Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Late2Party View Post
Why not release 1 code that can be entered for 5-10 minutes from the tweet?
They want to do it this way, but the technology doesn't exist for it yet.

Believe me, they probably want it MORE than we do.

That's gotta tell you something.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
They've said they don't have the ability to do that.

I betcha they would in a second if they could.
This, so much this.

Also, it's a request I've brought up to the appropriate parties again.

They know, and understand, our pain regarding this feature.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



CoH please go back to the old code system... I know it has a limit but those images are taken too fast!!!




Originally Posted by BViking View Post
As an aside regarding distribution rates, I fail to see how 360 codes per week is a significant improvement over 250 codes per day.
Time investment. As Zwill said, they tied up two employees for one day doing it that way, and one employee for a SECOND day doing it.

And I can easily accept that it's not the optimal way to do things, employee time is valuable, too valuable to be spent manually grabbing codes, scrolling through retweets, and sending each one individually.

I wouldn't even wish that tedious task on an intern.

But... I wouldn't wish a code grab on fans either.

I eagerly await the next way they try to implement this.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
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Just out of curiosity, how many people are there grabbing at the codes? hundreds? thousands? millions? I have no idea.

In my opinion, is a better way to integrate twitter into your plan. This giveaway is for 1 item (highly valued), and it gets people to re-tweet your giveaway and spread awareness of it for days.

Perhaps you can talk to the guys that did it and see if they can work something out for you too.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This, so much this.

Also, it's a request I've brought up to the appropriate parties again.

They know, and understand, our pain regarding this feature.
And seriously guys, I'm saying this again so you know it...

Just because I hate this particular method of doing things, that doesn't mean I hate you.

Thank you for trying, and thank you for reaching out to us with this promotion. I know it ain't easy, and I'm not holding it against you that you've gotta use the tools that you're given.

Just... know that I'll be so much happier when you find a better way.

Much love, guys. Much love.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
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Do we still get a code if we retweet a message? and which message do we need to retweet?



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
Do we still get a code if we retweet a message? and which message do we need to retweet?
No retweet method this week. It was unsustainable from a manpower point of view.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
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Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
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Originally Posted by tfab10 View Post

is what the twitter page says.
And that's just the people actively following them, rather than holding open their personal tweet page and waiting for the next tweet to show up. You don't need an account to view tweets, after all.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Just out of curiosity, how many people are there grabbing at the codes? hundreds? thousands? millions? I have no idea.

In my opinion, is a better way to integrate twitter into your plan. This giveaway is for 1 item (highly valued), and it gets people to re-tweet your giveaway and spread awareness of it for days.

Perhaps you can talk to the guys that did it and see if they can work something out for you too.
Those are custom apps developed for that specific campaign.

Such apps cost money. Not saying how much, but it's not insignificant.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
No retweet method this week. It was unsustainable from a manpower point of view.

bleh... well this week is just a costume code... no big loss, id prefer the aura again :P

but i must say people are fast.



When they try a "new way", maybe I'll follow them on twitter and go VIP again. I know I wasn't the only one Vader/Lando'd by them & had to take a break from work today to try to re-tweet the post and encountered the code-rush fever instead...

It was fun being a VIP, maybe they'll have another loyalty program to bring me back. Just don't only announce it on twitter!

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Yes, you're absolutely correct. It's less time spent for us.

Last week we had to invest two people for an entire day and a second person for another entire day to sending out codes via PM, and even then we ran into technical/API limitations.

It is *not* a wise investment of my teams time to spend an entire day on another project and cause other aspects of the Community to suffer as a result. At the same time, when faced with the option of do something or do nothing, I choose to do something. I respect those of you who disagree and choose not to participate. Please know that your concerns have been heard. This is simply the best possible option that we have currently available.

On a similar note, Hit Streak and I have invested a rather large amount of time in this conversation. While I appreciate everyone's concern, this is one of those decisions that I have to make that won't make everyone happy. I apologize if you're one of those people. For now, this is how we're going to operate Tweet Code Thursday, until we have a better solution.

Perhaps rather than allowing unlimited retweets, you could say that the first 25 to 40 people to retweet would get a code and then redo it once an hour or every other other (for say 6 to 10 hours). That's less codes over all yes, but I don't think that the player base would nearly as upset as a code grab. Sure it would be "timed" but people would be able to do it from a smart phone and it would not need "twitchy fingers" because it is only one button. It would not take very long to send out 25 or even 40 direct messages (less than 15 minutes I would imagine). It would not take up an entire staff members day and you could manage it so that you give out a total of 250 codes(or less) over the course of 1 day, since that is how many messages you are allowed.

I am sure someone already suggested this, but I thought directly addressing the time issues you brought up might help.

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Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
Time investment. As Zwill said, they tied up two employees for one day doing it that way, and one employee for a SECOND day doing it.
Yeah, that was posted after I'd started composing my comment. I understand why they value their time, but it seems like it could be partly automated to make things easier (or even creating a few extra twitter accounts solely to send out more messages.) Then again, Zwill has also said that he's standing by his decision, so our griping won't affect things any time soon.

I'm probably done in this thread now. It's clear that they know there's a problem, but they won't be changing anything in the near future, so it's best for me to go back to ignoring the whole thing.



Not a fan at all of how this is being ran.

1.) If you guys want to get past the 250 DM limit maybe create an alt city of heroes twitter account so you can send out more codes and have people follow that?

2.) If you dont wanna waste time pm'ing people the codes maybe table the idea until the tech becomes avaliable to create a time sensitive code vs. a first come first serve code. Your description of tweet thursdays says no luck or twitchy fingers involved when it involves just that.

3.) Decrease the time limit and number of tweets to retweet that gives the code because 10 and even 5 minutes allows over a hundred users to retweet. Maybe make the time limit 2 or 3 minutes. This makes the work easier for you guys.

4.) I have a gut feeling the same group of users are gonna be redeeming these codes from images thanks to surperior internet connection and superior resources for entering the codes to NCsoft. No offense but maybe tweet code thursdays needs to come back another time when the tech and resources are available that makes this a FAIR event.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
FWIW, this whole thing is giving us ammunition.

Showing that we can grow Twitter rapidly and raise our engagement rate gives us ammo.

Showing that we had to invest an inordinate amount of time in something gives us ammo.

Showing that we need something more optimal gives us ammo.

At the end of the day, we're not going to stop working to grow our different Social Media Platforms with the tools we have available, but we're going to keep on asking for better tools to continue doing so.
Right on, Zwill. Best of luck!
I completely understand that last week's approach is not sustainable.
The only thing that I would ask is to pick and choose prizes that aren't going to cause the angst of last week and/or to make sure the exclusivity is not a paramount aspect.
Something that we can get otherwise, but these winners would get for free seems like a fair compromise and should still generate the buzz. There may be other ways as well, but I just figured I'd mention... If you're going to use this method, please do keep in mind the objections to exclusive costume stuff.

I know everyone may have their own different most extreme super important content, but it just seems wrong to hold back juicy costume options for current and future character creators.

I can't expect you to follow my suggestions, but I can only mention/ask.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Also, I don't think you guys can fix this but can you contact the PlayNC department and tell them that this

Is really freaking annoying?

In case you're wondering, I can't even get into my account page to type in codes now.

edit to clarify: Both of the buttons on that page do nothing, checking the box that says "don't show me this page for a week" doesn't work because the only way off that page is to back out.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You really don't get it do you? A costume pack = $ for Paragon Studios. They wouldn't be an in-game unlock.
You are ignoring my point.

Exclusive content is a thing in MMOs. The big fantasy MMO gives out companion pets and other items to fans who go to their big convention. The big space MMO made by the company that originally made City of Heroes gave out an exclusive playable race to people who signed up for lifetime subscriptions. It's hard to find a large-market (or wanna-be large market) MMO that doesn't provide exclusive content.

These things are rewards. They are given out in appreciation for fans doing certain things that the company feels are beneficial to their game. Are the game companies always right? Of course not -- experience has shown that lifetime subscriptions are not that healthy for an MMO, as one example.

You can give early access to some content as a reward. You can even give free access to some content as a reward. But exclusive access is a much bigger reward than either of the other two, and it's an option that the developers, community team, and marketing team should have in their toolbox. If you don't like it, that's just evidence that the reward isn't targeted at you.

That would cost them far more of their loyal fan base than they could ever hope to get back with any promotion. They do that, and they might as well find new jobs because they wouldn't have any subscriber base.
That's overreaction -- even if everyone on the forums decided to quit, that would be a small percentage of the overall subscriber base, most of which probably wouldn't notice or even care.

The point is that a Twitter promotion doesn't really serve the community team's purpose if all it does is get people who are already following on the forums or on Facebook to go to Twitter. Zwillinger made that specific point very early in this thread when asked why they're even doing this promotion -- only small portions of your fanbase frequent any particular place in online space, so your goal is to be in as many of those spaces as possible so that you can find people you're not already communicating with.

No, promotions that use permanently exclusive items annoy the people paying their salaries. That is the bottom line. You don't deliberately annoy your loyal customers to the point where they cease to be customers.
Which is why pretty much every big MMO has permanently exclusive items. Because they hate their customers.

Look, I understand that you and others posting in this thread don't care for permanent exclusives. Given the tone used by those who don't care for permanent exclusives, though, I have to wonder if the bigger jerks are the people who want exclusive content, or the people who don't want anybody to have it.




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
On a similar note, Hit Streak and I have invested a rather large amount of time in this conversation. While I appreciate everyone's concern, this is one of those decisions that I have to make that won't make everyone happy. I apologize if you're one of those people. For now, this is how we're going to operate Tweet Code Thursday, until we have a better solution.
Don't get me wrong, I love your faces like everyone else, but this decision is going to make the majority of people unhappy, not just a minority. Going to this method from the twitter one you did have, is going in the wrong direction. I already did my angry bird post smashing walls, so I won't repeat it here. . .

. . . except this once.



I draw the line at Google+! If they start offering stuff there, it's time for the torches and pitchforks...

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

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Rage on. Rage at those kids and thier insanely fast fingers. Is there a robot out there doing this for people that I'm not aware of?

Rage at my slow aging fingers. I can only type 80ish words per minute, baring no robot much slower than others. I turn even older this week

See yall made me hate kids and my self.



Amazingly fast!! by the time i enter a code its used ;( It's Taking away from precious game time I Tell Ya!!



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
I agree. People are amazingly fast.
Just one reason I preferred the last one. I had a chance. Regardless, put these items in the store and take my money.

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