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Quote:. . .Need I say more?This was a good idea... so good I made a Twitter account and followed @CityOfHeroes, The first Thursday (Friday, whatever) I missed the first opportunity, I was disappointed but generally accepting that I had missed the opportunity. I was able to re-tweet the second offering in time and though I had to wait for Monday to receive my code, was more than happy to wait.
Then today happened... and Twitter suddenly became a PvP zone.
This lead to frustration, aggravation, and the feeling, not that I'd missed an opportunity, but that something was stolen from me by people with faster, better equipment and/or internet connections.
While I was able to eventually get a code, this Thursday was not an enjoyable experience. I know it may be more work, but please, please, please go back to how this was done before. I understand hitting a limit of messages you can send per day, and while I'd suggest making another twitter account to pass out rewards, I don't mind waiting a few days to get a code if it prevents the speed-typing insanity of this Thursday. -
Quote:Yes and thats what I meant in my initial post that Zwill was responding to.Not a direct reply to YOU per say, but more in your general direction (especially since I pretty much agree with you here).
Whe they gave away the first costume codes online, they listed them in text. People copy/pasted them and pretty much before the bits were dry they were gone. Then they posted them as an image. Same thing. Then they got the bright idea of puttign them in screenshots fromt he game (I heard that was to confuse bots).
It slowed people down SLIGHTLY. However, instead of the codes vanishign instantly, now they vanished withing five to ten seconds. So they started postign them in screenshots upside down and backwards and all sorts of strange ways. Again, it slowed peole down, instead of 5 to 10 seconds the codes vanished in 10 to 15 seconds.
The real downside was, people didn't read what code it was. They woudl just grab a code and type it in. Ig they already had the item, the code applied and was gone "robbing" someone of it. If it was a US account and an EU code, it applied and did nothing robbign someone of it. I know a few people in game who were laughing because they snagged codes for stuff they already had.
In time it became "easy," if you were vigilant to get a code because most people simply stopped caring. They got so frustrated and angry they quit trying and just didn't care any more.
All of this has happened before and it will all happen again. It's a stupid way to give away codes, but they'll follow the same course with it, people iwll get just as peeved about it and the community team will not solve it just like they didn't solve it before.
The only innovation this time is that the mose reasonably equitable way of doing it (retweet and get one) was killed off with a shockingly honest admission that it took too much of their time so they came up with one that wastes the players' time instead. -
Quote:Yes, I am correct. I am both happy and unhappy to see that I am...Yes, you're absolutely correct. It's less time spent for us.
Last week we had to invest two people for an entire day and a second person for another entire day to sending out codes via PM, and even then we ran into technical/API limitations.
It is *not* a wise investment of my teams time to spend an entire day on another project and cause other aspects of the Community to suffer as a result. At the same time, when faced with the option of do something or do nothing, I choose to do something. I respect those of you who disagree and choose not to participate. Please know that your concerns have been heard. This is simply the best possible option that we have currently available.
On a similar note, Hit Streak and I have invested a rather large amount of time in this conversation. While I appreciate everyone's concern, this is one of those decisions that I have to make that won't make everyone happy. I apologize if you're one of those people. For now, this is how we're going to operate Tweet Code Thursday, until we have a better solution.
When you say things like "its not a WISE investment of my teams time"... I'm confused by this because isn't it WISE to keep your clientele base happy? Isn't spending time on your clientele actually a wise thing?... I'm not in business or have a masters for that matter but I would think keeping your paying customers happy is a wise thing to do. Yes there could be a better way to do so.
In fact I would like to offer a suggestion to Tweet Code Thursdays... perhaps it would be best to press the pause button on it until you can come up with a much better solution that will make those on twitter and your team much happier and not so salty or spicy. That would make much more sense and it would show your clientele that hmmm you do care and therefore will put TCT on hold for the moment.
What you guys are doing is great but you should remember that YOU (not you specifically just in general Paragon Studios Team) chose to give out free stuff, which is great cause who doesn't love free stuff? But its the manner in which you chose to go about doing so. Yes your new way of distributing the codes is a bust... "Epic Fail" in my opinion but whats done is done. -
Quote:Yes but it was so much better, plus the people that Retweeted were so much happier because they Retweeted the message within the deadline period. Those that didn't knew that they didn't do it in time and for that had no reason to be upset with anyone except themselves for not paying attention.No retweet method this week. It was unsustainable from a manpower point of view.
Having three employees work on it for 2 days, 2 employees for 1 whole day and 1 employee for 1 day to keep your clientele happy, I think is well worth it and it mitigates outbreaks such as this thread here. -
Quote:Yes, I agree completely...No, promotions that use permanently exclusive items annoy the people paying their salaries. That is the bottom line. You don't deliberately annoy your loyal customers to the point where they cease to be customers.
I participated in last weeks Tweet Code Thursday and I thought that the way it was initiated was fair (you have 5 minutes to Retweet this post and we will send you the code) but this week due to "time issues" and "twitter restrictions" they are just making it "simple"...???...For whom? not for us the customer base but quite frankly for themselves.
"Oh here lets just let the blood bath deepen" *cuts and pastes a pic of 10-15 costume codes to a tweet and clicks send* (first come first serve)
Sorry for the sarcasm but thats how it feels... Even those of us that would go on twitter still find this to be... whats the word?... Freaking Annoying? no well its a 8 letter word that starts with a "B" and ends with a "T" sorry but its true. I have been a loyal customer of CoX since pretty much the beginning in fact a couple weeks from now will be my 8th year that i've been playing.
To make thing short, I will no longer be participating in Tweet Code Thursdays! And another thing should they ever, EVER have the audacity to paste a power set on TCT, I will not only be done but done with CoX all together. -
Lame weekly again. -
Quote:I logged out like I normally would. There isn't anything that I did out of the ordinary. I /bugged it online and petitioned it but have yet to hear a response to correcting this error. Other than receiving a confirmation email that support received my petition but nothing more.We were unable to reproduce this with all variations of the power. De_monique, if you (or anyone else) have info on how you got the power to expire in real time instead of in-game time, please post the steps here or feel free to PM me.
Thanks, much appreciated!
I'm hoping that this bug is corrected because to be honest thats a lot of PP to be wasting as well as money for those that are purchasing points just to get the Shared XP Boosters. -
Seriously Guys! You could've at least put Beast Mastery at a discounted price... That would've at least made this weeks featured list somewhat more worthy.
Just Sayin... -_- -
Quote:I second this as well... I was seriously hoping to see I23 Live in Announcements, not this...Quote:May has been even weaker than April when it comes to Paragon Market.
Where are Superpacks #2? Retro Sci-fi? New powersets?
Come on Paragon you can do better.
At least release I23 already...Quote:Another barren week, means I save points until something good finally raises its head!
UGH! I23 Better be released NEXT Tuesday! -
A friend of mine gave two of my Heroes a 50% Shared XP Booster right before I logged off, the xp icon was active under my health/endurance bar... But when I logged in the following night neither character had the XP Booster icon active, it wasn't even in my Powers tab and all XP gained was normal.
How do I get this back or what do I do to fix this? -
Quote:I strongly Agree with Razai's Suggestion on going with a scrapper for SD... Yes without IO sets or Purples Sets the defense is lacking but slotted properly you can at least out live your mobs, lol. Also perhaps even taking the medicine pool might be something to consider just for those rare occasions when you face a boss that can Spit and slip through your defenses lol.I'd say scrapper, let the crits do the work shield defense is not all that great in terms of defense so to stand in a mob for fury, minus IO slotting and purples is somewhat suicide. I am sure you are aware of this as I saw a ss/sd brute in your sig. As a scrap you can enter with Shield charge and the hopeful crit and mop away at the survivors with stj's cones.
Quote:I'd have to agree with Razai on this one... Ever since inf has been purchasable by outside sources "pay to win" has been around even before PM or before everyone got salty and started quoting the term "pay to win". Basically to each his own, I guess.I still dont see a difference... Many of you fail to realize that people "pay to win" and have been before the PM. There were outside sources that sold in-game inf for sooooo long and still do. People that have purchased inf from an outside source and still bought them off WW or BM. Also for those that are paying real currency as a subscript fee already paying for inf they earn, so that too should be called pay to win. Hell in that light EVERYTHING should be pay to win.
Basically it just seems like people that gripe about not getting that 1 billion inf drop on BM or WW, labels purchases off of the PM as pay to win as an insult versus a technical term... I will admit I would be one to buy it from PM before I drop my inf on an overpriced purple on WW or BM, but rest assured those purchases will remain VERY slim... -