Discussion: A Death Revealed....




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
And so help me God, if once all is said and done, they handwave him back with "good thing Numina was there to save him this time"...

How about if Numina resurrects Statesman, admits she has feelings for him, and Positron stumbles into the scene and /e grief?

*runs away*

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Putting some money on Prometheus' involvement in his death, somehow, again.
At the Player Summit, the devs gave a pretty big hint about there being a 3rd path to Incarnate power that didn't involve Prometheus or the Well - so ther could be some connection there.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The feeling is that impact of States dying is not in the reveal that he's dying but in the fact that he's dying. How does he die? What does it mean for the Freedom Phalanx and, perhaps more importantly, what does it mean for the future safety and well being of Paragon City.

There's a lot more questions to be answered and story to be explored, even after his death.

And trust me, his death scene is pretty stirring.
That's all well and good, but seriously...one of the biggest events in the game's lore ever and you guys spoil it early. That kinda irks me a bit

I'd wager most people were expecting to have to wait until SSA part 7 to find out. All those questions and the impact of the event would have been SOOO much more with the surprise and impact-full of it happening in SSA part 5 without a warning of when and who.

Cool event, and I'm sure there's more after and thats all great and everything...but seriously! This announcement could have waited until like the week after the arc was out to not spoil the surprise WAY ahead of time like this? Its kinda like them revealing that...

...sorry first...


Darth is Lukes father during the opening word crawl of A New Hope

Bruce Willis died in the first scene of 6th Sense

Who the mother is on How I Met Your Mother in the first episode


I was really looking forward to seeing it happen and having that impact of it happen within the game! Granted I could have avoided reading this thread, but no way it could have been kept hidden for the next monthish from others in the forums or through chat in game...so by revealing it ahead of time shoots any chances of it happening as a surprise out of the sky. At least letting it get revealed naturally, the people waiting to play the arcs all at once (like me) could have had a chance of getting that surprise.

EDIT: ok so the third example isn't a spoiler...but was meant to be a joke anyways



Originally Posted by __Naq View Post
I'm kind of surprised no one's mentioned the ghost of Miss Liberty walking around. It was plain to see in both the red and bluside stories. I'm betting she fits into it somehow.

If you mean in part 3, that was an illusion cast by Malaise to make Manticore think that she was still alive and he had a chance of saving her.

If you mean in part 4 ... I'll have to run it again because I didn't see anything.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
you sir win +10 internets

and i knew this was coming a mile away, as soon as it was mentioned someone was gonna die i suspected statesman, when they revealed the name of the loyalty program being salute to statesman, i knew right then that it was definitely gonna be statesman

im still colored surprised that this was revealed on so early



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I can't help but wonder about this: if a major hero dies, especially one who was pretty much the only reason (not entirely founded but still his reason) Lord Recluse didn't just declare war on America, and even moreso now that the rogue Isles have Warburg back, what's going to cripple Arachnos from launching an all-out invasion assault?
The Recluse angle might get a spin from Marshall Blitz's involvement.

But my first question is the timeline of this arc (relative to the Praetorian invasion and the Coming Storm)?

And my big question is how this ties into/impacts the Incarnate storyline; from Cimerora to Praetorian versions of Cole. This is, after all, an avatar of Zeus.

Which may tie into how he actually dies. For all intents and purposes, this man can fight the Hamidon to a standstill... self-sacrifice? getting his powers stripped from him and then blitted (who becomes Zeus from this?)? Or maybe he'll go all emo and off himself...

Players are getting what they want by pushing the established icons into the passenger side so they can drive; which is relevant as they outgrow the established canon in time for the Coming Storm (heck, the icons are pretty much irrelevant now)

Very curious to see how these last 3 chapters play out.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



I'm kind of sad to see Statesmen die. But if he does, what defense do we really have against Tyrant? I'm not sure if Primal Earth Lord Recluse is strong enough to take him, cause, well, Praetorian Recluse died by Tyrants hands... I always thought some where in my mind, States and Recluse would kinda do the good guy/bad guy temp team-up for "the greater threat" and have some epic battle with Tyrant.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
you sir win +10 internets

and i knew this was coming a mile away, as soon as it was mentioned someone was gonna die i suspected statesman, when they revealed the name of the loyalty program being salute to statesman, i knew right then that it was definitely gonna be statesman

im still colored surprised that this was revealed on so early
I didn't want to believe since Statesman was the obvious choice and that he was already killed once before.




Considering that Statesman was originally Jack Emmert's alter ego I'm almost surprised it took Paragon Studios -this- long to kill him off in the game.

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Originally Posted by venombeyond82 View Post
I'm kind of sad to see Statesmen die. But if he does, what defense do we really have against Tyrant? I'm not sure if Primal Earth Lord Recluse is strong enough to take him, cause, well, Praetorian Recluse died by Tyrants hands... I always thought some where in my mind, States and Recluse would kinda do the good guy/bad guy temp team-up for "the greater threat" and have some epic battle with Tyrant.
the epic battle with tyrant is prolly gonna be an incarnate trial further down the road



Y'know, as usual.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
If that's a reference to the FREEDOM PHALANX novel (and I really think it is), it should be "Grandpa, can you fly to heaven?" (From the conversation Jessica has with Marcus after Monica Cole's funeral.)
Very weird serendipity. Having just read this part in the book today, it's definitely from there. Though, you're right, it should be Grandpa and not Daddy.

Evil is a maze of deceit and the cheese it hides is never worth the running.



I would have much preferred this not to have been revealed,I hate it when I,m watching a film and someone says oh this happens next ,or if I,m reading a book and get told the ending.I Hate You Zwill. no I don,t but please don,t tell me anymore of the story.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
At the Player Summit, the devs gave a pretty big hint about there being a 3rd path to Incarnate power that didn't involve Prometheus or the Well - so ther could be some connection there.
There was: Reichman's Empowerment Machine, Arachnos' experiments with Trapdoor and Recluse's Web tech [Hero 1 and Excalibur?]

[What would be nice is if they made it a VIP only Origin that allowed for more freeform character creation/progression -similar to what is found in the current Incarnate system]

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Leese View Post
Nope, I trust this announcement about as far as I can throw it.
Well it's not April 1st. But Zwill being Zwill do you guys actually believe this announcement?



Who Will Die?!

Oh, it's $#$*%@$#.

Thanks for that.



I can't believe all of you are missing the bigger picture!

"Fly to heaven?"

Calling it here: Moon / space content in January 2012. Steel Canyon and Port Oakes get their construction projects finally finished (and insanely over planned budget).

I've already forgotten about most of you



Bad form revealing that on the forums before it even comes out. My Give-a-Darn was already cracked on this one. Now it's plain busted.



Originally Posted by AlwaysAPrice View Post
1931. Use your lore, it's like two clicks from the front page of your website.
I'd like to see the computers people were using back in 1931 to play CoH...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
I want to see Recluse reacting to Statesman's death at the end of it all. If he didn't get the chance to off his nemesis himself, heads are gonna roll especially for the one who done it.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm REALLY hoping that by the end of this arc we see Recluse joining forces with whoever is taking on the big bad under the premise of "Marcus deserved better than to die to the likes of YOU." Not in the "I really cared about him all along" way, that'd be stupid, more in the fashion of "Only I deserved to kill him".

Either way, I am rather surprised that States of all people would be the one to bite it. I was seriously expecting BABs just because alot of people love him but he's not really entrenched in any big stories, or Psyche/Manticore, so we'd have one of the now widowed heroes go on a rip-roaring rampage of revenge.

I'm also kind of taking this with a grain of salt considering, as people have said, this is only part 5 of 7. That just screams that he'll be brought back within the last two parts somehow, or that we'll meet a replacement scrappy to shove into his place. If that's the case I'm hoping that we'll see one of two things happen. 1) We'll somehow end up finding a way to save Hero 1 and he'll step up to fill Statesman's shoes (also opening up the possibility that we could see some new foreign zones set in Great Britain or the like) or 2) Ms. Liberty will somehow inherit his power/become an incarnate via the Liberty Belt and/or Excalibur and become Stateswoman/Liberty 1/Something else cheesy and step up to fill his shoes, giving BABs the AP trainer spot and netting her a MUCH needed makeover.

EDIT: I'm also in agreement with a few other people that have posted similar thoughts, and really hope that this somehow leads to Recluse's death and Ghost Widow's ascension to lead Arachnos. It would cement her bond to the physical world pretty much permanantly and I'd love to see how she changes things up/re-designs the uniforms. XD Would also present a perfect opportunity to bring in a new fifth Patron to fill the open spot and give us a new patron power set.



Guys...Zwillinger, Positron...why would you reveal this?!

This does not make me want to play the arcs more, before I had sort of a bit of curiosity going on because really there was no one that you could kill in a sensible way, and this just KILLS IT!.

At this point you might as well just post the remaining arc, and make it free to play.