29 -
The Indian clothing definitely. You look at some of the 'heroic' Indian clothing, and you can see all sorts of awesome heroic concepts that can spawn there. And since we've got tiger heads, how about some culturally appropriate clothing for our evil Rakshasa to wear? Indians know how to dress.
And yes, Ja'afar's cape is a must have. Nothing says evil so-and-so like shoulder points on a cape.
I can realize the desire not to step on anyone's toes, but you're just not going to manage. Take the post-apocalyptic pack. Punks and urban primitives could make a case that it's disrespectful to their 'found item' culture.
A lot of these responses have expanded on my initial idea. We've got some imaginative and clever folks here. -
While it may be a religious symbol, it's also a historical garment. Or a modern one. We do see religious figures wearing them, but in art (including the medium of comics), we see the turban used as a garment with no more indication of its meaning beyond "This guy is wearing a turban. He's probably a djinni, a friend of Sinbad, or a mystic of some sort."
Thanks, Kheprera! I had -no- idea where to include a suggestion such as this. Your assistance was appreciated.
Actually, there's an idea. Maybe a chest detail you see on the sarcophagii, maybe a shepherd's crook mace or flail weapon model. Bracelets, something we've kind of needed anyway. More face patterns. A robe. Leather sandals that lace up the legs, which would work for a Roman concept as well. The headdresses worn by the common folks. Something like what Scirrocco wears, maybe?
Heh... okay, yeah, maybe I went a little wonky with my suggestion's name. Turbans are pretty real, too, I think.
Culture would be a better way of putting it. We've got lots of Eastern culture stuff, with the Imperial Dynasty, the various types of Kung-fu garb, and what have you. Rome and Greece are pretty well covered. There's some Egyptian stuff.
I'd like to see more Middle Eastern, or Indian (slay the Raksha!) or Tribal (that's a big catch all, though, as different tribal cultures had different unique looks), or historical Russian (lots to mine there!).
Maybe I'm too excited because I've been up for thirty-six hours. *heh* -
I was thinking of making a djinni to ride my magic carpet and I came to a horrifying realization. We don't have a turban. Or a vest without a shirt. Or a fez. In fact, we could use some more mythological type costume parts in general.
Living the dream of the forty thieves? Wanna look like you escaped from one of Sinbad's journeys? Sultan Haroun al-Raschid sent you on an eternal quest? Discovered the Key of Solomon and now you have amazing powers of dust and wind? You're stalking the night, one of the wretched ghuls? Maybe you were cursed by an ifrit!
There could be a whole series of these, and with the high quality of our recent costume sets, they could be really amazing.
Think of it. African mythology. Aztec. Russian. Lots of boss costume ideas hiding in those mythologies.
Just spitballing here. Anybody think this'd be a good idea? -
Since this is a rough draft, I won't comment on the belt. I realize it needs some texturing. So far, I like very good, and I can see myself using a lot of those pieces to create my sewer-warrior type guy.
Could we please have some images of the weapon models? I hear chainsaw, I think one thing, but perhaps you think of another. Will the chainsaw be animated? Many questions, many indeed.
I guess what I'm saying is, please show us images of the pieces not shown! -
Quote:I'm not sure that's the solution, either, Taz. In the schema of things, losing one person doesn't really matter. Instead, you miss out on things you might enjoy (new VIP powersets, etc.). A better solution is to register your displeasure by using twitter to replicate the hashtag on the tweets. No vulgarity, just short, simple responses stating you don't like something.Or they could just automatically give these items to VIP's who register their Twitter accounts and get a tweet, with a repeatable code. But that would entail customer support and assure their continued interest in the game and not dropping from VIP like I plan to do shortly...
Above all, just as Patrick Swayze said in Roadhouse, "Be nice." -
It was a bad idea last week. It's still a bad idea this week. Also, a temporary costume power. How nice. The Kirby crackle aura I would have scrambled for, no matter how much I damn this awful plan. But not for a temp costume power.
There's a little sour grapes, yeah. There's also the fact that this was a bad idea that upset some folks, and it's still being done.
I have confidence in our community development team. Unfortunately, they can't do a thing about demands that are sent down from on high. I'm going to give Hit Streak and Zwill the benefit of the doubt, and say this wasn't their idea. -
Quote:Well, I'll clone a 16-year old Statesman, someone can use Statesman's artifact he got from Daedalus and Imperius to make an Energy Statesman, and we'll get some huge guy to put on a powered suit with a star on it to be Armor Statesman.As long as three others don't show up, we're good.
I've been watching this pack evolve. Dink, you've outdone yourself. In fact, you've outdone what I thought we would see. The stuff just looks beautiful, and it's nice to see the Darth Vader-esque chest detail made it. Also looking forward to those funky guns.
In a single word that won't be censored, boss, Dink. Very boss. -
Happened here, too. What triggers it seems to be random. But you're right about it happening at exactly the same time: if the team is inside a building, right before the final phase.
I had to laugh. Totally off-topic, yes, but still.
I know you meant Morgan Freeman, who's got a great voice for that sort of thing. But it's funny if it's Gordon Freeman, since he never speaks in Half-Life.
Edit: Dang! Sniped by ArticulateT! -
Zwill confirmed that there's a fix for the glowy bits of the bioluminescence and organic armor costume pieces. He said "in an upcoming patch." Personally, I hope it's Tuesday's patch, because otherwise, it's ugly pattern #12.
Has there been any word about a patch? There was an announcement yesterday about a possible patch on 11/11. Then nothing about it.
It's not just you. Without the glowmap, it's not "bioluminescent" anymore. It's just "hideous pattern."
I got my reward token, but not my points. Who do I take this up with?
I can confirm this bug. After autocompleting the bugged cutscene mission, it was impossible to click on the female teller outside the cages. I needed GM help to advance to the end of the arc.
Having seen so much of the Carnies since I started the the First Ward arcs, I'm going to say now: very impressive look, particularly the darker look of the Carnival of War.
And yes... we need those masks... Sooo pretty. I've got a toon that would just complete her look -perfectly- if she had a Carnival mask. It doesn't have to be the super-duper beautiful flared mask, either. Just the basic porcelain one with the gem in the forehead.
The flared mask, I'd be happy keeping on critters, since it says "This is a Ring Mistress you don't wanna mess with, and she is much cooler that you will ever be."
Also, can we get that sarong thing the females are wearing? Because that would just be great on so many female characters. -
... isn't possible. Yet. Though in the morality badge, it seems to indicate that it was originally intended to be possible. Anybody heard anything along the lines of flashing back to Praetorian arcs (not counting one of the upcoming ones, which I understand you -can- flashback to)?
Quote:From what I read, you still get the 3 month badges. You just get reward tokens faster.Quick question: Sept 24th I'm due for my 60th month vet badge, but with this coming out on the 13th I just wanted to know if I'd still get credit for it when that date comes and another reward token plus the 5th year token, or just the one for 5th year? Thanks. =)
If you check the server status, you'll see they're in an Unknown state. Something's going on... just don't know what yet. Whatever has the servers in this state is likely responsible for the patch server not responding as well.
Servers still in an unknown state, but as stated earlier, the patch server will work if you poke it enow. -
In the badge description, it states that it should be possible to flashback to those moral choice arcs and complete them. Currently, the O-Zone doesn't allow a flashback to anything but to your current alignment. Wouldn't it be nice for Praetorian characters to flashback to their time in Praetoria and complete any arcs missed in that manner?
Primary travel would be flight, as she's supposed to be a sort of Celtic stormcrow. I'd like to be able to take a few good hits. Being a sort of "glass cannon" can be sort of frustrating. While soloing is fine, I'd like to be able to be the person someone wanted in a team.
For the epic/patron pool, I haven't even given it a thought. I've gotten her up to 38, and as I said, I was slotting/choosing powers as I went.
Finally, with regard to tanking, I'd like to be a secondary fill-in tank, but I realize that with Dark Armor, that's sort of unrealistic.