Still plenty of incentive to try to win the contest. It's free, meaning no money and you can spend your points on other stuff. And you get it before most people.

But those who don't win the giveaways still know there's a chance coming up, whether they try their hardest to win every time codes are posted or for one reason or another can't/won't try, don't feel frozen out.

And... Paragon Studios gets money from the sale of the aura.
This would make me very, VERY happy.

You see, I want there to be more good word out and about CoH. I'm not worried about new players, but there's some old players that have moved on, and I'd love to see them come back. One in particular, the one that really pulled me into RPing on Virtue, I miss playing with very much. I'm pretty sure he uses Facebook and Twitter, so things out there to remind him of CoH are good.

However, the last time I seriously talked CoH seriously with someone was during the /e facepalm promotion. They asked what I thought of it, and the direction the community was being taken in, and as a friend I had to be honest with them. I don't like being put in a position of telling friends that I miss that they're better off finding a new game to RP in rather than trying to come back to CoH. Lately, I've just avoided talking CoH with people to avoid the subject.

GadgetDon's suggestion is exactly the right way to make everyone happy. Not only does it solve the problem of people wanting these things without the need to work outside of the game to get them, but it also gives you something to give away on the social media sites to build a base there. Also, seeing people with the new stuff in-game works as a good advertisement before it goes on sale. (Remember how people would gather when one of the early Titan Weapons people would show off the set?)

Follow this suggestion, please.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



The exclusive rush will probably make them a market hit if they come out...



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
See thar?

Now it'll appear alongside the black wolf, elemental order costume set, facepalm emote, Cape of the Four Winds and various other items that we're told may, one day, probably, possibly, perhaps will show up on the market.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
See thar?
Ever heard of a "bad winner?" I'd be happy for your good fortune, but your harping makes me want to see you trip over your feet and fall off your pedestal. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

You are proving a great example of why such things should not be exclusive to the lucky few. You don't seem to appreciate it, but you lord it over everyone else.



Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
Ever heard of a "bad winner?" I'd be happy for your good fortune, but your harping makes me want to see you trip over your feet and fall off your pedestal. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

You are proving a great example of why such things should not be exclusive to the lucky few. You don't seem to appreciate it, but you lord it over everyone else.
His behavior actually helped convince me to de-follow CoH on Twitter and bail out of this debacle. I honestly would not feel comfortable wearing the aura in-game after the way this was handled; I'd feel like I was rubbing it in the faces of the many, many, many others who were shut out. I'm not saying that's the motivation for all those who do use it, and congrats to them. That's just how I feel. Maybe I'm being silly. This whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Bad form, Paragon.



I have the cape of for winds... just go on amazon.com they well the CoV collectors box very cheap... the coh is like 50-60 bucks...
Well they can't make these massive number of codes so exclusive.
Also you always have a chance for the back wolf its in the Heroes and villains super pack its just granted randomly.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post

Now it'll appear alongside the black wolf, elemental order costume set, facepalm emote, Cape of the Four Winds and various other items that we're told may, one day, probably, possibly, perhaps will show up on the market.
At least Paragon Studios aren't a Japanese developer, otherwise they'd have to abide by the law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extra or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation which, among other things, makes redistributing limited edition merchandise illegal.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post

Now it'll appear alongside the black wolf, elemental order costume set, facepalm emote, Cape of the Four Winds and various other items that we're told may, one day, probably, possibly, perhaps will show up on the market.
Those put in green ARE on the market in the Super packs.



Originally Posted by tfab10 View Post
Those put in green ARE on the market in the Super packs.
And that's a big part of the reason people bummed out over the Super Packs when they were announced; one had to participate in gambling in order to obtain a costume set, with no guarantee that it would ever be made available anywhere else.



Originally Posted by tfab10 View Post
Those put in green ARE on the market in the Super packs.
Forgot to green the Black Wolf. I don't have it, but it's nice that maybe one day it'll pop out of a pack.

I'm no fan of gambling, but the grab bags don't bug me too much. As long as none of the items are complete duds, it's not quite that ebil.



"Due to the maintenance extension, we're going to postpone codes until tomorrow. We apologize to those who were anticipating them today." --@CityOfHeroes on Twitter



This reminds me of the PPD Hardsuit/ Freak Tanks/ Carnival codes they did a while back!! I participated and came away with *zilch* because I wasn't a fast enough typer and my account timed out every time a code was entered. These type of contests are very frustrating and I don't see the fun in any of it when they are done this way.

***And to top it off, It's Kirby Dots!!!! The 1st time I seen Jack Kirby's work was in a very old Doctor Strange comic that I still own to this very day. Huge fan of his work and now the aura that represents him is done like this? Im sorry...but this in IMHO is not fun or fair at all.

P.S. Congratz to all that snagged a Kirby! Im still waiting for the PPD hardsuits to pop in the market!

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.