Poll: Vote for the COH Forums Reskin




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's not a very good way to put it - it makes it sound confrontational, and implies that the devs are working against the community rather than with them.
I had to reread my text a couple of times, but yeah, I see what you mean. The meaning I was aiming for was more along the lines of, "look at the things we've accomplished together," and when I used the word we've I meant to imply that those accomplishments are victories for all of us, not one party or the other.

And Xzero45, your assessment sounds about like mine; however, my larger concern is that grandiose outcries might not make similar community polls likely in the future.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
The only thing that smacks as disingenuous is the collectively spoiled rotten tantrum in this thread. Yes, the requirements illustrated by the mockups should have been checked (I still think Zwillinger is jumping on someone else's grenade). But after all of the victories we've had in community participation recently (Edit: "we've" as in, us and the devs together) (hello and hello and hello), I find it remarkably petty that ya'll are ready to burn whoever's responsible for this minor goof at the stake. Good luck with that. If the community here wants to be all Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when plans hit a snag, that's fine if all you're wanting is to send Paragon Studios a message that community participation can be perilous.
The only thing I find remarkable is how some people will defend everything no matter what and make negative comments out to be inherently bad. You're being far more dramatic with your comments than most of the people disappointed in this whole situation.



Originally Posted by RobotPants View Post
The only thing I find remarkable is how some people will defend everything no matter what and make negative comments out to be inherently bad. You're being far more dramatic with your comments than most of the people disappointed in this whole situation.
You're wrong about a couple of things. Firstly, that I'll defend everything no matter what and that I deplore criticism; and secondly, that my comments are far more dramatic than most of the people disappointed in this whole situation.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Actually, he's not wrong about the second part. You are coming across exceedingly dramatic, even if you don't think you are.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



All I'll add is that two of the three examples provided could not be participated in unless some of us got a transatlantic flight to the Plummit. So no, not really relevant to those of us who have limited methods of interacting with the Devs.

Oh and for the record, I'm quite calm about it all, just disappointed. At least this mess has prompted me to get AdBlock installed.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
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Originally Posted by Dante View Post
All I'll add is that two of the three examples provided could not be participated in unless some of us got a transatlantic flight to the Plummit. So no, not really relevant to those of us who have limited methods of interacting with the Devs.

Oh and for the record, I'm quite calm about it all, just disappointed. At least this mess has prompted me to get AdBlock installed.
Lucky you, mine has magically decided on it's own accord to REMOVE The gorramn filter I put up. So the picture is back -_-
Woop. De. Doo.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I could show you some comic books that disagree, but it would be beside the point. Because people aren't complaining about outlying bits of the genre and even bits of other genres being added to City of Heroes. They're requesting that bits of the super hero comic book genre be removed from City of Heroes.
I haven't seen a single post requesting the comic book genre be removed from City of Heroes. I bet you cant find a single post that does.

edit: ahh I misread - you said 'bits' which I missed, sorry.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



No worries, tanstaafl.

For what it's worth, I would be happier if they found a way to get the majority vote up above the forums, my personal preference means squat here. I think they should widen the margins on either side of the forums, so that the full images that ya'll voted on can be placed on either side. Zwillinger has expressed reluctance to change the user experience we're all used to, but to be honest (from a widescreen perspective, especially), usability experts recommend wide margins to cut down on side-to-side eye movement anyway. The mockup is a great example of a design that's easier on the eyes, Zwillinger.

(Edit: I'll add that I often resize my browser window narrowly to read these forums on my 23" monitor instead of maximizing the browser window like I normally do elsewhere. It's not awesome to read whole paragraphs that stretch into single thin lines across my monitor.)

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric
You're wrong about a couple of things. Firstly, that I'll defend everything no matter what and that I deplore criticism; and secondly, that my comments are far more dramatic than most of the people disappointed in this whole situation.
So you really don't feel statements like "I find it remarkably petty that ya'll are ready to burn whoever's responsible for this minor goof at the stake." are overly dramatic? Because as far as I can tell, not a single physical threat has come up in this thread. I know you can't possibly mean that literally, so the only other logical conclusion would be that you're making the complaints out to be more than they are. People are disappointed, but that doesn't mean they're frothing at the mouth as your posts would suggest.



To answer you briefly, yes, my stake burning comment was a metaphor. But "frothing at the mouth" is hardly an accurate description of what I imagine fuels runaway threads like this. I rather think it's the opposite. Calling people outright liars or accusing them of sexploitation, to the contrary, is often posted thoughtlessly and there is no room for metaphor there (have you read this thread?); and yet these things seem perfectly socially acceptable here. I'm not so much defending the devs here, as I am defending maturity, and the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned: I still think empathy is cool.

There are some technical suggestions in my last post which you seem to have glossed over. I'd much rather turn our attention back in that direction, as this little aside of ours isn't likely to cover any new ground. You are welcome to PM me with any further grievances over my exceedingly dramatic use of metaphor.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



A lot of the time when I complain about something, it's pointed out to me that this is hardly a new thing and, upon reflection, that's usually the case. For instance, when I started badmouthing the writers about redundancy in their word choice for I23, I ran Dark Astoria and realised the problem was front and centre there and I never really noticed it until it became rampant... Or at least until I saw it enough times.

Why I'm saying this is because the problem of how women are drawn and designed in this game is not a current issue per se, it's the culmination of probably two years of built-up frustration that I finally realised has its roots a LOT farther back. What reminded me? Desdemona, as seen in Belladonna Vetrano's arc. I recall describing my first impressions of her to a friend of mine as "She's wearing a Carnival mask for some reason, she has one garter belt but no garters and her boyshorts are riding so high up her *** it's a wonder she can even walk." Subsequently, I was forced to interrupt my own sentence about something completely different to muse how it's even possible for that woman to walk in those heels at all, much less on soft soil and grass. "It's magic!" my friend responded, and it... Kind of made sense. To cut you off at the curb, I'm aware of Vanessa's fate, and Belladonna mentions it, which got us into thinking about Giovanna Scaldi, and whether there were now three people inside Desdemona's head. This prompted me to comment that if her head became too cramped, Vanessa and Giovanna could easily migrate into her breasts. "They're as big as hear head, after all." was I believe my exact phrasing. And indeed they are, with the artist feeling the need to draw fold lines where Desdemona's skimpy push-up corset had lifted her breasts up over her chest.

What I'm getting at is Desdemona is not a new character, and what I'm saying is not new information. And if it were JUST her, not much of anyone would have complained. I... Guess it makes sense for her character to wear tiny camel toe hotpants and a skimpy corset? Either way, she wasn't that bad on her own. But it's NOT just her, and that's the problem. Pretty much since that woman showed up in the game, we've seen both new characters and old characters remade drawn up in this much more sexualised style, and then literally drawn to be titillating. Even characters who weren't. Diabolique going from wearing pants and a trenchcoat to wearing a bikini and a flaming brazier on her head was pretty dang bad, but at least we mostly saw still of her in-game model. Then Penny, whom Jim Temblor, the "disgruntled young man" referred to as "a good kid" started wearing a belly tee with panties painted on her pants. And then we start seeing her posed sexy and people started seeing the pattern.

I ask you this - when is the last time that an issue has focused around a female character who was not skimpy? Hell, even Emperor Marcus Cole is starting to notice this. When he looks at his remaining allies in his personal story mission, he realises that he's down to a wounded man, a beast and an evil woman who dresses like a harlot. In pretty much those exact words, no less. We had penny, we had Diabolique, we had Tillman, we had Desdemona... I guess you can quote Nightstar, but at least to my eyes that robot is more fetishised than all the others combined, and she can get away with being NAKED. Not that I dislike what I see, mind you, far from it, but... I just have to wonder when we're going to focus on a female character defined by strength of character and competence in the field WITHOUT also focusing on her "assets."

When people talk about this particular problem of character design and artwork priorities, you have to understand that they're not being whiny crybabies who got hung up on a single mediocre piece of artwork. This is a problem that, for many of us, has simmered for damn near two years now, through the various "harlots" as Cole calls them, to the the various costume sets, to the various game art. Getting over it is simply not an option any more, because it simply keeps happening, and you'll find many people get more and more determined to make a stand with every iteration.

And the real kicker is no-one wants to "remove a part of comic books" by removing skimpy sexualised women from the game. But that can't be the only representation women get in this game unless they pre-date the current art team.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Desdemona, as seen in Belladonna Vetrano's arc. I recall describing my first impressions of her to a friend of mine as "She's wearing a Carnival mask for some reason, she has one garter belt but no garters and her boyshorts are riding so high up her *** it's a wonder she can even walk." Subsequently, I was forced to interrupt my own sentence about something completely different to muse how it's even possible for that woman to walk in those heels at all, much less on soft soil and grass. "It's magic!" my friend responded, and it... Kind of made sense. To cut you off at the curb, I'm aware of Vanessa's fate, and Belladonna mentions it, which got us into thinking about Giovanna Scaldi, and whether there were now three people inside Desdemona's head. This prompted me to comment that if her head became too cramped, Vanessa and Giovanna could easily migrate into her breasts. "They're as big as hear head, after all." was I believe my exact phrasing. And indeed they are, with the artist feeling the need to draw fold lines where Desdemona's skimpy push-up corset had lifted her breasts up over her chest.
That's interesting as all of the out of game art material shows her as more "realistically" proportioned. In fact I remember woman praising the game for having gone in that direction at the time her character was introduced. I wonder does any one have screen shots of D from this arc? I wonder why the would change her model for this arc as I don't remember her looking like that in her other in game appearances?

I'm terrible at posting images. Can some one post a few so we can see where they've gone "off model"?

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
That's interesting as all of the out of game art material shows her as more "realistically" proportioned. In fact I remember woman praising the game for having gone in that direction at the time her character was introduced. I wonder does any one have screen shots of D from this arc? I wonder why the would change her model for this arc as I don't remember her looking like that in her other in game appearances?

I'm terrible at posting images. Can some one post a few so we can see where they've gone "off model"?
You mean like this? Or maybe this? I'm tempted to put the NSFW warning on those.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
You mean like this? Or maybe this? I'm tempted to put the NSFW warning on those.
Are you having me on?

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
You mean like this? Or maybe this? I'm tempted to put the NSFW warning on those.
Like these, yes. Her breasts don't look as big in those pics as they did in-game, but the rest of the outfit is pretty much as I described it, minus one garter belt that's apparently a Carnival of Light thing... Or a Vanessa DeVore thing, alternately. It's funny how Desdemona looks more like a dominatrix than the ACTUAL Dominatrix, what with her shiny black leather needle stilettos (I guess magic gives you powerful ankles), the ridiculously constricting hot pants that leave NOTHING to the imagination and the cleavage-exposing strapless dress top. About the only thing the game does which isn't in any of her official artwork is it pushes her breasts up so they form that distinct fold line between them and her actual chest, and possibly makes them bigger. It's possible they just look bigger because of how they're shaded.

As I said, JUST Desdemona on her own is not a problem, especially since she kind of stood to contrast a lot of the female characters active at the time. Trouble is, it's not JUST Desdemona, it's Desdemona and essentially every female character to come since, Penny is only SLIGHTLY less gratuitous with her neck cover, but she still has a belly window, panties painted over her pants, pointed stilettos and her artwork shows her curving her spine and swaying her hips and twisting her ankles. It's not as gratuitous, but only just.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Like these, yes. Her breasts don't look as big in those pics as they did in-game, but the rest of the outfit is pretty much as I described it, minus one garter belt that's apparently a Carnival of Light thing... Or a Vanessa DeVore thing, alternately. It's funny how Desdemona looks more like a dominatrix than the ACTUAL Dominatrix, what with her shiny black leather needle stilettos (I guess magic gives you powerful ankles), the ridiculously constricting hot pants that leave NOTHING to the imagination and the cleavage-exposing strapless dress top. About the only thing the game does which isn't in any of her official artwork is it pushes her breasts up so they form that distinct fold line between them and her actual chest, and possibly makes them bigger. It's possible they just look bigger because of how they're shaded.

As I said, JUST Desdemona on her own is not a problem, especially since she kind of stood to contrast a lot of the female characters active at the time. Trouble is, it's not JUST Desdemona, it's Desdemona and essentially every female character to come since, Penny is only SLIGHTLY less gratuitous with her neck cover, but she still has a belly window, panties painted over her pants, pointed stilettos and her artwork shows her curving her spine and swaying her hips and twisting her ankles. It's not as gratuitous, but only just.
Seriously? That's your interpretation of those pictures?

I'm looking right at Penny as I type this and I see no stilettos. Panties over her pants? Sure. Ok. I think SuperMAN who started it is to blame. Not to mention BatMAN. The Specter. Cyclops... well do I need to go on?

While I do agree that women in general and comics in particular are over sexualized I'm beginning to think the objection is not that women are over sexualized but that they are sexual at all. And that's a whole 'nother problem.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
I'm looking right at Penny as I type this and I see no stilettos.
She has pointed-toe very high heel shoes. They may not be particularly stilettos, but again - we have a non-flying character... At least for the most part... Walking around in high heels. I'll be the first to admit that Desdemona's needle stiletto platforms are ten times worse, but come on, now. When was the last time this game showed us a female character who wore sensible shoes? The Iron Widow? Doc Delilah? When was that?

Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Panties over her pants? Sure. Ok. I think SuperMAN who started it is to blame. Not to mention BatMAN. The Specter. Cyclops... well do I need to go on?
True, but Superman and Batman didn't also have thigh-high heels painted over their legs. I think you need an example to see what I mean. Here's an artist's rendition of Layer from MegaMan X8. I should point out that Layer is a robot with no organic parts that I'm aware of, and just happens to have been painted to look like she's wearing panties and a high-riding top. And no, this depiction is not too far off from what she's like in the game. Of course, in X8, she's one of three "female" robots, the other two being a loli one and a "responsible childhood friend" one, so Layer just fills a niche. Yes, she's extreme and gratuitous, but it's pretty much just her.

When I look at Penny, I see pointed-toe thigh-high high-heel boots, panties, a bare midriff, then a top that's painted to look like a corset.

Originally Posted by Fista View Post
While I do agree that women in general and comics in particular are over sexualized I'm beginning to think the objection is not that women are over sexualized but that they are sexual at all. And that's a whole 'nother problem.
My problem is that Penny Yin is the "reserved" one of the lot, and she really isn't, especially when she's being drawn with her spine contorted, her hips swayed and her ankles buckled. If I bent my ankle like she is bending hers, I'd be walking in a cast for a few months thereafter.

My problem, as it were, isn't Penny Yin specifically, and it's all too underhanded to dismiss the argument just because you don't see her as being provocative. She isn't the problem, she's simply the catalyst to a much older, much more pronounced problem. It's a problem that started around Going Rogue when Destdemona and Tillman started running around in their underwear, and it snowballed from there. We didn't say much at the time because these sorts of problems take time to fully form in people's minds, and they take repeated missteps to solidify the attitude behind the problem, which is what I and others are against. You can't just pick the latest, lest problematic example and proclaim that the problem is that that women are sexual at all. That was never the point.

But let's talk about that - should women be sexual in their attire. Yes, sometimes. For some characters, it makes sense. For some, it does not, but think back and tell me - when was the last time we had a female character that WASN'T sexual? I'll make it easier - when was the last time we had a female character who wasn't overtly and intentionally sexual? When was the last time we had variety? OK, Tunnel Rat, maybe, I'll give you that much, but she's hardly a "main" character. And even so, guess what? Tunnel Rat ended up being extremely popular, back when people still played Prateroian content. More so than Vetrano, despite her "animated" hair and more popular than Tillman despite that cutscene which give us both an "upskirt" and a boob shot of her. And couldn't be skipped for the longest time.

The problem is not any one single character, so picking any one single character apart accomplished nothing. This is a systemic problem of theme and approach that will only be cured by counter-example, and right now, we have barely any.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
While I do agree that women in general and comics in particular are over sexualized I'm beginning to think the objection is not that women are over sexualized but that they are sexual at all. And that's a whole 'nother problem.
No, the objection, as I understand it, is that Desdemona is ridiculously over-sexualized. To the point where it gets silly. When you add older characters like Sister Psyche (transparent spandex, really?) and Swan, eventually you just have to pause and notice certain trends. I wouldn't say Penelope Yin is anywhere near this level, but given her posing it seems that someone wished she was.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
No, the objection, as I understand it, is that Desdemona is ridiculously over-sexualized. To the point where it gets silly. When you add older characters like Sister Psyche (transparent spandex, really?) and Swan, eventually you just have to pause and notice certain trends. I wouldn't say Penelope Yin is anywhere near this level, but given her posing it seems that someone wished she was.
It's more from Desdemona forward, really. Desdemona came in the same Issue as Tillman, who wears a trench coat over a bathing suit, and Belladonna, who despite being in military gear still wears spike stilettos. For as much as I like their design, Night Star and IVy aren't exactly helping. Then we got Diabolique who went from wearing a pants, a high-neck shirt and a trenchcoat, into a monstrosity that wears a metal bikini and a campfire on her head. In the meantime, we got the Barbarian set which gave us tough burly Barbarian men and "Santa's little helper" Barbarian women in pointed-toe thigh-high high-heel boots, short skirts and low-cut tops with a fur trim and a battle thong. Then we got the Steampunk set that let men have cool coats and armour while women got Victorian corsets and thigh-high high-heel boots. Then we got the Gunslinger set, which let men look like badass gunslingers, while women got showgirl attire such as thigh-high high-heel boots and low-cut corset tops. Then we got Penny looking like that and it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Again I reiterate - it's not a single one of these items I listed that's "the problem." They are all symptoms of the underlying problem, and they come together to create what is becoming a systemic complaint. JUST Desdemona would not have been a problem. JUST the Gunslinger set would have gone under the radar. JUST Penny Yin would really barely have raised an eyebrow. But it's all of these things together, and more, that start to become very old very fast. It feels like every female character that we've gotten since I18, either new or revamped, has been "like that."

It's time to do something else, guys. You don't have to do it all at once. Baby steps is enough. I'll be happy just to see a major female character wearing flat-soled shoes. That would be a nice start, and we can diversify from there.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There are some parts of the source material that I like and want the game to emulate, and others - such as inconsistent characterization from too many different writers over time, overblown summer crossovers, character deaths that are more about increasing sales than telling a story, and oh yes, absurdly sexualized (to the point of "_____ don't work that way!") female characters written by and for male fanboys of all ages - that I don't. Really, I get that it's extremely authentic, but do we have to copy the embarrassing stuff along with the good?

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