Test your brand new cutscene!
Someone else had the same problem earlier today...at least 3 times for that arc/mission
Don't I know you???
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I am having the same problem. Tried the auto complete option to no avail. Side note, I saved the clone and didn't rob the bank, so I don't think those options are related to the mission bug.
Killed Protean for the 3rd time and the followup mission where you return to Leonard was bugged. Got that problem sorted out and now the bank mission is bugged as well. You aren't able to speak with the Bank Teller. It would appear if you have the bad luck of getting this chain bugged out, every single mission along the way is broken.
@Jormungand of Victory & Virtue
Are you speaking to the correct bank teller? IIRC, the one you want is standing out in the lobby, not cowering behind the window.
I was clicking the one cowering by the door in the lobby, which is the correct one. I've done the mission successfully in the past so I know I'm not messing something up. Got it all sorted out now, but did get confirmation that the Leonard missions are bugged. Hopefully they fix them soon so people coming back to the game (or playing for the first time) don't have to wait for GM responses.
P.S. - I haven't played the game in ~5 years. Back when I played there was no end game content besides Hamidon so I grew tired of playing. Really happy with my experience so far (besides this minor bug) and am glad I quit WoW. Will definitely be ninjaing players and bringing them over when Freedom is completely live.
@Jormungand of Victory & Virtue
I can confirm this bug. After autocompleting the bugged cutscene mission, it was impossible to click on the female teller outside the cages. I needed GM help to advance to the end of the arc.
@Joe Public
"Now, now. God never burdens us with more depleted uranium than we can carry."
Has anyone noticed if the Cutscene was actually changed?
Sounds like a Dev had a change to the cutscene planned and it accidently got pushed from Dev to test then live.
I had this bug happen to me last night. On the second time around though, the cutscene was just a series of close shot stills of the ads you see around the rogue/isles paragon. Also, there were 2 Proteans! One acted normally and was scaled correctly to the mission, but the other was +2 lvls, was standing at the console, and completely ignored me. Even when I attacked him after defeating the first Protean, he refused to fight. He also seemed invulnerable. Sorry, I was soloing him, and the place was blowing up around me, so I'm not sure if I was not doing enough damage to hurt him, and I was in a rush to leave.
The follow up 'talk to leonard' mission was bugged, in that he wouldn't speak to me. I auto-completed it.
The bank mission had the bank teller ignoring me as well (yes, the one in the lobby). So I gave up and logged out for the night.
Today I'll need to petition this to get it cleared, but yeah serious pain in the a$$.
The second Protean is the one that appears in the normal cutscene. Apparently this bug is fixed on test and will reset anyone stuck on the arc to the mission where you confront Protean.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Ok, so I don't know the full details of the steps that lead to this as I wasn't the team leader or mission holder, but what I do know:
I was in a team, we were running Leonard's arc (~12am to 1am, BST). We got to the final mission where we steal Protean's money (for reference, we didn't save the clone in the previous mission, and we chose to rob the bank).
So then we all exit, and the leader I guess talks to the contact. Next thing we know we have a new mission titled "Test your brand new cutscene!" with a subtitle "NICE!".
Confused and curious, we enter, to find it's the retake the cloning lab / defeat Protean mission again.
Screenshot here