Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
A few notes, now that the dust has settled a bit.

We sent out nearly 500 codes for the Dark Matter aura between Friday and Monday.

The process was incredibly manual. We have a tool that allows us to track those who re-tweeted the message in time and allowed us to message them directly, but there was no automation.

We were unfortunately unaware that Twitter allowed only 250 direct messages in a day, slowing the process even further.

Many people who re-tweeted the post were unable to receive a code from us for a couple of reasons
  • Not following us on Twitter (we can't DM you if you're not a follower)
  • Protected account (we can't see the re-tweet if the tweets are hidden)
And even then, there was some confusion as to where to enter the code with people getting error messages when attempting to enter it on the Paragon Market.

Thank you to everyone who participated and special thanks to those who participated and waited a couple of days for their code. We appreciate it.
And you still missed at least one person... Me.

As I've said elsewhere, I retweeted well within the time limit, I have the private message function enabled, my Tweets are *not* protected, I have you on Follow and all of that... I did everything you guys asked... But I still never received a code.

I can't say I'm impressed with the whole "Twitter freebies" thing, but maybe I'm just being some kind of Entitlement Brat because I expected to actually... you know... get the code if I did as requested.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
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Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
IMO, it is simply silly and immature to truly care about not getting an exclusive item of this type. Wanting it and missing by a few minutes or something? Sure, that could be disappointing. Caring enough to post a complaint or imply that they company should not ever give away free exclusives? Immature.

I have been a gamer for more than 30 years. I have met plenty of gamers that enjoy their geek rage like a warm blanket. Some humans really just like being ticked off.
Sorry, what did I do? I didn't rage, I never have. I have posted 2 comments in this thread, this being the 3rd. With them beiing with the question or this will be a common thing, and or the items will be available on another way. I got my answers. Yes it will happen more. No it will not be exclusive, you can get it in another way. I didn't rage, nobody in UC I asked raged. It was simply a response that saying that the majority of the players don't care, *may* not be correct.

I have said I support them doing this, that it's a good thing. But again, this not with the items being exclusive.

Also, what may be a cosmetic item for you, may be something symbolic, iconic or awesome for someone else.

You've been a gamer for more than 30 years. That's almost twice as long as I live. You are deffeneatly older than that, yet I don't feel you even treat me or anyone in this thread with *half* the respect I have for *everyone*. Everyone can have his opinion, and say what he or she thinks. Let it be on a friendly way, and not saying things that you can't be certain of. However, in many posts this has not been the case. Things have been objectified and generalized, to ones advanatage. Things those people cannot be sure of that are correct.

Sorry, I don't know what I did, or what the problem is.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
And you still missed at least one person... Me.

As I've said elsewhere, I retweeted well within the time limit, I have the private message function enabled, my Tweets are *not* protected, I have you on Follow and all of that... I did everything you guys asked... But I still never received a code.

I can't say I'm impressed with the whole "Twitter freebies" thing, but maybe I'm just being some kind of Entitlement Brat because I expected to actually... you know... get the code if I did as requested.
Bright, send Hit Streak a PM here on the forums to check on that with your Twitter name. It's possible it's an oversight and can be cleared up easily.

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Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
Bundles of consumables aren't permanent visual effects promoting the marketing strategy chosen. Since the goal is to draw eyeballs to the official social media channels, extremely rare costume items are much more effective at achieving it. The only way to get a similar payback is to offer the item for a not-insignificant amount of real money, leading to conversations like: "Oh, cool, you bought the Kirby dots!" "No, I got this $10 aura free in a @CityOfHeroes Twitter giveaway!"
That's understandable from that stand point but it's also debatable. I for one would be happy to get a costume bundle that cost everyone else $10 bucks, but I get for free. As it stands the Kirby dots aura would have a "monetary" value of approximately $1.00 (if you follow the aura cost precedent such as the bats aura).



Originally Posted by Sebaddon View Post
Sorry, I don't know what I did, or what the problem is.
I was articulating my opinion about some people enjoying being mad.

You posted "I don't really get what you mean with people enjoying being annoyed." and I was talking about that.

IMO, the same old forumites that complain endlessly about everything just come out in droves about the exclusivity topic, along with the concern-trolls (as my wife calls them). I post my opinions, they post theirs.

It's like the story I heard about some parents talking about the 'award-a-palooza' to at the end of the school year. "And here's on for little Johnny, who remembered to breathe everyday!" Every kid got an award for something, making the awards meaningless.

I disagree with the fundamental principle of losing exclusivity. Coupled with a disdain for any opinion against Paragon for being nice enough to give something away for free, exclusive or not.

What some posters don't seem to understand about me or my posting here either, is that I don't expect to 'win'. They seem to think these forums are some sort of debate where there must be winners and losers, where people must be persuaded to one side or another. If you don't get my point, I don't really care.


As far as respect goes, as human beings, I respect everyone until they use force on others. I respect everyone's right to have opinions.

I do not always respect the opinions other have. I post in the same challenging manner in which I interact with people in real life. I use blunt words and blunt logic.

IME, people whom I respect, respect me when I tell them what I really think, rather than treating them with kid-gloves.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
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Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
I was articulating my opinion about some people enjoying being mad.

You posted "I don't really get what you mean with people enjoying being annoyed." and I was talking about that.

IMO, the same old forumites that complain endlessly about everything just come out in droves about the exclusivity topic, along with the concern-trolls (as my wife calls them). I post my opinions, they post theirs.

It's like the story I heard about some parents talking about the 'award-a-palooza' to at the end of the school year. "And here's on for little Johnny, who remembered to breathe everyday!" Every kid got an award for something, making the awards meaningless.

I disagree with the fundamental principle of losing exclusivity. Coupled with a disdain for any opinion against Paragon for being nice enough to give something away for free, exclusive or not.

What some posters don't seem to understand about me or my posting here either, is that I don't expect to 'win'. They seem to think these forums are some sort of debate where there must be winners and losers, where people must be persuaded to one side or another. If you don't get my point, I don't really care.


As far as respect goes, as human beings, I respect everyone until they use force on others. I respect everyone's right to have opinions.

I do not always respect the opinions other have. I post in the same challenging manner in which I interact with people in real life. I use blunt words and blunt logic.

IME, people whom I respect, respect me when I tell them what I really think, rather than treating them with kid-gloves.
Well in that case I took your comment the wrong way and I apologize for the what I said about the respect.



And my opinion regarding some people who place (IMO) too much weight on being special, elite, exclusive, etc is:

"Here's a [Green Star] for your belly, so you can feel superior to everyone who doesn't have one on thars."

(Note: others may, at some point in the future, be able to obtain this exclusive item through alternative means.)

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Can you configure the Twitter app on IPhone to notify you when COH posts? If so how?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Can you configure the Twitter app on IPhone to notify you when COH posts? If so how?
A recent update to the Twitter app on iOS enabled push notifications of people you're following. Update to the latest, and when you look at the person's profile on there, near the bottom of the main box will be a button. Click it and there will be an option to turn on notifications. You turn that on and whenever that person tweets something new it'll pop up on your phone. Seems to be pretty quick from what I've seen.

EDIT: Here's a how to article: http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-...r-ios-android/



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Can you configure the Twitter app on IPhone to notify you when COH posts? If so how?
I was doing that until they suddenly became spammy on their Twitter account. It was great for knowing when a outage occurred or a single event or a one-day Beta for a holiday event or an announcement of a new issue.

But I became disgruntled with the notification of every retweet and splurgy tweet.

I've asked for a Twitter feed that is just announcements, but, that hasn't happened. So, no Twitter-following for me.

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Originally Posted by Razai View Post
That's understandable from that stand point but it's also debatable. I for one would be happy to get a costume bundle that cost everyone else $10 bucks, but I get for free. As it stands the Kirby dots aura would have a "monetary" value of approximately $1.00 (if you follow the aura cost precedent such as the bats aura).
Sure. That's why I mentioned the much higher cash cost of $10, which would give getting it free more cachet. But again, it might or might not happen, and there's a likelihood that it'll disappear as thoroughly as the /facepalm emote.

Given that right now there are, what? 500 accounts total with Kirby dots? That's so exclusive as to make them effectively invisible to the general population, which reduces their PR value outside of the immediate circle of winners. Maybe I've misjudged the goal of the promotion.

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Well, I decided that I'm going to give this promotion thing (and Twitter) a shot today, if it's set to run.



Hey everyone, we've obviously learned a lot from just one day of this program. We're making a few more tweaks to it to accommodate those of you who aren't available during our normal business hours and also so we can live within Twitter's limitations.

Starting at 10AM PDT, we'll post an image of 15 codes for an in-game item (redeem it at www.plaync.com). This will go on until 10PM PDT. For those of you counting at home, that's 12 hours of codes, 30 codes an hour for a total of 360 codes. This is more codes than we were able to distribute last week due to Twitter's direct message limit of 250/day. This also will allow us to actually interact with our Twitter followers more and post other interesting stuff like pictures of Zwillinger's hat vault and maybe even video from the day's frisbee match.

Yes, there will be some trial and error involved, but with this number of codes going out, hopefully we'll get everyone involved.

- Hit Streak

Jessie Lawrence
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Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Hey everyone, we've obviously learned a lot from just one day of this program. We're making a few more tweaks to it to accommodate those of you who aren't available during our normal business hours and also so we can live within Twitter's limitations.

Starting at 10AM PDT, we'll post an image of 15 codes for an in-game item (redeem it at www.plaync.com).
I know you guys got your butts kicked last week and I really do know and appreciate how hard you're trying to make as many people happy as possible....

But I simply cannot emphasize enough how much I hate code grabs.

There has GOT to be a better way.



Ok, I'm done. I was really hoping for the retweet method, which was updated with a post showing how to get Twitter to notify your phone less than 10 hours ago by you Hit Streak. As much as I hate it, I went so far as to teach myself enough about Twitter to get my account situated and ready this past week.

I've now been up for 27 hours. If I had known the format was going to be sprung back to the "Here's an Image of Codes that have all been claimed by the time you can enter them Trololol", then I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to participate in this exercise in futility. I would have gone to bed hours ago, instead of forcing myself to stay awake so I didn't over sleep and miss my 5 minute window to retweet.

Pancake your Pancaking Promotion. Kirby Dots are as dead to me as the rest of the stuff you've given away in these contests.

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It's not the Dark Matter aura this week, it's the Rulu-Shin costume. Well, I admit slight disappointment since I do want the aura and decided to jump into this thing a week late, but that's user's own fault, right? Let's see if they rotate it back in, since it's a hot item.



Also, I'd like to know if it's a costume temp power or an actual costume.



(I believe it's the temp. power, not an actual costume set.)



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
that's 12 hours of codes, 30 codes an hour for a total of 360 codes.
Which means that if I really wanted that costume, I would probably have to try them all for nothing, since I don't have a way to get notified in the seconds following those tweets (and from reports on prior contests, seconds is all it takes for those codes to be redeemed). Thanks, but no thanks.

Also, 24 tweets on the same subject in 12 hours ? In my book, that's called spamming. I'll take Zombie Man's advice:
I've asked for a Twitter feed that is just announcements, but, that hasn't happened. So, no Twitter-following for me.
Since following CoH was the only thing I was doing with Twitter, maybe Twitter is not for me after all.

So in that case, no big loss, eh ?

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Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
Which means that if I really wanted that costume, I would probably have to try them all for nothing, since I don't have a way to get notified in the seconds following those tweets (and from reports on prior contests, seconds is all it takes for those codes to be redeemed).
I think it's on the hour and half hour, not at random times, so you don't really need to follow the feed at all. Refresh the page at the appropriate times, and you'll get the link faster than a notification.

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I entered all of them within two minutes, and they'd all been used or were "invalid" (yes, I used the right region codes).

I guess it's a good thing it wasn't something I wanted this week.



Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
I entered all of them within two minutes, and they'd all been used or were "invalid" (yes, I used the right region codes).

I guess it's a good thing it wasn't something I wanted this week.
Haha yeah I had notifications turned on and the window open, still got all invalids. Fingers not twitchy enough apparently. Better luck next time to us both!

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