


*sigh* At least Coulson will now live on in the official comics continuity.



"How does Fury see everything on the other screens?"

"He turns around."

"How tiring."

Tony and his fancy holographic displays is confronted with actual computer screens.

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#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I took the fireworks display as the hammer going "NO." since Thor hadn't done anything special, just brought it down on the shield. Buutttt I could just be making much ado about nothing.
As mentioned earlier, the shield has some odd tricks because of how it's made.
Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
That's only the second best part. The best part is how Loki just lies there, staring up into the ceiling, with a weak, pained rattle escaping him. "......."

... I want a poster of that scene, I think.

I could also see a bunch of demotivators born of that one image.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Saw it this morning...

Let me preface this by first saying that I did think it was really good.


Alot of the dialogue--okay, not alot, but some of the dialogue--was pretty terrible. Particularly Stark's dialogue. Alot of what he said that was meant to be funny just made me groan. It's doubly worse because Tony is supposed to have the coolest dialogue of all the characters. It seems that because he was funny in the first Iron Man, that they've struggled to make him funny in Iron Man 2 and in The Avengers without realizing what made him funny in the first film. It's like they just sucked all the charm out of his lines.

That's not to say that all of his lines were bad--I'd say that about 3/4 of his dialogue was decent or even great but some it...yeesh.

That's about the only complaint I have about the film. I thought they all got to shine although if I had to pick a single stand out performance I'd go with Loki. Seems like he had more screen time than any other character and every second he was on screen he was utterly cool. I would have liked more time spent on Hawkeye, but that's just a personal preference for the character and Jeremy Renner in general.

But yeah, it was great in general. Lots of fun to watch.



The Hulk ragdolling Loki and Hulk sucker punching Thor were definitely the Looney Tunes moments I was talking about in the other thread.

The Galaga line was funny because it initially sounded like a random Stark snark, until it turned out to be true

I think Gwynneth's "lines", especially in the jeans shorts, were pretty awesome.
She had lines, all I remembered was bare feet and jeans shorts.

Like the first IronMan, I'm going to see this at least three times in the theaters.

Oh and ...
"Better clench up, Legolas."

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Agent Coulson..... RIP....

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



No hard feelings Point Break, you've got a mean swing.

oh and this:

Thor: He's my brother
Natasha Romanoff: He killed 80 people in 2 days
Thor: ...He's adopted

and this too:

Tony Stark: You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message.
Agent Phil Coulson: This is urgent.
Tony Stark: Then leave it urgent

and finally:

Tony Stark: [to Bruce Banner] You really have got a lid on it, haven't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz? Bongo drums? Huge bag of weed?

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
That moment was amazing. And it was pretty obvious that Banner was in control by the smirk on his face.
As someone who's a long, long time Hulk fan, and owns both the other Hulk films (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) it's been a long time coming to see the Hulk have some personality beyond being just angry.

Ruffalo's said in interviews that this is Banner stopping running and facing the world. And he summed it up beautifully in his at-will transformation scene.

'I'm always angry.'

But that builds on that telling moment from the end of Incredible Hulk with Norton smirking, eyes aglow with gamma green. All of Ruffalo's acting as Banner and Hulk, even the on all-fours hunching, and roaring at Stark to wake up tells you Hulk is concerned about his friends. And that is tremendously cool. Little wonder people are saying he's the standout character in this movie.

Well, he is to me, anyways.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

There's something oddly calming about this...

This is why you play a SS/Inv Brute. Moments just. like. this.

Btw, when can we have the tearing clothes costume change? I mean like...who doesn't want to 'Hulk Out' in the game? Or is that Marvel copyright?

'I'm sorry, but Marvel informs us the shedding of clothes in this manner is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.'


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
As someone who's a long, long time Hulk fan, and owns both the other Hulk films (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) it's been a long time coming to see the Hulk have some personality beyond being just angry.

Ruffalo's said in interviews that this is Banner stopping running and facing the world. And he summed it up beautifully in his at-will transformation scene.

'I'm always angry.'

But that builds on that telling moment from the end of Incredible Hulk with Norton smirking, eyes aglow with gamma green. All of Ruffalo's acting as Banner and Hulk, even the on all-fours hunching, and roaring at Stark to wake up tells you Hulk is concerned about his friends. And that is tremendously cool. Little wonder people are saying he's the standout character in this movie.

Well, he is to me, anyways.

Yeah. It had me wondering if at the end of Hulk 2, if that smirk was Banner realizing, he was always angry.

Cap: Doc, don't you need to get angry?
Banner: *looks back and grins* That's the secret Captain. I'm always angry.

My personal favorite line in the movie

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Marvelous film.

Not a nitpick in the world can stick to it.

I expected great. Got Magnificent.

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I think a big part of what sold the Hulk better than the others is a combination of how absolutely unafraid of everyone Banner seemed to be in contrast with how terrified everyone else is of him. Banner raises his voice a notch and the super-spies with ice in their veins reach for their weapons with an expression similar to the one people have when they realize they're trapped in a room with a tiger. Fury is scared of Banner, so was Widow, and they did a good job selling that. The look of horror on their faces when he explained he once tried to put a bullet in his head... and Hulk just spat it back out. To the assassins and spies, that's chilling, because I read that as their backup plan: shoot Banner before he hulks out. And they've just learned that won't work.

So many fun little details too. That was something I enjoyed, the film's attention to detail. When Thor is confronting Loki, two ravens fly by (Hugin and Munin, perhaps?). Thor spinning his hammer to fly. Cap's treatment of fifteen or twenty foot jumps or drops as simple. The Iron Maiden t-shirt. Amadeus Cho being one of the people in the TV news montage at the end. Cap reflecting Iron Man's laser blast into a bunch of Chitari.

Heck, they made SHIELD generally come across as pretty competent. SHIELD's the good guys and they're good at their jobs. They're not necessarily nice people, since they are spies after all, but in general they're on the side of the angels. They're just way, WAY out of their weight class against Loki or the Chitari or superhumans, and Fury is scared and desperate. Which is also something I liked: they did a good job showing how scared Fury is without decreasing his coolness or levelheadedness at all. The look on his face when he sees Loki tear through a dozen men in as many seconds, bullets doing as much damage as raindrops, and turn and subvert his top agents and scientists?

But yes. Puny God had the audience cackling like madmen. Also? Cap giving orders.

Cap: "And Hulk? Smash."
Hulk: *grins*

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Yeah. It had me wondering if at the end of Hulk 2, if that smirk was Banner realizing, he was always angry.

Cap: Doc, don't you need to get angry?
Banner: *looks back and grins* That's the secret Captain. I'm always angry.

My personal favorite line in the movie
I think he does....and yeah, that's easily my best Banner line ever in a movie. Some of my favorite comics stuff (the stuff with the metronome in Hulk 2 is lifted from a critically welcomed run in the book) has snuck into the movies, and Bruce can change.

At will.

Be afraid, bad guys. I'd love to think this will lead into a bit more of a talking, even snarky Hulk like Peter David used to write. There was nothing more hillarious for me than having someone try and beat down on that Hulk and him making some smart-alec comment and then smashing them. One of my best remembered lines was from the long-ago House of M storyline where he just demolishes Sydney and the Opera House in the course of defeating the bad guys and is asked

'Hulk, why did you destroy the buildings? And the Opera House?'

'Can't stand opera.'

That's my boy. I still want a 'Hulk' transformation costume change!


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Aside from all the other things mentioned in this thread, another thing I really liked about this movie was how blessedly free it was from the constant slow-motion/fast-motion/slow-motion leaping around that has come to characterize most movie fight choreography since the rise of the wire-fu movie as an American cultural phenomenon. In The Avengers, in contrast, even when the characters were leaping about wildly, it was presented in a relatively straightforward fashion. This made things like the Hulk sliding down buildings or Captain America bouncing his shield off things much more impressive, since they were presented within a framework of otherwise fairly realistic-looking movement.

Some things I enjoyed that stood out to me:

-Loki having three different costumes and using them all, as well as the way his "earth" clothes looked like his Asgardian outfit.

-Having the Helicarrier show up.

-Dying Coulson thrashing Loki's ego.

-Captain America's line about gods.

-I hadn't really thought it through until this thread, but you all are right; the Hulk did get a lot of good scenes. Banner is low-key for the first half of the movie that I barely noticed the combined performance of Ruffalo and the CGI Hulk accreting into an interesting character.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
. The Iron Maiden t-shirt.

I agree with absolutely everything you said, so I cut it all out.

Wasn't it a Black Sabbath shirt though? As they are the ones who did the song "Iron Man"



Nobody mentioned the scene where Iron Man mocks Thor in Shakespearian english? I thought it was hysterically funny.

Fantastic movie, easily the best super-hero (if not even action in general) flick.

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Yes, Tony was wearing a Black Sabbath shirt.

I nominate: "Superheros in New York?" - Stan the Man

I forgot the whole quote. He came on at the exact second the thought popped in my head "hmmm, did I miss Stan Lee's cameo?"

I too very much enjoyed Coulson being a Cap fanboi.

Also, Loki's cohort was Alexis Denisof!

Thanos' big grin when Alexis said "To attack Earth would be to court Death"

Looking ahead, I'm not sure how they're going to deal with Thanos in 2.5 hours if he gets his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet (which I'm inclined to believe he will since it appeared in "Thor"). Too bad the Silver Surfer can't play in the Avengers' sandbox since he belongs to Fox, along with the FF.

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Well before becoming the Silver Surfer's primary foe. Thanos did tussle with the Avengers in their series a few times.

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Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
Looking ahead, I'm not sure how they're going to deal with Thanos in 2.5 hours if he gets his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet (which I'm inclined to believe he will since it appeared in "Thor").
Yeah, taking the Cosmic Cube out of play takes a huge Thanos v. Avengers arc off the table.

But it's not impossible that other hero's films will set up the all the background from Avengers 2 and their dealing with Thanos.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Aside from all the other things mentioned in this thread, another thing I really liked about this movie was how blessedly free it was from the constant slow-motion/fast-motion/slow-motion leaping around that has come to characterize most movie fight choreography since the rise of the wire-fu movie as an American cultural phenomenon. In The Avengers, in contrast, even when the characters were leaping about wildly, it was presented in a relatively straightforward fashion. This made things like the Hulk sliding down buildings or Captain America bouncing his shield off things much more impressive, since they were presented within a framework of otherwise fairly realistic-looking movement.
I'm just glad they didn't use any shaky-cam in the action sequences. I don't mind slow/fast/slow action sequences that much (though they do feel like padding in some cases), but shaky-cam fights irritate the hell out of me. If I'm going to pay twelve bucks for a movie, I want to be able to see what's happening in the damn movie.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Saw it.

Loved it.

That is all.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I'm just glad they didn't use any shaky-cam in the action sequences. I don't mind slow/fast/slow action sequences that much (though they do feel like padding in some cases), but shaky-cam fights irritate the hell out of me. If I'm going to pay twelve bucks for a movie, I want to be able to see what's happening in the damn movie.
/This 150% I despise shaky cam whenever it's used.



You know there are some films you go to the theater and watch and say ok.

Then there are some films you go to the theater and say that was good.

Then you watch the Avengers movie and know that you have 6 months to a year before you can buy it and have it to cherish on dvd/blue ray and watch all the awsome scenes again and again.

I normally dont go and rewatch films in the theater, but the Avengers movie is one that if I had to see it again and again, I wouldnt feel its a waste of money. Even if I had to pay 3d prices repeatedly.

God that was a awsome watch from start to finish.

I normally dont do this but hot damn am I buying the blueray for all the extended scenes and other extras. This is one of the few movies I think paying the extra for the blueray is so FREAKING WORTH IT.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I'm just glad they didn't use any shaky-cam in the action sequences. I don't mind slow/fast/slow action sequences that much (though they do feel like padding in some cases), but shaky-cam fights irritate the hell out of me. If I'm going to pay twelve bucks for a movie, I want to be able to see what's happening in the damn movie.
I totally agree. IMO, shaky-cam is just a cop out - a director that doesn't know how to film a fight/action sequence. I've never seen any film where it ever added anything of value.

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