Poll: Vote for the COH Forums Reskin




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The community team run the website, not the devs
Actually, NCsoft's Seattle division maintains the website, and IIRC pretty much every website that NCsoft NA does.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Option 3: One that doesn't involve Penny at all.



I'd go with option 3, none with Penelope in it.
My reason is the following. Yes, she is now going to take over the mantle of Sister Psyche as per the SSA. Yes, we know she is competent (more then Fusionette)
Penelope is a newbie heroine with little impact on the gameworld. She just gets into the Freedom Phalanx (FP) to fill up for Sister Psyche. Which is a little weird, considering she was just in a few missions with the Player in the SSA.
Shadowhunter is also in the reskin, why o why? He is only currently on beta!
(Mentioned in a few arc and fights in an upcoming I-trial)

Why the two of these small timers? Why not established heroes and villains like; Lord Nemesis, Lord Recluse and his Arachnos, Malta, Council, Carnival of Light, Freedom Phalanx (most of them), 5'th column etc?
Most of those would be logical names to put forward instead of obscure characters.

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Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
Rather than having a new background, I'd rather have the "Remember me" checkbox actually be a "Remember Me" checkbox, and not a "Remember me until I close the browser window, at which point you forget I ever existed" checkbox.
It is very easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of their products by the sense of achievement you get from getting them to work at all. In other words - and this is the rock solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation's success is founded - their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.

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Call me when there's an option that isn't shoving Penny Wonderchild Deus Ex Macguffin Yin in my face.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Option 3: One that doesn't involve Penny at all.
While option 3 is certainly the best (LMAO), I would have to go with number 1 as my 2nd choice.

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I'm in favor of option 3: A skin without Penny Sue.

But, since that's not an option:

One, I suppose...

Although, I have to agree. It really doesn't fit with the COX "mood," for lack of a better term.



I don't like either of them. Good artwork in itself but where are the options for villains or praetorians?

Also I'm not quite sure why Shadowhunter and Penelope Yin are the featured people here. There are plenty of other more interesting signature characters - or are there plans to feature them at different times?

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Thelonious Monk



Just wish there was a red version - I am nearly always playing a hero but the forums have always looked better in red.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Sorry, that is the politest way of saying it. It is obvious that someone is completely enamored by Yin, but I don't like her. I don't like her background, I don't like how she is portrayed since her "upgrade" from a generic Faultline contact, and I don't like her in-game. She ranks down there with Fusionette, Lady Jane, and a host of instantly forgettable NPCs in this game.
Seriously. I mean, I don't hate Penny--I think she's an interesting character. I just don't understand how she's suddenly ballooned to becoming more important to this game than Statesman. City of Heroes is now City of Penny, and it just doesn't make any sense to me. And to top things off, she's fighting Shadow Hunter--who we know nothing about, unless you count his years as a throw-away dark clone of another throw-away character.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Option 3: One that doesn't involve Penny at all.
Hurrah for Block Content, blocks both the background image and the top banner image for me (a banner which eats up 25% of the verticial space available is obnoxious).

When this new image appears it too will be fed to the Block Monster.



I hope Penny is adopted by a circus family soon so she disappears from the CoX universe.



Well, I voted for option 1, but really, they both kinda stink. Why are two d-list bit characters becoming the face of the game here? Put some combo of states, recluse, and/or tyrant back up there. I don't *CARE* if states is dead, he's a far better symbol than two nobodies.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Being really, brutally honest?

I use adblock, so I have no background at all. It's nice and clean. I would love an option like that. I know theming is a part of marketing as much as anything else - but an "official" option that looks just like I have it now, with the COH logo up top and nothing else, would be lovely.
Oh man, I can't believe I never thought of doing this. Thank you so much for the idea, the forums look so much cleaner now.

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I like them both, but what I'd really like is when you check that little box it actually remembered you :P



hmmm whats with all the penny hate?

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Yeah add me to the list of people who like neither option - I haven't been using AdBlock to remove the background but I'm probably going to start if/when either of those horrible things go up.

And please tell me you are not removing the villain skin option, because that hideous blue is just unbearable to look at.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I like Option #1. It's less distracting while reading.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
hmmm whats with all the penny hate?
She's not our mommy!!!

(Grief over Sister Psyche's death, plus an obsessive reaction to anything remotely appearing Mary-Sue-ish.... Thanks, Venture! And for that, here, take this: when it comes to a new signature NPC being the 'face' of CoH, we have an Unpleasable Fanbase.)

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
hmmm whats with all the penny hate?
1. Pedoriffic backstory involving the Clockwork King, rendered not quite so pedo by way of age retcon. (She's 18 in that Faultline arc, HONEST)

2. Sudden emergence of her in the SSA1 at the end of the arc completely and totally overshadowing the player presence, to the point one part of the arc is dedicated purely in elevating her NPC status and eliminating the person she is to replace.

2a. Kneejerk reaction to the fact Sister Psyche was killed as an "also-ran" and the percieved reasoning being her ties to Emmert.

3. In the players crowning moment of awesome, she has to be present because ONLY SHE CAN PROTECT YOU! from the Rulawades beam of immaculate destruction. (funny, tho, some ATs can flip her the bird and ignore her presence anyway)

4. Sudden acceptance by all of Paragon as a new great hero after appearing twice as a hero, and being brought into the Freedom Phalanx, and being escalated to being A SIGNATURE HERO.
((In my opinion, the boat here was -completely- missed. I know they -had- to have a psychic character, but this kind of character arc was where Frostfire was actually logically headed, and had they had him appear in the SSA and take a spot on the phalanx, it'd have seemed much more natural. I would have lol'd if they didn't update his costume, but from a character arc, it makes more sense.))

5. And for me, this is just the final straw. She was never an interesting character, and was basically some writer's clever attempt at homaging THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP. Seriously. This would be like, if Ambush Bug joined the JLA, and then was actually MARKETED as the Flagship character of the DC Universe and demanded to be treated seriously at all times. Not only does it disregard the character's original comedic intent, but it also by extension, puts the entire cast and brand into a bad light.



I vote for 1. Both characters look better there to me.

In #2, it looks like they're running away from the forums. Also, I don't feel a need to have a dynamic image while I'm sitting still reading forums.

I assume they'll be stationary? Didn't we used to have an image of Positron bobbing up and down all the time? That was annoying. Actually, now that I think about it, I may have been so annoyed that I blocked that image. I can't remember now, but I don't see anything at the top of the forums.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
She's not our mommy!!!

(Grief over Sister Psyche's death, plus an obsessive reaction to anything remotely appearing Mary-Sue-ish.... Thanks, Venture! And for that, here, take this: when it comes to a new signature NPC being the 'face' of CoH, we have an Unpleasable Fanbase.)

Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
1. Pedoriffic backstory involving the Clockwork King, rendered not quite so pedo by way of age retcon. (She's 18 in that Faultline arc, HONEST)

2. Sudden emergence of her in the SSA1 at the end of the arc completely and totally overshadowing the player presence, to the point one part of the arc is dedicated purely in elevating her NPC status and eliminating the person she is to replace.

2a. Kneejerk reaction to the fact Sister Psyche was killed as an "also-ran" and the percieved reasoning being her ties to Emmert.

3. In the players crowning moment of awesome, she has to be present because ONLY SHE CAN PROTECT YOU! from the Rulawades beam of immaculate destruction. (funny, tho, some ATs can flip her the bird and ignore her presence anyway)

4. Sudden acceptance by all of Paragon as a new great hero after appearing twice as a hero, and being brought into the Freedom Phalanx, and being escalated to being A SIGNATURE HERO.
((In my opinion, the boat here was -completely- missed. I know they -had- to have a psychic character, but this kind of character arc was where Frostfire was actually logically headed, and had they had him appear in the SSA and take a spot on the phalanx, it'd have seemed much more natural. I would have lol'd if they didn't update his costume, but from a character arc, it makes more sense.))

5. And for me, this is just the final straw. She was never an interesting character, and was basically some writer's clever attempt at homaging THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP. Seriously. This would be like, if Ambush Bug joined the JLA, and then was actually MARKETED as the Flagship character of the DC Universe and demanded to be treated seriously at all times. Not only does it disregard the character's original comedic intent, but it also by extension, puts the entire cast and brand into a bad light.

Except for me, it's none of that at all. It's just some random NPC who is suddenly the most popular character to the entire marketing department. I understand why CoV used Recluse and Co. I understand why Going Rogue used Statesman vs. Tyrant. I get why Freedom hearkened back to the launch of CoH, and put Statesman up front on his own. But now, suddenly, we have Penny? If there was a story arc that showcased Penny as the metaphor for the PC as the up and coming hero of Paragon City, I would get it--but she's not. She's just an NPC from way back when Faultline got remodeled.

And, post-script, I liked Sister Psyche less than I did Penny. I have no problems with Penny. I like Penny. I just don't understand why things have become SUDDENLY, PENNY, EVERYWHERE.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Not going to vote on this as my option would be "No massive bitmaps it a massive resource hog!" but that aside I'd say that Penny looks really janky in both of those. I like her as a character, I think her new outfit is too busy but I can deal with it, but both of those images are... not something I'd like to be forced to look at for any length of time, though #2 is much worse than #1

Big blue looks fine in both of them.



Gotta go with others on this...


I also don't see the sudden vault of Penny to the status she's gained. I'd *almost* rather Flamebeaux. I liked Psyche. Saw no real need to remove her like that. Now with so much Penny everywhere I'm half expecting to see a PennyPlushie marketed.

No thanks to either. This is not a slap towards the artist... just the subject matter.

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Honestly, not a fan of either.

Positioning them outside the forum is one thing, but both images have their faults and, yeah, too much obsession with Yin.

Personally, I'd rather the time was spent fixing the damn log out bug. In 15 years of using internet forum, I've NEVER known any other site do this.

It's annoying as all hell.

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