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  1. DCu isnt a bad game but you really need a mouse that can take a beating when playing it. you spam basic attacks quicte frequently
  2. Hello, I rarely ask the devs this kind of question, but since we pretty much have the writing on the wall for the future of coh, is there any possible way to take whats on the current beta server and perform a update so that all the goodies that have developed there can be enjoyed by all before the fade to black?

    There arent any major bugs that I can tell and a direct translation should be cheap considering the code is there...but if its beyond the capabilitiys of the remaining staff to code up into a live server I totally understand.
  3. Oood butler........that somsething you dont see every day
  4. Well like most folks yesterday when nature affinity released I decided to make a new charector. I had thought about water/nature, but realized that, man can that get slot hungery quick.
    Archery...no, I have a arch/dark, and yeah kinda underwhelming. Fun but no.
    Fire.......been there done that multiple times, while fun and flavorful.....lets get off the beaten path
    Ice....ok can see that and have only played it like once and its themantic to the charector...WIN

    So my question to you all is, the power Ice Storm, is it good enough by itself to add to a in general charector if you dont have sleet or a resistance debuff to make the damage better, and if so how do you slot it?
  5. isnt it more like a 0.9% that it will be good considering where its airing?
  6. Titan AE...and lord the things that stick around in my head. Didnt google it...just remebered it....I REALLY need to get out more
  7. I belive the term, somebody should be shot in the head comes to mind here.

    I was OK with B&T, it was a eightys/ninetys movie that was campy and fun. B&T 2 was alright and fine since it was semi enjoyable as a popcorn flick. B&T 3 is HOW many years after the principle actors have moved on? NO just NO, even maybe a HELL no.
  8. ^
    copy paste hyperstrikes first post

    I mean the man made them a BILLION dollars for being a kickass director that knew how to put together a great superhero film. I belive that a sequal and a tv show is the least dis can do
  9. Head_Kracker

    Worst MMO ever

    Heres another couple points for Arcanaville

    How many times in the last 2 years has one of COH's servers gone wonkey?
    Be it zone, pvp or just the login interface? Yes NC soft just upgraded them but still we get bugs.

    Next off could someones system be it pc or game console actually stay on for 2 years and not error message or overheat.

    Lastly how the hell can there NOT be patches in that game. It not even about fixing exploits, its about making sure that somthing that may have frayed codewise gets fixed. I dont care how well you beta a program, the sample size in a beta is usually too small to get the problems that crop up when you pour a couple hundred thou people onto your servers.

    Without some insane redundncy and a nuclear generator powering the game servers there is no way in hell that any server could stay up for more than 6 months with 10000+ folks using memory, creating more data and and the demands placed on the scenery 24/7.

    But this is fiction so we overlook things like that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

    ... You actually find damage-capped Inferno to be a bit weak?
    After awhile the kin players all go a little powermad, dont mind them
  11. My wants list is:
    more targeted aoe IO set's one more uncommon and another rare would be nice(PLEASE)

    Overveiw the older hero contacts and pull all defeat X group mission heroside that are NOT part of arcs, alongside reordering the legacy hero contact missions so that they have a 1st mission 2nd mission and so on. Alot of the time when doing some of the oldest content in game, regardless of if everyone has the same contact and your doing the same arc, the contact will give the mission in a scrabled order to everyone (ie this person will get go here, another will get the kill such here, while another will get door mission here even off the first intro to the arc.)

    The next is a totaly wish, but can we get a relook at all melee IO sets 1st set bonus. There is NO reason that the first bonus in almost every melee set is a immobilize resistance. No one can stack enough to make it worthwhile, and no one NEEDS it. Even on the powersets of dark and firey aura can pick up on the cheap combat jumping.

    Say give kinetic combat a 1 point of of imobilization protection, touch of death 1% extra dmg, focused smite 1 point of kb protection, makos bite 1% leathal resistance, smashing haymaker 1% smashing resistance. The only one I say leave alone would be crushing impact, that set's overall powerlevel is good enough that a little rain must fall or it gets to be TOO GOOD.
    The above would be things that would be relevant to most players and overall would increase the enjoyment or might even temp folks to try Io's that normally wouldnt, and I think wouldnt change up what and how most folks us IO's anyway
  12. I wonder if they will re-edit the scene then with carters truck and zoe's shocked look instead of her waving to herself. Just rewatched it and its near same but there are differances. One of the few times that a redo after tha fact wouldnt annoy me unduly since its a alpha and omega moment.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Still waiting for a complete boxset of classic Doctor Who, complete with working TARDIS.
    Wouldnt you NEED a tardis to get some of the episodes? Or is that part of the time is full of wibbly wobbly timey wimy bits?
  14. Humanity has Declined, over on crunchroll. You will watch it, then go WTF then watch it again, STILL go wtf but enjoy it nonetheless.
  15. when I first saw that, I almost bleived I was being rickrolled, then I just started humming along
  16. Just for clarification on the conserve power to energize change, this will totally be a direct port of energize from the electric armor sets?

    The only reason I ask this is that currently conserve power is on a base 600 seconds recharge timer with no way even when we werent ED capped of being anything but glacialy slow to come back up.

    Whereas Energize has a base 120 sec recharge and is quite reasonable for what it is when slotted with the correct enhancements.
  17. DANGIT, now I have to go buy bluerays now for thor and cap america.......both of those shorts are too funny not to own and chuckle over frequently.
  18. Technically Ang is 163 then, the whole century in the iceburg did happen he just didnt physically or mentally age.
  19. Head_Kracker

    Lantern Draft

    Nope the flash was the blue lantern, supes was a black then a white lantern for end of darkest night.
  20. So I am right that there is going to be a second round of judging tonight right?

    strike that the sat 26th one is in regards to europe........ they really should have put that in the actual forum post at the begining of the thread.......... me an another guy thought it was tonight like a second round.
  21. yeps considering its a scifi comedy about time travel it was pretty coherent. thats the biggest thing I was worried about
  22. Well went out today and saw MIB 3(non 3d), overall my opinion is that it wasnt a bad movie. It had a few honest laughs in it and while I could see a plot point near the end, it didnt disrupt my enjoyment of the film. Stayed past the end of the credits, nope nothing after them. Overall its a good see it once in the theater popcornflic that didnt overstay its welcome.
  23. While I doubt that it takes 9 months to 3d a movie, I fully understand why they pushed it back. I belive that the monster that is avengers would make it go BLIP on the horizon alongside all the other action films releasing. So pretty sane move on paramounts part.
  24. Col. Mustard in the library with the candle stick........what everyone knew it was going to happen.
  25. Well, I am patient enough to wait.

    I know that The Hub does streaming of the new episodes of Transformers Prime on thursday/friday. But just found out that Nick streams Korra online......