


Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
You all know why it had to be Coulson, right? He's the only one who has been in 3 other movies and for all of us who have seen them all. We had an emotional investment in him. So he had to die for the emotional impact for the audience and for the heroes to put aside their differences and step up (with Fury's help)
Yeah they tried that without the build up (Or even a freaking NAME) in X-men First Class and it had pretty much nil emotional impact. it worked perfectly with Coulson and he even got to go out on a crowning moment of awesome.



Originally Posted by Magus_Prime View Post
Actually you're way off. She said in Russian "bozhe moi" which translates directly to "my god".
Ah I see the problem. I thought what she said was spelled "Bravo-Alpha-India-Sierra-Echo moi" which when used as slang has a completely different meaning. Thanks for the correction in spelling.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Actually, I think her later comment to Hawk pretty much gives away that it worked -completely- as intended. But she has an amazing poker face and got what she wanted. But it's very clear that his words struck her, she's just not one to crumple and cry about it.

Yeah I got that as well; it was well done.

And I was curious how he'd give screen time to all 6 Avengers (especially in the beginning)...and now we know

He just turned one into a 'bad guy' so that he can have time at the same time 'heroes' were getting screen time

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Originally Posted by Spork_NA View Post
Coulson also got speared through the chest. Humans getting arrowed and shot in the head..
WAAAAASSSHH!!... oh, wait, PHIIIIIILLLL!!! *waah*

Pro Tip: never, ever be a fan favourite but expendable character in a Whedon movie. It's not a healthy career choice.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Ah I see the problem. I thought what she said was spelled "Bravo-Alpha-India-Sierra-Echo moi" which when used as slang has a completely different meaning. Thanks for the correction in spelling.
Okay, quote isn't working right for some reason..

The movie example is Russian.
The term you're thinking of if French.

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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
PS - the shawarma scene... what I thought was the funniest part about it was Cap just staring at the table. I couldn't tell if he was trying to figure out the food, or if he was just so damn tired he was falling asleep in his chair.
I figured Cap was getting sleepy in reference to him asking Thor "What are you getting sleepy?"

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay, quote isn't working right for some reason..

The movie example is Russian.
The term you're thinking of if French.
I wasn't aware the term I was thinking of was French. So I'll ask everyone to forgive my ignorance of what are, to me, foreign languages. And to be honest I don't even consider myself to be fluent in this my native language.

Edit: Oh and thanks to you as well for another little piece of info I was unaware of.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
-Captain America's line about gods.
I thought that came off as incredible corny. Then I realized, hey, Cap is an old man. That line makes perfect sense for him.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




"Clench Up, Legolas."

My wife must've grabbed my arm seven times during that movie out of sheer enjoyment.

Tis indeed a great age to be a comics hero fan.




A spoiler on Coulson:

According to Joss Whedon (and Coulson's actor, Clark Gregg), Phil Coulson didn't actually die. Fury lied about that to motivate the Avengers. Phil survived his wound. We'll see him again.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

There's something oddly calming about this...
So awesome. "Puny God".




Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
A spoiler on Coulson:

According to Joss Whedon (and Coulson's actor, Clark Gregg), Phil Coulson didn't actually die. Fury lied about that to motivate the Avengers. Phil survived his wound. We'll see him again.
One of the first things I thought of after the movie was that Stark specifically mentioned LMDs to Coulson (jokingly, of course). So with it established that LMDs exist in this movie universe, there is an easy way to get Coulson back into the movies...and it would totally fit in with Fury wanting to motivate the team to band together.

Of course, my jaw dropped when everything went down. So very sad to see him go out...even as a hero putting a god in his place.

Fantastic flick - way too much to take in with one viewing. My only nitpick was that I did not like the font used when The Avengers title came up at the start of the movie. I would have preferred this:

Go Team Venture!




Saw this movie in a Lux cinema - dinner, drinks, comfy chair, the works. They had drink specials, which made me chuckle:

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post

Saw this movie in a Lux cinema - dinner, drinks, comfy chair, the works. They had drink specials, which made me chuckle:

Speaking of drinks, anyone else get the special Avengers cup? I was pleased to see it was re-usable.

Anyways, I think my favorite line was when Tony complemented Banner on his research... and his ability to turn into a giant rage beast.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



The movie definitely was the best of the Marvel movies to date.
It had action, character interaction, emotional investment, and it had humor.
Oh man did it have humor. The lines were great. The sight gags were great too.
It has by far the best Hulk they've had in ages. The wheezing mess he left Loki in the floor was awesome.
I have heard that some Cosplayer a friend follows has forgiven all us Firefly fans 10 years of whining to get the show back after watching her first Joss Whedon movie!

I have a bit of a request for anyone re watching the movie.

In the part where the three latecomers are crashing into downtown to join the fight there is a shot where they fly past a window viewing it from the interior. There are two people inside. I believe them to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as a cameo. But it happens pretty quickly. Can anyone check that for me? Thanks.



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
I believe them to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as a cameo. But it happens pretty quickly. Can anyone check that for me? Thanks.
Why would Clark and Lois be making a cameo in an Avengers movie?

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Because its a superhero movie, and producers like to be funny and put easter eggs in.



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
In the part where the three latecomers are crashing into downtown to join the fight there is a shot where they fly past a window viewing it from the interior. There are two people inside. I believe them to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as a cameo. But it happens pretty quickly. Can anyone check that for me? Thanks.
You're not imagining things! It happens really fast, but I specifically remember a guy looking suspiciously close to Brandon Routh's Clark Kent standing in front of a window; he's facing away from the camera, but his reflection is easy enough to see in the window. I didn't have time to check if the woman was Lois-esque or not, but that wouldn't surprise me.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
PS - the shawarma scene... what I thought was the funniest part about it was Cap just staring at the table. I couldn't tell if he was trying to figure out the food, or if he was just so damn tired he was falling asleep in his chair.

Ok, I'm going to spoil it for you. This is the scene that the actors got back together to film after the movie was wrapped. Chris Evans had already grown a beard for his next role. So during that scene he had to wear a prosthetic that covered the beard. He couldn't eat in it since it was nothing fancy but only intended for that one scene. That's also why he was resting his face on his hand, to partially cover his face.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
In the part where the three latecomers are crashing into downtown to join the fight there is a shot where they fly past a window viewing it from the interior. There are two people inside. I believe them to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as a cameo. But it happens pretty quickly. Can anyone check that for me? Thanks.
It seems highly unlikely, since Clark Kent and Lois Lane are DC characters.

The Avengers are Marvel characters. I REALLY don't think they'd put in a cameo of their strongest competitor's characters in their own studio's movie. It'd be kind of like trying to have Statesman showing up as a cameo in Champions Online...not gonna happen.

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Originally Posted by Sith_Rose View Post
It seems highly unlikely, since Clark Kent and Lois Lane are DC characters.

The Avengers are Marvel characters. I REALLY don't think they'd put in a cameo of their strongest competitor's characters in their own studio's movie. It'd be kind of like trying to have Statesman showing up as a cameo in Champions Online...not gonna happen.
Oh I dunno.

I'm betting that as long as they didn't get TOO explicit, they could get away with a sight gag.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Oh I dunno.

I'm betting that as long as they didn't get TOO explicit, they could get away with a sight gag.

Ok, now I have to ask where that's from?

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#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Ok, now I have to ask where that's from?
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Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
Yeah i just got back from seeing this. I was floored. Everybody got their time in the spotlight. Would have liked to have seen more of Cap's adjustment to the 21st century. What we got was still a whole can of awesome sauce.


-Widow's Fight scenes are the best in the film.
-The character interaction was almost perfect.
-Everybody had their moment to shine.
Joss has indicated there is about 30 minutes or more of deleted scenes for the DVD, I would expect some of them would be of Cap learning the histories of his comrades in arms and of Peggy Carter. However any angst he has about being a man out of his time belongs in Captain America 2, not the Avengers.

Speculation on my part: Howard Stark equipped Cap with his costume and the round shield that we all know and love. He also supplied armor and weapons for Cap's Commandos and he worked with Peggy Carter. He also located and retrieved the tesseract and helped start SHIELD. I would guess that Cap's Commandos and Peggy Carter were some of SHIELD's original agents. That would be fitting.