Discussion: A Death Revealed....




Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
There's a Recluse tribute helm in the Salute to Statesman rewards, too. Man, I hope he dies and Ghost Widow takes over Arachnos. That would be awesome.
Ghost Widow seems too passive to actually lead Arachnos except as a caretaker.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The feeling is that impact of States dying is not in the reveal that he's dying but in the fact that he's dying. How does he die? What does it mean for the Freedom Phalanx and, perhaps more importantly, what does it mean for the future safety and well being of Paragon City.

There's a lot more questions to be answered and story to be explored, even after his death.

And trust me, his death scene is pretty stirring.
Honestly ... Superman's (short-lived) death was revealed months before the comic came out. And it was still a great comic. If the people who *wrote* the arc want to set it up as a spoiler, I'm confident that the parts that remain unsaid are going to be the good parts.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
And trust me, his death scene is pretty stirring.
With all due respect, this is the equivalent of walking out of a cinema and announcing to the queue:

"Yeah, Bruce dies in the first scene but the rest of the film is kind of cool."

Dick move on all fronts guys. I've actually been enjoying the SSAs and have avoided any discussions about them until I've played the chapter. And now you go and put this out? Thanks for ruining the one decent story arc I've played in over a year.

And after the long thread we've had recently about what constitutes a spoiler or not please at least put a SPOILER tag on the front of this announcement.

I really do wonder what on earth you lot are playing at some time.

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Originally Posted by Tenaveran View Post
Honestly ... Superman's (short-lived) death was revealed months before the comic came out. And it was still a great comic.
Now wait just a minute.

A monster that no one ever heard of crawled up out of the ground with no explanation and then went on a rampage destroying things for no apparent reason and Superman and the monster beat each other to death.

That's a great comic?


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'd like to see the computers people were using back in 1931 to play CoH...
Steam powered ones

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Guys...Zwillinger, Positron...why would you reveal this?!

This does not make me want to play the arcs more, before I had sort of a bit of curiosity going on because really there was no one that you could kill in a sensible way, and this just KILLS IT!.

At this point you might as well just post the remaining arc, and make it free to play.
Can't but completely agree, you just spoiled my curiosity and fun, thx for nothing

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Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Now wait just a minute.

A monster that no one ever heard of crawled up out of the ground with no explanation and then went on a rampage destroying things for no apparent reason and Superman and the monster beat each other to death.

That's a great comic?
I enjoyed it. Alot of other people enjoyed it. YMMV.

Agent Parker -- Mind/FF Snark Lord
Captain Hadron -- Will/TW Immovable Object
Destroyer-X -- Elec/EA SMASH
Ms Apprehension -- Ill/Rad Chaos Controller
Permanent resident of Virtue



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
In 2012, Statesman will die.
Called it today:

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Then again, we've had the same complaints about Statesman, who's been on the sidelines ever since Jack Emmert vamoosed. It's as though the devs can't juggle multiple projects in the lore. Their expansions and updates are all or nothing, depending on what has their attention at present. Incidentally, this is why I'm predicting Statesman is Who Will Die - the devs can't figure out what to do with him, so they're going to kill him off.
Where do I collect my "No-Prize"?



Originally Posted by Pattern Walker View Post
Ghost Widow seems too passive to actually lead Arachnos except as a caretaker.
I can see why you think that, but is that a part of her personality or just a consequence of her being subservient to Recluse? Since she is bound to Arachnos, wouldn't she want to ensure that it prospers?

Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Now wait just a minute.

A monster that no one ever heard of crawled up out of the ground with no explanation and then went on a rampage destroying things for no apparent reason and Superman and the monster beat each other to death.

That's a great comic?
Glad to see someone else thought that comic was terrible.

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I'll join in with the others in saying, "could you have at least waited til part # 5 was in the game?"


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Just gonna throw this out there. We know what Dark Astoria is turning into, we know a certain somebody who wants to become the Incarnate of Death. Now we know Statesman will die.

If statesman becomes death, and is once again more powerful than us Im going to rip my eyes out. We finally just left that emo punk in our dust, and the little wimp didnt even lift a finger to help us. Jack is gone, we didnt like him when he was hear, we like Statesman just about as much as we liked Jack. Just saying lol.

Good riddens Statesmen, hopefully Positron will be the new leader.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Where do I collect my "No-Prize"?
No Prizes are awarded for correcting plot holes, not precognition.



Why #5? #5 because Arc #6, 7 will unveil whats to come after the death the future for the Task Force Commander / Freedom Phalanx accolades/badges.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I'll join in with the others in saying, "could you have at least waited til part # 5 was in the game?"

Once it's in the game, it's an already happened.

Now, it's something that's going to happen. But how will it happen? What could possibly lead to the demise of Primal Earth's Champion of the Well?

This approach is something that's been planned for awhile now, taking a cue from other famous, or infamous, comic book deaths.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Tenaveran View Post
Honestly ... Superman's (short-lived) death was revealed months before the comic came out. And it was still a great comic. If the people who *wrote* the arc want to set it up as a spoiler, I'm confident that the parts that remain unsaid are going to be the good parts.
Originally Posted by Tenaveran View Post
I enjoyed it. Alot of other people enjoyed it. YMMV.
And boy, did mileage vary. Plenty of readers felt it was the most cynical corporate-driven editorial decision in comics of the decade with an entirely predictable return.

Obviously, Statesman's death isn't on a par with that since, as I'm evidently on a roll with predictions today, he's actually more likely to stay dead for the same reasons he's apparently biting it.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This approach is something that's been planned for awhile now, taking a cue from other famous, or infamous, comic book deaths.
Can't really recall any that were actually any good being revealed early.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Can't really recall any that were actually any good being revealed early.
Strikeforce Moritouri being the possible exception.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
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Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
No Prizes are awarded for correcting plot holes, not precognition.
Eh, pointing out a predictable plot tweest ought to count for something, i.e. nothing in this case.



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Can't really recall any that were actually any good being revealed early.
The death of Professor X/Age of Apocalypse X-Men arc back in the '90s seemed to be pretty well-liked and well-remembered. Though that was a leeeeetle different in terms of what ended up happening.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This approach is something that's been planned for awhile now, taking a cue from other famous, or infamous, comic book deaths.
No thanks. There's a reason I haven't bought any of those books. It's a cheap tactic and completely destroys any suspension of disbelief, tension, or desire to see a story through.




Well... damn.

I just hope that when we get to #7, if it's gonna get spoilered, the vid team in Seattle gives us an utterly fantastic trailer to spoiler it with. Not that I haven't liked the WWD art, but by all that's holy, make this ending nothing short of




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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This approach is something that's been planned for awhile now, taking a cue from other famous, or infamous, comic book deaths.
That's understandable from a marketing perspective, but just FYI, I didn't like it when they did that, either.

I'm not super upset or anything about it, just disappointed that I didn't get to learn it during the actual event. Many of my favorite memories about this game are from when I learned things like when I first got Omega Clearance, or the true instigator of the Rikti War.

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Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Once it's in the game, it's an already happened.

Now, it's something that's going to happen. But how will it happen? What could possibly lead to the demise of Primal Earth's Champion of the Well?

This approach is something that's been planned for awhile now, taking a cue from other famous, or infamous, comic book deaths.
Again, I'll state my issue currently isn't with that it is going to happen...its that after promoting these as a big story with a climax some of us were excited to find out in game, kinda like being excited for a new movie coming out. How it would happen and what could possibly lead up to it is part of it too, yes, which is all part of the excitement...

But it takes away from those a lot by revealing who before it actually does...could it have hurt to keep this as secretive as what the staff fighting animations would look like or what is in closed beta?

It feels like you guys have voluntarily spoiled a big part of the ending of some of the more interesting new content you are putting out.

******Harry Potter spoiler example below if you haven't seen it and you wanna keep it not spoiled******

Its like if JK Rowling had told everyone that she was going to kill Dumbledoor at the end of book 6 while on tour for the book 5 release. Is it the point of the series...no...but its a big plot point that knowing ahead of time takes away a lot of the impact of getting to it.



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