Weekend Superheroics, May 19-20




Thundercats: Didn't care much for this episode. While giving the Wilykids the spotlight was fine, the plot was sort of dull to me. Also, how is stealing candy and toys okay, but stealing money is crossing a line?

Young Justice: Wow, some interesting revelations. Fun to find out what happened to KF & Artemis, and man is Roy ever messed up. Anybody guess who the mystery villain in the shadows was?

Legend of Korra: Great episode. I feel bad for Asumi, though it looks like her and Mako are getting ever closer, even at Korra's insistence now. Also, Lin is pretty badass, just what you'd expect from Toph's kid. Also, I like that metal-benders do have a weakness. Who knew platinum was unbendable?



Young Justice gets better every time I see it.

I finally caught Avatar. Looks good, I'm gonna have to catch up on the episodes I missed.



Missed Korra because for some reason my listings showed Korra, but Nick ran Power Rangers. Boooooo! Immediate deletion. I seriously hope this was my provider's mistake and not Nick's for an underperforming show (PR not Korra.)



No comment on "Green Lantern" yet? I have grandaughters over and may not get to see Saturday's/Sunday's shows until as late as Monday. Hmph.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Green Lantern: Ohhhhhhhhh frag, as Lobo might say. Things are not looking good for our favorite ring-slingers. But at least there's always Hope...

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Legend of Korra: I don't completely trust Rich Girl. The episode went out of its way to make us and Korra like and trust her. She never noticed her dad wasn't ever in his workshop? Hmmm. "There's no way my dad could have a hidden factory under my home without me knowing about it". I agree, that does seem like something hard to hide from a daughter who seems so close with her daddy. So it makes her perfectly timed denouncement of her father in front everyone a bit suspect. He was already sponsoring the Ferrets and putting them up in his house to keep an eye on them, so we know he's a schemer. Planting his daughter among them for Amon doesn't seem like a far fetched gambit after that.

Young Justice: CloneRoy has hit the skids hard. They implied as heavily as they could and still keep it under the radar that he was on drugs like the comics. The weight loss. The crackhouse apartment. "You used to treat your body like a temple". "I need the money bad....to find the real Roy, yeah..." Then we get the first animated appearance of Lian Harper and hopefully a turning point for him.
Blue Beetle can lie about his origins with the best of them. "Invented by Ted Kord", eh? Mystery villain, looking like a variation on Black Beetle from the comics.
Wally still has his powers from the looks of things, and is shacking up with Artemis with the two of them (Wally at least) presently retired from superheroing.
Superboy increasingly agitated with M'gann+Fish Boy and more mind scrambled crooks popping up. But are these one's her doing? Maybe not.
Nobody listens and pays attention to Mal Duncan. Not going to be surprised if that goes somewhere.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Legend of Korra: I don't completely trust Rich Girl. The episode went out of its way to make us and Korra like and trust her. She never noticed her dad wasn't ever in his workshop? Hmmm. "There's no way my dad could have a hidden factory under my home without me knowing about it". I agree, that does seem like something hard to hide from a daughter who seems so close with her daddy. So it makes her perfectly timed denouncement of her father in front everyone a bit suspect. He was already sponsoring the Ferrets and putting them up in his house to keep an eye on them, so we know he's a schemer. Planting his daughter among them for Amon doesn't seem like a far fetched gambit after that.
I knew she was going to stun her dad the second he offered her the glove.

Whether her actions represent a true repudiation of her father and his support of the Equalists, or whether it's a calculated move to further her own agenda still remains to be seen though.

I'm still wary of Tarrlok myself. It seems a bit too convenient that by the end of the events of this episode Lin gave him exactly what he wanted (control over the police) by resigning.

(Also, wow that's a lot of Platinum. Most. Expensive. Wall. Ever.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Green Lantern - We finally get a Blue Lantern and Guardian space is in trouble.

Young Justice: Invasion - A lot happened in five years. A couple three needle scratching over record moments. At least we find out about Wally and Artemis.

DC shorts - I don't miss this aspect of the 80s at all. Not one bit.

Legend of Korra - Surprise! And I like that Toph taught her daughter to "see" with her feet. I'll give Assami the benefit of the doubt for the time being. Sometimes a motorbike accident is just a motorbike accident.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Legend of Korra: I'm noticing an interesting trend of people's family members being killed by firebenders. Mako and Bolin's parents, Amon's family (supposedly), Asami's mom/Hiroshi's Wife.

Wild speculation time.... it was all the same firebender. No I have no factual grounds for such a claim.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



As someone who gets their Korra fix online, does anyone know when they update their streaming episodes?

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
As someone who gets their Korra fix online, does anyone know when they update their streaming episodes?
I'm honestly not sure.... I vaguely think it's uploaded on Sunday (I think I recall watching one on a Sunday anyhow, it's definitely not up yet).

I also watch it online, but well... I'm impatient... and there are other, less official, places to watch the show before then.


@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Well, I am patient enough to wait.

I know that The Hub does streaming of the new episodes of Transformers Prime on thursday/friday. But just found out that Nick streams Korra online......

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
still wary of Tarrlok myself. It seems a bit too convenient that by the end of the events of this episode Lin gave him exactly what he wanted (control over the police) by resigning.
I think it's fair to suspect him. Sato shows that the Equalists have a reach inside the most powerful members of the city. We don't know how far the conspiracy goes, but it's clear now it's old and deep and far more than just one renegade's crusade.




Looks like today is Asgard Day in the Marvel Universe on Disney XD.

Ultimate Spider-Man: Thor arrives for a guest spot. Yea, verily!

Avengers: Beta Ray Bill!



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Thundercats: Didn't care much for this episode. While giving the Wilykids the spotlight was fine, the plot was sort of dull to me. Also, how is stealing candy and toys okay, but stealing money is crossing a line?
Yeah, definitely a filler episode.

The money thing I get was supposed to be the realisation that they were in too deep but it was a bit 'steal, steal, steal, wait steal money? That's too far'. Especially as they were happy stealing cash in the first ep.

Definitely building up to the finalé by breaking up the action eps.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Looks like today is Asgard Day in the Marvel Universe on Disney XD.

Ultimate Spider-Man: Thor arrives for a guest spot. Yea, verily!

Avengers: Beta Ray Bill!
More like Walt Simonson Day. I support any and all uses of his Thor stories for Marvel adaptations. Best version of Thor and Asgard ever.

Young Justice: I saw that golem heading toward the nuclear plant and thought we were going to get YJ Brimstone for a bit.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Just finished watching 'The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill'. Nice job getting through a lot of story in one episode.

When Sif said the security code for Skuttlebut .... my jaw nearly hit the floor. Major kudos to the show writers for putting that in!

Go Team Venture!



DC Nation short...meh. Wasn't paying attention. Moar Super BFFs, Teen Titans, and Animal Man plzkthx.

Wally and Artemis shacking up. Nice to see what happened to her and to find out she isn't a baddie after all.

I do think they need some changes to the artwork though. Wally, Guardian, and Roy could've been clones for all that they looked alike.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
DC Nation short...meh. Wasn't paying attention. Moar Super BFFs, Teen Titans, and Animal Man plzkthx.

Wally and Artemis shacking up. Nice to see what happened to her and to find out she isn't a baddie after all.

I do think they need some changes to the artwork though. Wally, Guardian, and Roy could've been clones for all that they looked alike.
You know I wonder if they are dredging up the old Wolfman / Perez storyline as far as Wally is concerned. (His super speed is starting to kill him) So he had to retire. Only Nightwing and Artemis would know about it, which is why she left with him.