Poll: Vote for the COH Forums Reskin




To be clear, this does nothing to change the actual view of the fora themselves. This is a background skin that will not in any way alter the VBulletin frame which the forums are in.

The image you're being shown is at full resolution.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



BTW, on the main site, where you've got a carefully designed layout with text set for that layout, a fixed width with floating margins on the left and right is reasonable (I've done that myself many times) and so an extra-large background image that would include the bodies on the left and right could work. But...nobody comes to the forums because of the layout.

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I'm going to vote both.



Voted for #1, but would prefer neither. I, honestly, liked the OLD skin with Recluse and States.

#2 just looks stupid. I hate that picture, and I am NOT impressed with the fact it's going to be foisted on me as the new login screen, with no obvious option to change it. Yes, I know you can, but I don't know how since the change that forced the Freedom one as the default.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I think #1 is winning because everyone is tired of Statesman and Clockwork "YARGH!!!"ing at each other. Besides, The Pose is a comic book staple!

(And at least Penny isn't trying to show her buns and boobs at the same time. >_>)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To be clear, this does nothing to change the actual view of the fora themselves. This is a background skin that will not in any way alter the VBulletin frame which the forums are in.

The image you're being shown is at full resolution.
That's just not true. Currently, you've got a 1" margin on the left and the right, no matter how big you make the window. On the image you posted, that's now a 3 3/4" margin left and right. Meaning the content area is 5 1/2" thinner.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



I figured that since so many of us spend hours looking at the forums, why not let the Community have a say in what the skin of the forums will look like?

If I had to select one image then I would go with #1. But I normally turn all images off, so whichever is used won't really affect me.

That being said, giving users a choice is a good idea IMO (if it is possible).



I picked 1, but don't really like either.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To be clear, this does nothing to change the actual view of the fora themselves. This is a background skin that will not in any way alter the VBulletin frame which the forums are in.

The image you're being shown is at full resolution.
Can you speak to whether the image crop done by afocks up-thread reflects how these images will look at "real life" resolutions?

In other words, are these two characters supposed to appear above our forum (as States & the robo-dude do currently), or almost outside its left/right margins (as shown in your provided examples)? If the latter, that's a problem. And if it's the former, I think you might should provide better examples of how it will appear to those of us with non-mile-wide monitors.




I like #1 if I have to choose

The Transcendent One
Level 50+ PB (Badge Count 1404)



Can we get an option to keep the one that's there? Or at the very least, can we get something that I'll actually be able to see, rather than most of it disappearing off the side of the page?

Of the two I like option 1 better, but I'd much rather stick with what we have. The game has too much Penny lately. I like her as a character but it's starting to get annoying having her shoehorned in everywhere for no good reason.

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[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



I like 1 but I'm not a big fan of the loading screen that is coming with i23

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Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
The game has too much Penny lately. I like her as a character but it's starting to get annoying having her shoehorned in everywhere for no good reason.
Avoid SSA2.1 when it goes live

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Can really tell that is not a Noble Savage artwork. Hope what ever the "New" project is comes along quickly.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To be clear, this does nothing to change the actual view of the fora themselves. This is a background skin that will not in any way alter the VBulletin frame which the forums are in.

The image you're being shown is at full resolution.
If I read this correctly this is what Zwillinger gets on his larger screen, I've noticed the forums scale according to your screen size, and Zwills screen is probably larger than the forum area's maximum size hence the space at the edges.

Now for those of you looking at the image "Full Screen" on a smaller screen to the original you will see larger borders as the image is scaled down to fit on your screen, try looking at it in zoom view for the real size.

I assume there will be multiple resolutions of these backgrounds as the current ones already use this option.

So for those of us with a lower resolution screen you are looking at 1 inch of either side and the section containing the CoH Freedom logo...

Now for a small request:
Zwillinger, would you please post another few versions...

Laptop spec, something 768 IIRC.
Widescreen HD spec, 1080p

IMHO I feel these would give a better example.

Nuff Said...
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AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



If Option #1 wins and they don't allow Option #2 to serve as an alternate skin choice, I swear I will not come back to this forum until the images change for I24. Its such an eyesore that I honestly can't look at the site for very long.

Did David do the art for Option #1? Doesn't seem like his style.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Avoid SSA2.1 when it goes live
Oh, I enjoyed that. It's just a shame you have to rescue her.



There is something about Penny Yin's redesign that just bugs the hell out of me and I can't quite place what it is. Possibly the cafeplates, but I've tried imagining them out and there's still something that bothers me . . . I just don't know.

Maybe I just miss her as a naive little kid in a t-shirt and a ball cap, there are themes on loss of innocence here.

Shadowhunter, on the other hand, I love the redesign for, definitely more beast than man.

Sure, freakishly stylized cartoon child! Never give up!
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To be clear, this does nothing to change the actual view of the fora themselves. This is a background skin that will not in any way alter the VBulletin frame which the forums are in.

The image you're being shown is at full resolution.
But again, vBulletin allows for multiple/alternate forum skins. You, as the admin, can choose Option #1 as the default skin but it'd be reaaaaaaaaaaally nice to have Option #2 available as an alternate. My vBulletin site has 4 customized skins to choose from (some folks like text against light background, others like text against a dark background).

Definitely something you guys should think about down the road (ie a hero skin, a villain skin and then a "Current Issue" skin that you can rotate out).



I prefer Number 1

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Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
But again, vBulletin allows for multiple/alternate forum skins. You, as the admin, can choose Option #1 as the default skin but it'd be reaaaaaaaaaaally nice to have Option #2 available as an alternate. My vBulletin site has 4 customized skins to choose from (some folks like text against light background, others like text against a dark background).

Definitely something you guys should think about down the road (ie a hero skin, a villain skin and then a "Current Issue" skin that you can rotate out).
I understand, and appreciate what you're saying here.

I'll look into offering a generic skin for the forums, but to set expectations, this isn't something that would happen until Issue 24 at the earliest.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
With Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie, we'll be rolling out a new look for the City of Heroes website and forums. I figured that since so many of us spend hours looking at the forums, why not let the Community have a say in what the skin of the forums will look like?

Take a look at the options below and be sure to cast your vote above!

Sorry, that is the politest way of saying it. It is obvious that someone is completely enamored by Yin, but I don't like her. I don't like her background, I don't like how she is portrayed since her "upgrade" from a generic Faultline contact, and I don't like her in-game. She ranks down there with Fusionette, Lady Jane, and a host of instantly forgettable NPCs in this game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Went with 1.

Wanted to go with 2, just because there's been complaints with the pose Penny was taking, and that way it'd just be seen more often. ^_^

However, I thought Penny's face was done much better in option 1. Also SH looked better in Option 1. So it was win/win vs "get over yourselves"

Which, by the poll results looks like Option 1 is winning by a landslide anyways.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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Is there an option for "non-broken forum software"?

EDIT: I wasn't actually going to vote because they both look sort of crummy, but then I saw what option 1 looked like full-size, and I'm mortified to see that it's winning (and by such a large margin). Look folks, I know Penny's face looks dumb in option 2, but do you really want her staring DIRECTLY INTO YOUR SOUL every time you view the forum??

I am begging whoever is in charge of this, if it must be option 1, please please PLEASE at least fix the eyes so they're looking to the side or something. It's incredibly unsettling.

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